literary world

Chapter 423 Simple and Rough

When Fang Nan and his party landed in Seoul, "Gravity" was raging in Korean cinemas.


According to the trend of the number of movie viewers, "Gravity" has a high probability of breaking through 800 million movie viewers or even higher by the day it is released, accounting for 7%-10% of the total global box office of "Gravity". It is a very considerable income.

As a result, the publisher CJ Entertainment strongly invited Fang Nan and others to fly to Korea to promote it.

South Korea has a small land area, so there are not many roadshows.

In addition to the traditional movie posters, TV and radio marketing, the promotion of movies is more about getting movie actors to participate in various variety shows of the three major TV stations.

Compared with movies and TV dramas, the production costs of Korean dramas are lower, and the three major TV stations have many variety shows with strange contents.

Korean people spend more than half of their leisure and entertainment time watching these variety shows, so there are often so-called national variety shows in South Korea.

Therefore, participating in variety shows to promote movies is the best means of publicity.

In the conference room of the hotel, Fang Nan stroked his chin and looked at "Runningman", "Happy Together", "Infinite Challenge", "Two Days One Night", "Let's Play" and other popular variety shows specially selected by CJ Entertainment , asked: "Sandra, George, are you interested?"

For Sandra and George to appear on variety shows, the first obstacle is language, and they cannot always be accompanied by translators in the show.

Secondly, variety shows are very low-level in Korea, but it has been better in the past two years. Chungmuro ​​actors bow their heads from time to time to promote movies in variety shows for the sake of box office.

A few years ago, variety shows and variety actors were really dog ​​meat in the hearts of Chungmuro ​​actors.

Therefore, whether Sandra Bullock, George Clooney and their agents are willing to participate in variety shows is uncertain.

As for Fang Nan, his status is even more special. The publisher CJ Entertainment will definitely not ask him to participate in any variety show. Being in a variety show is just one of the publicity plans.

Fang Nan himself is not against variety shows.

Tang Tang Film and Television is also doing variety shows, which are the company's main income item.

The purpose of variety shows is to please and enrich the amateur life of ordinary people at the bottom.

His net worth basically comes from the low-level people, so he never dislikes being in variety shows.

I am afraid that not only will it not be funny, but it will also be embarrassing and scolded.

While Fang Nan was pondering, Sandra and George refused to use variety shows to please the audience. Fang Nan nodded and looked at Li Jinxiao: "Besides participating in variety shows, do you have other promotional plans?"

"I'm going to hold a fan meeting at the Seoul Stadium, and I'll invite some Chungmuro ​​filmmakers to sit down, and Director Fang will give a speech when he arrives."

Fang Nan's egg hurts, he would rather record a variety show than give a speech.

The self-esteem of Koreans is too strong. If he can't say a word or two on stage, he is afraid that he will be sprayed, and he might as well record a variety show silently and leave.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan looked up the list of variety shows.

"Runningman" was introduced from China, and he had participated in it before, so it's not easy to act.

"Infinite Challenge" seems to do some inhuman things.

"Which station is "The Birth of a Family" and what is it about?" Fang Nan asked Li Jinxiao.

"A program on kbs station "Happy Sunday" mainly presents the original ecological life of artists to the audience, and some farm work is required in the program."

"Shouldn't it be "The Longing for Life"?" Fang Nan thought for a while, and felt that "The Birth of a Family" was pretty good, so don't laugh, just do some work and leave, "The speech is fine, I'll record an episode of "The Birth of a Family"."

After speaking to Li Jinxiao, Fang Nan turned to Hu Wen: "You can call the legal department and the copyright department. The company can introduce "The Birth of a Family". This program is good."

Fang Nan was confirmed to star in "The Birth of a Family", the happiest thing was KBS TV station.

The program team that received the news really spent the night thinking about how to use Fang Nan's fame.

After the event, everyone had dinner until midnight. Li Jinxiao suggested singing karaoke, sauna, hotel, and even hinted at more outrageous extreme enjoyment activities, but Fang Nan refused.

He is almost feminine, but he can also be divided into feminine.

If you are willing to enjoy in moderation, you will also score what kind of enjoyment.

Returning to the hotel after avoiding many activities, Fang Nan still enjoyed beauty shiatsu.

"You don't want to have a boyfriend and get married?"

The cozy Fang Nan asked Han Jiaren.

Han Jiaren said generously, "Wait until the day when the people don't accept me as an actor."

"Besides the fact that it seems difficult to retire voluntarily. I heard from Hou Weidong that you starred in "Gwanghae, the Man Who Became King" last year, which had 1200 million viewers. Now you are a proper national actress."

"Yes, President Hou recommended me to CJ Entertainment to star in "The King's Man"!"

While Han Jiaren was speaking, she lightly parted her vermilion lips, and blew a puff of hot air into Fang Nan's earlobe: "So tonight, you are my king, my man!"

Fang Nan instantly.

The master reader in front of the screen thinks about it, a glamorous beauty, a national goddess in the eyes of outsiders, a pure goddess, suddenly says "you are my man, my king", should she stand up immediately to pay her respects?

Seeing that Fang Nan was forced to bow his waist, Han Jiaren smiled lightly, and the battle was about to break out.

The next day, just after dawn, the directors and hosts of "The Birth of a Family" Liu Zaishi and Li Xiaoli rang Fang Nan's guest room. When they heard of the visitor, Han Jiaren chose to take a bath first, and Fang Nan let him in.

The arrival of the three of them was no big deal, they mainly asked Fang Nan if he had any taboo games, so he handed over the recording script.

Fang Nan watched it for a while, and there was nothing wrong with it. It was confirmed that he would jump in line to participate in the new issue of "The Birth of a Family" tomorrow.

At the same time, Sandra and George continued the road of publicity and rushed to Singapore.

The new episode of "The Birth of a Family" was recorded in Weiyan Village, Chungcheong-do. It was the first time for Fang Nan to enter the Korean countryside. Looking at the winding trails and haystacks was quite fresh.

The show has 6 hosts, two women and four men, mainly Liu Jae-shik and Lee Hyo-ri.

As guests, Fang Nan and Lin Yun'er happened to be divided into two teams of eight to complete the task assigned by the host.

The tasks of the host family are: making syrup Korean fruit, weaving reed boxes, housekeeping

Family games: stick to the ice, burn the moon house, write a wish letter, family percussion, fight for a sleeping position.

Family dinner: making five-grain rice, barbecue, mustard soup, cold dishes
The tasks and games were inexplicable to Fang Nan, but fortunately, he just followed suit. During the period, he even learned to drive a tractor and took a group of people to the fields to cut green bamboos.

In the evening, he dragged out the old popcorn machine and popped two pots of popcorn with a bang.

The most interesting part was the eight people sleeping on the floor. Because of his presence, almost everyone stayed up all night and whispered all night.

After the screening of the new episode of "The Birth of a Family", the Korean people gave great enthusiasm,
The so good program effect also made "The Birth of a Family" get a ratings as high as 11.4%, ranking first in the ratings of the day.

Fang Nan's performance in the program was not outstanding, he just did some work within his ability to take care of the three girls.

But it is this plainness that has gained great enthusiasm from the Korean people.

He learned how to drive the tractor to carry people on the road in a few minutes, which once made Liu Zaishi and others tremble with fear, their faces turned purple, and they wanted to jump out of the car and leave when there was a slight bump.

He puts his head down and works hard in cotton gloves, without the airs of a billionaire international director.

The coolness of him popping popcorn.

Explain to everyone the seriousness of saccharin.

The knowledge involved in the conversation before going to bed makes people fascinated by this man.

Fang Nan, a man with profound knowledge.

A pure person.

A director who comes from the people and is willing to go to the people!
Fang Nan's participation in "The Birth of a Family" really made a good move, and his popularity has really increased. He has gained a lot of popularity in Korea because of "Parasite".

Now, his unpretentious style of life and his dealing with others are even more popular among Korean aunts.

Even those sunspots shut up because of Fang Nan's attitude in "The Birth of a Family".

It's really not bad, even if the idols in China would be too dirty to hold a bundle of firewood, Fang Nan, a big director, does what he says, without dragging his feet.

And he seems to know everything, driving a tractor, blowing popcorn, playing the guitar, a man like a fan.

When the new issue of "Birth of a Family" became popular in Asia, the Asian box office of "Gravity" also rose.

In China, the movie box office exceeded 5 million yuan.

In South Korea, the number of moviegoers went straight to 500 million.

In Japan, the movie box office has also risen a lot, approaching 4 million yen.

North America and Europe did not receive "The Birth of a Family", but the box office is also making steady progress, approaching 3.5 million US dollars.

Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other places have almost gone up again. CJ Entertainment, Hu Wen was overjoyed: "Brother Nan, I still have to participate in variety shows. The effect is great. Now you are in Korea, you are a treasure boy."

"Boy?" Fang Nan rolled his eyes, his hair was black, but fortunately, there are many people who like him.

"Pack up and go home."

Before leaving, Fang Nan went to Han Jiaren's apartment. While accepting the service, he also prepared a surprise for her.

He used the millions of dollars he earned from filming "John Wick" to buy a villa for Han Jiaren in South Korea's most prosperous Gangnam-dong.

"Ouba, don't give up, it's too much."

Korean actors are worthless, and the remuneration of actresses is terribly low. It has risen again in recent years, but it is a bit exaggerated to pay a few million dollars. Converted into Korean won, it is several billion.

Fang Nan smiled and shook his head: "Take it, you deserve it, no matter what you decide in the future, the villa will belong to you, but call me in advance."

"Maybe we are really together?"

On the sofa, Han Jiaren lay down on Fang Nan's lap and hesitated.

She also watched "The Birth of a Family" carefully. To be honest, "The Birth of a Family" made her understand the man in front of her better.

Then in her heart, it was like the evaluation of Fang Nan by a Korean netizen in the past two days. A man who is obviously high and unattainable, but does low things and is willing to walk with low people. Fang Nan is a fan man.

Such a man is full of charm, full of curiosity, and more charming.

She also inevitably sinks.

Fang Nan pondered, and finally shook his head: "It's better to say goodbye, I already have three women, can you accept it? If you can bear the loneliness, I'd like to give you a lifetime of wealth and carefree life, but you also Correspondingly, a lot will be sacrificed.”

"I'm ready."

Fang Nan lowered his head and took a serious look at Han Jiaren who was facing up, "Huh?"

"Really!" Han Jiaren rolled over and unzipped Fang Nan's zipper.

When the plane crashed into the clouds and turned a blind eye to the city below, Fang Nan, who was lying on the bed facing the plane window, was a little melancholy. He didn't take any safety measures before boarding the plane.

"Boss, are you dressed yet? The plane is stable. Ms. Yun'er, who would like to visit inside?"

Fang Nan withdrew his thoughts, and said to Xiao Zhu who was calling outside, "Come in."


"You're screaming weirdly, call something else." Fang Nan smiled at Lin Yun'er and the others.

After Sandra and George left the team, the plane was empty. It happened that Girls' Generation was going to hold a concert in Huaxia, so Fang Nan took them with him.

Who made the organizer of the concert be Fangnan Culture under his name?

"Then my name is Brother Nan." Lin Yuner smiled happily.

Fang Nan turned over and sat up: "Whatever you want, take a look, there is actually nothing to see inside, just a bed, some messy little facilities, but you can watch movies."

Li Yun'er and the others didn't watch any movies, but were interested in the introduction of the airliner in the cabinet, as well as some magazines and periodicals. After getting Fang Nan's consent, each of them sat by the bed and chatted.

Fang Nan was bored, so he asked the flight attendant to serve a few glasses of red wine and watch the clouds while drinking.

"Brother Nan, the flight attendant you chose is a foreigner, and they seem to be very old." Lin Yuner was curious.

Before Fang Nan could explain, Jessica from the girls' team shouted, "The flight attendants of Western airliners must be old and experienced. Only Asian flight attendants choose pretty faces."

Fang Nan couldn't understand so much Korean, so after drinking the red wine, he tilted his head and pointed out the window, and soon fell asleep smelling the smell of perfume.

The eight women chatted a lot around the man on the bed, Fang Nan was still unaware that the passenger plane landed safely, he and a few people got on the car and rushed to Yonghe Villa.

"Hey, if I knew you were coming, I wouldn't have rushed back to pick up my daughter." Seeing Fang Nan, Zeng Li sighed.

"What do you mean? Why do you still feel wronged when you pick up your daughter? I can't wait to pick up every day. Besides, isn't it usually my aunt who picks up?"

Zeng Li rolled her eyes at Fang Nan, who was standing and talking without back pain: "In the afternoon, Auntie said that the school didn't know what was going on, and she wanted to donate money to some charity organization. I can't ask in person?"

"Just donate money, how much can a primary school student donate?" Fang Nan said nonchalantly.

"During the phone call at noon, my daughter said that many of my classmates are at least 1000!"

"How much?" Fang Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then cursed angrily, "It's a good school, donating more money than others."

"Shaohu Liai Lie, do you want to go or not, I will go by myself."

Fang Nan slammed his mouth: "Go."

When they arrived at the school, Fang Nan didn't get out of the car. Zeng Li, as a parent, donated 1000 yuan and led Tso Wanzhuo out.

"Dad, it's been a long time since you've been on a business trip." Thong Wanzhuo said after seeing that the co-pilot was occupied by Fang Nan, and took the initiative to sit in the back seat.

Fang Nan said to Zeng Li, "Did you hear me, my daughter is a little dissatisfied."

"What's the use of telling me, she's blaming you, not me."

"That's true." Fang Nan nodded and said to Tso Wanzhuo, "This time I'm busy, I've been in America for several months."

"I thought it was my aunt who didn't let you come over."

Fang Nan was taken aback, and carefully glanced at his daughter, seeing her bright eyes, as if she knew why he was on business trips all year round.

Fang Nan couldn't help but sigh, a smart child is also a trouble.

"That won't happen. Although your mother and I are divorced, no one in this world can stop me from meeting your mother and you." Fang Nan turned his head and said firmly.

Unexpectedly, Zeng Li trembled in fright, did she really say it so simply and rudely?

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