literary world

Chapter 408 The total box office of the personal director's career

Europe outside of North America.

The Hunger Games was equally well received.

The film landed in the UK and Kangaroo Country showed a momentum of looking down on the world in the first week.

Winning the box office champion for a week is as easy as drinking water.

Several blockbusters, such as "Wrath of the Gods" and "Alien Battlefield", whose reputation has already collapsed, are still under pressure.

Looking at the entire movie schedule in June, there is really no movie that can be played.

"The Hunger Games" landed in 44 European countries in the first week, and the box office reached 3800 million US dollars.

And won the box office champions in more than 20 countries, and the remaining box office in some small countries is also because there are too few, TOM did not count.

The situation of "The Hunger Games" in Asia is not very good. The box office in China was 1.5 million yuan in the first week.

In the end, the film won a box office of 5 million yuan in the Chinese market, equivalent to about 7000 million U.S. dollars, making it the largest box office outside of North America.

Fang Nan was quite satisfied with the box office of 7000 million US dollars, but Shi Nansheng felt regretful.

Compared with the more than 20 billion box office of "The Wandering Earth", the 5 million domestic box office of "The Hunger Games" is Fang Nan's worst performance in recent years.

Summarization fails for several reasons:

One: First of all, the novel did not sell well in China.

Because "The Hunger Games" became the reading material of many schools in North America, it sold 2000 million copies in a short period of time, and the 2000 million copies sold accumulated a large number of novel fans, which affected the North American box office.

Two: The movie is too boring.

Domestic audiences can't bear the tribute game that took more than an hour to shoot two arrows and it's over. What they love to watch is the explosive battle.

Fang Nan is very familiar with the viewing preferences of domestic audiences.

It's just that he first considered respecting the original work and North America, the largest movie box office market.

Putting aside prejudices, the North American box office of a film is still the vane of the global film market. He has no way to give up this point and can only wrong domestic audiences.

Three: Insufficient publicity.

It is mainly reflected in the fact that during the film's release, the director and starring team gave up the domestic road show, which failed to drive the movie-watching boom.

As explained in the second article, giving up domestic road show promotion is also a helpless move.

But in the final analysis, we should not give up domestic publicity for the gimmick of simultaneous global release.

For this reason, Shi Nansheng discussed with Fang Nan again, and decided that in the future, the release dates of the films produced by the company will be separated in North America and China, instead of pursuing the gimmick of simultaneous global release.

It is understandable that the films of other domestic directors are released simultaneously in the world and in Asia. Fang Nan's films are really unnecessary nowadays.

The team was dissatisfied with China's $7000 million box office, but Fang Nan was very satisfied.

He vaguely remembered that the box office of "The Hunger Games" in the original time and space in China was even lower, less than 3 million yuan.

His existence and Liu Qianqian's starring role have boosted the film's box office by more than 2 million yuan.

He even recorded a special VCR post on Weibo to thank fans and domestic audiences.

"The Hunger Games" has been screened around the world for the fourth week. Outside of North America and China, the countries with the second highest box office are the United Kingdom and Kangaroo Country.

"The Hunger Games" has earned a box office of 4200 million U.S. dollars in the UK, and Kangaroo Country has earned more than 2500 million U.S. dollars, which is not a small surprise.

Combined with other French, German, and Russian box offices of 400 million, "The Hunger Games" has now received 44 million US dollars in box office in 1 countries in Europe.

The box office in Asia is a bit worse, especially in Japan, which has the worst box office, which is only more than 1 million yen so far.

In the first half of this year, Japan's domestic films have flourished in an all-round way. Except for Hollywood's "Avengers", there is no foreign film that can compete with "The Final Chapter of the Jumping Search Line: A New Hope".

What "Mission: Impossible 4" and "Hotel Elf" are all scum, and so is "The Hunger Games".

Because of word-of-mouth in South Korea, the final box office was not very good, which can be ignored.

The difference in the box office can also be seen in the cultural differences between the East and the West.

Although it lost a certain amount of Asian box office, after "The Hunger Games" landed in more than 100 countries around the world, the global box office still went straight to 7 million U.S. dollars, and the film also hit the North American box office of 4 million U.S. dollars.

North America is the real main battlefield of "The Hunger Games".

After "The Hunger Games" won the box office in North America for three consecutive weeks with a total box office of 3.2 million and a box office of 6000 million plus in the third week, the Hilton Hotel where Fang Nan stayed became full of people.

"The Hunger Games" has won four consecutive North American championships and is unstoppable.

As the four consecutive box office films that will be second only to "Avatar" in the near future, "The Hunger Games" has never been released, and the big Hollywood studios who have never forgotten the sequel took the initiative to "show favor".

Universal Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, Lionsgate, 20th Century Fox, Columbia, Paramount, and even Disney offered Fang Nan an olive branch for a sequel.

Either they promised Fang Nan absolute directorial autonomy.

Or promise Fang Nan a huge salary.

Either resource replacement, and guaranteeing that Dachang resources will be used to give more pre-publicity to the sequel "The Hunger Games".

However, all these benefits are based on Fang Nan's release of the investment barrier in "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire".

In the brightly lit Manhattan, Fang Nan shut himself up in silence for three days, bargained with many companies, and finally chose to include Warner Bros. Film investment production company.

From then on, five companies including Chuanyang Films, Warner Bros., Legendary Pictures, China Film Group, and Toho Corporation will jointly develop the super IP of "The Hunger Games" from multiple perspectives.

In this forced transaction, Fang Nan obtained 10% of the movie adaptation rights of "Godzilla" and "King Kong" from Toho Corporation, Warner Bros. Pictures, and Legendary Pictures.

Except for the monster movie "Godzilla", which has been in preparation for 7 years, it is not included.

In the future, he will have a certain right to speak and priority investment in any derivative films of "Godzilla" and "King Kong".

But when the three companies took the initiative to invite Fang Nan to be the director of "Godzilla", he refused again.

The three companies Warner, Legend, and Toho are at a loss.

Fang Nan asked for the copyright and investment amount of "Godzilla" and "King Kong", obviously because he was optimistic about the movie.

I want to make up for the loss of "The Hunger Games" with the replaced two copyrights, but why don't I want to be the director of "Godzilla"?
Fang Nan didn't play tricks or perfunctory, and took the initiative to tell several CEOs that he was very interested in the monster universe movie proposed by Japanese director Yoshimitsu Sakano in 1971.

However, he did not say clearly that he was interested because he wanted to add Chinese monsters from Shan Hai Jing to the monster universe formed by the two super IPs in the future.

With the help of two super IPs, the Shan Hai Jing Alien Beast was launched, and finally a unique Chinese Shan Hai Jing monster universe was formed.

Fang Nan didn't know if Huaxia Monster Universe could succeed, but it would never go wrong if he tried.

This is the real reason why he chose to cooperate with Warner Bros., Toho Co., Ltd., and Legendary Pictures.

As for China Film, which is getting something for nothing, it is a restraint method he uses to deal with Warner and make Warner not go too far. China Film understands everything, and offending China Film means giving up the entire Chinese film market.

The several parties set a general direction for cooperation, and Fang Nan handed over the remaining interests to Shi Nansheng and his professional lawyer team.

He personally either accepted interviews and took the initiative to break the news about the sequel of "The Hunger Games" to boost a wave of North American box office.

Either wander the streets of New York with Alex, who has voluntarily fired Warner and joined the promotional movie.

The new week has passed amid the saliva-flying negotiations. With 3320 million US dollars, "The Hunger Games" got its wish and won the box office champion for the fourth week since it was released in North America.

The four-week box office champion also has a box office indicator.

Originally, there was only one North American film that topped the box office for four consecutive weeks - "Avatar", and "The Hunger Games" became the second.

At the same time, the total North American box office of "The Hunger Games" also came to 3 million US dollars.

The global box office totaled 6 million Canadian dollars.

"The Hunger Games" is already a success.

The total investment of the film was 6000 million US dollars, and the investor received a box office return of 10 times the production fee.

The North American publicity and marketing expenses of the film are more than 3000 million US dollars.

"The Hunger Games" peripheral dolls, costumes and other income have accumulated 1000 million US dollars.

The global pay-per-view, download, and various copyright income from discs are more profitable. The exact amount of profit for investors is unclear, but it is definitely in the hundreds of millions.

Fang Nan's remuneration for "The Hunger Games" was 10% of the global box office profits.

If the movie grosses around $7 million, his personal pay is expected to exceed $3000 million.

In addition to his high salary income of tens of millions, he also has the film copyright share brought by the first discovery of the novel "The Hunger Games".

It is conservatively estimated that he personally made hundreds of millions of dollars because of the movie "The Hunger Games", and his net worth has increased again. The data released by Furun is 32 billion U.S. dollars.

At the age of 33, with a net worth of US$32 billion, Fang Nan has become a rich man in the eyes of many women. The label of a man of this wealth who is married and has children can no longer stop the mad bees and butterflies from following one after another.

Women across the globe covet Fang Nan's pockets.

Men, people in the industry are discussing the sum of Fang Nan's accumulated box office in his directing career.

Since 2009, Fang Nan has brought 4 films to North America.

Among them, "Parasite" in 2009 has a global box office of 2.1 million US dollars.

In 2011, "The Martian" grossed $7.3 million worldwide.

"The Wandering Earth" also pushed the global box office to 7 million US dollars because of China's super high box office.

In 2012, "The Hunger Games" was close to $7 million, depending on the situation.

Four films, three of which entered the top 100 in the global box office list.

The total box office of the four films is 4 billion US dollars. Counting Fang Nan's box office in China, his personal directing career has accumulated a box office of nearly 23 billion US dollars.

The directors in Hollywood and even in the world that have achieved a box office of 26 billion so far are nothing more than James Cameron and Steven Spielberg.

"Fang Nan, an oriental man who shakes Hollywood and the North American film market!"

When the box office of "The Hunger Games" reached 4.08 million in North America and 6.9 million US dollars worldwide, the Hollywood Reporter exclaimed.

Even "Time Magazine" exaggeratedly designed a faceless cover for Fang Nan.

A video camera lies quietly on countless dollar bills.

"Time Magazine" used this cover photo to tell the whole United States and the whole world that a Chinese director is using movies to crazily steal the world's American dollars.

The Hollywood Channel, "Time Magazine", North American mainstream media, and tabloids took turns to report news about billionaires and international famous directors, making Fang Nan the real No. 1 in the world this summer.

Hollywood superstars such as Leonardo DiCaprio are also dimmed in front of him.

Because of being investigated by people and websites for taking stock of his net worth and box office, which became popular all over the world, Fang Nan somewhat hated this way of becoming famous. To be precise, he didn't want to be famous at all.

What he loves most in life is hiding behind the lens of the camera and watching the world with cold eyes.

However, that was the case, and he quickly adapted to it.

As long as he doesn't stop making movies, one day he will be known by audiences all over the world because of his movies, and his work will become a superstar in disguise.

The limelight was too strong, and in North America, where shooting incidents could happen suddenly, Fang Nan was forced to add a layer of security protection when he went out. Six big and round men surrounded him tightly and airtightly.

And a group of leading actors in "The Hunger Games" also gained a lot.

Liu Qianqian has successfully broken into Hollywood.

For the time being, she hasn't received an olive branch from a major Hollywood studio, but Lilith snatched her two important supporting roles from a second-tier independent film company.

In fact, the supporting roles are secondary to the current Liu Qianqian.

What she's really looking forward to, which will give her a foothold in Hollywood, are the follow-up films to "The Hunger Games."

And the North American audience fans she absorbed through "The Hunger Games".

As long as the filming of "The Hunger Games" continues, she will definitely be popular in Hollywood in recent years, absorbing more fans, and gradually gaining her own contacts, a more familiar environment, and competing for roles one by one.

"The Hunger Games" not only helped Liu Qianqian lay the foundation to enter Hollywood, but also pushed up her remuneration in various aspects, such as role remuneration, endorsement remuneration and so on.

Fang Nan joked about this, ""Ghost Blowing the Lantern" can no longer afford to hire a female lead."

After Liu Qianqian filmed "The Hunger Games", her salary increased tenfold, and her salary of 10 million US dollars became 100-800 million US dollars, which is really unbearable for ordinary domestic films.

Before "The Hunger Games" was drawn, Fang Nan was busy auditioning for "Interstellar".

After he confirmed that the number one female lead, Anne Hathaway, originally gave Warner the right to audition.

Warner didn't agree, Fang Nan is now so famous that it would be great to sit by and watch.

Wouldn't it save a publicity fee if the photos were circulated?
Fang Nan didn't know what to do, he just sat there for a week, watching hundreds of nude videos of actresses, as well as live dances and live performances, the descendants were immediately numb.

Hastily determined that the three main actors, Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Chastain, as well as Matt Damon's temporary cameo, left the audition scene directly.

He was really a little afraid of not being able to control himself.

With his current wealth and status, as long as he wants to mess around, he will really play in the dark and no one can stop him.

People can have desires, but it is absolutely unacceptable to immerse the whole person in desires.

He also plays, and there are quite a few of them. There seem to be more than ten in China, Korea, and the United States.

But he has always been very restrained, and it is completely okay to relax occasionally, but it is ridiculous to rely on Liuwei Dihuang Wan to live his life.

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