literary world

Chapter 420 "Gravity" sweeps the world

Since 2001, the Oscars have been held at the Kodak Theater on Hollywood Boulevard in California.

But with Kodak Theater's parent company filing for bankruptcy protection last year, Kodak Theater's naming rights became Dolby Theatre.

The change of the title sponsor did not affect the starlight of the Oscars. The 85th Oscars were still star-studded, and more than 200 media reporters participated in the event.

On the other side of the ocean, CCTV, Pujiang TV, Phoenix Satellite TV and many other well-funded TV stations and Internet channels also broadcast live across the ocean.

As a result, Fang Nan and Li An became the targets of the Chinese media.

Although Ang Lee's "Youth of Pie" failed to win the Golden Globe Award not long ago, it has won a lot of trade union awards and is the most popular Oscar-winning film this year.

Fang Nan's "The Hunger Games" was only nominated for Best Original Song and Best Original Music.

But he has just acquired MGM and has become the most powerful group of people in Hollywood. Oscar is also three points in front of him, and naturally he is even more enthusiastic about the global media.

"MGM is sorting out step by step, and the current job is to settle the proceeds of "The Hobbit One" with Warner and other partners, so that the company has sufficient funds."

Seeing that Fang Nan had finished answering Cao Kefan's question from Tomato Channel, the female reporter from Phoenix Satellite TV hurriedly asked a more entertaining question: "Mr. Fang, is the woman in charge of the financial power in your family?"


Fang Nan was in a daze while waiting to get in the car. The woman is in charge of the money?
Do you think ordinary people play house?
His bank cards are all managed by a special accountant, what the hell is Gao Yuanyuan managing money?

"Our family is in charge of its own."

Fang Nan finished perfunctory with the Phoenix reporter, turned around and wanted to get in the car, the two entertainment journalists on Douyin couldn't help being anxious: "Boss, we haven't asked our question yet."

"Forget about your own people, next time you win an award, I will record an exclusive interview with you."

Fang Nan got into the car without looking back, and the car quickly reached the red carpet area. He stepped on the red carpet alone and wasted countless films of the reporters on the scene.

Into the Dolby Theater, he seemed more popular than ever, and there was an endless stream of people looking for a hug from him.

Fang Nan thought it was funny.

He has only been in North America for a few years, and the attitude of Hollywood, the world's largest Vanity Fair, towards him seems to be very different from that of Huaxia Vanity Fair, with all kinds of stalking.

But it's also normal, Vanity Fair has always held up the highs and trampled the lows.

If MGM in his hands does not improve, the enthusiasm of many people will automatically fade away.

"Why are you snickering?"

Fang Nan turned his head and saw Anne Hathaway, he grinned and said, "I'm so happy for you, I think you will win the Best Supporting Actress award tonight."

"If it is true, I will find time to treat you to a French meal."

"Why not tonight?"

"You can't make me lose my boyfriend."

Fang Nan was disgusted by Chenggong, women with boyfriends were not allowed to touch, and he immediately pulled Anne Hathaway out of the pastime list in his heart.

The venue of more than 3000 people was quickly filled, and the Oscars, which had to be timed even for their acceptance speeches, started the competition for 24 awards tonight.

The second best sound editing, sound effects, original song, and music awards were quickly given out, and "The Hunger Games" ended with countless grains.

To Fang Nan's surprise, the best original song didn't go to another company. It went to Adele Adkins, the singer of the theme song of the movie "007 Skyfall".


Fang Nan patted the back of Adele who came to beg for a hug.

The rest of the awards are basically obtained by sharing pork from several popular movies this year.

Several movies are "Pi", "Love", "Escape from Tehran", "Django Unchained", "Lincoln", "Les Misérables".

"Les Miserables, Anne Hathaway!"

Soon, the best supporting actress award was revealed, and Anne Hathaway got her wish.

Fang Nan watched her choking on the stage while walking backstage.

"Announce the winners as soon as possible." The staff of the Academy of Art handed out a card with the names of the winners and told Fang Nandao.

Fang Nan curled his lips, he was not interested in acting coquettishly on the stage.

The reason for agreeing to present the Best Actress Award is because the Oscars can make small-budget independent films make money. MGM's future films cannot do without the marketing of the Oscars.

He personally needs ass Oscar exposure.

During the melody of the music, Fang Nan adjusted his suit and took the stage. In front of the microphone, he glanced at Harvey Weinstein, Ang Lee and others, "Let's take a look at the excerpts of the nominations of the five ladies."

A total of 85 people won the 5th Oscar for Best Actress. They and the nominated film are Jennifer Lawrence's "Lifeline of Happiness Behind the Dark Clouds".

Jessica Chastain, "Assassinated Ben**".

Emmanuel Riva "Love".

Quvenzhané Wallis, Beasts of the Southern Wild.

Naomi Watts, "Tsunami".

Fang Nan is also an old director. Looking at the excerpts from his perspective, he couldn't tell the five actors' acting skills were good or bad.

Jessica Chastain's "Assassin's Notes" is the weakest and is not favored.

But just watching the excerpts, seeing her yelling at her subordinates, her eyebrows trembling involuntarily in anger, and talking non-stop, Fang Nan really felt that she did a good job.

The other four people, Emmanuelle Riva, the star of "Love", was born in France in 1927. The movie tells the love of a pair of elderly people in their 80s who never give up after encountering illness in their later years.

This film was the winner of the Palme d'Or in Cannes last year and just won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

If Fang Nan was the judge, the best actress would be given to Emmanuel Wa.

Kuvenzanne Wallis in "Beasts of the Southland" is a little black girl born in 2003. She is only 9 years old this year, and her performance in the film is also quite good.

Naomi Watts is considered a veteran actress in Hollywood. The "King Kong" made her a heartthrob, but even if she played ugly, her acting skills were not as good as Fang Nan's.

"OK, let me see which lady will be the lucky lady tonight."

A simple sentence satisfies everyone's appetite. Under the eyes of hundreds of millions of viewers around the world, Fang Nan gently opened the card and said with a smile, "Jennifer Lawrence, "Lines of Happiness Behind the Dark Clouds"! Congratulations to The Weinstein Company!"

Following the success of "Lines of Happiness Behind the Dark Clouds", "Lines of Happiness" and "Django Unchained" produced by The Weinstein Company have won three awards in a row.

They are the Best Original Screenplay Award, Best Supporting Actor Award for "Django" and the Best Actress Award for "Lucky Line".

The eldest cousin looked very excited, and the white tube top tutu was probably very heavy, so when she hugged Harvey and others on the stage, she fell down on the not-so-steep steps.

Seeing this, Fang Nan hurriedly joined hands with the security guards in the audience to help him up, and guided him to the microphone.

But before the eldest cousin with tears in her eyes opened her mouth to give her speech, thousands of guests in the audience had already stood up, and the Dolby Theater burst into applause like thunder.

"It's amazing, this wave of operations is really profitable, and tomorrow it will definitely dominate the headlines of the global entertainment media."

Beside the eldest cousin, Fang Nan watched coldly and applauded secretly.

Let him believe that the other party did not fall on purpose, it was not intentional, and it has nothing to do with Harvey Weinstein. It is better to tell him that old sows can climb trees.

Think about Mingtian's headlines will become an actress who was born in the 90s and debuted in 07 or 08 and won the Oscar for Best Actress.

And accidentally fell down on the way to receive the award, causing all the guests to stand up and encourage, and a new generation of Hollywood actresses is rising.

Dude, fame and hype is full.

It can also divert the anger caused by the Oscar upset, and steal the limelight from the best director and the film behind.

It would be better to find another actress for comparison.

Fang Nan, who is well versed in hype, thought so.

On the other hand, the eldest cousin was so moved by the guests at the scene that her award acceptance speech turned into a choked thank you to Director Fang Nan for his support, and she kept begging the guests to sit down.

Fang Nan couldn't stand it, he was too teay, Li Bing was inferior to Yi Yi.

Fortunately, Oscar didn't care about this, and when the one-minute-plus testimonial time came, Fang Nan stepped off the stage with a "thud thud thump" because he ran too fast, and he would inevitably be criticized afterwards. He was not a gentleman enough. .

The 85th Oscars came to an end, and "Lincoln" directed by Steven Spielberg won the Best Actor Award.

Ang Lee once again won the best director statuette for "Youth of Pie".

The absolutely politically correct "Escape from Tehran" won the final award for best picture.

Unlike in the past, after the 85th Oscars ended, the discussion about whether the award-winning film deserved its name did not cause much disturbance. The limelight of the night belonged to Jennifer Lawrence, who is affectionately called the big cousin by Chinese netizens.

Fang Nan was also raised twice, thinking that he was not a gentleman enough.

However, compared with Anne Hathaway, his situation is much better, and the scolding is not too much.

Anne Hathaway is really miserable. Almost all netizens around the world think that this woman is too pretentious, and her tea is so good that she is not as real as her big cousin.

The gowns Anne wears are all kinds of ugly, from the facial features to the whole body, there is no place where a single organ can be recognized by netizens.

Literally the best bitch ever.

Everyone in Warner Bros. was stupid, and once asked Fang Nan to kick Anne Hathaway out of the "Interstellar" project.

The turmoil of the 85th Oscar is still going on, and David chased the promotional team of "Gravity" to the UK.

On the night of the Oscars curtain call, Harvey Weinstein attacked Ron again, and he got the recording of the conversation.

"Ever taken a golden bath?"

"No, what is a golden bath?"

"That's it."

After Weinstein finished speaking, there was a series of ding-dong sounds of water drops falling from a high altitude on the surface of the water in the recording and video. Fang Nan looked at David who was rushing to him in confusion.

"He was urinating in the bathtub and forcing Ron to take a bath." David smiled indescribably.

"If the proceedings were to proceed now, how many people do you think would stand up against Weinstein?"

"Three victims have been identified who will come forward."

Fang Nan frowned, puffed out his cigarette and asked, "Which media is willing to report? In recent days, even the European news has been reporting on Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar fall, which shows the relationship between Weinstein and the media."

"A female editor-in-chief of The New Yorker said that once the evidence is true, the New Yorker will take the initiative to stand up and expose Hollywood cancer."

"Don't worry, wait for the next drawing of "Gravity" to start, so as not to affect my movie box office."

David nodded with a smile, and then asked curiously: "Gravity has held two trial screenings in North America and China. How is the feedback collected?"

"It's okay." Fang Nan smiled.

There is still a week until "Gravity" hits theaters.

In order to promote word-of-mouth of the film and save some publicity costs, Lionsgate Films and Tang Tang Films, which have great confidence in the quality of the film, held two trial screenings for "Gravity" and invited some senior film audiences and well-known film critics. People, media people, industry people.

Then the reputation of "Gravity" exploded in an instant.

Starting today, "Variety Show", "Hollywood Report", "China Film News" and other magazines and media commented on "Gravity" with a lot of praise.

The title directly pokes the soul of hundreds of millions of viewers—"Gravity": Another milestone in the film world!
What is a milestone in the film industry!
When the dinosaurs in "Jurassic" met the global audience for the first time, the global audience felt that Steven Spielberg had changed the way the movie was played, and "Jurassic" was a milestone in the movie industry.

When the first "Star Wars" met the global audience, allowing the global audience to see the colorful and diverse cosmic species in Lucas's mind, the audience felt that "Star Wars" was a milestone in space-themed movies.

When the "Titanic" was dumped at sea, audiences around the world were shocked how director Cameron did this pioneering work, and "Titanic" also became another milestone in film history.

By the time "Avatar", another milestone in film history, audiences around the world have been completely convinced by Cameron.

So, what are milestones?
Milestones mean that Fang Nan's "Gravity" will change the audience's filming method of inherent movie impressions, or the special effects of "Gravity" are so good that they surpass "Avatar", which is enough to make people addicted to it.

The evaluation of the media is too high, so high that people can't believe it.

When the evaluations of media people and film critics were questioned, the senior movie fans who participated in the premiere were enthusiastically praised by netizens on social networking sites.

On Twitter, Anna said:
"Yes, I admit, 'Gravity' is the best sci-fi space movie I've ever seen."

On Facebook, some netizens who participated in the test screening commented on "Gravity":
"A soft sci-fi movie, but I fell for it. Years later, "Gravity" will still make people miss it."

If the words of senior movie fans are still not credible, James Cameron personally gave the evaluation of "The plot of "Gravity" can be retracted freely, making people feel like they are in space", but it has to make the global audience dispel "Gravity" Quality concerns.

Thanks to the worldwide reputation, on March 3, "Gravity" is the first to land in North America and Europe.

AMC theaters gave "Gravity" 3575 theaters in the best locations.

At the same time, the IMAX company gave "Gravity" almost all of the hundreds of IMAX screens in North America.

"Gravity", which assembled more than 4000 screens in North America, did not disappoint anyone. In its first weekend in North American theaters, it slashed nearly 6000 million US dollars.

The box office of 6000 million appeared in the March spring file, and Hollywood practitioners were shocked.

They have absolutely no memory of what year the last time this happened.

While the US$6000 million of "Gravity" made North America feel horrified, the word-of-mouth of "Gravity" did not show any downward trend.

The IMDB score is 8.7.

It has a 97% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

"Gravity" received super high praise and super high box office when it opened in North America.

All of a sudden, the world's major film markets and theaters realized that another film would sweep the world.

The most frustrating thing is that this movie that is about to sweep the world is made by Fang Nan.

On the same day, the Huaxia Space Administration officially named a newly discovered asteroid as Fang Nanxing ahead of NASA, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to promoting the world's space industry.

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