literary world

Chapter 411 I'm Special


In the sky above the capital city, there was a thunderclap, and raindrops as big as beans slanted down densely.

"Quick, quick, put on your pants."

In the courtyard at No. 28 Yinding Bridge, Gao Yuanyuan threw down the potted plant and ran to Fang Qin who was wearing only a small T-shirt in the yard.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan chasing after him in a hurry, Fang Qin ran wildly with his two short legs, laughing and joking. After a solid fall, he was caught under the armpit by Gao Yuanyuan in disgrace. to the house.

"The little guy has too many bad habits, let Fang Nan take care of it."

Inside the house, when Gao Yuanyuan was busy putting on Fang Qin's crotchless pants, Wang Jinghua couldn't help laughing.

She often comes to Fang's house in her spare time, and has a close relationship with Gao Yuanyuan.

Know Fang Qin's strange habits.

Like to press the elevator and button everywhere.

Don't pinch Gao Yuanyuan's earlobe and don't sleep.

When summer arrives, the pants disappear and so on.

"Depending on Fang Nan? He has a lot of problems."

Wang Jinghua expected Lao Tzu to take care of his son's proposal, Gao Yuanyuan disdained it very much, Fang Nan also had a lot of bad problems, the biggest problem was being at home for less than two months all year round.

Gao Yuanyuan despised Fang Nan, Wang Jinghua laughed and shook his head.

In her opinion, Gao Yuanyuan is in the midst of blessings and does not know her blessings. She is living so comfortably now, and she can do whatever she wants when she joins a filming group, isn't it because of Fang Nan's powerful influence.

The boss of her brokerage company came here to work as Gao Yuanyuan's assistant every now and then, wasn't it also because of Fang Nan.

She has worked as an artist agent for so many years, as a godmother of internal entertainment, she has served other artists like Gao Yuanyuan.

It can only be said that Gao Yuanyuan found a good man!

After putting on the crotchless pants for his son, Gao Yuanyuan slapped his butt when he put down his son: "Okay, let's go to the amusement house by myself."

She doesn't have time to answer the little guy.

Two months ago, she cruelly spent 1000 million to invest in a branded flower shop. The potted plants she served just now, and the flowers and plants scattered around her home are new varieties from the flower shop. She will name and design the new varieties of flowers according to their shapes. Packaging, writing slogans and so on.

Disliked by his mother, Fang Qin was unmoved. With his little finger, he pointed to the heavy rain that formed a rain curtain outside: "Mom, man."

"Is there anyone outside?"

Gao Yuanyuan was curious, so she turned to the bedroom and looked at the monitor, and sure enough, she saw a wet woman standing under the eaves of her house and knocking on the door.

"Which one are you looking for?"

Yao Fang, who was drenched all over, was taken aback. After realizing that the voice was coming from a radio-like machine nearby, she hurriedly said, "Hi, my name is Yao, and I'm here to see Director Fang Nan. I don't have an appointment, but Director Fang should You will remember me, please tell Director Fang that I am Yao Fang."

In the bedroom, Gao Yuanyuan muttered and asked, "Are you from Sichuan Province?"

"Yes, yes, I am Yao Fang, a teacher at Wenchuan Fangnan Comprehensive School in Sichuan Province."

With a "creak", the two red-painted doors opened. Yao Fangzheng was amazed, and the familiar voice came out again: "The door opened, come in, go straight back from the corridor, we are in the last row In the main room."

Yao Fang followed Gao Yuanyuan's voice into the yard, jumped over the screen wall, entered the corridor, and watched the koi carp tumbling in the pond in the yard, the green bamboo in the corner stood tall and straight, and an unknown plant was washed by the rain. , vibrant.

Seeing this beautiful scene in the corridor where the rainwater was rolling down like broken beads on both sides, Yao Fang's gloomy mood before coming here was much better. She and Fang Nan didn't socialize much.

But he is sure that Fang Nan's character is worthy of trust.

"Hello, Teacher Yao, here you are."

In the main room in the backyard, Gao Yuanyuan stood in front of the house and waved to Yao Fang who came all the way.

"Hello, Teacher Gao!"

After Yao Fang said hello, she stepped into the room instinctively, but then she backed out. She was dripping wet all over her body, and Gao Yuanyuan's room did not look luxurious, but it was terribly clean.

"Come in, it's okay, or I'll take you to take a shower and change clothes first?" Gao Yuanyuan stood up, looked at Yao Fang who was bulging in his arms, and said, "Did you bring clothes?"

She didn't know Yao Fang well, but she knew that Fang Nan admired Yao Fang very much.

In other words, I admire this kind of teachers who give up their own favorable conditions to teach and educate people in backward places.

Yao Fangchong smiled at Fang Qin, who hugged Gao Yuanyuan's thigh and stared at him, then hurriedly refused: "No, no, thank you Teacher Gao, just give me a towel to wipe my face."

After Yao Fang repeatedly refused to take a bath and change clothes, Gao Yuanyuan had no choice but to give a towel, and then asked Yao Fang to sit down and introduced Wang Jinghua to her.

"Isn't Director Fang at home? The phone doesn't seem to work."

"He's in the United States. Which number did you call? Is it the one that can be reached by dialing the number?"

Yao Fang gave the number, and Gao Yuanyuan smiled and explained that Fang Nan's number could only be used in China.

After Wang Jinghua and Gao Yuanyuan looked at each other, Gao Yuanyuan asked curiously, "What's your urgent matter? Do you want me to contact you?"

"I heard from a colleague that the day before yesterday, Director Fang posted a message condemning a photographer for vilifying Chinese people, which attracted national attention. Then I also found out that the nature of the incident was similar to the uglifying photos. I would like to ask Director Fang to speak out Parents and some institutions take it seriously and correct the mistakes in time."

Although Gao Yuanyuan and Wang Jinghua were at a loss, they knew it was not a good thing.

As soon as Chen Man's 12 colors of Huaxia appeared on Weibo, it caused heated discussions. Some netizens and people in the fashion circle blamed Fang Nan for not knowing fashion and art, and bullying a little girl.

More netizens unswervingly support Fang Nan's point of view, the 12 colors of people who are neither human nor ghost are vilifying the Chinese people.

A normal person would not think that 12 colors are fashionable and beautiful.

Because of this matter, many people have been arguing in the past two days, and the Internet is even more lively.

So when Yao Fang confessed that what she said was similar in nature to 12 colors, and would even attract the attention of some official organizations, Gao Yuanyuan wanted to drive Yao Fang away from the bottom of her heart.

Fang Nan is not the policeman of the world, nor is he a politician. He should not worry about the world's worries and solve problems for others, in exchange for an unpredictable future for himself and his family.

His identity is inherently sensitive. A billionaire who harps on and criticizes him all day will be backlashed sooner or later. How many people will think of Fang Nan?

Gao Yuanyuan didn't hide the hesitation in his eyes, Yao Fang saw it clearly.

She hesitated for a while, then looked at Fang Qin who was nestled in front of Gao Yuanyuan, and finally stood up with a smile and said goodbye.

She didn't complain about Gao Yuanyuan's inhumanity.

Gao Yuanyuan's choice was not wrong, their family was rich, Fang Nan's reputation spread far and wide, their son was well-behaved and cute, and the family of three was full of happiness, any woman would not want any messy things to break this kind of life.

"I'll see you off." Gao Yuanyuan pushed his son away and got up.

Yao Fang smiled and said yes, she was afraid that she would not open the door when she got there.

Leading his son through the corridor and out of the front yard, Gao Yuanyuan was about to open the door when it swung open. Under the eaves, Fang Nan was waving at Secretary Zhu and the driver.

Gao Yuanyuan was both surprised and delighted: "Didn't you just come back next week?"

"While "John Wick" isn't filming, come back and edit "Gravity" and take it to North America for post-production." Fang Nan saw Yao Fang while speaking, and couldn't help stretching out his hand happily: "Teacher Yao, come to Beijing at the end of summer vacation travel?"

"That's not it."

"Uh, come to the capital to accept the commendation or something?"

"No." Fang Nan was puzzled, Yao Fang was feeling embarrassed, Gao Yuanyuan took the initiative to say, "Teacher Yao has something to do with you."

"It's okay to go into the house and say, it's been raining too much for a while."

Fang Nan invited Yao Fang into the room with a smile, and pouted at Fang Qin, who was in Gao Yuanyuan's arms from time to time, raising his hand to wipe the raindrops on his forehead.

"You will call Dad on TV, why don't you call him now?" Gao Yuanyuan glanced at his son.

Fang Nan smiled, and led Yao Fang to the backyard first.

"Mr. Fang."

"Hello." Fang Nan nodded to Wang Jinghua who got up, put down his luggage, and took out a thermos, and then saw Yao Fang take out two books from his arms.

When the book was in Fang Nan's hands, he still didn't know what to do, because it was two elementary school textbooks.

"There are folds in the book, look at the illustrations."

Fang Nan understood, and under the blessing of Gao Yuanyuan and Wang Jinghua, one on the left and one on the right, he opened one of the textbooks and found the folded pages. The moment he saw the illustrations, his brows frowned.

The picture of the child in the illustration is similar to the ugly picture he condemned Chen Man, with small eyes and ugly characters.

"There's more in the back."

Fang Nan nodded and turned to a folded page, and his expression changed from thoughtful to furious.

The illustrations of the teaching materials even used lines to outline the unusually obvious human organs, and the children's clothes that looked like the Stars and Stripes.

Turning over again, a girl has a clearly visible tattoo on her ankle?
What frightened him even more was that there were some overly intimate behaviors of men, women and children in the illustrations.

Fang Nan was completely shocked. Who would dare to think that such a horrible thing would appear in the textbook? Isn't this trying to ruin the next generation?

He turned the book to the last page, and saw that the person in charge of the illustration was called Zhang Yong. He had some impressions, but he didn't remember who it was, but he didn't care who it was. This person definitely had ulterior motives. There are also unshirkable responsibilities.

"Look at the time, it's the new version of this year, use it at the beginning of school?"

"Yes, we responded together when we first got it, but no one listened. I came to the capital when I called you and couldn't get through." Yao Fang said.

Fang Nan exhaled a puff of smoke, and in the mist, he narrowed his eyes: "You don't have to worry about it, I'll take care of it, this time I have to get serious with some people."

He is also a parent. Zong Wanzhuo started school in the second grade of elementary school. If some people dared to persecute his children ideologically, he would find someone to do his best.

"Director Fang, don't be impulsive. Talk to the Renjiao first. If it doesn't work, then ask the cultural center about the situation. The influence of the teaching materials is too great, so you can't do it recklessly."

Wang Jinghua reminded.

Anyone with a little experience understands that what Yao Fang discovered is not trivial.

There are too many people and institutions involved, and if you are not careful, you will get into trouble.

Fang Nan may not be afraid, but he must also pay attention to the rules of doing things, and some things must not be willful and willful.

"Say the fart, let's not hurt some people. A group of people are always so unscrupulous. This time, even if it breaks the sky, let these people be hurt."

Fang Nan's attitude became more ferocious than usual, and his expression became more hostile.

Part of this hostility comes from fatherly love.

Part of it is because he is a filmmaker. As a filmmaker, he set a small goal for himself, preparing to promote Chinese culture in his lifetime, and the prerequisites for doing this were fulfilled one by one. peace of mind.

A person with a bad stomach actually wants to destroy his child from the root.

Fang Nan couldn't bear it, this matter was more serious than 12 colors, and he couldn't accept it even more.

"You go back first, I will think about how to operate."

Yao Fang and Wang Jinghua got up to leave, Fang Nan didn't think much about it at all, nothing could cause a heated discussion all over the country than a poke on Weibo.

He wants to see which monsters dare to take the initiative to show themselves and stand under the sun.

"Wang Haibing, Wang Haibing"

In the bedroom, Wang Haibing, who was dragging the mouse, looked at his wife very unhappily: "What are you shouting for?"

"When will your mother come? School will start soon. Do you want to bring your child?"

"It's coming the day after tomorrow, what are you in a hurry for?" After shouting loudly, Wang Haibing muttered: "Take care of the children, let's finish the children's books first."

This weekend, after dinner, he was about to have a showdown with his old classmate in war3, Penguin popped up an instant message, after two days, Fang Nan used Weibo to curse people again.

Wang Haibing didn't pay attention to it at first, Fang Nan probably took the wrong medicine these two days and was a little hyperactive, it was very interesting to come back again after scolding one the day before yesterday.

Just when he was about to close the pop-up window, the content of the pop-up window suddenly attracted him. Fang Nan raged that the new version of the textbook would ruin the next generation.

Wang Haibing was startled.

The next generation, isn't the next generation just her daughter's generation?

Aren't the textbooks the books his daughter will read after school starts?

Another one, he is familiar with Fang Nan.

For so many years, he always remembered that summer when he was in college, Fang Nan invited thousands of them to drink.

Fang Nan in his eyes is not to say amiable, at least he is gentle.

Words of this magnitude were absolutely unprecedented.

Back then, when he was chattering with Zhang Dazi and Feng Dapao, Fang Nan only had some weird words.

So the matter is very big, and it is closely related to him. Wang Haibing curiously clicked on the link on the pop-up window, and was shocked.

He is a highly educated man.

No, even if you don't have a higher education, you will be shocked when you see the pictures on Fang Nan's Weibo. You are shocked that such pictures are used for children's study.

Those intriguing bumps are too obvious.

He couldn't imagine that if her daughter asked him what those were at this age, would he go crazy.

Those tattoos, those intimate gestures shattered all his imagination of children's books. He couldn't remember what the illustrations looked like when he was a child, but definitely not now.

"Wang Haibing, are you deaf when I talk to you?"

The daughter-in-law was still talking nonsense, Wang Haibing said angrily: "What are you calling me, come and see what this is?"

"what is this?"

"The book our daughter will study after school starts."

"How is it possible, are you crazy?" Wang Haibing's wife couldn't believe it.

"I don't know if other people are crazy or not. I'm really going crazy. Damn it, if I stay up all night to support Fang Nan, I can't let my daughter read such a book."

Wang Haibing's daughter-in-law said angrily: "I support you, I don't want you to do any housework today, scold those sons of bitches!"

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