literary world

Chapter 410 A person who makes people grit their teeth

On the second day after the celebration party of "The Hunger Games", Roger couldn't wait to contact Fang Nan.

After coordination between the secretaries of the two parties, the two agreed to meet at the Chuanyang Film Company in Los Angeles.

"Roger, he is Hu Ge, a Chinese actor, the protagonist of "John Wick"."

"Hu Ge, Yu Hai, Alex, this is Roger, the operating officer of MGM. MGM, Zhang Yang, and China Film will jointly invest in "John Wick."

After Fang Nan introduced the main personnel, the group sat down in the conference room.

"John Wick" actually doesn't have much to talk about.

The plot is very simple, a retired killer dies tragically because of his pet dog, and goes into the New York gangster revenge story alone.

The total production budget of the film is about 1000 million US dollars, and the maximum will not exceed 1300 million US dollars.

There are three production companies, Fang Nan's personal film publicity accounted for 50% of the investment, China Film 20%, and MGM may join in.

However, China Film and MGM only have investment rights, and Fang Nan always owns the film copyright.

After Fang Nan introduced the situation of "John Wick", Roger agreed without thinking too much.

30% of the investment share is less than 400 million US dollars, and MGM has to chip in to invest in Fang Nan's movie no matter how tight their lives are.

But he was not stupid, he had already figured out that Fang Nan's sudden overtures would not be out of sudden kindness, and obviously had ulterior motives.

Roger wondered, apart from being the operating officer of MGM, what else should Fang Nan care about?

And MGM is a hot potato nowadays. If Fang Nan is willing to take over the company's 40 billion US dollars in debt, the old American government, banks, and more than 100 creditors of the company will not be able to welcome him with drums and drums. There is no need to hide it.

With this in mind, Roger took the initiative to invite Fang Nan to settle in MGM.

He said that MGM can bid farewell to bankruptcy financing and reorganization with only 5 million US dollars, and Fang Nan can obtain the right to operate the company at that time.

Fang Nan shook his head with a smile, "What if I want to buy it out? Are you willing to convince more than 100 creditors of MGM?"

The reason why he focused on MGM was to make his movies less exploited by Hollywood and North American capital as much as possible.

If he takes over MGM, MGM will still have a lot of shareholders. Isn't that equivalent to being exploited in another way? What's the point of buying MGM.

As for how to lead MGM out of the financial crisis after acquiring MGM, Fang Nan is not too worried about this.

The reason why MGM has declined and cannot compete with Disney, 20th World Fox, and Warner Movies is that the biggest reason is that it has not produced a decent high-grossing movie in 20 or 30 years.

Entering the new century, there are no other big IPs such as Marvel Animation, DC Animation, "Harry Potter", "Transformers", "Mission: Impossible", and "Resident Evil".

The only "007" series that the company can produce has been filmed for decades, and it is old-fashioned.

The "The Hobbit" that was snatched back then was adapted into a film by Warner and other companies, but because of the debt crisis, the company could only convert half of the copyright into a small amount of investment.

The film has not yet been released, and there is no way of knowing how it will fare at the box office.

All of this makes MGM look hopeless and its future looks dark.

But as long as Fang Nan enters MGM, his "Hunger" series, as well as the "John Wick" series and "The Wandering Earth" series can fill the gap in MGM's lack of blockbuster series in an instant.

So Fang Nan was not worried that MGM was still dying in his hands.

What he is thinking about is how to make MGM completely a private company, or how to become the first shareholder in an absolute sense.

Roger was not surprised by Fang Nan's ambition to acquire MGM, he just questioned whether Fang Nan's dollars were enough.

Fang Nan's net worth is only about 30 billion, and MGM's foreign debt is as high as 40 billion US dollars. It would cost about 50 billion US dollars to swallow MGM.

As for how many equity holders are willing to sell their shares, he thinks there will be no less. MGM has exhausted many equity holders.

Roger didn't hesitate much, and after a while, he nodded and agreed to help Fang Nan convince more than 100 shareholders of the company.

Even if MGM survives this bankruptcy crisis, sooner or later it will have to change hands. It is better to transfer it to Fang Nan, who knows the film industry better.

With Fang Nan in the opening animation of the MGM movie, the roaring lion will once again impress people.

After Luo Jie agreed, Fang Nan introduced Yan Hong who had been waiting for him for a long time.

More than 30 members headed by Yan Hong will specialize in the acquisition of MGM in the next few months and a year, and he will be responsible for raising funds.

The acquisition of MGM is conservatively estimated to cost US$50 billion, and the pressure is very high.

Fang Nan had to borrow a lot to empty himself, no matter what, he had to borrow 20 or 30 billion US dollars, even so he had to do it.

Otherwise, in a few years, MGM will have to fall into the hands of Amazon.

After talking about the business, Fang Nan was about to go back to the office when he received a notification from Xiao Zhu that there was someone from China, so he had to put down his work and see him.

Fang Nan was puzzled, there were so many people going abroad, they couldn't come to see each other.

Xiao Zhu: "The General Administration, the General Administration of Publishing, the Film Bureau, the general manager of China Film and other leaders personally lead the team."

"Uh, see you then, where are they?"

"Also in Los Angeles, I reported the company address."

Soon, Fang Nan met with a group of people.

Only then did he know that the leader had come to discuss an exchange and cooperation plan with the American Film Association. Lin Hao, Chen Sicheng, Lu Yang, Xiao Yang, and Guo Fan behind the leader were the first batch of young domestic directors appointed by the General Administration to study in Hollywood.

"Looks like I came here once last year." Fang Nan was puzzled.

"Last year, I learned about Hollywood first, and this year I formally established a film talent exchange program."

The leader of the film bureau explained with a smile: "In February this year, Huaxia and the United States reached a memorandum of understanding on films at the WTO. The quota for importing split films increased from 2 to 20 a year. You should understand our pressure."

Fang Nan smiled knowingly: "The big Hollywood companies can't rush to entertain? Which company are Lin Hao and the others going to study?"

The Chinese film market has been growing year by year, and now the share of imported films has increased by another 16.

This time, Warner, Disney and other major film companies are not allowed to confess a group of people as their ancestors. No matter what the plan is and how many people come, they will definitely be served comfortably.

"I'm basically sure about Paramount. Their sincerity is quite strong. We can rest assured that Lin Hao and the others are here."

The leaders of the General Administration did not hide it, and Comrade Fang Nan's ideological consciousness is still worthy of trust.

That's all. Fang Nan was curious why he came to see him. He couldn't let him take care of a few living people.

After changing the tea several times, the leader of the General Administration finally spoke about Fang Nan.

One, Fang Nan has to go back to China to accept the award ceremony in the near future.

The award he won is not an ordinary film award, but an annual five-one project award for outstanding contributions issued by the country.

Last year's "The Wandering Earth" was too ruthless, and the box office was amazing.

The industrial technology presented in the film is not weaker than Hollywood, so he and the 13 swordsmen won the individual award and the team award respectively.

After that, he will follow the big leaders to attend the Chinese and American folk cultural exchange activities held by the Washington Chinese Film Festival, referred to as film diplomacy.

Then he will fly to Europe and China to continue cultural exchange activities.

Fang Nan was a little depressed, he really didn't want to go, it would be a week at least, half a month at most, it would be a waste of time.

There are also a lot of diplomatic etiquette to pay attention to, and he is most annoyed by these.

It's a pity that he can't refuse. He can be regarded as a China business card now, and his movies are sold to dozens of countries in the world. It is a trump card that can be used in cultural exchange activities.

After sending off a group of leaders, Fang Nan left Lin Hao and the others to have a meal.

During the period, several people were overjoyed to know that Fang Nan was about to start filming "John Wick" in New York. It would definitely be more effective to stay in Fang Nan's crew to learn Hollywood filming style than to stay in Paramount.

Being able to touch the camera in person can also learn from Fang Nan's combination of Chinese and Western.

As for how many hours it takes to fly from Los Angeles to New York, it doesn't matter if the young people are energetic.

It was night, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian slept together.

Liu Qianxi just came back from Europe after filming a promotional video for Tiffany's new perfume. She looks energetic and even a little excited.

"What's the situation?" Fang Nan looked up at Liu Qianqian.

"What's the situation?"

"So excited?"

"Ah oh, maybe it's because Madame Tussauds' wax museum in Jiangcheng, my hometown, said they want to make a wax figure for me."

Fang Nan was speechless: "As for what, come down quickly."

"Wait a minute, wait for you to disarm."

When Liu Qianqian held her breath and concentrated on exerting her lower body, Fang Nan said depressedly, "Okay, come down, the payment has been made."

"That's all you have?" Liu Qianqian quit.

Fang Nan became uncommonly shy: "There have been too many messy things recently, and the pressure is a bit high."

He's not trying to quibble, but there are indeed many things that happened around him in the past one or two months. Before the release of "The Hunger Games", it was jointly blocked by major Hollywood companies.

David has also been unable to gather more solid evidence of Harvey Weinstein.

The most annoying thing was that on the first day of "The Hunger Games" was released, Harvey Weinstein kept BBing in the media, which made Fang Nan very upset.

Then began to think about the acquisition of MGM.

Think about things like John Wick, Interstellar, Jurassic, and so on.

While fighting wits and courage with others, he had to worry about all kinds of things at the same time. He was really tired, so he accidentally vented a little quickly.

"We'll fight again after a break, now we'll chat." After cleaning the battlefield, Fang Nanchang took a breath and said with a smile.

Women are emotional animals, they can have no sex, but they can't be without tenderness. Men who fall asleep after work are extremely unpopular with women.

They didn't talk about too profound topics, Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian about what she saw and heard during her trip to Europe.

"I met a fashionable female photographer in China named Chen Man, do you know her? You came to Los Angeles with me."

"I don't seem to know him, what's the representative work?"

Fang Nan shook his head, he never shoots any magazines, "Time Magazine" is not rare, not to mention "VOGUE", "GQ", "ELLE" in Europe.

What kind of blue blood is envied by male and female stars, and the gold, nine, silver and ten covers are nothing to him.

He has never been on the cover of a magazine, and he has not been featured in many magazines. Which celebrity or industry insider in the world dare to say that he is not well-known, not a big-name director?

Works are always the most representative thing in their line of work.

"Chen Man is very spiritual. She used to take pictures for the cover of the domestic "Youth Vision" magazine. Last year, she held a personal photography exhibition. This year, a European magazine invited her to be a photographer."

Liu Qianqian boasted so well, Fang Nan listened curiously, reached for the phone on the bedside table and searched on Google, and then almost threw the phone away.

The first few works are quite normal, the makeup looks a little exaggerated, but it is still passable.

When he turned to the fifth photo, he shivered in fright.

He can understand the woman in the photo with dark makeup, freckles all over her face, and greasy bangs. Her eyes are staring blankly at people, and the whites of her eyes are gloomy and terrifying like ghosts. Hold on, what the hell is fashion?
With this photo, Fang Nan remembered who Chen Man was.

A photographer who was once despised and cast aside by domestic netizens.

The photographer once took a group of 12-color fashion photos in China. In the photos, there are a lot of female Chinese models, but all the female models who go abroad have a common feature-slender and narrow eyes, and the distance between the eyes is short.

To put it bluntly, it is squinting.

Squinting eyes is not a good name, even if one person is called squinting eyes by another person in China, it is still unpleasant.

In foreign countries, squinting eyes is a discriminatory term for East Asian races recognized by the West.

There is a well-known character in the history of movies, Fu Manchu produced by Marvel, this person has a pair of squinting eyes, which makes people look evil, rigid, dark and weak.

It can be said that squinting eyes is used by the West to vilify Chinese people.

Fang Nan didn't expect that someone would take this as beauty, and he was a newly rising photographer in China, so he didn't know what it meant.

This is like the Native Americans, that is, the Indians we often talk about claiming to be Indians.

However, anyone with a little bit of knowledge and knowledge of the history and current situation of the Indians should know that the Indians in people's mouths never call themselves Indians, but bluntly say that they are Native Americans.

How did the Indians get their name?

That was when Columbus set foot on America and saw the aborigines. He felt that the aborigines looked like Indians, so he gave them a name that did not exist.

Native Americans thought it was a discriminatory name, so they never called themselves Indians, they had backbone.

When it was Huaxia's turn, the West created a squinting-eyed image for Huaxia people, and some people would accept it with pleasure. Fang Nan couldn't understand, couldn't understand, and wouldn't understand.

"Where do you think this photo is fashionable? Where is it beautiful?"

Fang Nan put the photos on his phone in front of Liu Qianqian.

Liu Qianqian, who was lying face down, glanced at it, gasped and said, "It's Dior's handbag, why is the picture so ugly?"

"Created by Chen Man, these 12 photos are collectively called the 12 colors of Huaxia."

"How to make it like this is too scary."

"So don't be friends with this person, or you will easily have problems with your mind. I said several years ago that one day I will meet with these fashion photographers and brand companies. I think it's time."

During Fang Nan's speech, he sent back the so-called 12 colors of Huaxia and a short condemnation essay back to China, and asked Hu Wen to help post it on Weibo.

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