literary world

Chapter 418 Harvey, the time of death is coming

I don't know if it was man-made or unintentional.

At the awards banquet of the 70th TV Movie Golden Globe Awards, the main creators of "The Hunger Games" and "Silver Line Behind the Dark Clouds" sat at the same wine table.

It's normal to share tables, and there must be more or less crews who get invitations.

What disgusted Fang Nan was that Harvey Weinstein was at the same table.

"Silver Line Behind the Clouds" and "Django Unchained" produced by Weinstein Company are also tonight's big hits.

"Hi, Fang Nan."

Fang Nan glanced at Jennifer Lawrence, the heroine of "Behind the Dark Cloud" heroine. In recent years, even in North America, it's rare for people to call him by his first name.

Is this big cousin genuine, stupid, or relying on Harvey Weinstein?
Fang Nan ignored the other party, stood up and patted Liu Qianqian's smooth back, signaling the two to change seats, and he sat next to Weinstein.

Liu Qianqian is not stubborn, she really can't deal with Hollywood's deep-rooted old pervert.

It is also impossible to guess whether the other party will do something out of the ordinary on this occasion.

Liu Qianxi, who was thinking about it, sat next door. Harvey grinned with yellow teeth, turned to Jennifer Lawrence beside him and said, "Lawrence, don't be nervous. Today is only the Golden Globe Awards. Your goal is to win the best award at the 85th Oscar next month." Heroine, I have full confidence in you."

"Harvey, thank you!"

Lawrence was annoyed at Fang Nan's ignorance. Seeing what Harvey said, he could only raise the corners of his mouth in a formulaic manner, making it impossible to see whether he was sincerely grateful to Harvey's patron, or just perfunctory.

Fang Nan stared at the other party through the glass while sipping champagne.

Based on the clues in the tabloids, David tracked down several actresses who may have been molested by Harvey, and may even have had a deep understanding of them, including Angelina Jolie, Pitt's ex-girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow and other Hollywood big names.

The ex-employees who visited Harvey's company also learned that Harvey is indeed a complete ****.

Will such a **** let Lawrence go?

Fang Nan vaguely remembered that Jennifer Lawrence should have won the Golden Globe and Oscar for "Behind the Dark Cloud" and the Oscar.

So will tonight be a breaking point?
Fang Nan took out his mobile phone and sent David a message.

He didn't believe that a woman like Harvey would hold back the movie and not find a tool to vent after winning the award. Judging by Lawrence's expression, she seemed to have limited affection for Harvey.

"I hope you don't go to a hotel where the security is too strict, and I hope the two of you mess up." Fang Nan prayed silently before the awards ceremony started.

The ceremony started, and the 11 TV drama awards were not a surprise.

The three dramas "Homeland Security", "Girls", and "Rule Change", which were recognized as the most popular last year, won all the awards respectively.

The first seven trophies of the 14 trophies in the film category were also won by Warner, Universal, Weinstein, and 20th Century Fox one after another.

Taylor Swift's "Hunger Games" theme song ended up missing out on Best Original Song from a Film.

"Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino for Best Screenplay!"

After the award presenters on stage announced the winner of the best screenplay, Fang Nan clapped along with everyone.

As for Harvey, he took a big gulp of champagne excitedly, got up and gave Quentin a bear hug when he passed by.

There was applause all over the sky, and thousands of Hollywood celebrities on the scene stood up, even if their palms were red, they still wanted to offer their warmest wishes for the friendship of the good friends.

Liu Qianqian frowned tightly, biting her lower lip hard, with a somewhat terrified expression.

Looking at the situation, I also know that Harvey is really in the heyday in Hollywood, with too much influence, but he has his eyes on her again.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about you.

She is not a first-timer who has just stepped into the entertainment industry. She knows the complexity of the entertainment industry, and some harmful methods are hard to guard against.

After Liu Qianqian stepped into the entertainment circle, for the first time, she became extremely defensive and afraid of a person.

In the early years, Huayi hated her so much, she was never afraid.

Under the table, Liu Qianqian clenched her fist anxiously, thinking about going back to China to escape for a while after tonight, when her right fist was held by a big rough hand.

In an instant, the warmth from the back of her hand spread to her whole body, dispelling all the cold brought about by fear, and her whole body felt warm for a moment.

Feeling Fang Nan's temperature, Liu Qianqian couldn't help but smile at the fear just now, how could she forget the man beside her.

Looking at Fang Nan again, he nonchalantly took a sip of champagne at the fat pig-like figure beside him.

Quentin came to the stage to accept the award, Harvey swayed and sat down, his swollen eyes glanced at Fang Nan like a hungry wolf, and then turned to Liu Qianqian.

What surprised everyone at the same table, including Fang Nan, was that Harvey said in an undeniable tone:

"Crystal, you should toast me a glass of wine, no one in Hollywood will refuse my friendship, Quentin, Jolie, Gwen, Lawrence, and you have already refused once."

Before Liu Qianqian could perfunctory the other party, Fang Nan sneered first and said, "Harvey, don't be too confident. To me, you are no different from a fat pig. I told you last time at the Golden Globes not to make random decisions. Are you It really doesn't improve your memory!"

As soon as Fang Nan opened his mouth, the surrounding atmosphere trembled, and the people at the same table suddenly fell into an ice cellar. Taylor Swift, the eldest cousin and the ladies hurriedly got up: "Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

"Sissy, you go to the bathroom too, I'll be on stage to present the awards later."

"Okay." Liu Qianqian nodded to Fang Nan.

Several ladies at the same table left as if fleeing, and Harvey looked at Fang Nan with a more stern look:
"Fang Nan, other than that, I don't know what you, an outsider, want to do recently. I have been based in Hollywood for decades, and some movies from your country have to ask me to come to North America. Hollywood and I are not as simple as you think."


Fang Nan twitched the corners of his lips, and when the two hostesses on the stage looked at him, he smiled brightly and straightened his suits and got up.

"The appearance of the next speaker is so handsome. Compared with him, the young George Clooney is trash. Welcome to Director Fang Nan."

Amid the applause and smiles, Fang Nan hugged George Clooney, who was teased by the host, and then took the card from the staff with the winner on the stage.

Sure enough, Jessica Chastain went to Best Actress in a Drama Series.

Knowing the answer, Fang Nan unfolded the card, prepared some words and smiled, "The following is Jessica Chastain, the best actress in a drama movie, "Assassin's Ben**."

Offstage, Jessica was agitated. Just as she took a deep breath, Fang Nan continued to laugh and said, "Helen Mill's "Hitchcock", Naomi Watts' "Thunderstorm", Rachel Weisz "The Deep Blue Sea" and Liu Qianqian "The Hunger Games."

Fang Nan's humor provoked several actresses to stand up and criticize.

"Okay, here's the real winner, Jessica Chastain from "Assassination Ben**."

As Fang Nan finally revealed the mystery, Jessica Chastain covered her mouth excitedly and stood up for a few seconds before walking slowly towards the stage while hugging her competitor.

During this period, Fang Nan was thinking that domestic translators are also talents.

"Assassination of Ben**" is titled "Assassination of Ben**" in China, but "Hunting of Ben**" in the United States. The difference in one word is enough to show the political attitudes of the two countries towards this hot issue .

"Congratulations, Jessica."

"Thank you!"

After embracing, Fang Nan took the initiative to step aside.

Jessica thanked the crew of "Assassination Ben**", the organization behind the Golden Globe Awards, the Non-North American Media People Organization, and the producer Warner Bros. Pictures.

After the awards mission was over, Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian chose to retreat first.

Bypassing layers of reporters, Fang Nan got into David's car at a dark corner.

"I have a hunch that Harvey must be venting tonight and want to make trouble. What is your plan?"

"It depends on who he is looking for. If it is a rising female star, we can only let it go. If it is not, and Harvey's methods in bed are very bad, we will confirm the identity of the woman as soon as possible, and then attack her as quickly as possible. The line of defense made her trust us and stand on our side."

"Are you alone tonight?"

David shook his head: "Of course not. Before you came, I sent them to a convenience store to buy food. Among the three, one is a private detective, one is a counselor, and one is an independent reporter."

Fang Nan frowned and asked, "How do you break through the woman's defense line? What do you do after breaking through?"

In the flickering SUV, David smiled and revealed a mouthful of white teeth, looking terrifying:
"According to our investigation this year, Harvey is a double-faced person with mental illness, and he often likes to torture the woman when doing things, so as long as we contact the woman as soon as possible, and don't let Harvey promise too many benefits, then we will There is a chance to break through the woman's defense."

"Afterwards, we will arrange for the woman to deliberately cater to Harvey and use recording equipment to collect more strong evidence."

Fang Nan clicked his lips: "The difficulty seems to be a bit high."

"Harvey has stood in Hollywood for decades, and there are many people who want to bring him down, but there is a reason why he has not fallen."

"First of all, his company's public relations and lawyer team are all top North American teams. He himself is a supporter of the Democratic Party and donates to the Democratic Party all the year round. A woman was abused by Harvey and reported to the CIA. The CIA refused to intervene."

"So, bringing down Harvey is not as easy as you think."

Fang Nan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Okay, then work hard, Harvey seems to have realized something, so this person must not end well."

The grievances between him and Harvey are not big in themselves.

His "Parasite" was not sold to the other party, and the other party held a grudge and deliberately hacked him.

Later, he had a bad relationship with Disney, and the other party used public relations methods to disgust him again and again because of his friendship with Disney.

These are actually trivial things. It is normal for the entertainment circle to slander each other. He has also smeared each other with a bunch of directors and companies in China.

Is it normal business competition?

In the end, it was Harvey's eye on Liu Qianqian that made Fang Nan ready to kill Harvey.

In Xiangjiang's early gangster movies, such a sentence often appeared, everything is worse than family members!

From a legal perspective, Liu Qianqian was indeed not Fang Nan's family member.

But in Fang Nan's heart, Liu Qianqian, Zeng Li, and Gao Yuanyuan have the same status, regardless of high or low.

Long You Nilin dies when touched, Liu Qianqian, Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li are Fang Nan's Nilin.

How many men in the world can accept their wives being spied on by other men?

Wu Dalang is so tall and knows how to go all out with Ximen Qing.

"Okay, I'll go down, anyway, it's rumored that MGM has a senior position for you." Fang Nan patted David on the shoulder.

David happily said, "Did MGM win it?"

"Come on, the acquisition is coming to an end."

"Harvey gave it to me, and I promise you will see him go to jail."

"Sure, I'm going down." Fang Nan, who stepped out of the car with one foot, shrank back and said abruptly, "Is there no bug installed in the car?"

David was taken aback for a moment, and then swore: "Of course not, you have to trust me."

"Of course I believe it, go down, and let me know as soon as there is any good news."

This time before David agreed, Fang Nan had already closed the car door and walked away, but in a more secluded corner, after looking around, he walked around to the SUV not far away, turned off his phone, and huddled in the shadows. He stared at the car's every move without saying a word.

Now that he has the heart to harm others, it is even more impossible for him to lose the heart of defense.

Fortunately, until the end of the Golden Globe Awards, he didn't see any bad signs when the SUV started.

Fang Nan didn't sleep much that night, he was dazed for a while when the sun was bright, and then he was woken up by the piercing ringtone of his mobile phone.

David was thrilled that a year of waiting had finally caught a useful fish.

As they expected, Harvey was really excited last night. After a night of tossing and tossing on the road, he had a room with a girl named Ron.

Fang Nan was surprised, he thought it would be the eldest cousin, but whoever thought of it turned out to be another person.

But according to what David said, this Ron is not considered a small role. He has appeared in several low-budget movies and TV series, but unfortunately there is no splash.

Therefore, when she received Harvey's call, she was so excited that she immediately sent the sheep to the tiger's mouth.

It was almost out of shape to be tossed that night.

Knowing what had happened, Fang Nan stopped asking for specific details, and left the next matter to David and the others to deal with. I believe that the real chapter will be seen soon.

"You haven't slept all night, what made you so happy?" Liu Qianqian asked curiously as she came out of the bathroom with her hair coiled up.

Fang Nan took a breath and said perfunctorily, "It's not a good thing, don't ask too much, where are you going to spend the Spring Festival this year?"

"I will go back to Pujiang this year, and my mother will be waiting for me at home."

"Then we have to hurry up and go back, the Chinese New Year is only ten days away."

Liu Qianqian threw off her slippers and sat cross-legged on the bed: "What about you?"

"I have to go to the Berlin Film Festival to promote 'Gravity'."

"Then see you in at least half a year."

Liu Qianqian pulled her belt while talking, Fang Nan's first reaction was greedy and scared, greedy really greedy, I'm afraid it's because she really can't afford it.

Liu Qianqian, in her 20s, is at the age of fighting. She is practicing martial arts again in order to make a good film of "The Hunger Games", and she is full of vitality and energy.

What about him.

He didn't sleep all night, and he was busy for a whole year, and last night he resisted the aggression with all his strength, and it was true that he couldn't make ends meet.

So he could only pretend to be curious: "Why?"

"The second and third parts of "The Hunger Games" were filmed consecutively, and your black-hearted company wanted me for half a year."

While ignoring Fang Nan's company, Liu Qianqian patted Fang Nan's thigh unassumingly, "Hurry up, I'll catch up with my flight sooner."

Fang Nan was depressed: "Why are you all becoming so unrestrained now?"

"Who's to blame? You're so incompetent that you still flirt." Liu Qianqian glared at Fang Nan and got on her horse at the same time.

In the wave after wave, Fang Nan felt for the first time that he shouldn't be so decadent anymore.

Among other things, at least one's own kung fu can't be left behind.

His kung fu dog boxing is a pair of legs. Only by training a pair of strong lower body can he not be ridiculed by three women in the future.

According to the current energy, not to mention picking wild flowers, the house flowers are about to wither.

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