literary world

Chapter 427

Chapter 427
After the news that "Interstellar" held a script study meeting at Tangtang Film and Television spread, Dongfang Movie Metropolis, which already stationed reporters from many media platforms, became more lively.

Whether Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway can be photographed is second.

Although the two are second-tier actors in Hollywood, they are really not good enough compared to Fang.

Fang Nan is the eye-catching weapon of Huaxia news media.

First of all, insiders have long rumored that "Interstellar" is Fang Nan's last space science fiction film.

Secondly, Fang Nan's status determined that any word he said would attract the attention of those in the financial and film industries.

Finally, Fang Nan is prone to stubbornness sometimes, and likes to make big news.

So after learning that Fang Nan will be in Tang Tang Film and Television for a while, many reporters flocked to him, and then used various methods to get close to Fang Nan.

Within a week, Fang Nan was on the trending searches for 5 days.

In the canteen, he saw an employee dragging the skin of the buns all over the table to reprimand the canteen manager.

Sitting on a flower bed in an undershirt and smoking a cigarette with his legs crossed is also a hot search.

He went to the studio to watch the recording of "Ace Vs Ace" by the program group, and was secretly photographed and became a hot search.

When he met with the leader of Mango Channel, it was also trending.

Fang Nan was annoyed, and ran to the management office of Oriental Movie Metropolis angrily: "At least take care of it, Hengdian Film and Television City shouldn't be like this, right? In this environment, which crew would dare to come?"

"The studio is largely unfinished, resulting in a lot of loopholes. Many reporters and paparazzi have changed their ways to come in. It is hard to guard against. The studio is very strict, and there are no dead ends in all directions. Of course, the main reason is that your light is too dazzling, Director Fang." Responsible The man laughed and said perfunctorily.

What can I say.

He couldn't say that Fang Nan was all to blame for this, he was also a director after all.

Fang Nan smacked his lips and left. Just as he sat in the office of Tangtang Film and Television, Secretary Xiao Zhu knocked on the door and ushered in two men.

Gu Yule took a few steps quickly, and said politely: "Mr. Fang, Director Fang, this is Mr. Shi Deshi, who is also a big boss. He invested in the shooting of our movie "Sweeping Drugs."

Fang Nan recalled the map of characters in his mind, he didn't know Shi De, so he simply nodded and said, "Hi, please sit down."

Shi De was not pretentious. He sat down on the sofa and said familiarly: "Mr. Fang's office looks a bit shabby."

"I don't come here often, so I seldom add anything."

Fang Nan looked at the bedroom and the closed doors of the private reception room and said with a smile, "President Shi speaks Mandarin well, are you from Xiangjiang?"


"Almost?" Fang Nan became curious about Shi De, who was about the same age as him, and he was talking about not being a good person.

"Boss Fang."

Fang Nan interrupted Gu Yule: "Call Fang Dao in Cantonese, we are colleagues."

"Director Fang, we are here today mainly to thank Tang Tang Film and Television for its vigorous release of "Sweeping Drugs". By the way, I would like to ask why the box office share has not yet arrived after the film was released. Besides, Mr. Shi admires you very much and wants to know you very much. You, do business with you."

In order to show respect, Gu Yule did not use the more familiar and fluent Cantonese, and Fang Nan's head hurt when he stuttered in Mandarin, but at least he understood the reason.

"Didn't the box office share arrive? I'm not sure about this, Xiao Zhu, you can ask the financial staff in charge of "Anti-Drug"." Fang Nan instructed Xiao Zhu.

Since more than two years ago, the Golden Image Awards were forced to be canceled nearly three years ago. Tang Tang Film and Television has accepted many behind-the-scenes workers of Xiangjiang, as well as brokerage appointments of Xiangjiang actors in the mainland.

Because of this integration, many Xiangjiang films are willing to hand over the distribution and promotion rights in the mainland to Tang Tang Film and Television.

So it is not uncommon for people to ask for money.

Either the theater chain held back the money and didn't come in, or Tangtang Film and Television wanted to earn more interest, and there would be no ills of other companies' bad private embezzlement.

"Finance has been relatively busy recently. The box office of "Gravity" has been settled in hundreds of countries at home and abroad, and the funds for "Sweeping Drugs" will take about half a month to settle."

Xiao Zhu's understated report made the two people on the sofa want to find a crack in the ground to get in.

It was really embarrassing.

"Gravity" is not busy with a global box office of more than 9 million U.S. dollars, but "Anti-drug" with [-] million yuan?
With such a small amount of money, they can still fly from Xiangjiang to Pujiang to question.

Such a small box office share may be enough for Fang Nan to fly to dozens of countries in a private jet.

"It doesn't matter for half a month. We just came to ask. After all, Tangtang Film and Television's speed of settlement of income is well-known. It's a bit curious that it suddenly slowed down."

Shi De and Gu Lai looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

Fang Nan nodded and asked, "Anything else?"

"There is a small thing like this. I learned that during the preparation of "Interstellar" and "Jurassic World", Mr. Fang also made a low-cost movie starring Hu Ge."

"I've been doing a small business for the past few years and I have a little money, so I just want to make some extra money from the low-budget movie of the acquirer."

Fang Nan's smile faded away, and he looked at Shi De with a frown.

After so many years, there is a coal boss who insists on investing in his movies.

Some Internet tycoons are eagerly preparing to invest in his movie.

And all sorts of outlandish bosses trying to squeeze money into his movies.

Every international film festival, there are countless filmmakers trying to pan for gold and pick up leaks with their eyes wide open.

But it was the first time that Fang Nan met someone who wanted to buy out his finished film.

"As long as the film passes the review and can be released in mainland theaters, I am willing to pay 5 million yuan, which is nearly five times the US$1300 million production fee of "John Wick." Shi De gritted his teeth fiercely.

5 million?
Fang Nan silently calculated an account.

After deducting the theater share, film fund tax, and distribution promotion, the domestic box office of "John Wick" reached about 11 billion in order for buyers to protect their capital.

As for him, he didn't need to do too much to make a net profit of 5 million from the box office in the Mainland, which is really bloody.

Because it was replaced by him to run "John Wick", the film's box office in China reached 3 million, and the production cost of 1300 million US dollars can be recovered.

It is expected that the film's profit will reach 5 million yuan, and China's box office will be at least 16 billion yuan.

So, what is it that the other party gave him such a great benefit, really willing to help others, and admiring him so much?
"Shi De loses morality, the name is really well chosen."

Muttering mockingly, Fang Nan said indifferently: "Go away, domestic films, Hong Kong films, and Taiwanese films are not easy anymore, the market is getting smaller and smaller by Hollywood, people like you should not be in the market It's stressful."

He is an old filmmaker, can he not understand that the film and television industry has always been the hardest hit area for black money to white money.

Items that cannot be priced.

A few unnecessary scenes in the script are randomly posted and burned, and the source of the money becomes dead without proof, and there is no way to check.

There are too many places to speculate with actors signing double contracts and so on.

Due to the difficulty of verification and the high profits, many film and television companies will accept funds from unknown sources in order to reduce the risk of film and television investment.

But expecting Fang Nan to go with the flow, Shi De thought too much.

It was already very kind of Fang Nan not to scold the other party like a dog.

"President Fang, aren't you thinking about it? You and Tangtang Film and Television will not have any loss." Fang Nan turned a blind eye to Shi De's taunt and said very persistently.

Obviously refused, but the other party was still ruthless, Fang Nan couldn't help scolding angrily: "Get lost!"


"What are you, get the hell out of here immediately, and Gu Li stay here."

After Shi De was forcibly invited out by Xiao Zhu, Fang Nan squinted his eyes and looked at the old man with a black charcoal head. After a long time, he said casually:

"If you don't have the handle, you should avoid going with such people in the future. If you are short of money to make a movie, get the script and come to Tangtang Film and Television to invest. If you have the handle, it's best to say it now, and I'll help you deal with it. "

"In addition, you, Zhang Jiahui, Liu Qingyun, including To Qifeng, I can understand your love for Hong Kong films and Hong Kong films, but it is a dream for you to restore Hong Kong films to the glory of the 80s and 90s by your own efforts. More investors, no matter how many types of Hong Kong films are made."

"There is nothing wrong with your love for Xiangjiang, but I sincerely hope that you will not forget that Xiangjiang is China's Xiangjiang."

"As for whether you people hate me behind my back for losing the Academy Award, I don't care, anyway, I'm not a Hong Kong dollar."

"Ah understand?"

Gu Li's black face showed no emotional changes, but his tone was extremely sincere: "Mr. Fang, you are serious! But I still want to thank you for your kindness."

Fang Nan glanced at the other party: "You can go too."

In the empty office, Fang Nan sat and meditated for a while, then turned on the computer and chatted with MGM CEO Roger about the release of "John Wick".

"John Wick" has no special effects, and it can enter theaters at any time after editing.

But Luo Jie mentioned a difficulty. After the finished film is released, the blood rate will be full. Even if China Film is willing to waste an introduction quota, it will be difficult for China Mainland to pass the review.

"Let's try it first," Fang Nan said.

MGM under his name decided to set up a tourist resort in Huaxia, and also jointly produced a movie. The Bureau must show some sincerity.

But just because he was in charge of MGM, he should not be given any benefits, that would be too shameful, no matter how he looks at it now, he is more noble than ordinary foreigners.

Knowing that "John Wick" released by MGM will be released in North America for a 122-day summer vacation, competing with 214 different films in the same period, Fang Nan didn't bother to care about "John Wick".

After all, the cost of "John Wick" is still too low.

With a cost of 1300 million US dollars, it is difficult for Fang Nan to cheer up and question the distributor about all kinds of things before the film is released.

"Chu Pei-jun, "John Wick" will be screened in North America on July 7th, and will be released on a large scale on July 8th. You asked Hu Ge to go to North America to promote it one month in advance."

After the insider explained to Mr. Chu Pei, Fang Nan turned off the computer and rushed to the "Interstellar" conference room.

The script reading of "Interstellar" went on for another 10 days, and the plot sorting was completed.

The actors have also been able to exchange all lines face to face.

On the other hand, the corn in Jiuquan and Zhangye national corn planting bases has also grown to the height required by Fang Nan.

"Let's go, guys."

At Fang Nan's order, hundreds of people including the ordinary behind-the-scenes production team, actor team, special effects team, and director team of "Interstellar" went straight to Hongqiao Airport and flew to Lanzhou, Long Province.

A certain person's private jet was not idle, and several main actors and staff were on board, "Light and Shadow Technology also booked a Gulfstream business jet, which has much more space than yours. Do you want to change it when the time comes?"

Fang Nan gave Lu Qing a sharp look: "Don't get cheap and act like a good boy, I didn't tell you not to order."

He personally signed the application documents submitted by Guangying Technology to order a business jet. At first, he was a little reluctant. He was forced to agree when he learned that the Douyin short video department had recruited a large number of foreign executives in many countries.

Even so, it can't stand the jealousy of other companies.

A group of executives from Tangtang Film and Television were thinking, blowing in his ears from time to time, whether to improve the artist's work and rest quality by purchasing a small business jet flying domestically.

Fang Nan was forced to say that he had to give up his Airbus private jet to the company's artistes to silence a group of executives.

He wondered, it was only a few years before the real development, and a group of people started to enjoy it.

"Sooner or later, I'll take you to Meishan, where Chongzhen was hanged, for group building." Fang Nan said harshly as he turned his back to Lu Qing and went to the bathroom.

After urinating halfway, Anne Hathaway got in, and Fang Nan shivered in fright: "What is this for?"

"Have you followed the metoo movement in North America?"

Fang Nan was curious: "No, but I heard about it, what's the problem?"

The metoo movement was launched to boycott Harvey Weinstein.

The purpose is to call on all women who have been sexually assaulted to come forward and tell their painful experiences, and attach labels to social media posts to arouse social attention.

"Some people say that Harvey's current tragedy is behind all this because you are manipulating it."

Annie stared at the things in Fang Nan's hand while speaking, and then unconsciously licked her flaming red lips.

Fang Nan shook the pendulum clock, closed the door, and said righteously: "Nonsense, the disagreement between Harvey and I is not enough, I can only say that he has offended too many people, and I am the ideal framer." object."


Fang Nan nodded vigorously: "Of course, you should remember that it's far less exciting than making a lot of dollars."

"That's a pity. I thought it was you who helped me vent my anger. I want to thank you very much."

Annie smiled sweetly, and her long legs wrapped in black stockings could not help but lift up and touch Fang Nan's pendulum clock vaguely.

"You don't get paid for nothing, go out."

Fang Nan held back, he wanted to be a principled person, and if he said he would never touch this one again, he would not touch him again.

Moreover, this woman seemed to be possessed by a demon, she was as thin as a chicken's paw, easy to pierce.

After leaving the bathroom, the two bumped into Jessica Chastain, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled, they were all poker friends.

The group left late, and it was already dark when they arrived in Lanzhou. Everyone had a rest at the hotel for the night. Fang Nan only found out when he went online.

Because the movie "Little Times" premiered today.

Forget about the money worship of the four of Guo Xiao, and lead the masses to become money worshipers.

The screen is full of luxury goods, "Little Times" should be called the era of money worship, the era of money, the movie worships material things to the extreme, which makes people daunting.

Damn Guo Xiaosi, he guides wrong values, and young people are deeply poisoned by it.

Gu Yuan asked: If I were a poor boy, would you like me?
Gu Li replied: Feelings without material things are just loose sand.

Look, this is Huaxia movies, the values ​​promoted by Huaxia directors, is this what people say?
The bad movie of "Tiny Times" bad movie.

Yang Function, Liu Sishi, and Ni Ni chose scripts without thinking.

Tang Tang Film and Television, known as a conscience company, turned out to be one of the owners and distributors of "Little Times".

Judging from many factors, Fang Nan, who bought MGM, should be short of money.

Fang Nan: A man like a god can't stand a teammate like a pig.

Tang Tang Film and Television has built a good reputation for many years because of a movie collapsed, hehehe.

Fang Nan scolded Guo Xiaosi on Weibo, and there were countless comments on "Little Times", including many netizens who scolded him alone.

Fang Nan is very annoying, he has nothing to do with "Little Times" at all, because Tang Tang Film and Television is the film distributor, one of the producers should catch him and scold him for inappropriateness, and if he wants to scold him, he must scold San Xiaohua.

It's a pity that there is no way, and I can only bear being scolded.

Because no matter whether the audience understands the movie or not, whether they scold or not, they are all masters who spend money!
 Is there anyone willing to watch the plot where the heroine and the supporting actress are filming in the crew?For example, San Xiaohua is on the crew of "Little Times", and Liu Qianqian and other heroines are on the crew of "The Hunger Games".

(End of this chapter)

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