literary world

Chapter 424 Endorsement

At the dinner table in the evening, Zong Wanzhuo seriously asked Fang Nan if he did something wrong and should not donate to the charity foundation.

Fang Nan quickly denied it, and praised his daughter for being caring and doing well.

It is true that there are many so-called charitable funds on the market, many of which are private funds that use the kindness of others for their own benefit.

But even so, Fang Nan couldn't tell the child the truth and make the child lose his kindness.

There is such a story in the book "I Want to Lie" written by Mr. Lu Xun before his death:
One day, Mr. Lu Xun met a little girl who was collecting donations for the victims of the disaster. At that time, she was under the corrupt rule of the Kuomintang.

Therefore, Lu Xun knew clearly that the money raised by the little girl could not fall into the hands of the victims, and her donation was completely meaningless.

But in the face of this enthusiastic and innocent child, Lu Xun could not tell her the truth.

Not only could he not say it, Lu Xun also said to her: "Son, what you do is very valuable, and I will definitely support you."

This is a white lie.

After dinner, Fang Nan originally wanted to chat with Tso Wanzhuo about the relationship between him and Zeng Li.

The extremely smart Wan Wanzhuo refused to participate in the affairs of the adults on the grounds that she was in a hurry to go to the hobby class. Fang Nan scratched his head and said, "Okay, then you can go."

"Our daughter is terribly smart after being literate. Sometimes I don't even know what's going on in her little head."

On the sofa, Fang Nan yawned at the backs of his aunt and Thong Wanzhuo: "What are you thinking? I am crazily absorbing knowledge and curiously spying on the world. It will be fine in a few years."

His daughter is indeed unusually smart and calm.

After the summer vacation, he was only in the third grade, but he was already reading books in the fifth and sixth grades, like a legendary genius.

"What are we going to do?" Fang Nan kicked off his shoes and curled up on the sofa and asked Zeng Li.

"You take a shower first, I'll make a cup of tea."

Fang Nan scratched his head at Zeng Li's winking eyes: "Old couples, why are you so shy, let's wash together, and you can save some water bills."

"Fuck you, no one is right."

Although she was spurning Fang Nan, Zeng Li's actual actions were very honest. She stepped on her slippers and went into the bathroom to fill more than half of the bath with warm water.

After exhausting all their strength and stirring up the small bathing pool with huge waves, the two hugged each other and enjoyed the rare two-person time.

Fang Nan talked about the release of "Gravity".

"Gravity" has been released in North America and Europe for more than 40 days, with a cumulative box office of nearly 5 million US dollars.

It has been released in some parts of Asia for nearly a month, with an Asian box office of 1 million U.S. dollars. The North American box office website tom has raised the global box office of "Gravity" to 2.5 million U.S. dollars.

If the box office in the Middle East, India and other places is still strong, the box office of the film may exceed US$10 billion, and "Gravity" will become the highest-grossing film since Fang Nan's directorial career.

Probably ranked more than 20 in the history of global movie box office.

On the other hand, the final production cost of "Gravity" was only 1 million US dollars, and Fang Nan's film director's salary was 500 million US dollars plus 2% of the global box office share.

He didn't earn much this trip, but he also gained nearly 3000 million.

The biggest gain is that the market value of several companies under his name skyrocketed due to the super high box office of "Gravity".

The stock prices of Douyin Video and Dream Literature once rose by the limit due to the investment in the box office blockbuster movies "The Hunger Games" and "Gravity" by the parent companies behind them, Guangying Technology and Fangnan Culture.

One can imagine the benefits that Fang Nan received as the real controlling shareholder of several companies.

How much money he has earned and how much his net worth has increased in the past few years, he can't calculate it at all, and he has no idea.

He always has no money, but the companies under his name are all fat, and he is shocked when he sees the salary and dividends of the president at the end of the year.

When Fang Nan talked about work, Zeng Li chose to chat about lighthearted gossip.

The live broadcast of Wang Dazhi and Dong Jie's passionate kiss stunned the insiders.

The people eating melons didn't lament the depth of the two people's concealment, but commented that Dong Jie blindly found such an ugly man as Wang Dazhi, and arranged the man to be the most ugly man in the universe.

Then there is the love affair of her old classmate Zhang Ziyi.

Zhang Ziyi and CCTV host Xiao Sa came together, but this relationship is still not favored.

"Do you know? Zhang was revealed by the media to have seven children. If it is confirmed, the fine for extra birth may reach hundreds of millions of yuan."

Zeng Li patted her chest with fear on her face, and the broken tranquility of the mountains gave birth to waves of waves.

She was also thinking about having a second child, but Lao Mouzi immediately dismissed her thoughts when the incident happened. On the one hand, the child's status is embarrassing, but on the other hand, she really can't bear it.

Fang Nan wasn't surprised at all: "Sooner or later, he and Zhang Weiping will have a complete quarrel. If he doesn't punish anyone, there will be a lot of bullshit in the future."

The two chatted with each other until the hot water was refilled twice. It was time for the girl to come back from the hobby class before leaving the bathroom in a hurry.

In the bathroom, the work was done, and the two of them slept peacefully that night.

The next day, Saturday, Thong Wanzhuo didn't have to go to school, so Fang Nan took his daughter to teach the Taoist 'Eight Parts of King Kong' in the yard.

After finishing a set of 'Eight Part King Kong', Zong Wanzhuo's complexion was rosy and full of energy, but Fang Nan was sweating profusely and panting.

Seeing the two completely opposite images of father and daughter, Zeng Li, who was sipping tea under the eaves, couldn't help teasing Fang Nan: "You look a bit embarrassed, you're a boxing master, you're sweating profusely."

Fang Nan glared at Li Zi, who was standing and talking without back pain, then squatted down and said to Tso Wanzhuo, "Girl, this set of punches should be done every morning, and it must match the breathing method I taught you. In addition, you can't use your full strength in the future." Fight with classmates."

"Pear, the phone is ringing."

Zeng Li stood up and listened: "The ringtone seems to belong to you."

Leaning slightly, Fang Nan took the mobile phone from his aunt: "Xiao Zhu, what's the matter?"

"Boss, an earthquake just happened in Sichuan Province."

"Ah?" Fang Nan was startled, took out his phone and found that the time showed 4.20, he couldn't help but feel that he was really old and didn't remember anything.

After a pause for a few seconds, he said clearly: "One: Call Yan Hong, Cai Yinong, Lu Qing, and Cao Guozhong, and get them ready to actively respond to the country's call to donate money and materials."

"Two: The items donated by several companies such as Tangtang Film and Television must be mainly medicines, solar generators, bright flashlights, and a small amount of tents."

"Three: In the name of my president, I sent an internal statement to several companies. Unless they are locals in Sichuan Province, it is not recommended for employees to take leave or absent from work to go to Sichuan Province as a volunteer."

After two earthquakes in Sichuan Province, countless kind-hearted people from all over the country donated money and materials to the rescue team.

There are so many old clothes, instant noodles, and mineral water that the logistics base is filled, and even some corridors are lined with instant noodles, water and so on.

The real situation is that when the things arrive in the local area, the basic living security of the local area is almost solved.

Mountains of instant noodles and water are easy to deal with as long as they are not expired. How many people are willing to buy old clothes?

After being left for a long time, the smell is smoky, and the locals can only choose to throw it away secretly or burn it.

Some volunteers are also particularly outrageous.

They obviously have no experience in mountain walking, but they rushed into the mountain regardless. Instead, they became people in need of rescue, wasting a lot of energy of the rescue team.

But what Fang Nan couldn't bear the most was that some people put on the names of volunteers to put on a show and eat human blood buns.

Among them, capitalists and entertainment industry workers are the most fond of it.

After hanging up Secretary Zhu's phone, Fang Nan's cell phone could not stop ringing anymore, he smiled helplessly at Zeng Li: "Clean up and go back there first."

Zeng Li nodded happily: "Go back quickly, understand the specific situation, and contribute more if you have the ability."

Unlike Thong Wanzhuo who was obviously smart, Fang Nan looked at his son Fang Qin like a fool no matter what.

He walked from the front yard to the back yard, Fang Qin was holding the door frame and just staring at him like that, without moving for a while without shouting, just staring at him like that.

"Where's your mother?" Fang Nan asked after putting down his luggage.

Fang Qin's little finger pointed to Gao Yuanyuan in front of the computer in the bedroom.

"The news said there was an earthquake." Gao Yuanyuan turned her head and said.

Fang Nan nodded: "I already know."

In the face of natural disasters, they can actually do very little, except to donate some money, they can only sit and wait for good and bad news ahead.

"The Actors Association calls for donations, should we donate together or separately?"

"Donate the Chinese box office share of "Gravity"."

"Gravity" has been released in China for 29 days, with a total box office of 11 billion yuan, and he can finally get more than 1000 million yuan.

For three days in a row, Fang Nan didn't do anything, and kept scrolling through the TikTok live page, waiting for the latest report from the reporter in front of him.

Then, correspondingly, a series of instructions were issued to the company's high-level managers in charge of preparing materials to ensure that no one cheated, cheated or slacked off.

It was not until the end of the mourning day on the 27th that he resumed his normal life and work.

Because of natural disasters, the box office results of "Gravity" were temporarily forgotten by people, thus reducing a lot of publicity.

Fang Nan didn't complain. China's box office of more than 1 million U.S. dollars is hard to come by, and the box office of domestically produced films is only 5 to 6 million yuan.

After the days calmed down, Fang Nan actively communicated with the two crews of "Interstellar" and "Jurassic World" about the preparations, while doing parent-child activities with his son and daughter.

He and Teng Wanzhuo went to Uncle Yu's horse farm to practice horsemanship a few times, and exchanged boxing and kicking moves from time to time.

Together with Gao Yuanyuan and Fang Qindai, we just went to the playground, Ocean Park, and supermarkets.

"Cao Guozhong is very good at doing business. He opened an artist boutique supermarket in the CBD, where he can exercise, drink coffee, fresh food, watch movies, eat, drink and relax."

In a newly opened boutique supermarket in Chaoyang, Gao Yuanyuan never forgot to praise Cao Guozhong for his shrewdness while picking brightly colored fruits.

Fang Nan was not happy anymore, he sneered as he pushed the cart and guarded his son: "If the artist goes out of business one day, it will be in his hands."

Cao Guozhong is an ambitious man, too ambitious to give up any money-making projects.

Fang Nan originally positioned artists as movie theaters plus boutique supermarkets, instead of imitating Yida as an urban commercial center. Too many debts and extremely slow return of funds will seriously reduce the company's ability to resist financial risks.

Cao Guozhong listened, but not fully.

If the artist Shangchao in his hand is an APP software, he is now constantly adding small programs inside the APP.

Movie theaters, boutique supermarkets, gyms, cafes, distribution companies, warehousing and logistics, and fruit orchards of thousands of acres or ten thousand acres in cooperation with provinces, cities and counties.

The artist theater chain is now bloated like a big fat man.

Fang Nan is not afraid of losing money, but he is afraid that one day it will affect people's livelihood.

"Master, pick me a sea bass and steam it at home."

Fang Qin, who had already forced a small cart full of goods, raised his little feet, and Gao Yuanyuan gave the last shopping order.


The master promised readily, and he is also very skillful in caring for the fish. The flying fish scales look pleasing to the eye.

After squatting at home for a few more days, Fang Nanfei went to Pujiang. He will stay in the "Interstellar" crew for a few months, so he has to inspect the company under his name.

Tian Peng was the most enthusiastic person to meet Fang Nan.

During the New Year's Eve, "The Return of the Great Sage" and "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" landed in domestic theaters one after the other. When everyone was not optimistic about the first domestic 3D animation, "The Return of the Great Sage" broke out. Eye-popping box office potential.

"Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" had a box office of 7500 million on the first day, and broke 1.5 million in two days.

The box office of "The Return of the Great Sage" was 3300 million on the first day, and broke 8000 million in two days.

Every time Zhou Xingxing's "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" rises by 12 million, every two or three days, "The Return of the Great Sage" will also gain [-] million in box office. The two films come and go. In the end, "Journey to the West" won [-] billion in box office.

And "The Return of the Great Sage", which no one is optimistic about, set the final box office at 8.5 million without haste.

Film and television companies, theaters, and many practitioners in the industry feel their scalps tingling.

It feels incredible.

Who would have thought that a domestic animation would sell for so much money?
Tian Peng became famous, and the 13 swordsmen under the name of Guangying Technology made domestic film and television practitioners feel a sense of fear again.

Fang Nan didn't mention it.

A god-like figure, it doesn't matter if the films he directed earn box office all over the world.

An animation department in a company under his name can actually make such a big splash. It really makes people feel powerless and helpless, and they don't know how to fight against it.

"Isn't there a script? Let's continue to use the characters in Journey to the West to create movies."

Tian Peng smiled wrinkled his face: "Understood, I just want Mr. Fang to read the script of "Nezha"."

"Don't worry about it, rely on your own efforts. All depend on me, who will I count on when I die one day?" Fang Nan said angrily.

Several companies have the current situation, and his importance in them is self-evident.

But what he wants is a century-old company with a good system, not a nouveau riche company that uses the things he plagiarized to make a fortune.

After teasing Tian Peng, Lu Qing stood up again: "On October 10st, "Douyin Video" will be launched in China, and the trial version will be opened in North America and Europe. In order to make a big hit, several of our senior management discussed and decided to invite you, the boss, to be the spokesperson."

Fang Nan glanced at the other party: "Forget it, you can't afford it!"

"how is this possible."

With a look of disbelief, Lu Qing immediately dialed Yan Hong's number, and after a brief exchange, he pinched his nose and put it down resentfully.

Yan Hong opened his mouth and asked for 5000 million US dollars, which they really couldn't afford.

"Invite more celebrities from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the effect will not be worse than inviting me. In the information age, children are all on the Internet. Once they have a crush on a celebrity, you can't imagine the madness."

On the way to the cafeteria for a walk, Fang Nan gave Lu Qing a piece of advice.

"You recorded "Happy Comedian" again? How many seasons have you recorded?"

Shen Teng, Ma Li and a group of comedians were bumped into in the elevator, Fang Nan looked at them and asked with a smile.

"Recording the third season in a few days, I have been reviewing scripts for the past few days, and I ate in the cafeteria along the way."

While Shen Teng was speaking, he kept punching Ma Li's back. Ma Li didn't know what to do, she raised her temples and said in embarrassment, "Brother Nan, Brother Teng, that movie."

Fang Nan patted his forehead: "Wan Duzi, I completely forgot, it's been a few years, why are you asking this?"

Shen Teng bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Boss, are you busy, don't be in a hurry."

"You ask the screenwriter to change your stage play "Charlotte Annoyance" into a movie script, Ma Li, do you have enough money?"

After Fang Nan finished speaking, Shen Teng's face froze.

He has been waiting for someone's movie script for several years, but what he waits for comes to him is that he is too familiar with it. He has acted in many stage play scripts and has to write them himself.

"Yes, yes, Twist has a lot of money in his account."

As Ma Li quickly returned to Fang Nan, her face turned pale, as if Shen Teng, who had been energized, hit a heavy hammer from behind.

She knows Shen Teng's mental journey very well.

When he was young, he was chosen by Fang Nan to play the leading role in "The Richest Man in Xihong City" and became an instant hit.

Afterwards, he retreated bravely and willingly returned to stage play for further studies in order to become popular, and his intentions can be described as hard work.

It's just that he never expected that his second movie would be so difficult and he couldn't figure it out, so that his psychological defense almost collapsed.

"Why did you come here? Why did I come here? Back then, I should have hugged my thigh tightly. If I insisted on being hypocritical, what I got in return was a dark future."

After Fang Nan stepped out of the elevator, Shen Teng said to Ma Li that he wanted to cry without tears.

At the same time, Fang Nan received a call from across the ocean.

David's team's investigation of Harvey Weinstein was discovered, and Harvey Weinstein launched a strong counterattack. For the safety of everyone's life, they and the "New Yorker" will soon expose a series of scandals about each other.

The purpose of the call was not only to inform Fang Nan, but also to strengthen Fang Nan's security. It was best not to go to North America in the near future.

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