literary world

Chapter 414 Gao Yuanyuan VS Liu Qianqian

Chapter 414 Gao Yuanyuan VS Liu Qianqian

After the cultural exchange activities were over, Fang Nan flew to New York without stopping.

He has a lot of work in North America. He needs to pay attention to the preparation of "Interstellar" and join the crew of "John Wick".

But the most important thing is to participate in a global conference on dinosaurs.

William Morris agency, agent Lilith, Universal Pictures, and Steven Spielberg negotiated many times, and agreed on the basic contract for Fang Nan to direct "Jurassic".

2000 million director's remuneration plus 5% of the North American box office.

In the newly launched dinosaur project, Fang Nan will serve as the chief director and one of the producers.

The Marmara Park Avenue Hotel in Manhattan, under the spotlight of the global media, Spielberg was full of expectations to hand over a plastic model of Tyrannosaurus Rex to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan's remuneration for directing "Jurassic" was outrageously high, even in Hollywood where there are many big directors, it is still in the top tier.

But he and Universal still chose to trust the Chinese director.

No way, the other party's successive successes forced them to succumb.

"Jurassic", which has been restarted again after a lapse of ten years, needs a director who has always been successful to save it.

"Jurassic" was once brilliant, and audiences all over the world trembled when dinosaurs came out.

But the past glory was lost to the last "Jurassic Park 2001" released in 3.

The total production cost of "Jurassic 3" is 9300 million US dollars, but the global box office is only more than 3 million, and the word of mouth is even more messy.

The global box office of more than 3 million seems good, but you must understand that the production cost of the first "Jurassic Park" in 1993 was 6300 million, and the global box office was 10 billion plus.

Therefore, when "Jurassic Park 3" ends, it is the time when the dinosaurs are sealed.

Until the new baton director Fang Nan was ushered in.

"Fang, where are you going to start the new dinosaur movie? "Jurassic" is a super big IP." "Hollywood Reporter" reporter.

Steven and the president of Universal, who Fang Nanchong saw, smiled, and said, "I personally think that the story of dinosaurs is easy to tell. If there are fewer scenes of humans, and the dinosaurs are returned to the audience, the global audience will naturally be satisfied."

The reputation of the second and third "Jurassic" plummeted, more than half of the reason is that the director had to add human emotions in the movie, and it is true that the brain is sick.

Even if it's to keep costs down, filming more forests can't confuse the audience with inexplicable emotions.

Steven Spielberg's hypocrisy is well known in Hollywood. This big director can't keep making commercial films, otherwise he will often create some weird emotional lines.

"Variety" reporter: "Do you think you can make dinosaurs great again? In your heart, what will the new Jurassic movie be like?"

"I personally feel that audiences who love dinosaurs all over the world must be looking forward to the dinosaurs coming to the earth again after ten years of patience, so the box office of the movie will not be low, and it will be 10 billion US dollars anyway."

Steven, the president of Universal Pictures, and the on-site media reporters looked horrified.

It is said that foreigners are hot-tempered, can't hide things in their hearts, and love to brag. I didn't expect that the Chinese people who have always been known as refined [timid] and polite [scared of trouble] would dare to speak loudly.

During the commotion off the court, Steven hurried out to smooth things over: "Uh, our production cost is 1.5 million US dollars. I think it's a success with a global box office of [-] to [-] million US dollars. Director Fang, please continue with the answer just now."

"What will the new "Jurassic" movie look like? I think the place where the dinosaurs live is too small, and it's time to escape the cage of the park, so we decided to call the movie "Jurassic World."

Another bombshell.

Jurassic escape from the cage of the park means that he will live on the earth like human beings. Will the two live in peace or fight fiercely?This time the sense of anticipation was completely filled.

At the end of the press conference, Universal Pictures announced that "Jurassic World" will enter the production process from now on. The film production cycle is 2-3 years, and it is expected to meet the global audience around 2015.

"Jurassic World" has entered the production process, but there are so many places to prepare for. It takes a long time to make a 10-ton Tyrannosaurus rex model, and there are many velociraptors, long-necked dragons, etc. dragon.

Fang Nan has plenty of time to join the crew, so this late autumn, he first went to the "John Wick" crew to get busy.

The world's largest seaport, New York Harbor, New York State, USA.

Hu Ge with a beard and a white long-sleeved T-shirt walked with a black pitbull.

In front of one person and one dog are Fang Nan wrapped in a green army coat and the behind-the-scenes staff of "John Wick".

There are also directors of the Screen Actors Union, pet trainers, Animal Protection Association, New York Harbor management, dog lovers, tourists, environmental protection organizations, and the director's family members Gao Yuanyuan and Fang Qin.

Fang Nan's reputation in North America and even the world is not small. When the crew decided to hold the opening ceremony of "John Wick" in New York Harbor, many people and organizations came.

The environmental protection organization knew that the crew would pay homage to the gods, so they came to check whether the worship ceremony had damaged the local environment, and made some money by the way.

The Animal Protection Association knew that there were dog shots, and came to supervise to ensure that the dogs would not be abused by the crew, work overtime, and make some money.

The management of New York Harbor was fine. They came to help the crew maintain order. After all, Fang Nan's "The Hunger Games" attracted a lot of tourists to Dupont National Forest Park.

A pet trainer comes to appease a pitbull.

It goes without saying that the trade union is afraid that the oriental crew will favor one another.

Gao Yuanyuan was bored at home, so he took his son to visit Fang Nan's class and travel along the way.

There were too many onlookers, which made Fang Nan and the staff a little upset.

Almost all the shots of "John Wick" are concentrated in New York, and even in downtown areas such as Broadway. Every day, a group of old people come to watch and earn extra money. Many staff members of the crew will not adapt, which will slow down the shooting progress.

But having said that, besides making money, Fang Nan also had to admire Lao Mei's supervision system.

Let’s just talk about the labor unions, if the production team needs to shoot overtime, they will immediately punish the BB, and slap the production team with shit like disrespect for human rights.

Or if some of the extras don't want to work overtime, they will start again. BB's reluctance to work overtime is the legitimate right of workers, and the production crew can't use this as an excuse to fire the extras, Balabala, who don't work overtime.

Anyway, it makes sense, Fang Nan was forced by the trade union to secretly recruit extra performers who have not joined the actors' union.

Non-union extras are those who really want to make more money to support their families.

Of course, they also have to take more risks. Once they encounter a crew that is in arrears of wages without a union, it will be very uncomfortable.

All in all, the crew of "John Wick" was in a mess. The filming had just started, and the crew had a few rounds of quarrels with several rights organizations.

In the end, he still has little experience in filming in old and beautiful places, and he doesn't know who to find to deal with this group of autumn wind organizations. Fang Nan is going to hand over such matters to Roger of MGM.

Scratching his head, Fang Nan said irritably: "Cut, do it again, Hu Ge, walk slowly, take care of the dog, don't look bitter and hateful yourself, look natural, the dog is not dead yet .”

Fang Nan corrected the mistake with a little anger, and Hu Ge nodded repeatedly without complaining at all.

He and Fang Nan have known each other since "Sword of the Immortal Sword" and started to cooperate. He knew that Fang Nan's directing drama was easy to be emotional. How to put it, no matter how hard Fang Nan scolded, there would be countless actors crying and begging for cooperation.

Now that Fang Nan names who will play the roles in his play, it is really like the blessing of the heavenly official, there will be countless actors and actresses.

Once again, Hu Ge's performance was much more vivid, and Fang Nan yelled "Pass" expressionlessly.

At the same time, Ma Dayong and his group of warriors removed the tributes used to worship the gods from one of the platforms.

Fang Nan didn't believe in these nonsensical things before.

With the increase of the company's employees in Xiangjiang, the worship ceremony has formed an unwritten rule in the industry. No bottom.

They did a full set of plays, and as soon as the opening ceremony was over, Fang Nan let the crew deal with the tributes.

"Brother Nan, eat two slices, and stay safe in a foreign country."

Ma Dayong handed Fang Nan a plate, which contained the chef's sliced ​​pork head.

The whole pig's head is not very easy to get in the United States, so the chef of the crew cooks it himself.

Fang Nan took one piece and threw it into his mouth, then passed another piece to Gao Yuanyuan, who kept shaking his head, Fang Nan turned to Fang Qin again.

Fang Qin didn't think it was too greasy, and when he opened his mouth to eat it, it was delicious, and Gao Yuanyuan looked greasy for a while.

"It's cold, so pass two plates to people outside. They won't be able to resist the pork, right?"

Fang Nan pointed to the members of various rights and interests organizations who were gathered together outside the film crew with bewildered faces.

A group of people couldn't understand the behavior of eating a pig's head after a good filming.

It's normal, the culture is different, just like Fang Nan can't understand why Lao Mei celebrates bloody Thanksgiving.

"do not"

"do not"

"It's very delicious, thank you, what's the name of this dish?"

Ma Dayong scratched the back of his head and said three English words: "pig, head, meat."

Fang Nan smiled: "It's time to call it a day, I'll be here today, get up early for Broadway tomorrow, remember to call for the group performances."

I was busy arguing with various organizations for half a day in the morning, and held another opening ceremony, and only shot one scene on the first day.

The film crew packed up and loaded the car, and a group of people from the rights and interests organization happily returned home.

Hotels in New York are too expensive, the film crew lived in an apartment for several people, the same was true for Fang Nan's family, the three of them lived in a single room.

"The life of your crew is too comfortable. You live in an apartment, and leave after 7 and a half hours. Except for food, eating hamburgers every day is not as rich as domestic food. It seems that everything is worse than domestic crews."

In the kitchen, Fang Nan was frying steak, Gao Yuanyuan stood opposite and suddenly felt something.

"Would you like to come in and experience it?"

"you sure?"

"Just kidding."

"Fuck you, you heartless."

Fang Nan didn't like to hear this, why did he have no conscience, Gao Yuanyuan really wanted to do whatever he wanted to do when he was filming in a domestic film crew, as if the film crew was too emperor, how could he arrange it?

Leaning slightly, Fang Nan frowned and said, "You won't be really tempted."

Gao Yuanyuan pouted and said in dissatisfaction, "Shouldn't I be tempted? You see how popular Liu Qianqian is, can't I?"

Before coming to the United States, she was shortlisted for the Best Actress Award at the 21st Golden Rooster Awards for "Du Lala's Promotion". At the event, she met Liu Qianqian, who was also shortlisted for the Best Actress Award.

The movie "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" that Liu Qianqian was shortlisted was so-so, and the other party also missed the best actress in the end.

But how should I put it, the person with the strongest starlight that night was none other than Liu Qianqian.

Not to mention the enthusiasm of movie fans and fans, it overshadowed all the actors present that night.

Even some domestic film production companies and organizers are asking for their health and wellbeing in various ways.

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't see it, not only her, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Jinglei, Zhou Xun, Tao Hong, Li Bing, Wu Junru, Xu Fan, Bai Xue, who were nominated for the best actress that night, almost everyone had a bad face.

The same goes for the other guests.

The psychological portrayal of everyone should be consistent.

Dress up what?
Isn't it young?
Isn't it just that he has been on the Golden Globe and Oscar stage?

Isn't it because the starring movie is a big hit in North America and the world?
Didn't he just star in Fang Nan's "The Hunger Games"?
What are you talking about?

It is said that literati are relatives, but the Golden Rooster Awards that night also staged a scene of relatives in the entertainment industry.

But Gao Yuanyuan was even more annoyed that Liu Qianqian didn't even take the initiative to say hello when she saw her as a transparent person.

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't bear it, Liu Qianqian was a signed artist and partner valued by Tang Tang Film and Television, and it was true that she made a lot of money for the company.

But her husband is still the first shareholder of Tang Tang Film and Television, and she is still the proprietress.

After the Golden Rooster Award, Gao Yuanyuan began to get angry, why!

Fang Nan, who was also eating steak, had a headache, thought for a while, and persuaded Gao Yuanyuan who kept dawdling beside him and said:
"Liu Qianqian has a reason for breaking out in Hollywood. She has the ruthlessness, do you have it? Her legs are full of injuries from practicing martial arts, can you do it?"

Gao Yuanyuan quit: "Why can't I do it anymore? I also practiced when I was filming "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji."

Fang Nan stared half-truthfully: "Pull it down, if your body is covered in injuries and scars everywhere, I won't be sad when I see it? You don't even feel good when you see it yourself. So it's almost enough, I love filming Just shoot the scenes you want to shoot, it doesn't matter whether you are filming in Hollywood, why do you have to suffer that."

Fang Nan was quite worried.

In order to deal with the two relationships between Zeng Li and Gao Yuanyuan, he was exhausted.

Going back to Gao Yuanyuan VS Liu Qianqian again, I have to peel off the skin.

Liu Qianqian is very selfish, but she doesn't have Zeng Li's good temper, which pissed her off, she doesn't care about any married man.

"Come on, I don't believe it."

After Fang Nan finished speaking swearingly, there was another French kiss. Gao Yuanyuan's tone and body softened.

"dong dong"

"Ma Dayong has brought food, go and get it."

Fang Nan patted Gao Yuanyuan's chubby ass, who was winking like silk.

Gao Yuanyuan opened the door drooping, and Li An came with Ma Dayong. Fang Nan was quite surprised. He didn't receive a call beforehand, so why did he come suddenly.

"Director Li, sit down first, and I'll fry another steak."

Ma Dayong glanced at the skillful Fang Nan, shrugged his nose: "Brother Nan, can't you fry two pieces and bring me one by the way?"

Li An looked at Ma Dayong in a factory uniform and smiled slightly.

Fang Nan said angrily: "Ma Dayong, over the years, what you have done has prompted me to lower your requirements again and again. Stop challenging your bottom line, okay?"

"It's boring. If you want to taste your craft, you have to be lectured by you." Ma Dayong clicked his lips.

Fang Nan was anxious: "Take one piece from the top, get out quickly."

Ma Dayong bit his steak and left, Fang Nan said: "That's the virtue."

"I think it's cute. This kind of person has no bad intentions."

"That's right." Fang Nan nodded and admitted that Ma Dayong was a bit stupid, and he really had no bad intentions.

Another two steaks were put into the pot, Fang Nan's family of three and Li An sat at the dining table, and poured some red wine for Li An, Fang Nan was curious about the purpose of the other party's visit.

""Youth Pie" launched in China on New Year's Day, and now I have encountered a difficulty. I would like to ask for your help."

"What's the matter?"

"The film has a few 10-minute IMAX shots. The problem now is that Huayi's "1942" has reached an agreement with IMAX. The domestic IMAX screens will support "1942" to the maximum. "1942" hit the schedule."

"20th Century Fox has coordinated with China Film and Huayi, but the other party refused, so I came to you to try my luck. I remember that some IMAX screens in the artist theater chain are controlled by the artist himself."

(End of this chapter)

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