literary world

Chapter 426 Theoretical Gains

In "Little Times", Yang Function's role has not changed, and he still plays Lin Xiao, the personal assistant of the editor-in-chief of the magazine.

Because of her experience as a model, Ni Ni played the role of Gu Li, a luxurious and fashionable accountant beauty.

The quiet Liu Sishi plays Nanxiang who has outstanding art skills and is as beautiful as a fan.

In the projection room of Tangtang Film and Television, Fang Nan was numb after watching the movie.

The company has four main post-85 artists, and now three of them starred in the movie "Little Times", won't they win three Golden Broom Awards next year?

By the way, the company may also reap a wave of ridicule and irony.

"What kind of broken movie was made by Guo Xiaosi? The whole movie created a false and magical urban workplace. The plot is exaggerated and extravagant, and it is empty. It is easy to lead the audience to yearn for money worship."

The end credits came on, and Shi Xing, one of the company's screenwriters, got up first and criticized "Tiny Times" while spitting.

The features on his face were distorted, and the expression of disgust was beyond description.

If Fang Nan hadn't been sitting at the scene, he would probably have scolded Guo Xiaosi for misleading his son, and Mr. Chu Yu didn't have a good eye for choosing movies.

The faces of Yang Function, Ni Ni, and Liu Sishi all turned green.

It's just a movie, so what?

Need to be so critical?
Did I eat your rice, or did I steal your firewood?
Here we criticize our own people.

After Shi Ling finished speaking, directors Kong Sheng, Guo Fan, and Wen Muye beside Fang Nan also said, "I don't really like this movie either."

On the contrary, Huang Weiming said hehe: "Seeing that the producer is Chai Zhiping, one can think of the direction of the movie's plot. She is the godmother of Taipei idol dramas. She is very familiar with the means of creating dog-blood plots and combining audience public opinion hype. I think "Little Times" box office will not be bad."

"From a commercial point of view, I think we can allocate a little more publicity funds. Besides, there are three people in the film, Xiao Yangmi, Ni Ni, and Si Shi. No matter how you look at it, the film cannot be smashed."

"Do as Brother Weiming said. I don't like the story in "Little Times" either, but since the bureau has passed the review, we should publicize it. After all, we are the publisher."

After giving instructions to Hu Wen, Fang Nan looked at the three of Ni and Ni with compassion: "It's inevitable that you will be scolded, anyway, you three, Xiao Yang Mi, bear with it."

Fang Nan also didn't like the plot in "Little Times", as Shi Xing said it was too easy to bias and distort the values ​​​​of young audiences.

A movie has never said that a high box office must be good.

The movies that the audience likes must be good, and they all follow the audience's scoring standards. Japanese pornography absolutely sweeps Douban and the Asian movie market.

But he has no right to decide whether a movie lives or dies.

Existence is rationality has always been a paradox in logic, which cannot be solved by well-known scholars around the world, let alone him, a junior high school student.

Shi Xing was very resentful, thinking that Tang Tang Film and Television and Fang Nan had been wrongly paid for so many years of life.

Tang Tang Film and Television is no different from the big companies on the market. It is a profit-oriented enterprise that cannot transmit normal values ​​and outlook on life to the public.

Fang Nan has become an out-and-out capitalist.

The people in the screening hall were dumbfounded, Shi Xing, who usually looks dull, suddenly lit a candle in the toilet today—starting to seek death [shit]?

Fang Nan smiled dumbly. These days, people who dare to complain about him to his face are rare.

After pondering for a few seconds, Fang Nan turned to look at Shi Xing in the back row: "Let me ask you, do you think George Lucas' Star Wars is good?"

The history is unknown, but he still said from the bottom of his heart: "The epic series of films will leave a strong mark in the history of global film!"

Fang Nan nodded and looked around the crowd: "As of 2013, a total of 6 "Star Wars" films have been released, with a total box office of billions of dollars. From a commercial point of view, it is a very successful series of films."

"But the movie box office also reflects a very strange phenomenon. In some economically underdeveloped countries and regions, the box office and word-of-mouth of "Star Wars" are not good. , do you know why?"

Huang Weiming gave a reason: "The earliest "Star Wars" Lucas was filmed in 1977. It was too early and the special effects were poor on the one hand."

Mainland directors such as Kong Sheng and Guo Fan said that "East and West have geographical and cultural differences".

Fang Nan looked at Shi Xing.

"It's mainly cultural differences." Shi Xingdao.

Fang Nan smiled slightly: "If you want me to say, the main reason is the low level of education of people in economically underdeveloped areas. Not to mention ordinary people, but everyone here, how many people will learn about the historical events of ancient Rome? ?”

"George Lucas has integrated a lot of historical events in ancient Rome into the "Star Wars" series of movies. He doesn't understand the historical logic and politics in the movies. How can "Star Wars" wield a lightsaber and fight clumsily? What is it worth seeing? Can it compare to the flying fights in our straightforward martial arts movies?"

"Do you understand what I'm talking about?" Finally, Fang Nan asked everyone.

Yang Function waved his hands one after another: "My whole mind is completely confused."

Ni Ni and Si Shi also looked at Fang Nan in embarrassment. They couldn't help it, maybe Fang Nan's realm was too high, and they really didn't understand.

They even heard that "Star Wars" contained a lot of political elements for the first time, and they were speechless, and they didn't notice it at all when they watched it.

On the contrary, Shi Nansheng, Guo Fan and others realized something, showing expressions of thought.

Fang Nan didn't hold back anymore, and straightened his brows, "All of us here, including the official, can only guide the audience to watch some good movies, but cannot correct the audience's likes and dislikes for a movie."

"I expect the audience to be soberly aware that distinguishing whether a movie is good or bad depends on the audience's own education level, that is, personal experience and knowledge."

"Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution" has been criticized, but how many audiences can understand that every piece of music in the movie is up and down with the full emotions of the characters? Many people can't even name the soundtrack, but Keep in mind the minute and the second when Tang Wei began to reveal his spots."

"The Cannes Palme d'Or, most award ceremonies in the world, the award-winning films are mostly separated from the public, because it is the world's top literary and art workers who decide the film awards."

"Movies serve the public, but the director's thinking determines that some films will alienate and deviate from the public, so as to set a threshold for the public, so you can complain and criticize the existence of films like "Tiny Times", but I can't do anything after all. "

"One, I am not qualified to decide whether a movie lives or dies."

"Second, I have no ability to improve national education."

"Three, I can't change the minds of other directors."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Ni Ni was shocked: "Oh my god, after filming so many scenes, I only realized today that the film is so noble and the director has so many twists and turns in his mind."

"Why don't our Huaxia directors, Brother Nan, make a name for themselves internationally." Yang Function also said with admiration.

Shi Xing, who was competing with each other, was also paralyzed, and he couldn't refute Fang Nan.

In layman's terms, Fang Nan's understanding is what kind of people watch what kind of movies.

But no matter what kind of movie he likes to watch, it is not voluntary by the audience, but his thoughts and education level are at work.

So how can they blame the working people for watching what they consider vulgar movies?

All they can do is to scold those unscrupulous producers, and the director has found a way to make a fortune.

Then silently wait for the improvement of national strength and the improvement of the audience's education level, so that the movies will survive the fittest.

While everyone was silently digesting Fang Nan's theory about the relationship between the movie and the audience, Xiao Zhu walked in: "Boss, the main members of the "Interstellar" team have arrived."

"Okay, I'll go out to meet you."

The entire team of "Interstellar" has thousands of people, including 28 cast and crew members, and the rest are behind-the-scenes.

Trotted to the logo of Tang Tang Film and Television, Zhao Zhu had already led a group of people to the door, Fang Nan took a closer look, and first stretched out his hand to an old man with a bare head and a beard who was accompanied by two people on both sides .

"Professor Thorne, I didn't expect you to come here." Fang Nan smiled.

How big is Kip Thorne, he is the Caltech Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics and one of the most outstanding scientists in the field of black holes and general relativity.

He is a long-term friend with Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan, and has a high status in the physics world.

He will serve as a consultant in "Interstellar", mainly to ensure that the black hole theory is more scientifically presented in the movie.

The old man is 73 years old and in good spirits. He laughed at Fang Nan and said, "I can't help it. I want to see the visual effects staff, but the main visual effects team is in Huaxia."

Fang Nan nodded and said with a smile, "Today is a day off, and tomorrow we will arrange a meeting between the professor and the visual effects team."

After greeting Thorne, Fang Nan looked at Hans Zimmer.

Hans Zimmer is also a master, a multi-time Oscar winner for soundtrack, and has contributed unparalleled soundtracks to films such as "The Last Emperor", "Rain Man", "Batman", and "Pirates of the Caribbean".

"Nice to meet you, Director Fang Nan!"

"Your Mandarin is average." Fang Nanchong star Matthew McConaughey said with a smile.

Matthew McConaughey's role as the male lead in "Interstellar" was created by Warner Bros. Pictures. Fang Nan doesn't know if there is any unknown activity behind the scenes, as long as the other party completes the task on time.

"Hi, Fang." Anne Hathaway took the initiative to say hello.

"I heard the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress didn't bring you luck."

Anne Hathaway, who was poked into tears, changed her face in a second, and said full of grievances: "This is a sad story."

Fang Nan laughed loudly, and invited everyone including Jessica Chastain to go up the stairs, attracting curious looks from many company employees along the way.

In recent years, more and more foreigners and Hollywood stars have come to the company to discuss business. It is rare for so many people to come to hundreds of people at one time.

Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and John Brand who played the butler in "Batman" are all familiar faces and big names.

In view of this, everyone had to admire Fang Nan's strength, in Hollywood and international influence, he felt that he had a lot of face.

There are a lot of Hollywood stars invited to China, and some of them are not high-ranking, or hiding in the hotel and not showing up. Instead, they show up like passers-by in Tangtang Film and Television.

At this moment, the employees of Tangtang Film and Television are very proud.

There is no way, simply posting a Weibo immediately became the target of netizens blowing rainbow farts, and their vanity was unprecedentedly satisfied.

Many netizens associate Fang Nan's appearance with the domestic film industry, saying that he has promoted the upgrading of the domestic film industry.

From the current point of view, it is not wrong, after all, there is a light and shadow 13 swordsman there.

But Fang Nan himself said that so far, the biggest change he has made to the domestic film industry is that some western filmmakers have a different view on Chinese films and Chinese customs.

Before Fang Nan appeared, not many Western directors would pay too much attention to Huaxia, and their thoughts always revolved around the more familiar West.

After Fang Nan appeared, some Hollywood production crews were willing to come to China for filming, and they even placed the production crew in the Oriental Movie Metropolis, which has more tax rebates and lower living costs.

There are hundreds of people in a crew, and these hundreds of people will bring some social problems.

But it will also change some people's views. After word of mouth, more Westerners will know a real China, rather than the China that seems to be dark after being discredited by Western TV stations.

A group of people entered the large conference room, and everyone began to explain their work in a hurry.

The most difficult part of "Interstellar" is how to show hypercubes, black holes, and huge waves without using a green screen.

After several months of discussion, it was finally finalized. Props were used to build part of the hypercube, surrounded by four rooms. The studio used projectors to project images generated by time changes onto the four walls of the built room.

In the later stage, these rooms are expanded into infinite ones, thus creating a hypercube.

As for the black hole part, the crew built a huge projection curtain wall and a one-to-one spacecraft model. When the actors performed in the spacecraft, the cosmic scene projected by the curtain wall was outside the window.

This curtain wall will use two large projectors to ensure that the cosmic scene on the curtain wall has the appropriate brightness.

In the later stage, the special effects team will replace the projected scene on the curtain wall with a further refined version.

The huge waves in the movie can only use special effects, but the difficulty is not small. Throughout the history of movies, there is no movie with such high waves as Fang Nan requested. The special effects parameters are difficult to make, and the visual effects team is still writing and developing new software.

Due to the rich imagination and the complex black hole theoretical formula of physicist Kip Thorne's consultant, it is not difficult to shoot "Star Trek".

Therefore, it took more than a year or two to prepare for the film alone, but fortunately, the general problem has been basically solved.

Nearly [-] people, big and small, discussed until lunch time. Fang Nan got up and invited everyone to the company cafeteria.

The company cafeteria doesn't sound very good, but those who have experienced it know that Tangtang Film and Television canteen hides dragons and crouching tigers.

There are chefs in the canteen that are not weaker than those in 5-star hotels.

There are fresher and better-looking fruit and ingredients than those in the market, and high-quality service. Going to a high-end hotel is really better than opening a box in Tangtang Film and Television Canteen that is rarely open to the public.

"Moutai? Baijiu?"

"Yeah yeah."

The casting director, John, kept nodding his head and wanted to taste the white wine. Fang Nan asked someone to pour him a glass. Imported high-end red wine was extremely expensive, and he had to drink a bottle and a half by himself, which was too bad.

"Fang, cheers, cheers to "Interstellar", cheers to Huaxia."

Fang Nan didn't know why he was so excited after drinking a drink, as if he loved Huaxia even more than him.

After drinking half a glass of wine, I realized that the reason why John loves Huaxia is because he has taken a new job.

And it is also related to Huaxia. China Film, Legendary Pictures, and Universal Pictures want to jointly shoot a script called "The Great Wall", and it has been confirmed that he will be the casting director, another fat job.

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