literary world

Chapter 415 Is he still under Amon?

Chapter 415 Is he still under Amon?
The IMAX screens all over the world belong to the Canadian IMAX company.

The reason why the Artist Theater has 12 self-operated IMAX screens dates back to Fang Nan's "Assassination of Novelists" filmed in 07.

In 2007, there were not many directors in China, and even in the world, who really understood the IMAX screen and IMAX camera.

IMAX Corporation is also in the initial stage of vigorously promoting IMAX cameras to major film companies, cinemas and directors around the world and developing IMAX screens.

Back then, IMAX first reached a cooperation with Hollywood's Christopher Nolan to produce the first Hollywood blockbuster "The Dark Knight of Batman" with some scenes shot with IMAX cameras.

In the same year, Fang Nan's "Assassination of Novelists" crew took the initiative to approach IMAX.

Hearing that director Huaxia Fangnan was going to make a 3DIMAX movie, the person in charge of the IMAX company was very surprised. They couldn't believe that Huaxia director would understand IMAX technology and dare to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to make a 3DIMAX movie.

It wasn't until the IMAX staff of "Assassination of Novelists" came back to the company and talked about Fang Nan's understanding of IMAX screens and his proficiency in 3D cameras that IMAX had no choice but to be convinced.

And actively requested to cooperate with Tangtang Film and Television to reach a number of 3D movies, so as to consolidate the rapid growth and development of IMAX theaters in China.

However, Tangtang Film and Television refused, and they can cooperate. The company's theater development also needs IMAX screens.

However, IMAX is not allowed to intervene in the right to use the IMAX screens of Tangtang Cinemas.

Facing the huge market in China that urgently needs to be opened up, IMAX company bowed its head and agreed to the conditions, which has led to today's artist theaters having the independent right to use more than 10 IMAX screens.

However, the domineering Tangtang Film and Television also lost its partner IMAX two years later, and the other party reached a new cooperation with Huayi Film and Television in 2009.

Unexpectedly, in 2012, Huayi became even more domineering. They used their relationship with IMAX to perfectly pinch the throat of the movie "Youth Pi" of the same period.

20th Century Fox and Ang Lee never imagined that someone would use such a despicable means of competition.

Compared with the 3D movie "Youth Pi", the 2D movie "1942" does not need IMAX screens at all, but Hua Yi has to occupy 100 IMAX screens for its own movie with more than 112 screens and the high ticket price of IMAX.

20th Century Fox, the producer of "Youth Pie", has a mediocre relationship with China Film and the General Administration, and they quarreled twice and returned without success.

Li An had no choice but to pinch his nose and look for Fang Nan.

The global IMAX screens are only a few hundred yuan, and the 12 IMAX screens of the artist theaters are quite a lot, which can win a big box office for "Youth of Pi".

Fang Nan agreed.

Ang Lee helped a lot during the Oscar competition for "Parasite", and this time he reciprocated.

He didn't know the film schedule of the artist's theaters, but "Youth Pi" was released a week earlier than "1942", so he could buy "Youth Pi" a week.

If Huayi is endless, the artist can even extend the time of "Youth Pie" to "Hong Kong Lost", "The Great Master", including "The Return of the Great Sage" before the release.

With Fang Nan's guarantee, Li An hurried away after eating a piece of steak.

"Youth Pi" will be released soon, and he will be busy promoting it all over the world.

"Youth of Pie" is the most expensive film since his debut, as high as 1.2 million US dollars. If the film fails, his position in the hearts of major Hollywood companies will plummet, and he will have to do his best to promote it.

"Li An's temples are all white." Gao Yuanyuan said with emotion when Fang Nan came back from seeing Li An off.

Ang Lee has a high status in domestic and foreign film and television circles.

In China, Zhang Yimou may be even worse than him. Many people in the industry admire him for his cleanliness and purity of art.

As of today, his director career is half of Eastern films and half of Western films, but he can perfectly handle both Eastern and Western films.

Fang Nan's good impression of Ang Lee stems from the 2018 Golden Horse Awards.

Faced with the unexpected situation at that time, Kong Li refused to go on stage, but Li Ang seemed at a loss and looked miserable. At that time, Fang Nan felt that this person only had movies in his heart.

This kind of person is worthy of admiration, just like Fang Nan never burying Wang Jing, who was dubbed by the audience as a shitty director.

Many people criticized Wang Jing for his shitty director. He also admitted that he could not make literary films such as Wang Jiawei's "Evil and West Poison" and Xu Anhua's "Day and Night in Tianshuiwei".

But few people know that Wang Jing has helped and invested in many literary and artistic films.

For example, "Eve on Four Faces", "The Happier the More Fallen", "Day and Night in Tin Shui Wai" and other literary films.

His behavior shows that he understands that movies should not only be commercial films, the film market with only commercial films is a deformed film market, so he wants to support literary films.

Therefore, Fang Nan didn't dislike Wang Jing either.

People like them are more passionate about movies than many directors.

Fang Nan picked up the steak and took a bite, Gao Yuanyuan gossiped again: "I heard that he was a housewife before he became famous, and he did all the housework for the family."

"Why, you still want me to wash the pots and wash the dishes and clothes. I advise you to use less brains in this area. You don't want to hire an aunt."

Fang Qin quit, pointing a little finger at Fang Nan: "It's fierce."

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Fang Nan slapped him on the hand, Fang Qin burst into tears with a "wow", Fang Nan stared: "If you dare to point at people indiscriminately, you will still hit me!"

"Can't you take it easy?"

Gao Yuanyuan took a look at his son's little hand, and saw that the back of the child's hand was a little red, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

"If you take it lightly, he doesn't improve his memory. During this period of time, America has corrected all his bad habits."

Fang Nan did what he wanted to do. After eating, Gao Yuanyuan washed the tableware. Fang Qin slowed down and started to scurry around to pick. Feeling the heat with his hand, the little guy said, "Drop it, buckle it again."

Fang Qin resolutely howled twice, and cried four times in a row one night, and avoided Fang Nan even walking the next day. He hated this father to the core.

But after a few days, after Fang Nanti took him to skateboard with a group of kids in the park, he began to like this father again.

In short, his childhood in New York was muddled, and it was only after years of visiting North America that he burst into tears when he saw the photos of his father and son in the New York Museum.

New York, a white villa.


"Boom, oh, ah"

Gunshots, fists and feet, and cries of pain sounded one after another between Hu Ge and the two masked men in black suits, until the sound of "嗤" that should not have existed, Fang Nan hurriedly called to stop.

"What's the situation with Ma Dayong?" Fang Nan asked Ma Dayong who squatted down clutching his crotch.

Ma Dayong didn't return to Fangnan, he took off his hood and looked at Hu Ge tremblingly: "Old Hu, the angle of your punches is too crooked, and you're still hitting with deadly hands, ouch, it hurts me to death."

"You martial arts practitioner, why are you afraid of pain!" Fang Nan said.

Ma Dayong sat on the ground with snot and tears: "No matter how much you practice martial arts, you can't practice second child."

"Okay, come back after a while. Hu Ge, you have memorized a few movements."

Fang Nan threw away the earphones while speaking, and lit a cigarette.

There are only eight movements in this fighting scene, not many for martial arts, but a bit complicated for Hu Ge.

But Fang Nan didn't choose to dismantle it. A good-looking action movie is just a good-looking fighting action, and there are too many edited and spliced ​​shots.

What's more, "John Wick" is also a series of movies, and Hu Ge has to learn to adapt to the high-intensity working environment of the crew.

Hu Ge has a high EQ. Seeing that he missed Ma Dayong and forced the crew to stop, he hurriedly asked his agent and assistant to go out to buy hot coffee.

Fang Nan watched with cold eyes and estimated that after the filming of "John Wick", Hu Ge spent tens of thousands of dollars on coffee.

He didn't remind any actor, no matter how old he is, it is very necessary to maintain a good relationship with the crew, otherwise the small shoes will be worn all the time.

Leaning slightly, Fang Nan looked at Ma Dayong who was alive and kicking again: "Are you okay?"


"All departments are preparing and filming continues."

The lighting assistant turned on the lights, the photography assistant turned on the camera, and Hu Ge and Ma Dayong also stood at the positions just now under Yu Hai's command.


After the field notes were shouted, Hu Ge kicked a martial artist away, blocked Ma Dayong's right hand with his left arm, and hit Ma Dayong's lower abdomen with his right fist, and then quickly recovered and grabbed Ma Dayong's right hand that was about to pull the prop gun , and then turned around and threw Ma Dayong onto the table beside him with a back fall.


Fang Nan called to stop, and Ma Dayong, who fell from the long table, grinned and stroked his chest and back: "Oh, my god, Hu Ge, you hit too hard, I really can't bear it."

Hu Ge looked embarrassed: "My fault, my fault. Brother Yong, I will be the host at night and drink to apologize."

He used to shoot mostly costume dramas. For the fighting scenes in costumes, he can hang a wire and do a few laps in the air.

Or take a long sword or spear and dance wildly, posing beautiful and chic poses anytime, anywhere.

"Quick Chase" is different. "John Wick" doesn't say it is realistic, but it has to be like that, so he really can't be said to be handy when punching to the flesh.

"He used to shoot with knives and guns to kill people with internal force. It's normal for him not to know how to absorb strength before he has never filmed fist-to-fist scenes. Don't complain all the time. If you can't stand it, just change people."

When Fang Nan spoke, Ma Dayong stopped muttering.

He has no bad intentions, but he can't sit still with his broken mouth, and he always wants to make fun of whoever catches him.

"One more."

Hu Ge raised his hand to signal: "Director, coffee is here, let's shoot after drinking coffee."

Fang Nan nodded: "Drink coffee."

Before the coffee was finished, Yan Hong came, so Fang Nan had to temporarily leave the crew to Guo Fan, Wen Muye, and Alex.

These three people are his deputies and serve as assistant directors in the crew.

Fang Nan had persuaded Guo Fan and Wen Muye to stay in China and find some material they wanted to shoot, but they decided to stay with him temporarily because they were not strong enough.

Fang Nan didn't refuse either.

The company's major film directors, Wang Liang, Lin Hao, and Wu Ershan have their own creative directions, and Fang Nan is willing to support them.

Guo Fan and Wen Muye will work alone one day, so naturally he will not treat one more favorably than another.

Following Yan Hong and Luo Jie to a quiet place, Fang Nan listened quietly to their work reports.

The acquisition of MGM has already started, and Fang Nan prepared a total of 60 billion US dollars just in case.

Of the 60 billion yuan, US$20 billion came from the four major domestic banks.

The other $10 billion was obtained from a North American bank loan in the name of Advertisement Films.

Fang Nan personally borrowed 9 million U.S. dollars from Switzerland with a 3% stake in space exploration. Most of the remaining funds came from Fang Nan's culture, and a small part came from Fang Nan's private treasury, which emptied him out again.

The money is in place, and if there are no special circumstances, he should become the new owner of MGM soon after the Chinese New Year.

It's a pity that things backfired, and Yan Hong came here to explain that something went wrong.

"The word-of-mouth screening of "The Hobbit" is very good. The movie will probably become popular, and some creditors have moved their minds."

Fang Nan didn't know, so he said, "What will probably be popular? With the reputation of "Lord of the Rings", the director is also Peter Jackson, "The Hobbit" will definitely be popular, but what does it have to do with the acquisition of MGM? MGM just provided " The copyright of The Hobbit, the biggest beneficiary of the movie is still Warner.”

Roger explained: "MGM still has some profit."

"I understand what you mean. Is there any creditor who wants to procrastinate, hoping that MGM will come back to life because of "The Hobbit", so that they can sell their shares at a high price?"

Roger nodded: "That's it."

"Then satisfy them. I have prepared 60 billion US dollars, which is 10 billion to 20 billion more than your expected acquisition funds. Even if the creditors open their mouths, we can still eat MGM. My request is to acquire MGM as soon as possible. May, after that you will be CEO, Roger."

Fang Nan was fed up with the two people's slow negotiation and acquisition work.

He is 34 years old, and he is at his most energetic. The sooner MGM gets his hands on it, the sooner he can prepare for his Chinese-language film universe, and see if authentic domestic Chinese-language films can affect Hollywood and even the entire West.

After the golden age of more than 30 years old, even if he has more profound director skills, he may not have more energy to fight wits and courage with a bunch of big Hollywood companies, politicians, and even some people in China.

Furthermore, he is no longer the same Wu Xia Amon.

In order to establish an artist theater chain, he bought a piece of land carefully and cautiously. He was always afraid of investing too much money and borrowing too much at one time.


One of his films can earn 7 to 8 million US dollars worldwide, and the box office of the film is several times the production fee. He has the "Wandering Earth" series and the "Hunger Games" series in his hand.

There's the unreleased Gravity.

He earns tens of millions of dollars to direct a movie, but he is still hot.

So, what is he afraid of?
It's just billions of dollars, which bank can't he borrow it with his face?
US$40 billion is not enough to acquire MGM, and some creditors want to fish for it?

I'm going to directly prepare 60 billion US dollars to see if it's enough!

Roger looked surprised: "Me?"

Fang Nan said seriously: "Yes, when the time comes, I will tell you what the new MGM will do, and I have one request to you now, to resolve various legal issues as quickly as possible to win MGM, Roger You will quickly integrate MGM's resources when the time comes."

"It's too urgent, and we may have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars more." Yan Hong worried.

"The premium acquisition is justifiable. Although MGM is down and out, it is still one of the century-old Hollywood companies."

"In addition, you have to believe in my ability to make money. The longer the acquisition is delayed, the worse it is for us, because it is a waste of my time!"

Fang Nan smiled and said very domineeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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