literary world

Chapter 412 Rationality and Paranoia

Today's weather is very strange, with thunderstorms and torrential rain intermittently but endlessly, the persistence is terrifying.

In the dark study room, Fang Nan's state of mind was like the weather outside, sometimes gloomy with thunder in his chest.

In recent years, he has given outsiders the impression that he is a rational person.

Movies, and I have been bullied by others, and I don't want to end it because of my identity.

Knowing that he is more rational, Yan Hong repeatedly refused her brother who had achieved nothing to enter Fangnan Culture.

Because Wu Jie revealed a little thing to Cao Guozhong, Fang Nan was transferred back to the capital from Pujiang, and was trapped in the small performing arts center in the capital.

In the film crew, Fang Nan would not just laugh and laugh just because someone he knew made a mistake.

One incident after another seemed to prove that Fang Nan was a rational boss and director.

But those close to Fang Nan knew that if something touched Fang Nan's bottom line, he would become paranoid at any time.

The anti-Japanese thunder drama made money for the company, and domestic film and television companies were filming it. Fang Nan not only praised the company's director, screenwriter, and executives for their keen sense of smell, but also brought huge profits to the company.

Instead, the director and screenwriter had no brains to distort historical facts and mislead the audience. Dozens of people, including the company executives, were fired, and an entire anti-Japanese drama production department was cut off. Tang Tang Film and Television lost nearly [-] million yuan in gross profit.

It can be seen from this that Fang Nan is not a rational person all the time, he has a paranoid side and is very paranoid.

Just like this elementary school reading material.

Malevolent illustrations appearing in the children's study series robbed him of all reason.

So much so that a very offensive Weibo was sent.

The power of this microblog is so great that the whole country knows it.

Parents who are so big that they feel sorry for their children, people with justice in their hearts criticize Renjiao, editors, and illustrators all night long.

Fang Nan received pressure from all sides that night.

Countless people with vested interests hated him deeply, and his words were full of threats.

Hundreds of millions of copies of this series of books have been printed and distributed to hundreds of thousands of schools across the country. This is such a large quantity that it may involve hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits.

Furthermore, even if someone stood up and took responsibility, the matter ended here, and it was too late to get a new book.

So things obviously can't get better, so more people are using their brains.

The illustration creation team defended the team with a sudden change in style in the face of CCTV cameras.


On Weibo, while Fang Nan fought back furiously, he once again threw out hugely controversial pictures for the other party to explain one by one.

The creative team headed by Zhang Yong did not dare to choke.

On the contrary, an education expert surnamed Xiong jumped out to accuse Fang Nan and netizens of being too hostile, conspiratorially swearing at people as traitors, reading books, turnips and vegetables have their own preferences, and illustrations are fine as long as they are positive.

"Carrots and greens have their own loves? Be positive? An ignorant child will still grab shit and eat it. Do you have to let him? If you, a bear, stand in front of me, why don't I give you a hard time?" , I am a father in vain."

Fang Nanqi's nose is not a nose, and his eyes are not eyes.

An education expert would actually say that radish and green vegetables have their own preferences for the group of children. If children know good and bad, they don't need to be guided, so what do they need their parents to do.

It's just so fucked up.

Fang Nan scolded one after another like an Internet thug. At dawn, he went to work, and he taught an editor-in-chief, and the professor spoke again.

At the beginning, I also advised netizens not to conspiratorial theories, and then said that the new version of the book is more artistic, Fang Nan couldn't understand it!

The numerous netizens who supported Fang Nan laughed angrily.

Many experts in China are so powerful, the world's top directors, and master directors recognized by many international film festivals are said to be ignorant of art.

You fucking spend 731 on teaching illustrations instead of art, a bunch of traitorous experts.

In just one day, the scolding war over whether there is a problem with the illustrations of elementary school books has spread from the Internet to multiple battlefields, but in the end it is the game behind it that depends.

Fang Nan vs. the creative team, Renjiao vs. the silent education and cultural openings.

After threatening Fang Nan's failure, a group of people began to smear Fang Nan, and the overwhelming black material came to Fang Nan.

It's a pity that it's all old material, not to mention Fang Nan's fans are not interested, ordinary netizens also find it boring, and have seen it too many times.

If the black scandal doesn't move, then the black Fangnan immigrated, but Fang Nante's mother's household registration was exposed.

Black Fangnan is personally black and does not move.

Companies under a black name evaded taxes, and they were even investigated and fined. Fang Nan didn't care.

After two days, the impatient illustration creation team tried to bribe, slander, or even invite someone with status to pass the message to Fang Nan, but Fang Nan resolved them one by one.

Fang Nan is not short of money and is not afraid of slander, and even more disdains the identity of the speaker.

Let me tell you what level he is. He has gone abroad for cultural exchanges several times, and he has held his right hand with countless big shots. Do you really think he is a fool?
Fang Nan thought that things had stalled for the time being, and was preparing to call on [Teachers and parents all over the country to refuse to accept the new version of reading materials] to break the deadlock of noisy but no real progress. CCTV reported education, culture and other departments. How to deal with the incident of primary school reading materials.

All new primary school reading materials are prohibited.

Primary schools across the country that were planning to use the new version of the books postponed the start of school for 10-15 days, waiting for the release of the new books.

The illustration creation team headed by Zhang Yong is under investigation, and the Disciplinary Committee is stationed in the People's Education.

The country will now set up a content review team for the whole country, including classroom books for students in Hong Kong, Macao and other places, as well as extracurricular recommended reading materials.

What was found afterwards was shocking.

For this reason, after a long period of time, Yao Fang was also commended for the textbook incident, and thus was transferred from Fangnan Cultural Comprehensive School in Sichuan Province.

As for Fang Nan, because he was too emotional about this matter, he often smacked his mouth and used violence to slap people in the face.

The Directors Association and Performing Artists Association also said that Fang Nan was bad for the industry and needed to be reviewed.

Fang Nan ignored the group of people who were sitting on vegetarian meals. Zhang Hanyu, the vice chairman of the Artists Association, went to the door to invite someone in person. Fang Nan stared at him, held his nose and went back empty-handed.

"Should you be satisfied?"

Yonghe Villa, Zeng Li asked with a smile.

"It's okay, actually it has nothing to do with me, I found some problems, I just do my best with my own abilities, what else can I do?" Fang Nan said with a tired face, "Where's my daughter?"

"I was selected to pick up the plane at the airport, and a foreign head of state came to visit."

Fang Nan's face glowed all of a sudden, the boss grinned at the corner of his mouth, and nodded proudly: "Good girl!"

"My daughter is much more worry-free than you anyway. Oh, by the way, that Chen Man also posted an apology on Weibo, did you see that? Stop chasing after the little girl. Those who don't know think you can't do it because of threats."

Fang Nan disdained: "A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is a gentleman. If such people have always done their duty, see if I have time to take care of them."

On the sofa, Fang Nan kicked a chair under his feet, curled up in the sofa and fell asleep.

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