literary world

Chapter 417

The second promotional video of "Gravity" has aroused great repercussions around the world. Fans reposting the promotional video are everywhere on social media around the world. Many people are dumbfounded when they see it.

They were amazed by Fang Nan's global influence.

For the first time, big Hollywood companies and even white supremacists in North America feel that this young director from the East is a bit too outrageous.

Whether it is "The Martian" directed by Fang Nan, "The Wandering Earth" or "The Hunger Games".

The success of these films has one thing in common, the adaptation of the novel.

"Gravity" is not, it is a Hollywood-like script that Fang Nan participated in writing.

If "Gravity" continues to be successful, it means that Fang Nan has built a global film platform for the rest of his career as a director.

【Hollywood, American Capital has created a strong competitor, and one day they will regret that they did not comprehensively suppress Fang Nan today. 】

Fang Nan came to North America for the first time in 2009 for "Parasite" to 2013 this year. For the first time in four years, some people and media in North America began to engage in conspiracy theories, and he didn't want to let Fang Nan continue to develop like this.

Shi Nansheng, who was in charge of liaising with the publicity of "Gravity" in various countries, was a little flustered when he saw this kind of argument, so he called Fang Nan and told him to avoid political issues and make money quietly.

Fang Nan didn't think so.

First of all, he himself is not keen on politics. Sometimes he speaks up in China simply because he can't understand some people and things, and hopes that his voice can change and make Huaxia better.

Why does he care about some bad things abroad, it's thankless.

Secondly, as long as his movies can make money and bring Hollywood to make money together, no one will hack him.

The threat theory against him this time is nothing more than because "Gravity" does not have the participation of major manufacturers.

If "Interstellar" or "Jurassic World" has such an argument when it is released, Warner and Universal may not let each other shut up for a second.

So Fang Nan just slowly polished his "John Wick" indifferently.

It took 40 days to record "Quick Chase", the script and the shooting scenes in the storyboards were all completed, and the crew switched to literary scenes.

Due to the simple plot of the movie, there are not many secondary characters that affect the story line. In terms of literature and drama, the performance of Pitbull in the crew is more important.

This pitbull was innocently killed, and only then did the follow-up hero take revenge.

So how to make Pitbull obedient and obedient, so that the camera can capture the cutest side has become the focus of the crew's work.

"Actors ready? Start?"

In a gloomy bedroom in a luxury villa, Fang Nan asked Hu Ge who was sitting in front of the desk.

"I'm fine." Hu Ge nodded.

Meanwhile, a dog trainer slips a bone-shaped piece of dog food into a caged pitbull.


After the scene was finished, Hu Ge picked up the letter on the desk with a sad expression. The letter was from his wife who had died of cancer. The content of the letter:
[John, I'm sorry I can't continue to be with you, but you still need to love someone, something, so let's start with it, your car doesn't count. 】

[I love you John, we have all been tortured by illness for too long, now I am at peace, I hope you are the same, love you Helen. 】

It's a sad story of a killer who returned from a mission with his wife dead.

So John was naturally sad and wept, until the pitbull in the cage just happened to let out a wonderful whimper to interrupt the sad thoughts.

Fang Nan specially added the dog's sobs, so that the audience would immediately confirm that this is a good dog when the movie is released, and it knows how to ease the grief of its owner.

After explaining the origin of the dog to the audience, it is time to spend a little more time to show the cuteness of the dog.

The cuter and more sensible the dog is photographed, the more strongly it will resonate with the audience at the moment when the killer kills the dog.

The audience will fall into the hero's revenge scene step by step, and absolutely affirm that the hero's actions are correct.

This is the so-called emotional progression method, the most basic film plot trend process that Hollywood commercial films have always used.

The reason why Hollywood has always been based on the producer-centered system is because producers who do not know how to create are more willing to believe in this set of effective rules.

If the director and screenwriter are the center?
Even if Fang Nan is the director, he still grabs the director's right.

But he still believes that the director should not hold the power of the crew.

The director has too many thoughts and emotions, and the plot of a movie produced by a general director is often easy to go astray.

Wu Baige is a living example.

After he successfully snatched the reins from producer Zhang Jiazhen, his films almost flopped at the box office.

There are too many ideas, and I always want to leave some personal footprints in the movie, and want to bring a literary atmosphere to commercial movies. It is difficult for such movies to succeed.

In China, there are not many directors who really hold the power of the crew and know how to make commercial films, Fang Nan and Zhou Xingxing are the only ones.

Fang Nan is a bug, and it will take a few more years to prove whether his movie box office theory is correct.

Zhou Xingxing really knows how to mobilize the audience's emotions in watching movies.

There is a saying in the circle that Zhou Xingxing can calculate the minute and second of the film he directed to make the audience cry, laugh, and slow down, which shows his skills.

The screenwriter-centric system is a little different.

Script script, the book of a play.

First of all, the script written by a professional screenwriter is not bad, and when the screenwriter has the greatest say in the production team, when the screenwriter orders a director to complete the script content step by step, the probability of the film's success will also increase.

Back on the set, the staff lifted the black curtains that blocked the windows, and a new day of life between John and Pitbull began.

It was bright daylight, and John turned over and got out of bed amidst the barking of the dog. He watched the dog rush to the lawn to defecate, and he turned back to the house and skillfully made a sandwich breakfast for himself.

Back in the bedroom, the dog had already lay down on the bed and was staring at him.

In the days that followed, the dog’s bed changed from a cage to a bedroom floor, so every day at dawn, it would jump on the bed on time, lick John in the bed, and flick his tail.

It follows John to the supermarket for shopping.

It explores the entire villa under John's watchful eye.

Until a group of New York gangsters who took a fancy to John's luxury car sneaked into the villa.

"Hu Ge, sadness and sadness can only be expressed by crying and shedding tears. You throw away the performance style in TV dramas and idol movies."

In front of the monitor, Fang Nan reminded Hu Ge.

After the dog was killed by the gangster, John, who was beaten and incapacitated, had an emotional breakdown. Hu Ge's teary-eyed performance can't be wrong, but it doesn't fit the identity of killing.

It's okay to be sad, but not too much.

The scene here is considered to be the scene in the whole film that most embodies the acting skills of the actors, and Fang Nan doesn't want to be fooled by it.

Hu Ge's comprehension ability is not bad, much improved compared to the filming of "Youth in Youth". After a while, he turned his crying mood to stubborn and strenuously turned his head to look at the motionless Bit on the floor not far away. dog.

"Very well, this one is over."

When Fang Nan spoke, the set immediately relaxed, and Hu Ge got up in time to ask for the autograph of the actor Alfie Allen who beat him up just now.

The two seasons of "A Song of Ice and Fire" produced by HBO have been well-known all over the world. Theon Greyjoy played by Alfie Allen is not the protagonist in the absolute sense, but his performance in the play has been unanimously recognized.

But Fang Nan knew that Theon's bright spot in the play hadn't come yet.

When he meets the cruel little pickpocket and personally serves the woman he loves and consummates the little pickpocket's house, then he will become more eye-catching.

"Director Fang, smoke a cigarette."

Fang Nan took Alfie's cigarette, smiled and stretched out his right hand: "Congratulations, the scene is over."

"A very pleasant cooperation, this is my business card."

Fang Nan took it and looked at it politely before handing it to Lilith.

As for the return of the business card, it is obviously impossible. His identity information, including his mobile phone number, cannot be obtained by just one person.

In order to prevent electronic products from leaking call information, the electronic products he takes out and uses at home, including Gao Yuanyuan's and Zeng Li's mobile phones, computers, and tablets, are all custom-made by Fangnan Culture from BBK and other companies.

It will take some time for both domestic and foreign hackers and hackers to invade his electronic products.

After Alfie Allen finished filming, Fang Nan encouraged everyone in the crew to make persistent efforts. In one more week, everyone will be able to go home for the holiday.

He was trying to seduce everyone, when Guo Fan sneaked up to the side: "Brother Nan, the contract with BMW has been signed, you can find a time to record a scene."

"How much and how long?" Fang Nan asked.

"360 million two-second shots."

"It's okay. After you return to China, you will share it with more than 100 people. Each person will get 1 US dollars. The photography, lighting, and assistant director will get 2 US dollars. The rest will be charged to my personal card."

"Understood." Guo Fan retreated quietly, and Fang Nan let out a sigh of relief.

"John Wick" has MGM's investment, and there is still a certain risk for him to quietly make some extra money, after all, MGM has not been fully acquired.

A week later, all the scenes of "John Wick" were completed in the man-made torrential rain.

This movie is very boring, and there are very few things that can really chatter. To sum up the whole story, a killer killed many people in order to avenge his beloved dog, and finally took another dog home.

Hu Ge was very excited, Fang Nan's films would definitely hit the global market, and "John Wick" would be his first Hollywood film.

For him, the closing time of this film is a very historic moment.

This day is January 2013, 1.

At noon that day, the film crew held a celebration banquet for the group, but Fang Nan was unable to attend. He had to catch a plane to attend the 70th Golden Globe Awards.

It's a bit pitiful to say that there are only two nominations for "The Hunger Games", one for Best Original Song in a Movie, and one for Best Actress in a Drama Movie.

The two awards have nothing to do with him.

However, Liu Qianqian was shortlisted for Best Actress in a Drama Series, and the conference invited him to be the guest of honor for Best Actress in a Drama Movie.

Even Liu Qianqian kept joking about asking him to witness history.

Fang Nan had no choice but to make a trip, so he agreed to the academy, and would go to the 85th Oscars to present the Best Actress award.

Arriving at the Los Angeles Hilton Hotel's Golden Globe Awards Ceremony after a long journey, Fang Nan was one step late. The red carpet time for him, Liu Qianxi, and Taylor Swift had run out, and he could only walk the red carpet alone once when the organizers made every effort.

Unexpectedly, his popularity was so high that there were at least 200 cameras following him all the way to the signing interview position.

The hostess of the red carpet said inhumanely: "Fang, you are late and missed two beautiful female companions!"

Fang Nan smiled and said, "It's okay, we'll walk through it again later."

"Wow, what a great idea, no one has ever done this before." The hostess applauded and then asked, "Will it be a pity that "The Hunger Games" doesn't have a best picture and best director nomination, so who do you think will be the winner?" Tonight's big winner?"

"I don't have any regrets. I think the best director will be directed by Ang Lee. Now I want to ask whether the tiger in Director Ang Lee's "Youth of Pi" is a special effect or a real tiger."

The hostess pointed at Fang Nan playfully: "Ann Li is inside, you will definitely get the answer."

Fang Nan nodded and smiled and walked behind the signature wall.

Entering the infield, the atmosphere suddenly became lively. Thousands of people chatted around the round tables in full swing. The gorgeous dresses worn by the actresses set off the infield like an oversized wedding scene.

Fang Nan, led by the waiters, had just walked to the front half of the place, when an actress in a white tube top dress stopped him.

"Hey, Fang, wish me luck." Anne Hathaway opened her arms and kissed Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was forced to stop and asked curiously, "Which award did you nominate for?"

"Les Miserables, Best Supporting Actress in a Movie."

Fang Nan recalled the meeting and said directly, "Congratulations on your award."

Anne Hathaway covered her mouth with a look of horror: "Ohmygod, thank you, dear."

Fang Nan praised the other party's acting skills and then walked to his desk, but in the first half of the period, he became more acquainted, and within two steps, he was grabbed by Jessica Chastain again for good luck.

This good luck Fang Nan's simulation is ambiguous, there is no way, Jessica Chastain is also shortlisted for the best actress in a drama film with "Assassin's Notes".

Who should Jessica Chastain and Liu Qianqian pick, he scored clearly.

But there is also a problem, Liu Qianqian mostly returned empty-handed today.

Most likely, the conference wanted him to present Jessica Chastain with the award for Best Actress in a Drama Series.

"Assassination Ben**" has such a f*cking theme, and the winners are not the best director, best film and other awards, a leading actress award is essential.

Fang Nan murmured in his heart, "I knew I wouldn't be here".

"Are you late?"

"Hurry up and finish filming "John Wick" before flying to Los Angeles." Recovering his senses, Fang Nan and Li An shook hands, not mentioning whether the tiger was real or not.

Can he still not know whether the tiger in "Youth Pi" is real or not? The water scenes are almost all done in the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

On the way forward, Fang Nan was stopped by George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Leonardo, Quentin and others to chat for a while, until he sat down in his seat .

As soon as he sat down, Liu Qianqian imitated his usual tone and said: "Blood loss, I knew I would never come."

Fang Nan was speechless. He usually joked after the two of them exercised, "One drop of essence and ten drops of blood, this wave of blood loss." Liu Qianqian said that her nomination was obviously not in line with the conversion value.

She is a star, and a star cannot refuse to participate in an award ceremony because of the slim chance of winning, especially an award ceremony that attracts global attention like the Golden Globes.

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