literary world

Chapter 421 North American and European Box Office Wins

North America March spring file.

A number of independent films and literary films have been launched under the influence of Oscar awards.

Faced with the siege of independent films with overwhelming reputation, "Gravity" broke through without any suspense and won the North American box office champion for a week.

Among the first 27 regions in Europe and America where "Gravity" was screened, "Gravity" won the weekly box office championship in 22 regions.

To many people's surprise, as the largest film-consuming country in the European Union, it has never looked down on Hollywood commercial films, and French audiences who prefer literary films especially like "Gravity".

In its first three days in France, the box office of "Gravity" broke through 1500 million U.S. dollars, and it is rare to place the old American hardcore ally at No.2.

Nearly 40 authoritative media in France, such as "Cinema Handbook", "Feature", "TV Panorama", "Paris Match", "Le Figaro", and "Le Monde", gave "Gravity" a super high rating. praise.

"Le Figaro" believes that "Gravity" is a perfect combination of film technology and humanistic care.

"Cinema Handbook" commented that "Gravity" is Fang Nan's best film after "Parasite", and it once again focuses on people.

Instead of having a grand proposition like "The Wandering Earth" and "The Hunger Games".

"Le Monde" said that Fang Nan returned to himself. After paying attention to the student group in "Young You" and the low-level people in "Parasite", he once again gave the camera to the vulnerable female group.

The fans of the French media made "Gravity" the box office in France. In the second week of the film's release, the box office fell by less than 20%, which can be described as a great success.

After France, "Gravity" also won the box office championship for a week in Taiwan, ranking No.1200 on the list with a box office of 1 million US dollars in the first week.

What the film crew never expected was that the box office of "Gravity" in Maoxiong Country was not bad at all.

The box office of US$1028 million in the first week ranked third, second only to France and Taiwan.

The impressive performance of "Gravity" in Europe and Maoxiong Country forced the relevant personnel of "Gravity" to increase the road show promotion in North America and Europe again.

The movie is expected to explode at the global box office, and actors such as Sandra Bullock and George Clooney are working harder on promotion.

Fang Nan was also dragged by the propaganda team into European and American communities, schools, women's rights associations, space enthusiasts associations, movie theaters and other associations and venues to watch movies and chat with movie fans, and occasionally to help disadvantaged female groups vocalize.

Everyone's hard-working publicity had a good effect, and the 3D screens in North America and Europe were the first to be insufficient.

Too many viewers have watched the 2D "Gravity" and recommended everyone to watch the 3D or IMAX version, so that a strange image appeared in North America.

All cinemas with 3D and IMAX screens are full of traffic at the entrance, and there is an endless stream of spectators joining the movie-watching team.

On the contrary, ordinary movie theaters are empty.

Even if ordinary movie theaters have a copy of "Gravity", it has increased the number of films scheduled and the movie theater's own publicity, and few people still care about it.

According to the North American box office website TOM box office data.

Among the 6000 million box office of "Gravity" in the first week in North America, 84% of the box office came from 3D screens.

IMAX screens accounted for nearly $1000 million of that.

"Only in 3D theaters can the charm of "Gravity" be brought into play, and the audience can experience the amazing visual effects in person."

On social media, too many viewers posted almost exactly the same correct way to open the movie "Gravity". .

A spectacle has appeared in North America and Europe.

The 3D screen is in a complete emergency, which was not the case when "Avatar" was released.

"Avatar" director James Cameron sighed: "Being knocked down, "Gravity" is indeed the best space disaster movie ever made!"

The popularity of "Gravity" in North America and Europe is not only reflected in the shortage of 3D theaters.

The gender ratio of 55% to 45% of the audience shows that "Gravity" is a space movie with a wide audience.

Thanks to the increasingly strong political correctness in North America in recent years, the actress Sandras Rock of "Gravity" has received strong support from North American female audiences.

She is the winner of the Oscar for Best Actress, and her relationship is experiencing an Oscar spell.

But her performance in the movie is composed and calm.

She saved herself with personal efforts and tenacity.

Her interpretation of missing family and children in the movie moved North American women.

Apart from Sandras Rock, who is well-recognized by Western women, Fang Nan also gained a lot of favor.

His promise was fulfilled.

His "The Hunger Games" and "Gravity" all take women as the first perspective, and each female character is saving himself. The North American female group is very moved, and they almost compare Fang Nan to a friend of women.

Fang Nan was very angry.

As an internationally renowned director, of course he will safeguard women's rights and promote gender equality.

But in North America, safeguarding women's rights is politically correct. Once Wang came to power, the old-American-first policy would follow. The politically correctness at that time would surely offend a group of people.

This is what he doesn't want to see, but he can't change it, so he is very helpless.

But the current political correctness did make him a lot of money at the box office.

"Gravity" landed in North America in its second week, with a box office of 9000 million in seven days, and won the North American box office championship in the second week.

Shoot such niche movies as "Django Unchained", "Sin Fu Line in the Dark Clouds", "Love", "Assassin's Ben", "Lincoln" and so on to death in the waves, not even a corpse can be seen .

"Gravity, which has a box office of 1.6 million in two weeks, has achieved an amazing box office result. It broke all the box office records in the history of the March schedule!"

The editor of the entertainment section of The New Yorker exclaimed.

And the media that received publicity fees such as the "Los Angeles Times" and "New York Times" are still sparing no effort to tout:

"The ultimate audio-visual enjoyment in the cinema, a technical miracle with a deep soul!"

"The best space-themed film in film history, remember! No one!"

"The magnificent visual landscape is hard to describe in words, and the exaggerated to shocking 3D special effects are absolutely a miracle!"

"Perfect creative design, perfect plot layout, which is also mixed with mysterious elegance!"

"The perfect combination of light dance ballet and cold sweat nightmare, the tone of beauty and horror mixed, so that the ultimate romance can be sublimated!"

"It turns out that this film is a great film work, a masterpiece of perfect fit of technology and story line, which has amazing visual effects and love for life!"

The North American and European media continued to be crazy about "Gravity", and the audience was no different.

Fang Nan, a veteran director with all kinds of rainbow farts, couldn't help but feel a little elated and a little worried.

"Hey, I didn't expect "Gravity" to be the most successful movie I copied. After a few years, the movie I worked hard to create is not as high, and I don't know what to do with my old face!"

Realizing this, Fang Nan's mind instantly sobered up.

But there is another kind of movie review, and audience comments still make him happy.

"Who can tell me where Sandara landed at the end of the movie? The subtitles show Huaxia Guilin. I want to ask where Guilin is?"

"Wow, Guilin is really beautiful. It is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in a movie. It is more beautiful than the aliens in "Avatar", and it is as beautiful as the home of the Hobbit in "The Lord of the Rings". But the director told me it wasn't in New Zealand."

"Because of your comments, I watched the 2D "Gravity" again and finally noticed Guilin. Wow, that is really beautiful. Who can give me the specific coordinates? I want to use the summer vacation to travel."

"I know Guilin, which is also a famous tourist place in China, but I don't know why there are birds in Guilin who are willing to stand on the old man's boat and follow the old man's order to go down the river to catch fish."

"It's not called a boat, it's called a bamboo raft. What I'm curious about is that the old man has magic, why he can control birds."

"I am a second-generation Chinese. I asked my parents. They told me that the fishing bird you mentioned is called a cormorant, also called an osprey. The old man's fishing technique has existed in China for many years. It is very ancient and not black magic. , but it seems to be lost.”

On social media, Western netizens praised every shot of "Gravity" and finally noticed the poetic Guilin landscape at the end of the movie.

Fang Nan noticed Fang Nan's "sinister intentions" and discussed them very enthusiastically, which made Fang Nan especially excited.

"Boss, it's time for us to set off."

At the hotel, Fang Nan, who packed his luggage early, nodded to Alex and the others: "Let's go, go home tonight."

The last publicity of "Gravity" in North America was that Fang Nan and Sanders went to a welfare center to visit a group of children who were abandoned by their parents and placed in foster care.

At that time, they will install a complete set of film projection equipment for the welfare center.

Watching "Gravity" with the children, Fox TV will use the live broadcast truck to broadcast the whole process live, and the webcast will be broadcast on Youtube.

Fang Nan and Saunders are both parents, and it will not be difficult to coax their children. Therefore, when the technicians installed the equipment, they quickly got along with the children.

Fang Nan's vivid story of "The Monkey King" attracted the eager attention of the adults in the orphanage.

But from the difficulty of explaining the story, Fang Nan also clearly realized one thing again. It is very difficult for the West to accept the Eastern culture. Even if he does not have any constraints in his life, he may not be able to do it.

He talks about Sun Wukong, and North American children either say monkey, or outrageously call Caesar [the character in "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"].

When he talked about the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the first thing the children thought of was the western dragon with wings.

These are nothing, the most difficult thing is that there is no English to replace the names of the characters in all oriental myths, and the Jade Emperor can only use the Chinese pinyin yuhuangdadi.

Thinking of Bruce Lee's great influence in the world, he only changed the word Kung Fu into KungFu in English, Fang Nan couldn't help but feel a little headache.

There are too many Chinese stories he wants to tell, such as "Shan Hai Jing", "Journey to the West" and so on.

The story is a good story, take out any one, the story is no worse than the western mythology, and the readability is amazing.

But the names of people and places in the story will be the biggest headache for him and North American audiences.

Fortunately, he is mentally prepared for these difficulties, and he is already making arrangements, and he will try the effect when the time comes.

The film equipment was quickly installed and the copy was put in. Fang Nan and Sandra watched a special "Gravity" with the children.

The touching scene of Fang Nan and Sandra cuddling up to the children while watching a movie drew tears from Western audiences through TV and webcast, and then boosted the box office of "Gravity" in the third week.

To tell the truth, Fang Nan felt a little guilty about hyping up the children.

But this kind of thing is normal in North America, Marvel and Disney are experts in it, Fang Nan can only follow the trend, but before he left, he donated a little money to the orphanage, unexpectedly Alex used the media to hype .

Fang Nan didn't say anything, lamenting that people can't help themselves in the world.

It was the first time for Fang Nan to use his own private jet as the means of transportation back to China, mainly because he had just gone through various procedures.

Fang Nan did not participate in the interior decoration of the passenger plane, but Gao Yuanyuan made several trips to the Airbus, and finally she decided to cooperate with Hermes, the brand that she endorsed, to make the interior decoration of the passenger plane a mess of luxury.

The interior color of the airliner is composed of warm colors, black, white and gray. The double bed, dining table, toilet, dining utensils, and even the napkin box on the airliner are all arranged by Hermès. The renovation cost Fang Nan nearly 1000 million US dollars.

Thinking about the estimated cost of the airliner's annual downtime, fuel costs, crew salaries, etc. totaling tens of millions of RMB, Fang Nan almost regretted it.

When Sandra, George, Alex and others raved about the low-key luxury and self-cultivation of the interior of the airliner, the corners of Fang Nan's mouth kept twitching.

"Gravity" hadn't landed in China yet. After landing, Fang Nan and his party couldn't even return home, so they took the lead in participating in the film promotional activities.

At the Diaoyutai State Guest House, Tang Tang Film and Television held a grand film premiere for "Gravity". When Fang Nan and his party arrived, banners on both sides of the road had "Gravity" posters printed on them.

There are huge crowds of people on both sides of the red carpet in front of the hotel, and there are so many fans who come to see the stars and watch the ceremony that they can't see the end at a glance.

Hundreds of internal entertainment stars were invited.

Such a scene really scared Sandra and George.

"Gravity" also spent 3000 to [-] million US dollars in promotional expenses in the North American market, but what they saw along the way were nothing more than promotional posters erected in parks and playgrounds.

Street flyer.

Or marketing on TV or the Internet.

Audiences line up in front of the cinema to see the worst scenes.

But even the team in front of the movie theater is not as powerful as Huaxia's premiere.

On the way to the parking lot, Fang Nan smiled and comforted the two of them: "It's good to get used to it. Chinese people always like to open and close when doing things. It's okay for them to spend more money, but they must do things lively. , have face!"

Tang Tang Film and Television had invited many people, Fang Nan just stepped out of the car, and met Jiang Wen, who was acquainted, and Ge You, whom he didn't know very well.

When Lao Jiang saw Fang Nan, he smacked his lips first, then patted Ge Guangtou who was beside him and swayed over, and when he got close, Lao Jiang smacked his lips again: "Damn, Mr. Fang, you are playing too much now, let the domestic A bunch of old brothers are ashamed."

Fang Nan said disgustedly: "Old Jiang, if you have foreign friends, don't make rough remarks."

Jiang Wen stretched out his hands to Sandra and George, and said, "Brother, I'm expressing my feelings. I can't express my inner agitation without using rough words."

Fang Nan couldn't hold back any longer: "Write a script again recently? He's a set one."

"Hey, that's right. In my case, you're not a rich man. As soon as you eat the film crew's box lunch, the filmmakers have to express their feelings directly."

Fang Nan let out a snort, and said to several people, "Let's go, go in and have a chat. I've been in the west for almost a year, and I'm exhausted."

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