literary world

Chapter 419 The whole world looks at him

Gao Yuanyuan took his son and returned home early.

Liu Qianqian also chose to go back to China for the New Year.

Fang Nan, who stayed alone in North America, traveled to New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Washington DC and other major cities in North America to promote "Gravity", the bitterness of which can be imagined.

Fortunately, there is something to comfort him.

That is, every time the promotional team goes to a city and participates in an event, it is enthusiastically sought after by the local media and movie fans.

In the old capital of the United States, at the promotional event of the Washington Post in Washington, D.C., the reporter asked curiously:

"Many movie fans think the promotional film is very shocking, but because the length is too short, many people are curious about what kind of story "Gravity" tells?"

Fang Nan didn't think too much: "Using the current popular saying, "Gravity" can be regarded as a soft sci-fi movie. The story mainly tells the story of astronauts struggling to survive in space accidents."

"As far as we know, during the filming of "Gravity", it received the joint guidance of the American and China Space Agency. "Gravity" is also the first space movie to be jointly directed by the two space agencies. Is there any favor for you?"

Fang Nan nodded and smiled: "Yes, I am very grateful for the great support from the space agencies of the two countries. Their help solved many difficulties in shooting, thus making the film more logical."

"As for the preference, I think it is because of human yearning for space. This yearning transcends nationality and political restrictions. I personally hope that the two countries will put aside politics and cooperate more in the development of space projects."

"You know, the earth's environment and climate are getting worse and worse, maybe one day we will be forced to travel into space, like "The Wandering Earth"."

In fact, NASA did little help to "Gravity".

But for the sake of money and fame, they are also willing to give Fang Nan their names for publicity and hype.

Everyone benefits each other.

Hearing Fang Nan say that human beings want to wander like in "The Wandering Earth", the reporter, Sandra, and George all laughed. The logic of "The Wandering Earth" is too poor, it's more like a joke.

The reporter asked again: "I heard that there are many famous actors auditioning, Angelina Jolie and Robert Downey Jr., Natalie Portman, Marion Cotillard, Rachel Weisz, Nao M. Watts, Scarlett Johansson, why did you choose Sandra and George in the end."

"Because Sandra just won an Oscar and George is cheaper."

"Ahahaha. Do you want to be so direct?"

Fang Nan spread his hands with a smile on his face: "I am a straightforward person."

"Many people will pay attention to Sandra's first film after winning the Oscar. She can attract more audiences to the cinema. And George, he can help the crew save a lot of money, so their importance to a "Gravity" Sex speaks for itself."

After answering three questions in succession, the reporter pointed the finger at Sandra and George.

The professional ethics of the two are very good, and they worked extremely hard to promote the film.

Especially Sandra, she seems to be very worried about the Oscar curse that has been circulating outside, so she has been desperately promoting "Gravity".

It's not her fault, the Oscar curse is really scary.

Since 2001, the winners of the Oscar winner and actress trophy have not had good luck.

In 2001, Julia Roberts broke up with her boyfriend after winning the award.

Halle Berry divorced her husband after winning the award in 2002.

In 2004, Charlize Theron broke up with her boyfriend after winning the award.

In 2005, Hilary Swank divorced her husband of eight years after winning the award.

In the past ten or twenty years, there have been very few Hollywood stars who have successfully escaped the curse of the Oscars. They either broke up, divorced, or their careers fell into a slump. Anyway, they are very speechless.

After the Washington Post interview, Sandra and George went to the Berlin Film Festival, and Fang Nan canceled the film festival trip and flew to the MGM headquarters in Los Angeles, California.

A month ago, the review team of the Federal Trade Commission of the United States, composed of five Republicans and Republicans, reviewed all the information about Fang Nan.

It was finally determined that Fangnan's acquisition of MGM did not trigger the trade monopoly mechanism.

Fang Nan's family background was too innocent. The inspection team carefully reviewed the more than [-] documents submitted by Yan Hong's team for Fang Nan within seven months, but did not find any clues from beginning to end.

As of yesterday, after confirming that Fang Nan’s shares in AMC Cinemas had completed the deal with Yida and that Chuan Films had no film distribution rights, the EU’s antitrust regulators approved Fang Nan’s acquisition of MGM for US$53 billion without any additional condition.

So far, Fang Nan has successfully taken over the debt-ridden MGM.

He hurried back to the Beverly Hotel in Los Angeles to celebrate this moment.

For such a big acquisition, one can imagine the heavy weight of celebrities on the party.

A number of high-ranking officials from the previous US government came here as lobbyists, bringing their wives and children.

The top executives of the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, the presidents of several major Hollywood factories, and many rich people on the North American rich list also came.

Fangnan's creditors, more than 20 executives from major banks in America and Huaxia, came.

There are also private billionaires, large and small, who hold shares in the original MGM, as well as high-level representatives of the company group.

Among them, Sony, with 20% of the shares, has the most shares that have changed hands.

29% of the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild.

21% of Texas Pacific Group.

20% off Comcast.

At the party with heavy security that night, Fang Nan was not only the most popular person, but also ranked second.

It is inevitable that MGM will go public after its reorganization, and everyone is looking forward to his rejuvenation so as to get a share of the pie.

"Fang, congratulations, you will become one of the 100 most powerful people in Hollywood tomorrow." The CEO of Warner Group raised his glass with a smile.

After clinking glasses, Fang Nan laughed at himself and said, "The acquisition of MGM is only because I don't want my movies to be randomly rated."

"Of course, you have this strength now, no one in Hollywood will make it difficult for you again."

Fang Nan smiled slightly, raised his head and drank the champagne, then took a glass from the waiter and greeted the president of Legendary Pictures.

When the two met, he stated simply and bluntly that he and MGM wanted to match up the battle between "Godzilla" and "King Kong".

"You have the right to initiate a proposal, but it needs the approval of the senior management of Toho Corporation and Legendary Films."

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Next time at the board meeting of Legendary Films, you can disclose the news, and I will talk to Dongbao people later."

After finishing the two sentences, Fang Nan approached Wang Yida again. The other party has now become the head of AMC Cinemas, and is still acquiring the third largest theaters in North America, as well as some European theaters. The world's largest cinema.

Fang Nan approached him because of the movie peripheral counter of AMC theaters.

After a while, he wanted domestic toy companies to produce a batch of monster toys to North America, and he needed the help of AMC theaters to sell them.

Wang Yida didn't understand what Fang Nan wanted to do, but he still said, "It's a lot, it's definitely not good if it's too big."

"Not much. If the quantity is large, it means cooperation between the two parties."

"It should be no problem. I think it's better to find a time to sit down and really talk about how the two companies cooperate."

The film industry in North America has a monopoly mechanism.

In North America, if a company has theaters, it cannot distribute or produce movies.

In the same way, if it is a film production company, it cannot occupy the cinema, otherwise the monopoly mechanism will be automatically triggered.

So Fang Nan needs AMC, and AMC needs the future MGM.

Fang Nan agreed: "In mid-March, I will return to China to promote "Gravity", and we will get together at that time. I just happened to be absent from the Internet Conference this year, and I will drink and apologize for everyone."

"so be it."

Wang Yida took a glass of wine and walked towards a foreigner.

He was as busy as Fang Nan this year, dealing with high-ranking officials and various organizations in the United States and Europe for almost the whole year.

Yida is much more complicated than the company under Fang Nan's name. It has to provide millions of documents to prove its innocence at every turn, and it's a tiring batch after a year.

After parting with Wang Yida, Fang Nan was surrounded by MGM's previous shareholders, and asked Fang Nan about the development plan for MGM.

"The first episodes of "007" and "The Hobbit" have already been released, and the box office response is very good, so I think I will do projects around these two IPs for the time being."

"But I heard from Roger that you sold the production rights of the 3 episodes of "The Hobbit" to Warner, uh, I will put the "Quick Chase" project into MGM, and then develop "The Wandering Earth" "Projects, that's all for now."

The original shareholders, represented by Sony Corporation, were a little disappointed. What they wanted was to promote the film and bring "The Hunger Games" to MGM, and Fang Nan would spend a few months to reorganize the company before listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

They also end up in MGM again.

Who knows that Fang Nan has no plan to hand over the publicity film to MGM, there is no money-making project, and MGM's development is too slow, when will it be easy to go public?
Fang Nan sneered, MGM had many high-end hotels back then, several resorts of different sizes, and the largest movie studio in the world.

There are even luxury casinos in Las Vegas.

The reason why there is only one MGM headquarters building in Los Angeles, and more than 4000 film copyrights, and some famous but not very profitable IPs like "Gone with the Wind", is a large part of the reason why these blood-sucking shareholders.

MGM will indeed go public, but companies that want to get in will have to abide by new rules.

At 12 o'clock in the night, the guests on the party were almost gone, and the rest were almost all drunkards and some small characters, "Let's go too, and drive to the MGM headquarters." Fang Nan said to Yan Hong.

The office building arrived soon, Fang Nan stopped the driver and got out of the car.

Under the light, the glass of the main body of MGM’s soaring building turned gray, but the main entrance and exit glowed blue. “There are five underground floors, 57 floors above ground, and a total of 62 floors. The 1-42 floors are basically rented out, and the 43-57 floors Belonging to the MGM office staff."

Fang Nan was surprised: "There are so many people working? Can they support so many people?"

Yan Hong said with emotion: "There are more than 6000 employees. As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. This is probably the reason why MGM owes 40 billion in debt."

"MGM's heritage exists. If you go up to the top floor during the day, you will pass through a time corridor. On it are all the classic images left by MGM for more than 100 years. It is really touching to see."

Fang Nan nodded and turned to look at Roger, "Roger, from today onwards you are the CEO of MGM. I also know you in the past. You are working hard to fight for MGM after bankruptcy. Everything, I hope you still take MGM as seriously as you did before."

Roger gratefully said: "Boss, thank you for your trust."

"Send me a content development plan for MGM in one month. If possible, let Warner make some concessions on "The Hobbit". MGM wants more investment shares, not just taking own production rights."

"I try to negotiate."

Fang Nan nodded: "I'm going back to the hotel."

That night, Fang Nan slept very soundly. MGM came to his hands a few months later to relieve him of a heavy burden, and also washed away the shame of "The Hunger Games" being rated as an R-rated film.

Because from today on, he is also standing on top of Hollywood.

As the president of Warner Group said, he became one of the 100 most powerful people in Hollywood.

"Hollywood Reporter" publishes a list every year - the 100 most powerful people in Hollywood.

On this list, the presidents of several major Hollywood companies are among the best.

Immediately behind the president of Dachang is the owner of a second-rate film company and a top producer.

Harvey Weinstein is No. 17 on this list.

However, after many media confirmed that MGM was fully acquired by the world's richest Fang Nan for US$53 billion, Fang Nan's influence in Hollywood directly soared to No. 9.

He was just a director before, and he may have a certain say in cooperating with Hollywood, but he only targeted one movie.

Big Hollywood companies and theaters may give him some face. After all, he is a well-known director, and movies can make money. It is obviously impossible to really take him too seriously.

Otherwise, "The Hunger Games" wouldn't have somehow become an R-rated movie.

Fang Nan, who bought MGM, is not ordinary.

MGM is one of the eight original Hollywood studios, with a history of a hundred years, and even the Oscars and Academy were proposed by MGM.

MGM, Warner and other major companies are also one of the administrators of the Hollywood movie rating system.

With this item, Fang Nan's identity has changed from being managed to setting the rules of the game.

And when it became one of the big Hollywood studios, at its most glorious time, MGM's annual production and investment films could reach dozens of films.

So far, he has won hundreds of Oscars and other trophies, and behind the hundreds of awards is a strong network of people. What a huge influence this is.

Therefore, when the news media confirmed that MGM, which had been in financial crisis for many years, was fully acquired by Fangnan, the global media still paid great attention to it.

CNN, "Washington Post", "Wall Street Journal", "The Sun", "Time Magazine", China Central Television, Phoenix Satellite TV and other hundreds of news media and TV stations have reported on this major acquisition.

The "Economic Times" even asserted that Fang Nan's acquisition of MGM would be one of the top ten news stories in China's cultural industry in 2013.

And with Roger’s announcement, MGM will establish a MGM branch company in China, and will reach partnerships with film and technology companies such as China Film, Tangtang Film and Television, Artist Cinemas, and Douyin Video.

After establishing the MGM theater chain in China and investing in and distributing Chinese films, the MGM branch was listed as a key national cultural export enterprise in 2013 by the Ministry of Culture, Science and Technology, and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.

It can be said that throughout February, Fang Nan was the most watched person in the world.

The 85th Oscar was overshadowed by his appearance.

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