literary world

Chapter 416 The God of Space Science Fiction Movies

Oriental Movie Capital.

The three opened studios on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th were abruptly dug into a pool comparable to the size of a football field.

On the pool, the scene of a huge model ship swinging wildly with the artificial waves makes people feel as if they are really on the riverside and are about to witness a tragic shipwreck accident with their own eyes.

It can only be said that anyone who sees the scene in front of him must admire and praise the great work of the crew.

In fact, it was the opposite. By the pool, a group of people headed by the founder of Remington Film and Television Company, Zhang Ming, looked extremely stern.

Zhang Ming reached the red temperature state earlier.

I endured it and didn't explode, but there was a well-known director Wu Baige by my side.

There is Zhang Jiazhen, a famous producer who has worked hand in hand with Wu Baige through Xiangjiang and Hollywood.

There are many big-name actors from China, Japan, and Korea, such as Takeshi Kaneshiro, Huang Xiaoming, Zhang Ziyi, Song Hye Kyo, Tong Dawei, and Masako Shimura.

Even more because he personally issued the order to acquire Digital Domain Visual Effects Company.

But he never imagined that the Digital Domain Visual Effects Company, which had assisted Cameron in the filming of "Titanic", had no choice but to use the visual effects in "Taiping Wheel".

Zhang Ming was mad.

In 08 and 09, he began to prepare the script of "Taiping Wheel".

In 10 and 11, the filming of "Taiping Wheel" was approved.

During the period, the production crew continued to have minor problems, and Wu Baige later needed surgery to rest due to physical reasons, and the production crew entered a long vacation.

When Wu Baige recovered and the king returned, the person in charge of Digital Domain, which he acquired ambitiously, told him that the company's existing technology could not meet the visual effects requirements of "Taiping Wheel".

Especially the most difficult water-related visual effects.

Zhang Mingren was dumbfounded.

The plot of the movie "Peace Wheel" is almost the same as James Cameron's "Titanic". It is a disaster movie that happened at sea.

Most of the visual effects shots in the movie are related to water.

What is this now?

In order to compete with Fang Nan, he gritted his teeth and spent 8000 million US dollars to acquire Digital Domain, which he thought could compete with the 13 Swordsmen of Light and Shadow, but he didn't expect Digital Domain to be a waste company?

"That's not what you said when Remington first came into contact with you."

Zhang Ming looked at the tall foreigner beside him in surprise and anger.

The foreigner said neither humble nor overbearing: "Yes, but many engineers left before and after the company was acquired."

"You don't sign a non-compete agreement?"

"After Digital Domain joined Remington, Remington did not make this rigid requirement before and after the acquisition."

"Did I go to you!"

Zhang Ming couldn't help but cursed out.

Whoever wants to finish scolding is still angry, and the blood rushes to his head for a while, making him dizzy.

Fortunately, Wu Baige, Huang Xiaoming, and Zhang Jiazhen had sharp eyesight and quick hands. They either hugged their waists or pinched their clothes to prevent Zhang Ming from falling into the water.

Zhang Ming, who kept his figure steady, didn't feel a trace of fear, but had a sad face instead.

The crew of "Taiping Wheel" has been suspended intermittently for nearly a year, and the unusable Digital Domain will cause the company to pay an extra special effects fee for "Taiping Wheel".

In a simple calculation, "Taiping Wheel" may not be able to finish without a production cost of [-] to [-] million.

If such a large investment of 20 to [-] million yuan is not a loss, only "The Wheel of Peace" like "The Wandering Earth" has earned more than [-] billion at the box office in China.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming seemed to be energized.

No matter how he and Fang Nan didn't fight each other, he had to admit that Fang Nan was good at making movies, and his box office earning ability was world-class. In this regard, Wu Baige was far behind.

Zhang Ming's face turned ashen all of a sudden.

He regretted that he only saw the glorious past of Digital Domain at the beginning, but did not study the real strength of Digital Domain, and the reason for its decline was that it had been hollowed out by outsiders.

He hated his pride and complacency in those two years.

Zhang Ming, who beat his chest and stamped his feet, made people look frightened, and the person in charge of the foreigner shirked his responsibility in a panic.

"Boss, I didn't do anything wrong. The company's salary is not as high as that offered by Industrial Light & Magic, Weta, and 13 Swordsmen. Engineers will definitely change jobs. This is a basic workplace law."

Zhang Ming glanced at the other party resentfully, and it took him a long time to recall: "13 swordsmen?"

"Yes, almost all the engineers responsible for water-related special effects have gone to 13 Swordsmen, which is the current Swordsman studio in North America."

The foreigner's answer made Zhang Ming calm down. He told Wu Baige to hurry up and shoot the camera, while walking outside the studio. Everyone didn't know what was going on, but the secretary who followed Zhang Ming was as quiet as a cicada.

The boss's clenched hands and open hands at times all prove that his anger is even greater than before, but this anger cannot be spoken to others.

In the Oriental Movie Metropolis, unlike Zhang Ming who suppressed his anger, the Tangtang Film and Television Propaganda Department not far away was full of joy, and everyone had a thick smile on their faces.

Xu Shanzheng's "Lost in Hong Kong" was released, with a box office of 3900 million on the first day of its opening.

Since the release date of the movie is December 12th, which is only a few days away from the legendary end of the world on the 12st, the publicity team led by Hu Wen designed for "囧囧" "Instead of waiting to die at home, it is better to watch "囧囧" Die laughing' slogan.

So far, the publicity has been a huge success.

Of course, Fang Nan deserves more credit for the super-high first-day box office of "囧囧 in Hong Kong".

After all, the "囧" series of comedy films was developed by Fang Nan.


Xu Shan became famous in the first battle, and "Hong Kong囧" hit the big directors and big star movies of the same period, and he couldn't hold his head up at all.

But he also suffered all kinds of verbal criticism.

Compared with "囧囧 in Hong Kong", the plot and story are too weak.

Many viewers also don't like the nostalgic style in the movie, even though there are as many as [-] or [-] stars from both sides of the strait and three places playing soy sauce in "囧囧".

So many viewers criticized Xu Shan after watching "Lost in Hong Kong", which probably means:

"Xu Shan swears not to make the "囧" series, you will ruin this family and ruin the reputation of the first two "囧" films directed by Fang Nan."

"If I didn't like Fang Nan's "囧" series of movies so much, I don't want to see "囧" movies in the future, and I will definitely break Xu Shanzheng's sky after watching "Hong Kong囧"!"

"The reputation of "囧 in Hong Kong" is not good, but I still choose to go to the cinema to support it, just because of Fang Nan's first two "囧" movies."

Xu Shanzheng was exposed on the Internet, but the box office of "囧囧 in Hong Kong" is booming, and finally achieved a good result of 12 billion box office.

The production cost of "Lost in Hong Kong" was only about 5000 million yuan, and the box office revenue of more than 20 times the production cost made Xu Shanzheng step into the ranks of domestic first-line directors in one fell swoop.

So if netizens scold or not, Xu Shanzheng has already made a lot of money.

New York, NY.

The box office competition in China was in full swing, but Fang Nan was wrapped in a green army coat and stared at Hu Ge's posture of drawing a gun, walking, and fighting movements.

"John Wick" has been filming for a month, and Hu Ge, including the crew, is getting better.

On the contrary, he, the director, became bored instead. The action movies were too ink-stained, and he found it boring to repeat the same actions over and over again.

He directs literary films and can appreciate and train actors' acting skills.

When directing a sci-fi film, he needs to use his brain to add visual effects around the actors.

Action shootout?
The actor drew his gun and posed in a chic pose.

Use two or three tricks here and there.

Or it's "crack", "crack", "ahhhh" gunshots and beating sounds.

The sounds at the scene made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

As for the performance of the actors, there are some but not the key. How to draw a gun and kill the opponent handsomely is the key to the success of "John Wick".

At the end of the beginning in the bathhouse, Fang Nan cheered up and said, "After the break, I will record another backup. Hu Ge played well and made progress."

The whole crew rested, and Guo Fan came to Fang Nan's side: "Brother Nan, for Christmas the day after tomorrow, the foreigner in the crew asked us to have a holiday starting tomorrow."

Fang Nan was dissatisfied: "Released again? I just had the holiday last Sunday."

"Then what should I do? If you don't have a holiday, you have to complain."

"Damn, let the foreigners behind the scenes be released, and the extras can't be released, tell them to pay three times the salary."

"What about our own people?"

"Tell them that we will divide the remaining funds after the filming of "John Wick" and tell them to keep their mouths tight and not speak out."

Guo Fan first smiled, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong, and then he broke down and criticized: "Then what if there are no leftovers?"

"Uh, that's true."

Fang Nan had a flash of inspiration as he spoke, and said, "Well, it depends on whether you have the ability to contact a brand owner or something. After contacting, I will secretly add a few seconds of advertisement in the movie, and then everyone will share a point. I take the big head."

Guo Fanle kept nodding his head.

Brother Nan is not testing his ability, but deliberately wants to give red envelopes to his brothers.

If Fang Nan's movie can't find a brand sponsor to advertise and sponsor, it will be troublesome. As long as he is authorized, anyone can find sponsors of various luxury brands.

After thinking for a while, Guo Fan set his sights on the automobile industry.

There are a lot of cars used in "John Wick", and there must be car companies willing to spend millions to advertise in the movie.

Guo Fan left muttering, and Hu Ge sat over: "Brother Nan, smoke a cigarette, didn't you sleep well last night?"

"I have been talking with several major distribution companies about the announcement of "Gravity", and I slept a little late."

The announcement of "Gravity" is still handed over to Lionsgate and Warner, which have cooperated many times.

Lionsgate is still in charge of North American distribution, and Warner is in charge of Europe and other parts of the Americas.

Xiangjiang and Taiwan were handed over to the Emperor.

China, Japan, South Korea, India and other countries are jointly distributed by Tangtang Film and Television and China Film, and have reached distribution cooperation with foreign companies such as CJ Entertainment and Toho.

The release date of the movie has also been confirmed, and the release time in North America is March 2013, 3, which is the National Women's Day.

The domestic release date is March 3, and the two major markets are staggered by two weeks.

The schedule at this time in North America is called the spring schedule.

The timeline is from the first weekend in March to the Thursday before the first weekend in May.

The spring file is not a good time. The North American holidays will end and the source of tourists will be less. The competition for blockbuster movies in the Christmas file has already been settled.

Therefore, the spring schedule is usually dominated by horror movies and low-budget films that have finished competing for Oscars. Fang Nan's "Parasite" has also joined this schedule.

But there are always exceptions to everything. Although the spring file is cold, there are few blockbuster movies due to competition.

So Fang Nan wasn't worried at all that "Gravity" would fail due to the cold spring season. He had seen the finished film of "Gravity", so he could confidently say it boldly.

"Tell me about the platform promotion. I don't have the platform strength abroad, but I'm fine in China." Hu Ge said with a smile.

Fang Nan nodded in agreement with Hu Ge's statement.

In this life, Hu Ge is no longer the first brother of the TV series who was ridiculed by the netizens in the original time and space, and the young boy who pulls his hips in movies.

"The Unknown Man", "Youth in Youth", and "The Girl I Chased Together in Those Years" all of which he participated in were hits, and his domestic reputation and remuneration are not weaker than any male actor.

But Fang Nan didn't need to rely on the other party's fame.

He himself is the biggest celebrity, and he is also a sci-fi movie, which is naturally hot topic.

He wanted to tell Hu Ge that he shouldn't be too pretentious when his fame gets bigger. It's true to honestly find a partner to solve his physical needs. A bright future is really not worth the candle.

Tang Tang Film and Television has dozens of artists, large and small, and the company never cares about the private life of the artists. As long as they reach the legal age, they do not prohibit dating and marriage.

So far, the company has only intervened in the love life of Pan Yueming and Dong Jie.

The relationship between the two was too outrageous, and it affected the image of the company's contracted artists, so Fang Nan ordered the company to ruin Dong Jie's career.

Therefore, Tang Tang Film and Television will never say that an artist lost a lot of fans because of a relationship and was abandoned by the company.

The company has always determined who is in line with the role in the script of the launch. There may be cases of favoritism and fraud, but rarely, this kind of thing is clearly prohibited, and the punishment after exposure is to leave the company.

When the break time came, the filming of "John Wick" continued, and there was another burst of gunfire on the set.

In the afternoon, two sets of shots were shot, and the crew called it a day.

Back at the apartment, Gao Yuanyuan had already packed his luggage.

"You really don't want to go shopping in Berlin with me?" Fang Nan asked.

Gao Yuanyuan categorically refused: "No, Berlin is too cold, the children are not comfortable staying there, and the opening of the Berlin Film Festival is only two days away from the Spring Festival, I might as well stay at home and eat and drink."

"It's true. I probably won't be able to go home this year. You can take your children to your parents, brother and sister-in-law for a few meals."

Gao Yuanyuan gave Fang Nan a reproachful look: "It's so ugly, what do you mean being an idiot? I'm going to visit my mother's house for New Year's greetings during the Spring Festival, so shouldn't I let the little balloons pay my grandparents New Year's greetings?"

Fang Nan nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice: "Your shamelessness is very much like mine back then."

"Fuck you." Gao Yuanyuan spat softly.

Fang Nanding's private jet was still undergoing interior decoration, and Gao Yuanyuan's mother and son could only go back by passenger plane. Fortunately, there was no need to change planes for someone to pick them up, so it wasn't too tiring.

The mother and daughter left, and Fang Nan went into a runaway work mode.

While he was filming John Wick, he used his Sunday vacation to actively participate in the activities of women's rights organizations with Sandra Bullock and George Bruni.

The rewards for this effort have been significant, with multiple North American women's rights organizations using social media to promote Gravity.

Their slogan is powerful, "Gravity"-a movie with a female protagonist in the true sense.

Under this upsurge of publicity, the third promotional video of "Gravity" landed on major social media around the world, and was rushed to report by major mainstream media around the world.

There is no reason for it.

This 20-second video is really shocking.

Which viewer in the world has seen his computer screen and mobile phone screen almost completely occupied by a sky blue planet?
Without any language, without any actors, the earth special effects of this promotional clip alone can fascinate audiences all over the world, making their hearts flutter.

Fang Nan—the god of space sci-fi movies!
The "Hollywood Reporter" reporter said excitedly.

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