literary world

Chapter 425 The Devil's "Little Times" The Thunder Rolls

Liu Qianqian from the crew of "The Hunger Games 2" in Hawaii contacted Fang Nan.

A real audio recording of "The New Yorker" exposed the real side of the famous Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

He has been arrogant and domineering for decades, uttering wild words to many women regardless of the occasion.

He used his power to forcibly and semi-coerce Hollywood actresses into bed.

There was an uproar across the United States for a while.

Who is Harvey Weinstar?

Meryl Streep referred to him as "God."

In the decades since he entered Hollywood, he has produced and distributed films nominated for more than 200 Oscars, and finally won more than 60 Oscars, including "The King's Speech", "Shakespeare in Love" and many other familiar works.

A few months ago, "Xinfu Line Behind the Dark Clouds" produced and distributed by his company was still at the Golden Globe Awards and Oscars, helping Jennifer Lawrence win the Best Actress Award, which was very beautiful.

Unexpectedly, within a few months, Harvey was suddenly pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

Compared with the previous black material about Harvey's true and false, this time, the media smelled blood like sharks.

So even though Liu Qianqian was far away from the crew in Hawaii, she did not escape being questioned about being harassed by Harvey at the Golden Globe Awards.

Not only Liu Qianqian, but all the actresses who had contact with Harvey were chased and intercepted by the reporters.

"Speaking openly, the cover-up makes people feel that they are trying to cover up. Don't be afraid, I will kill Weinstein once and for all. He has no chance of turning over."

Putting down the phone, Fang Nan received a pleading call from Matt Damon.

Matt Damon is also famous because of Harvey, Fang Nan is not surprised.

But how could he admit that he spent money and effort to make Harvey die.

"Director Fang, it really has nothing to do with you?"

Matt Damon, who was far away in North America, looked puzzled. He believed in Harvey's judgment. After all, the other party was also a man with good hands and eyes. Since he asked Fang Nan to seek peace, Fang Nan must not be an enemy who was born out of lust.

Fang Nan said perfunctorily, "Stop making trouble, I'm in Huaxia, and I don't have any conflicts of interest with Harvey, what are you going to do with him?"

"Harvey says it's not worth fighting over a woman."

"Let Harvey stop judging others by himself, I'm not so possessive." Fang Nan sneered and stopped giving Matt Damon a chance: "I'm in a meeting and hung up."

Fang Nan was indeed in a meeting, listening to the earnings reports of several companies last year, as well as the development plans for the next three and a half quarters of this year.

But before answering the phone, he noticed a problem.

The companies under his name seem to be invincible. All the executives talk about good things, good things, how much money is made by which project, and how good the profit prospects are for the newly launched projects.

"Executives, tell me something unpleasant. I was terrified when I heard your speech just now. I know what to be afraid of? You are all whitewashing the peace. The company is booming. You are all saints and don't make any mistakes. "

"The dream you weaved is so beautiful, I am afraid that half of the dream will come true, and you will tell me that the company has closed down with a sad face."

"So, tell me something that makes me dare not relax and be vigilant."

"Don't be afraid of making mistakes. I'm not as good as you in running a company, but I know how to look at people and understand people. As a human, there are many problems with eating whole grains. It's normal to make mistakes. In our company, making a small mistake will not delay everyone future."

"What I am most afraid of is not daring to admit that I have made a mistake, using various means to hide and evade, even not speaking to my subordinates and others, and actually doing something that deceives me. I can't stand this."

On the long conference table, Fang Nan took a sip of tea from the secretary and put it down. His eyes swept over Cai Yinong, Cao Guozhong, Lu Qing, Yan Hong, Hou Qiang, Yang Hao, Chu Peijun, Tian Peng, Hu Wen, Shi Nansheng , Jiang Ping, Wu Jie, Hou Weidong and other dozens of high-level executives, as well as the management team for the company's economic pulse.

Those who sat in the meeting room today have basically reached the director level and are the real core management.

Fang Nan's requirements for this group of people are not high, and he should not report good news or bad news while developing the company.

Not too bad, Cai Yinong took the initiative to ask a question.

To summarize what she means is that Tang Tang Film and Television invests in literary and artistic films, and some literary and artistic directors should avoid large investments in projects.

It is necessary to establish a standard investment amount standard.

Last year, Tangtang Film and Television invested 8000 million in Wang Jiawei's "The Grandmaster", pushing the total cost of "The Grandmaster" to 2.5 million.

As a result, the domestic box office of the film was more than 2 million yuan, and the foreign country was not satisfactory, only more than 600 million U.S. dollars. It is expected that the 8000 million investment will slowly return without losing money.

Fang Nan nodded and said: "There are other reasons for investing in "The Grandmaster", but it is indeed my problem. Remember to remind me not to be impulsive in the future. What other problems are there?"

"There is a problem with the Douyin video."

Fang Nan was a little confused. If there is a problem with the Douyin video, Lu Qing should speak up, and if it is not good, it will be Yang Hao who will speak. Why is it the turn of Shi Nansheng and Cao Guozhong of Tangtang Film and Television to attack together.

"Yang Hao, it's a bit outrageous on your side. Before the movie is released in the theaters, the streaming media has started to announce its release in seven days. If you do this, will the artist theaters still make a profit?"

After Cao Guozhong accused Yang Hao, he looked at Shi Nansheng: "Boss Shi, do you want to say this too?"

"That's almost the meaning. What streaming media does not only affect the income of theaters, but also makes the producers very uncomfortable."

Yang Hao's throat thumped twice but he didn't speak.

He was really not good enough in front of Cao Guozhong and Shi Nansheng, and he couldn't even get on the formal conference table, so he dared to talk back.

Lu Qing quit. Isn't this bullying honest people? Besides, why is TikTok video so thankless?
"Has Douyin Video bought the source of Tang Tang Film and Television at a premium? If you give the source to Tudou, Youku, LeTV, or even Penguin Video, which has just launched, they will buy it at a premium? We bought the source of the producer at a high price. , and even give a share, what we are fighting for is the traffic that goes online first.”

"If we don't give priority to going online, why should we buy at a premium?"

Cao Guozhong was even more dissatisfied: "You mean that the theater chain deserves to be unlucky? Then the artist theater chain will immediately increase the share ratio."

Fang Nan, who was watching coldly, smacked his lips.

Who should I ask to reason with this.

Obviously, the contradictions and conflicts between the film and television producers in the entire global market-theatres-streaming media were first staged within the company.

How many companies in my hands have begun to circulate internally to the point of highlighting contradictions?
Seeing a few people cross-eyed and about to quarrel, Fang Nan asked melancholy: "Lu Qing, how long is the window period for you to give theater movies?"

"40 days."

Cao Guozhong was so angry that he almost shot the case: "40 days? Who is it? You are now in a flexible window period. Some movies are still showing and you will go online directly."

After Fang Nan stretched out his hand to stop the excited Cao Guozhong, he thought seriously: "The 40-day window period is indeed a bit short. I vaguely remember that a law on restricting streaming media in France has just been passed. The window period they gave seems to be 17 months. Douyin videos will take 3-4 months.”

Now it's Lu Qing's turn to be dissatisfied: "Internet pirated links are rampant, and the day lily will be cold in 3-4 months."

"Why don't you force the audience to support the genuine version by improving the video clarity and increasing the audience's visual effects? Where did Light and Shadow Technology spend a few hundred million a year on research and development?"

"Why, I have to make another R&D investment report to Mr. Cao at the end of the year? You have changed the established development route of the artist theater, so you have to explain it to us?"

"Lu Qing, you."

"Stop, don't talk to anyone, Cao Guozhong, sit down." The moment Cao Guozhong got up, Fang Nan urgently called to stop, and then laughed.

As the old saying goes, rabbits bite when they are in a hurry.

Lu Qing, a CEO with a background in technology, was forced to be impatient by Cao Guozhong, and he showed the eccentricity of a scholar.

"Lu Qing, let's set the window period for three months. The current movie market is still dominated by theaters. Streaming media breaks the traditional screening mode and has an impact on the company. The country will not agree to it at the moment. There are too many real estate and advertisements involved. industries, jobs, etc.

In order not to continue arguing with the boss and embarrass himself by saying something that shouldn't be said, Fang Nan finally chose to speak out.

"Let's end the meeting, no one is allowed to hold grudges. In addition, the Douyin short video will invite many celebrity spokespersons. Lu Qing, you still have to take care of your own people and talk to Chu Peijun more."

Chu Yujun smiled and stood up: "You don't need Mr. Lu to find me. I will go back to the office with Mr. Lu to discuss candidates."

"President Cao, Yang Hao, Yan Hong, and Shi Nansheng stay here for a while."

After everyone dispersed, Fang Nan first asked Cao Guozhong about the artist's crazy expansion of subsidiaries.

The other party was honest, and took the initiative to admit that he had invested in a lot of industries.

However, Cao Guozhong stated that, except for the tens of thousands of acres of orchards he invested in in joint ventures and cities, he has not yet seen any income, and other industries have made money.

"So I should give you a certificate?"

Glancing at the other party, Fang Nan said again: "I heard that you have just finished the EMBA program of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, and you must be better at developing enterprises than me."

"But you obviously don't understand what it means to move forward with a heavy load. If there are too many industries, the company will become bloated. When the economy is good, everyone is happy. Every industry can make money. What if the general environment and the economy turn bad?"

"Combining several companies together, we have nearly 10 employees, and the number of people is boundless. There is no room for error if 10 people follow us to eat."

"You think you are smart and awesome, but I can guarantee that there will definitely be a financial crisis from the second half of this year to the end of next year. Can you imagine? Dare you bet with me?"

Cao Guozhong had a look of disbelief: "What is the basis?"

"The basis is that domestic housing prices are a bit scary. A-shares and Shenzhen stocks have been too prosperous in the past few years. You should be cautious. My prediction is right. You will know next year and go out."

After beating Cao Guozhong to stop being arrogant, Fang Nan asked Yang Hao about the first Douyin Video Awards Ceremony last year.

"The event was quite lively, and many filmmakers from Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan were invited to participate. The word-of-mouth is also good, and the audience's response is more reliable than the three awards of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Huabiao."

Fang Nan nodded with a smile and said, "Who do the main awards belong to?"

"The best film competition is the most intense, and in the end "Sediq Bale" defeated Feng Dapao's "1942" to win the best film award."

"The best director was awarded to Xu Anhua's "Peach Sister", and Zhang Guoli defeated Liu Dehua and others with "1942" to win the Best Actor trophy."

"The Queen of Actress trophy was won by Yan Bingyan who starred in "A Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart", and the male supporting role was Chen Kun in "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate"."

"The best film in the Cheng Long Kung Fu film unit was awarded to Xu Laoguai's "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate", and the best director went to Chen Kexin who directed "Martial Arts"."

Fang Nan recalled the next few award-winning films, and then praised: "It sounds like that, good work, what kind of trophy? Show me some clear pictures."

"Yes." Yang Hao flipped through his phone happily while explaining the design concept of the trophy.

"The trophy is made of pure gold, with a length of 40 centimeters, 5 centimeters higher than the Golden Rooster trophy. The base is a normal hollow square, and the top is a hollow ball the size of a fist. Two curved blades are attached to the corresponding sides of the ball. , as a whole, it looks like two scimitars have been cut on the ball, which means that they are concentric to resist the foreign enemies of the movie."

Fang Nan zoomed in on the photos on his phone and took a closer look. He didn't find anything wrong, so he said, "That's good, that's it. Yan Hong, Nan Sheng, let's talk about the Xiangjiang Film Festival."

"Originally, the selection of awards was supposed to be done this year, but after we discussed it, we changed it to next year, and waited one more year to accumulate background, so as not to compete with this year's Beijing Film Festival."

"Zhengfeng? What's the difference between fighting for a few months?"

Yan Hong said with a chuckle: "This year, the Beijing International Film Festival has started to have an awards segment. Do you know when it will be held? August 8th. No one will be selected on this day. I don't know if I really look down on the Xiangjiang International Film Festival or I am too confident."

"Then postpone it for a year. It's not a bad thing to have three years of accumulation."

Fang Nan took the initiative to approve of Shi Nansheng's approach.

The Hong Kong Film Festival is held on July 7th every year, and suddenly there is a Beijing International Film Festival later on. No matter how ignorant he is, he knows how to be polite and modest. He snatched the source of the first Beijing Film Festival, and he will not be jealous hatred?

"Let's go, it's time for dinner. If you don't need to accompany clients, TV station leaders, sponsors and advertisers, you don't have to go with them. You are busy with your own business."

Yan Hong said: "The meeting was announced yesterday, and all appointments have been cancelled."

"Let's go then."

Brother Lu, Cai Yinong and others rushed out of the office of several female soldiers, "I don't know what's wrong with this society." Hu Wen complained as soon as she opened her mouth.

Fang Nan was curious: "What do you mean?"

Hu Wen cleared her throat, and frowned: "We used to sell TV dramas, and the people who bought TV dramas we approached were mostly men. The asking conditions were either money, or helping people, or needing the company of beautiful women."

"It's changed now. Most of the contacts are women. They just ask a certain male artist for dinner. Don't you think it's strange."

"Then we little actresses don't have to worry about being forced to drink, chat, or eat with us in the future?" Yang Function tugged on Cai Yinong's shoulder and laughed.

Fang Nan was surprised: "Have you ever been asked at Tangtang Film and Television?"

"That's definitely not the case, no one dares to look at the actions of me and Miss K." Yang Function said coquettishly.

Fang Nan glanced at the two people who were shoulder to shoulder: "That's true, why do you and Si Shi have time to come to the company?"

Yang Function put on a sighing look: "I was forced by the producer to ask Sister Wen for promotional resources."

"Promotional resources?" Fang Nan muttered, then came to his senses and asked with a smile, "Who directed the movie did you star in together?"

"The company provided some funds to arrange the two of them and Ni Ni into Guo Xiaosi's "Little Times" crew."

After Chu Peijun finished speaking adoringly, Fang Nan intuitively felt thunder billowing in the sky above his head.

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