literary world

Chapter 428

Chapter 428
In the original time and space, there is a scene in "Interstellar" that the world audience will never forget for a long time.

A field of verdant corn that stretches as far as the eye can see.

When it was Fang Nan's turn to be the director, let alone the cornfield could not be seen at a glance, it would take a long time to fly the drone to the edge of the cornfield.

Because in front of the crew of "Interstellar" is a cornfield of hundreds of thousands of acres.

The foreign staff, including the actors, were shocked.

The visual impact is too great. In the west, private farms in the suburbs and countryside are very common. Farms with such a large area and planting so many crops are unheard of.

When several buses arrived at the set, Fang Nan got off the bus first and greeted the crowd waiting outside.

Outside the car were the Ministry of Agriculture, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, city and county leaders, and the heads of planting companies. Although Fang Nan and them were not partners, they received strong support.

After all, it was necessary to borrow a large piece of cornfield to shoot, and the scene was set up on a human site.

Everyone greeted and entered the house, and Fang Nan took advantage of the situation to look up and down Cooper's house in the film. It was a standard two-story wooden house in the western suburbs. The daily necessities were also Western styles, but there was one shortcoming.

"Zhao Zhu, ask the prop master to make the house old." Fang Nan turned around and told Zhao Zhu behind him.

People in the reinforced concrete city will sigh at the beautiful living environment when they see the green mountains and green waters. The nature is so beautiful. Living in such a place will definitely make them feel good and relaxed.

Only those who live near mountains and rivers understand that being close to mountains and rivers means that there are many mosquitoes, rats and ants in the house, and people in the mountains often dare not turn on the lights at night.

Therefore, when the Cooper family lives in the suburbs, and there is a large farm in front of the house, the most dust in the house should be inexhaustible.

"I know, the props and artists have considered it. After today, the house and all daily necessities will be covered with fine dust."

"That's good." Fang Nan nodded happily, and immediately chatted with a group of leaders.

He also doesn't like being greeted and sent off.

But when you reach a certain position, others love to listen, want to listen to him, and love to chat with him.

As the saying goes, successful people fart well, and that's how it came about.

He had no choice but to chat with everyone all over the world, from the domestic economic development, to the international environment, to the old American democratic politics, and the chat ended at the end of lunch.

At the dinner table, you come and I refill a few bottles of wine. Fang Nan saw that it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, and he had to evict people if he didn't want to.

"So, what useful things have you guys said for so long?"

Afterwards, Anne Hathaway asked the belching Fang Nan curiously.

Fang Nan was very embarrassed: "The fact is that there is no point, we have been chatting."

Everyone was speechless.

Seeing that the sun was setting in the evening, Fang Nan had no choice but to change the filming plan and put the first scene of "Interstellar" at night.

"No ceremony?"

"Forget it." Fang Nan rejected Zhao Zhu.

Fang Nan's first scene was aimed at the regular pattern that Dust made in the study room. Only Cooper, his daughter Murphy, and his grandfather left the border.

"Are you sure I want to play fear and worry?"

Realizing he was going first, McKenzie Foy, 13, who plays Little Murphy, asked.

Fang Nan nodded: "Yes, isn't this the character psychology you understand?"

McKenzie Foy, or her parents are talents.

The parents have not sent McKenzie to public schools so far, and their reading and literacy are all self-taught at home.

The point is not that a wealthy family can hire a private teacher.

Anyway, what this pair of parents did to their daughter is easily reminiscent of the case in which Macaulay Culkin, the star of "Home Alone", was used by his parents as a cash cow.

But Fang Nan would not feel sorry for the other party.

McKenzie's salary for starring in "Interstellar" is 8 US dollars. How many people in China can earn 8 US dollars a month?
Speaking of paychecks.

Fang Nan's salary is also quite high. With the super high box office of "The Hunger Games", he has completely entered Hollywood's top director salary club of 2000 million US dollars.

The 2000 million US dollars is only the cash remuneration given by the producer.

He also has a step-by-step paycheck.

The film's box office in North America reached 1 million U.S. dollars, and he will pay 2000 million U.S. dollars more than the 300 million U.S. dollars in salary.

By analogy, the North American box office of the movie exceeds 10 billion, and his salary for directing "Interstellar" will be as high as 5000 million US dollars.

Purely as a director, his salary is almost at the top.

No matter how successful "Interstellar" and "Jurassic World" are, the producer will either give him a super high percentage of the North American and global box office, or share the peripheral income of the movie with him.

"I'm just making sure." McKenzie Foy spoke honestly with Matthew McConaughey.

At the same time, the assistant director, prop master, and set crew quickly set up the scene.

Ten minutes later, the room full of books was covered with a thick layer of dust, and there were several strange patterns on the floor.

"Can we shoot?" Fang Nan asked the assistant director Rao Xiaozhi.

Rao Xiaozhi, who is in his thirties, entered Tangtang Film and Television in the same situation as Guo Fan and Wen Muye. He couldn't find investors and had to sell himself to the largest film and television company in China.

Tang Tang Film and Television is also highly competitive, but new directors, directors who have not made a name for themselves at least have jobs.

If you can't make a movie, you can make a TV series, and transfer to Happy Twist to direct a stage play.

No matter how bad it is, you can go to the variety show department or the advertising department, or you can go to the screenwriting department or the photography department. In short, you won't be unemployed and hungry.

There are quite a few directors in this situation, Tang Tang Film and Television. Some of them are in their 20s and have just graduated from the directing department of the three major art academies.


Fang Nan was dissatisfied: "If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, you can't do it. What do you mean?"

Rao Xiaozhi said embarrassingly: "It is difficult for me to communicate with actors and foreign friends."

"Remember to learn English. You are a director after all. Do you still have to stare at the subtitles when watching a Hollywood movie? If your ideal is bigger, you should not let go of French. Let Wen Muye communicate."

After Rao Xiaozhi nodded sincerely, he gently exited the room.

After a little leaning, Matthew, Mackenzie and their respective managers entered the room, Fang Nan finished speaking to the actors and photographers, and the filming of "Interstellar" officially started.

As the scene notes were played, little Murphy in the other room turned over and sat up on the bed. She put a gray blanket on her body, and stepped on the dark corridor leading directly to the study with a heavy heart.

After several nights in a row, the same book unexpectedly fell from the shelf, waking her from a dream, and she had to wonder if there was a ghost hiding in the house.

Thinking of this, little Murphy tightened the blanket around his body again until he saw his father Cooper who was squatting opposite him and sitting on the ground.

Cooper threw away the coin in his hand, turned his head and smiled at Murphy, who was sitting beside him, and said, "It's not a ghost, it's gravity."

Murphy, who was tormented by the "ghost", looked at his father without saying a word, with a dazed expression on his face.

At the same time, grandpa walked into the camera: "I will take Tom to school and then go to the town. After you pray, can you clean the floor?"

The father and daughter were silent, and the grandfather left with a look of disgust.

The camera gave Matthew a close-up at the right time, until his brow gradually relaxed.

Fang Nan clapped his hands: "Okay, the first time was good, let's do it again."

On the first day of starting up, three consecutive clips could be cut into a film, and Fang Nan shouted happily, "Call work".

By the way, he asked the actor coordinator to chat with Jessica's agent, and the crew wanted to take advantage of McKenzie Foy's state to move her role forward, and Jessica Chastain's role moved back.

Jessica had no objection.

Her role in "Interstellar" can only be regarded as a cameo,

But for the sake of Fang Nan's contacts, she gave the crew 20 days of schedule, and it would be no big deal to add a few more days.

With Jessica's consent, Fang Nan was about to ask the coordinator about tomorrow's arrangements when the director's assistant shouted, "Director, call."

"Hello. Who is this?"

"I'm Cheng Long."

"I heard it, what's the matter?"

"I'll find you for a drink." Cheng Long said happily.

"Stop talking, talk about business."

"I found the sci-fi script. Which city are you in? I'll fly over to meet you."

"Forget it, I'm in a corn planting base in Zhangye, Long Province, and I won't go to the city to stay in a hotel."

"See you tomorrow then."

Cheng Long's work efficiency was frighteningly fast. He made a phone call the first night and reached Fang Nan's RV at dawn the next day.

Putting on a pair of pants and opening the car door, Cheng Long began to chatter while looking at the RV.

"Look at the script, I think it's good, it's based on a Korean comic."

Fang Nan was surprised: "Korean comics?"

"Yes, it's called "Lonely Walking on the Moon". I finally found it."

Fang Nan made two cups of coffee and sat down at the dining table, and opened the cover of the exquisite script.

Soon, he frowned slightly.

The plot of "Lonely Walking on the Moon" is too familiar, like "The Martian".

A group of experts headed to the lunar scientific research base, leaving behind a zoologist.

Soon, the zoologist, who was already alone on the moon, got the sad news that the earth was gone.

The zoologist's spirit completely broke down, and he chose to end his life.

He hanged himself wearing a spacesuit, but due to the thick spacesuit barrier, the rope couldn't wrap around his neck at all.

He tried jumping off the moon base, but because the moon has less gravity than the earth, he survived every time, and there are no better buildings on the moon.

He boxed with kangaroos, chased rockets angrily, and sighed at the earth.

Fang Nan scratched his head, not to mention, the script of "Lonely Walking on the Moon" was flawed, and Cheng Long played the leading role, the domestic box office would be worth [-] to [-] million.

"The script is not bad, you can try it."

When Fang Nan said that, Cheng Long couldn't help being a little excited. Needless to say, Fang Nan's vision for reading the script was well known in the industry. He said that the script was good, so "Lonely Walking on the Moon" would definitely be able to be filmed.

"At least you have a suggestion or two." Cheng Long said impatiently.

"Try not to be sensational, shoot completely as a comedy theme, and the promotion is also focused on comedy themes. The schedule is arranged on the first day of the Lunar New Year to make the audience happy."

Cheng Long slapped his hands and stood up: "Okay, I'll listen to you. I will leave the special effects to 13 Swordsmen. There is a female character in the script who doesn't have many roles. You can ask your wife Gao Yuanyuan if she is interested. If so, I will give it to you." She keeps it."

Fang Nan shook his head: "Let's forget about her, she will be filming a TV series in a production crew in the capital, and by the way, she will find a preschool for her children."

Cheng Long came and walked quickly, and he was still in a hurry to do things in his decades.

Fang Nan felt sorry for him, his daughter never touched him, and his son was too muddy to support the wall, which forced him to come out to work again after bragging about his retirement a few years ago.

"Man, only when you lie down on the hospital bed will you realize that it's not worth it for money for the rest of your life!"

Hearing Fang Nan's emotion, Zhao Zhu said happily, "Brother Nan, have you started reading books on philosophy?"

"I don't want to either. It's a pity we have to keep up with the times." Fang Nan said with a smile, brushing his teeth and washing up on the bus.

During breakfast, the vice president of Jingcheng Bank called. Part of Fang Nan's salary had arrived, and there was a lot more money in the account. The other party thought about asking him to buy some wealth management, or bank shares or something.

Fang Nan declined. The shares of Jingcheng Bank are rare for others, but it is nothing to him. In the early years, there were local banks who wanted to sell his shares, but he refused.

First of all, it is impossible to hold shares.

Secondly, there are too many projects that can make money.

He poured money into Ali, DJI, Xiaomi, and some Internet companies to make more money, so there is no need to go to the financial industry to deduct so much meat.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the filming of the second day of "Interstellar" began.

The shots in the early half of the day were basically aimed at Cooper and Little Murphy. The shots were very fragmented, mainly about the daily life of the father and daughter, and decryption.

In the afternoon, the main event will come, Cooper and his son and daughter will track the glider in the cornfield.

After the preparations were ready, Fang Nan reminded the three of Matthew and the stuntman: "Matthew, and little Murphy, Tom, and Xiao Xiao, be more serious. The car must follow the planned route. It's not that such a large cornfield can be taken carelessly. Drill."

Locally, including enterprises, because of his reputation, they did not charge any farmland or crop damage fees.

Reciprocate, and the crew cannot trample on the crops arbitrarily.

Matthew looked at his son and daughter in the movie with a serious look on his face: "Let's try to only shoot two or three."

"All departments check for leaks and make up for vacancies for the last time, and the drone is debugged and ready to go to the sky."

Soon, a drone that needed to be photographed and a drone with a camera on it took to the sky one after the other. Then, a pickup truck and a high-speed filming vehicle got into the cornfield and went on a rampage.

Shots with high-speed movement are difficult to shoot, and the filming location is such a complicated terrain as cornfields. The difficulty of shooting can be imagined. The crew stopped and stopped filming all afternoon, and the crew gained nothing except a wave of experience.

Matthew couldn't do it with guilt, and Fang Nan couldn't do it with guilt, so he asked Zhao Zhu to contact the company to quickly contract the tens of thousands of acres of land in front of him, and after a few days of filming, the corn in the field was destroyed.

Afterwards, he also summed up the reasons for the failure.

The fake sci-fi films were filmed several times in a row, and all relying on technology underestimated the difficulty of real filming, and the team was unwilling to use their brains.

After trying to persuade the company to accept the contracting fee, Fang Nan was not in a hurry at all, and abruptly spent 10 days getting used to the crew, and also completed this set of shots that lasted less than 3 minutes.

Afterwards, the babbling scenes were easy to shoot, and the actor could speak his lines fluently with facial expressions, even if he had met his requirements.

What four-dimensional and five-dimensional ghosts can understand, even if Fang Nan understands a little, it is almost like listening to heavenly scriptures.

How did he write the script for "Interstellar"?

Introducing characters, passing through wormholes, father reporting to his daughter through four-dimensional, five-dimensional, and multi-dimensional spaces, returning to the earth, and his daughter has reached the end of life, etc.

Looking at the current "Interstellar" script, there are all kinds of weird theoretical formulas written by world-renowned physicists for the plot.

These formulas are not understood by everyone in the crew, but few people in the world can understand them.

This is probably why "Interstellar" is regarded as a masterpiece.

Because normally, for a theatrical sci-fi movie, the general public will watch the special effects, and the elite will watch the logic.

When a movie called "Interstellar" not only takes care of the public's sense of visual effects, but also allows the elite to reach the G-spot, isn't it a masterpiece.

(End of this chapter)

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