literary world

Chapter 409 Sometimes it's really easy to make money

Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.

As a dreamland in the hearts of the world-famous rich and powerful, it has always pursued tranquility, luxury and mystery, and the scenery here is unique.

But today, there were a few smoke billows on the green lawn of a white villa hidden in the bushes.

People around the grill laugh and drink wine glasses.

The swimming pool next to it jumped into with a few figures, turning up water splashes, causing people around to scream.

There were also people carrying champagne and beer sitting on the hill overlooking the Sunset Boulevard not far away.

More people walked in twos and threes between the magnificent French-style mansion and the green field. This is the celebration party scene of "The Hunger Games", and it is also a huge and rare place for socializing and fellowship.

So busy that many brokers on the scene were ruined.

Miss the meeting with the presidents and producers of Warner Bros. Pictures, Lionsgate Pictures, Legendary Pictures, MGM Pictures, Disney Pictures, Universal Pictures and other major Hollywood studios, as well as Steven Spielberg , Ang Lee and other directors, they will hold grudges for life.

In addition to the presidents of major Hollywood companies who came to join in the show, there were also many celebrities on the scene.

The "Hunger Games" team invited the Beckhams who are living in Beverly Hills, as well as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, among others.

Several actors who had worked with Fang Nan were also present, as well as leaders of many legal rights organizations in North America, politicians, city government officials, and congressmen. The whole party was star-studded.

At the moment, Fang Nan, the owner of the party, is hiding in the dark study room. The two scenes, one noisy and one quiet, one light and one dark, are very similar to the scene in "The Godfather", where Corleone uses his daughter's wedding to accept the loyalty of his subordinates.

"dong dong"

"Please come in."

"President Wang is here." After Yan Hong turned on the light to remind Fang Nan to turn sideways, Wang Yida and the secretary stepped into the room.

"Your villa is too small." Wang Yida made a joke after stretching out his hand.

"It's not personal property, it's just rented out for a party."

The villa is not expensive, more than 4000 million US dollars, Fang Nan can buy it at any time as long as he is willing.

It's a pity that he has no interest in living next door to rich people and Hollywood stars.

After the last few years, he wants to go to Europe to buy a large farm, go hunting in the woods in his spare time, and grow some healthy agricultural and sideline products for the farm.

As for Wang Yida, he came here for the shares of AMC Cinemas in his hand.

It just so happened that Mrs. Fang Nan spent 2.5 million US dollars last year to buy 7% of the shares of 20 shareholders of amc. Now Yida wants to acquire all of amc and cannot get around this person.

In order to complete this transaction and complete the first link in the layout of overseas markets, Wang Yida specially visited Fang Nan in person to persuade Fang Nan.

But Wang Yida was surprised.

Fang Nan agreed very readily, and said without hesitation that as long as the price is right, he is willing to trade 20% of the shares in his hand to Yida.

Wang Yida was stunned for a moment.

In his opinion, Fang Nan should be as desperate for an overseas theater line as Yida.

Before he came to the secretariat, he thought it would be a long-term tug-of-war to get 20% of Fang Nan's shares. He had to be mentally prepared, but he didn't think it would be so easy to solve.


Wang Yida huffed for a long time, put down his reserve and said abruptly: "Mr. Fang, Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people. Have you discovered something? You are an expert in entertainment, and you entered the North American market early. You can't hide it and don't hesitate to teach me. "

"Huh?" It was Fang Nan's turn to be a little confused.

After a little leaning, he realized that Lao Wang was afraid that his assets would come in and be cheated. After all, in Lao Mei's territory, the current relationship between Huaxia and Lao Mei is almost like a needle tip.

"Mr. Wang, don't be suspicious. The cultural industry is not a high-tech industry. It's too old to be a black hand. I sold the shares easily because I lacked money." Fang Nan smiled and relieved the old Wang.

"Lack of money?" Pharaoh asked very sharply.

Fang Nan smiled and said nothing.

He is indeed not interested in acquiring AMC, but it does not mean that he is not interested in MGM Pictures, which is in bankruptcy protection.

Before "The Hunger Games" was released, major North American studios used the ratings of the film to force him to let go of the sequel and work together, and it was less than two months ago.

How could he simply forget and put this shame behind him.

As early as that moment, he had been thinking about how to increase his influence in Hollywood.

In the end, he focused his attention on MGM Pictures, which has filed for bankruptcy protection since 10 years ago and has not yet found a land rich man to take over.

No matter how big and profitable a director or star is, in the eyes of capital, they are nothing more than a money-making tool, a machine, and they can be manipulated however they want.

But as long as he takes down the declining giant MGM, even in North America and Hollywood, he will have a certain say.

After confirming the deal with Lao Wang, Fang Nan sent the two of them out of the study.

The specific premium of 20% of the shares will be slowly confronted by the teams behind the two.

However, it didn't take long for the two of them to wait. A week later, Yida took over 20% of Fang Nan's shares at a premium of 83%. After a while, Fang Nan's investment of 2.5 million US dollars last year almost made a profit in one year. double.

Even if you pay all kinds of sharps, you can still earn a lot of money.

Yan Hong, who had been helping Fang Nanyin behind the scenes, was stunned.

She had to admit that there was a reason why rich people were rich. Fang Nan's keen sense of smell taught her a solid lesson - how to easily become a billionaire.

Shi Nansheng was also stupid. At first, Fang Nan wanted her to take the initiative to buy a part of AMC shares, but she took Fang Nan for a fool.

Now it seems that it is self-evident who the fool is.

Her sense of business is not at the same level as Fang Nan's.

After Lao Wang and his party left the villa, Fang Nan left the study room accompanied by Yan Hong and secretary Xiao Zhu. He still had many people to meet and chat with.

"You two don't follow, free activities, Xiao Zhu go up and change into a swimsuit and go swimming, I see several beautiful blonde girls in the swimming pool."

Yan Hong responded and left, Xiao Zhu hesitated for a while: "Forget it, I'll follow the boss."

He is an honest and responsible person, and he is not used to partying abroad, let alone escorting a group of bikini girls in the pool.

"No prospect." Fang Nan laughed and scolded Xiao Zhu, whose face turned red: "Find a place to sit by yourself, I'll meet those old guys."

"Fang, congratulations."

Fang Nan put the wine glass in his left hand, stretched out his right hand and said, "Thank you, I'm sorry that "The Hunger Games" collided with "Alien Battlefield."

The corner of Bella's mouth twitched, the head of Disney's film department: "Don't be sorry, the annual movie schedule in North America is always so intense."

Fang Nan nodded noncommittally.

Last year, Hollywood produced 400-500 films, accounting for only 6 or 7% of the world's total film output, and the output is not even comparable to that of China.

However, there are many good schedules in North America and the global market is at the bottom, so the competition is often not so fierce.

"Alien Battlefield" and "Wrath of the Gods" collided with "The Hunger Games".

But having said that, Hollywood accounts for 6 to 7% of the world's film production but grabs 90% of the world's movie box office, which is really scary to watch.

Movies are another carrier of culture.

Hollywood movies are popular all over the world, which is equivalent to the old American exporting its own values ​​to all countries in the world.

Maybe the big Hollywood studios just want to make money, and they didn't deliberately use the plot to output values.

But when children in backward countries are inadvertently attracted by trendy clothes, high-rise buildings, and beautiful singing in movies, is it another kind of cultural export?

Naturally, Bella sought out Fang Nan for cooperation. Disney's ambition to make PG13 and R-rated films has long been revealed.

However, Fang Nan had no feelings for Disney, and even had a little jealousy.

The TV station under Disney does not discriminate against Chinese Americans in personnel matters, and it is Weinstein's cooperative company. Fang Nan can give a good face, so don't even think about cooperation.

"The second part of "The Hunger Games" has a budget of [-] million, who are you going to find the director of the sequel?"

Warner Kevin and the president of Legendary Pictures walked over hand in hand.

"The Hunger Games" has identified four films. As long as the quality and box office of the first film are maintained, the "Hunger" series can predict at least 20 billion to 30 billion at the box office, and there are peripheral revenues. It is conservatively estimated that the profit will be around 20 billion.

This number is enough for anyone to take seriously, even the two branch presidents of big factories have to take it seriously and ask Fang Nan personally.

What's more, book fans and movie fans are also in a hurry.

After "The Hunger Games" was taken down, tens of thousands of fans urged the sequel on several official websites every day.

So strike while the iron is hot, the sooner the sequel starts filming, the better, and it is best to release the second part next year.

But the two hoped that Fang Nan would direct it himself.

Book fans and movie fans are also calling for Fang Nan to continue to serve as the director of the entire series of "The Hunger Games".

Fang Nan declined.

He has too much work on his hands, and he doesn't have more energy to prepare for the sequel to "The Hunger Games".

He himself doesn't like the plot of "The Hunger Games" very much. The reason why he directed the first film is that the first film of the non-sequel film is really important and cannot be missed.

For the sake of the company's interests, he must personally fight.

The other is for the benefit of Liu Qianqian and the company.

It's like the crew of "Quick Chase" he is preparing.

He also didn't like the story of "John Wick" very much, but for the benefit of the company, he had to shoot a wave of pigeons.

"The sequel has a little emotional line. I'll let Wang Liang do it. He has made several youth love movies in China, so he should be able to handle it well."

Fang Nan revealed the candidate he had thought of long ago, but what did he hear in the ears of the two presidents? ? ? ?
Who is Wang Liang?

they know each other?

"A director who is well-known in China and South Korea, let me be the producer."

"Are you sure? The sequel is very important, how can you give it to someone unknown?" Kevin frowned deeply, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Fang Nan's tone was cold: "I'm very sure, if Warner is not satisfied with the candidate, it's fine to withdraw."

As long as Wang Liang has no brains and follows the plot of the novel step by step to make a sequel, the second "The Hunger Games" will inevitably become a hit.

How could Fang Nan give such a good chance of becoming famous to others, even if he became a director for a pig at home, he would not hand it over to a Hollywood director.

The discussion between the three of them broke up somewhat.

But Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures finally chose to believe in Fang Nan and let Wang Liang, a director who is not well-known in Hollywood, take over the sequel of "The Hunger Games".

Parting from the two, Fang Nan greeted the guests with a smile while looking for people. After seeing Roger, the chairman of MGM, and Carl, the biggest financial backer of Lionsgate, he smiled knowingly.

Karl, like Fang Nan, is also a well-known Hollywood billionaire.

From 2010 to the present, he has been obsessed with the merger of Lionsgate and MGM, which is in bankruptcy protection, but has never been successful.

"Fang, congratulations, my dearest friend."

Fang Nan and Carl hugged: "You too."

After he moved his focus to North America, he maintained a good cooperative relationship with Lionsgate.

The other party invested in "The Martian", released "The Hunger Games", and even stood up and invested 300 million US dollars in "Gravity" when Fang Nan was short of funds, so the relationship has always been good.

"Fang, congratulations."

Fang Nan raised his glass to the chairman of MGM: "Roger, let's have a drink."

Taking a sip of champagne, Roger said humbly, "Fang, is there a possibility of MGM working with you?"

After Roger asked, he laughed first, and took a sip of champagne in embarrassment.

MGM has a glorious past, and the company has the world-famous "Tom and Jerry" IP.

Has the enduring screen classic "Gone with the Wind".

Initiated the establishment of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and launched the famous Academy Awards.

At present, he also holds two major IPs of "007" and "The Hobbit".

However, since the 80s, MGM began to fall into financial crisis. There were too many industries under its name. High-end hotels, resorts, theaters, movies, animation and other industries made MGM continue to carry forward with heavy burdens, losing money every year.

In 2002, MGM made a desperate investment of 1.5 million U.S. dollars in Wu Baige's "Wind Talker", but the film's box office failed, and the company's executives took the initiative to dismiss the get out of class. This loss became the last time MGM was crushed. straw.

MGM was eventually acquired by Sony in 2005 for $50 billion.

But even Sony couldn't save the terminally ill MGM.

In the end, MGM was resold under the pressure of the 2008 financial crisis.

In 100, more than 2010 new creditors could no longer carry their debts and began to look for buyers everywhere, but unfortunately no one has been interested.

Helpless, MGM declared bankruptcy and entered the custody process.

How can Fang Nan, who is so full of holes and full of holes, like him? MGM, which has a history of nearly a hundred years, can't even come up with anything to cooperate with Fang Nan.

Who can guarantee that the 23rd episode "007" is not another money-making movie. MGM cannot do without these money-making movies.

Roger was laughing at himself, Fang Nan grinned: "Okay, I'm making a shootout series, the cost is not big, 2000 million US dollars, I wonder if MGM is interested?"

Roger was stunned, and Carl was also dumbfounded.

Another movie series?
Fang Nan is out of his mind to cooperate with MGM, which is in a serious debt crisis?
"Of course I'm interested. The cost of 2000 million US dollars is just right. If there is more, MGM will have to find someone to share the amount."

Fang Nan smiled and nodded: "Uh, Roger, there are too many guests today, let's find time tomorrow to talk slowly."

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