literary world

Chapter 429 Super Box Office Dark Horse

Chapter 429 Super Box Office Dark Horse
Long province.

Zhangye National Corn Planting Base, "Interstellar" crew.

Fang Nan finished his day's work and was just about to climb into the RV to wash off the dust from his body when a phone call came across the ocean.

"Boss, we need your help."

MGM CEO Roger has no extra nonsense, and he just asks for help.

Fang Nan glanced at his watch and understood: ""John Wick"? How's the word-of-mouth screening yesterday?"

"It doesn't look that bad, so I need your help."

While Luo Jie verbally introduced the relevant information of "John Wick", Fang Nan took out his notebook and opened several North American social media and movie rating websites familiarly.

imdb score 8.5.

90% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

"so tall?"

Fang Nan couldn't believe the evaluations given by the two major rating websites.

R-rated movies are prone to blockbuster movies.

But the production cost of "Quick Chase" is only 1300 million US dollars, which is an out-and-out low-cost movie in Hollywood.

Small-budget movies also mean that the shots cannot be refined.

There will be no big scenes in the movie that make the audience shine.

The fact is indeed the case, Fang Nan rarely NG when directing "John Wick".

So he was even more puzzled: "With such a good reputation, the box office won't exceed [-] million."

"Hang up first, and wait for the video connection."

Throwing away the phone, Fang Nan looked through the comments of the audience and film critics who were invited to attend the screening:
Film critic Louis: "John Wick" has crisp, cool and exciting action scenes, creative plot settings and highly artistic expression techniques.

"An artistic way of expression?" Fang Nan laughed, he just wanted to be quick, precise and ruthless.

Hannah: I thought I was fooled when I was invited to a John Wick screening.

Fang, not weaker than Hollywood directors such as James Cameron, Spielberg, George Lucas, etc., how could he not get a job to make a low-cost movie of 1300 million US dollars.

Until I sat in the cinema, I also thought "John Wick" was Fang's joke.

After watching the movie, I want to say, "John Wick" is so cool!

"Hollywood Reporter": "John Wick" is like the action version of "The Godfather" and the crime version of "The Empire Strikes Back". From "Blood" to "Taken", none of them can compare with "Wood John".

"Variety Show": Awesome!It is cool and full of entertainment, all the action scenes are crisp and neat, very cool, it is an almost perfect action movie, and it is amazing that the action scenes can be choreographed to such a degree!

Even a long action shootout scene will not feel visual fatigue, it is clean and refreshing.

Fans of Twitter netizen Fang: Very straightforward!No tricks!It's very refreshing after reading it, and it's especially decompressing!

In terms of fun, it will never lose to "Ace Agent".

Fang Nan scratched his head while watching the comments on "John Wick" on social media on North American movie websites, while pressing the video invitation button.

"Hi Fang."

"Roger, MGM didn't participate in the online comments, did they?"

"Completely truthful review."

"Since it's true, I think MGM should increase the promotion fee of "John Wick" and discuss with the theaters to increase the number of films."

"We have done it again, that's why we invite you to accept an exclusive interview with North American media. You know, Hu Ge is not well-known in North America. Sometimes he can't even understand some of the host's questions. We dare not let him talk too much. "

Fang Nan nodded and said, "Arrange some online interviews with free media for me, is there anything else?"

"The issue of "Quick Chase" entering China, we talked with China Film Group, and they asserted that the film would never pass the review, so they were unwilling to introduce it."

"I asked Tang Tang Film and Television to contact China Film, and let us introduce it and re-edit it on the streaming media. This is the best way."

"John Wick" has too many violent scenes and is not suitable for minors to watch. Fang Nan already knew the reason why it could not be introduced.

What to say.

If he is an out-and-out capitalist, he will be full of resentment. Breaking the review system will delay his making money.

But he still has a conscience.

Therefore, he had been pondering a way to get the best of both worlds early on, and finally decided to cut some too bloody scenes, and then use the streaming media regulatory loopholes to make "John Wick" meet domestic audiences in a different way.

The advantage of doing this is that the hard work of all the crew is not wasted, and they can earn a little bit.

The downside is that it offended the national theaters.

Fortunately, he has made a lot of money with the theaters over the years, so the major theaters don't care about this time, and it is probably going to be desperate for someone else.

Roger's actions were quick. The crew of "Interstellar" had just transferred to the Oriental Movie Metropolis, and the interview invitation arrived.

In the director's studio of Dongfang Studio, Fang Nanchong waved to the well-known free media person on the video: "Hi, Zoe!"

"Hi, Fang, I'm very glad to get your interview invitation." In front of the camera, a young girl with long brown hair waved and smiled.

"I'm honored too."

"Then let's start now?"

Fang Nan smiled and said, "Okay."

"After the box office successes of The Martian, The Wandering Earth, The Hunger Games, and Gravity, all moviegoers thought you'd join Steven's Jurassic World project for your fourth film. "Interstellar," a sci-fi movie, because those projects are bigger and there are more people looking forward to it. But you chose to make a "John Wick" at a cost of $1300 million, why?"

"Zoe, it's actually very simple, because of love! The environment in which I grew up forced me to love action movies. I have longed to be a kung fu master since I was a child, and I did learn some rough kung fu by chance."

"And when I became a director, I couldn't help but want to make a different action movie."

After writing and drawing for a while, Zoe said again: "But have you ever thought that action movies promote violence?"

"Nonono, Zoe, if you've watched John Wick, you'll understand that we're not promoting violence, we're promoting love!"

"When I was making a movie, some staff members asked me, 'Hey, Fang, why is the actor so angry? He just died a dog that he adopted not long ago'. Is it because the dog was left by his dead wife? ?”

"I was very angry at the time. You know, a dog is the most loyal friend of man. It should not die at the hands of a group of burglars. This is absolutely unacceptable. It is so cute and sensible!"

Zooey smiled and said, "Of course, so Fang, your family also has a dog?"

"Yes, it's an American golden retriever. It was so small when we first met, but now it's very tall. We call it Dajin." Fang Nan nodded and smiled.

The interview lasted nearly an hour.

During this period, an R-rated action movie was abruptly turned into a beautiful movie full of love, all for love by Fang Nankan.

The dog he introduced is even closer and nicer than his own mother.

So it seems that the hero can't overstate how he treats the perpetrator.

After the two interviews landed in North America, many netizens paid attention. Even dog lovers who were not interested in Fang Nan kept leaving their opinions in the comment area.

To them, Fang Nan's answer was completely fine, and anyone who bullied a dog should be punished accordingly.

"I will support Fang Nan and this movie. By the way, what's the name of the movie?"

""John Wick"? Okay, I wrote it down."

One spread two, two spread three, similar arguments became popular on North American social media, and Roger hurriedly seized the opportunity to use the only publicity funds to attack social groups such as the Dog Association and the Animal Protection Association.

The effect is remarkable. "John Wick" opened in North America on July 7, and the box office for the first three days on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday was 12 million, 1200 million, and 1700 million respectively.

The movie grossed $3900 million in its first week.

The North American counterparts were really taken aback. "John Wick" recovered the production cost in one day?
What the hell is a movie with a production cost of 1300 million and a box office of 3900 million US dollars in the first week?

"John Wick" is such a low-budget movie!

The schedule of "John Wick" is the busiest summer schedule in North America in a year!
Take a look at the films of the same period as "John Wick", "Pacific Rim 1.9 Rise of Thunder" with a production cost of 2 million US dollars, "Return to Earth" with a production cost of 1.3 million US dollars, and "Shocking Crisis" with a production cost of 1.5 million US dollars.

Surrounded by super blockbusters, "John Wick" with a production cost of 1300 million is going to stand out?

If every movie does not follow the rules of the game like "Quick Chase", is there any law?

Can the big Hollywood factory still survive?

The first week's box office data was released. Warner Bros. Pictures, Columbia Pictures and other major Hollywood studios were stunned, as were North American filmmakers. Are there really Fang Nan's famous movies that will never be bad at the box office, and movies will always make money?

How about throwing [-] million directly to Fang Nan in the future and letting him take pictures, anyway, he will definitely make money?

This is against the law.

The Hollywood filmmakers were a little dumbfounded, and a little heartbroken.

Kevin from Warner Bros. Pictures, the president of Legendary Pictures, and the president of Columbia Pictures belong to the latter, and their hearts are torn apart.

"Rise of Thunder in the Pacific Rim" is a super mecha blockbuster jointly produced by Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures.

The cost of the film was US$1.9 million, and the box office in the first week was US$3700 million. The reputation in North America was even worse, with the Rotten Tomatoes index at 2.8%, which is really rotten.

The most irritating thing is that because "Pacific Rim 2" is too much attention, a small film studio spent 50 US dollars to shoot "Atlantic Rim" in order to catch a wave of popularity. At this moment, the income from selling discs has already begun to make money.

Murder and kill!
The tragedy of another "Return to Earth", which started painting on the same day as "John Wick", was even more terrifying.

"Return to Earth" was co-produced by Sony Columbia and Hollywood superstar Will Smith at a cost of 1.3 million US dollars, and the box office was 2000 million US dollars in the first week.

The Rotten Tomatoes index is even lower than that of "Pacific Rim 2", with a freshness of only 1.7%, which is so rotten that it cannot be rotten any more.

Columbia, Will Smith is completely numb.

"Hollywood Reporter": I can't believe it. Without "John Wick", you don't know how badly Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures, and Columbia Pictures have chosen film projects.

Listen to me, go to Fang Nan, give him the money, give him the production fee, and then you can sit in the office and drink coffee peacefully, don't worry about the box office of the movie, the US dollars will be automatically delivered to your door.

"Variety Show": Wow, it's unimaginable. Although "John Wick" is optimistic, I didn't expect it to have such a big surprise, and it can win the box office champion in the first week of the summer schedule.

I declare that "John Wick" will be the biggest dark horse at the box office this summer, and even in 2013.

Netizen on Twitter: After watching "John Wick", I can only say that it is too cool. Fang Nan and his actors made a very sour action movie.Sorry, I don't know the actor's name yet.

Facebook netizen: Fang Nan has succeeded again, he is always succeeding, bringing us surprises again and again.

Netizen 2: I can't wait to see the story of "Jurassic" directed by Fang Nan in the cinema.

Netizen 3: The ending of "John Wick" has a foreshadowing, and I hope there will be a second one. This movie makes my blood boil.

The strong word-of-mouth of "Quick Chase", as well as the box office and word-of-mouth of "Pacific Rim 2" and "Return to Earth".

In the second week, John Wick, which cost $1300 million, led the box office rankings for the week, and the film easily broke through $5000 million at the box office, reaching $6600 million.

The second weekend grossed $2700 million, for a total of $6600 million, which is far less than the first and second weekends of any sci-fi film directed by Fang Nan.

But combined with more than 1000 screens, everything becomes clear.

It's a pity that there is no way to solve the problem of too few screens.

North America's No. [-] and No. [-] theater chains had earlier signed secret contracts with Warner and Columbia, and they would not reduce the film scheduling share of the two major companies within two weeks.

Roger was very anxious but had no choice but to focus on the global tour of "John Wick".

The movie did not disappoint him in Europe either. It easily broke $4000 million at the box office within a week of its release.

During this period, on July 7th, another major Columbia production "Shocking Crisis" started painting.

The production cost of "Shocking Crisis" is 1.5 million US dollars, and the director is Roland Emmerich, who has directed disaster blockbusters "The Day After Tomorrow" and "2012".

What everyone didn't expect was that a big dick slapped Sony Columbia Pictures in the face, and the box office of "Shocking Crisis" was 2350 million in the first week.

In the same period as "Hot Hands" with a cost of 4300 million, the box office was 4000 million US dollars.

"John Wick", which won the box office chart for two consecutive weeks, has a box office of 1900 million.

In the fight for the box office in July, the Hollywood giants became a laughing stock, and they seemed to be united as a group to compare badly.

Fortunately, Hollywood movies are paid for by the global market. For example, "Pacific Rim 2: Rise of Thunder" sold well in China, and its reputation was not bad. It finally earned more than 4 million yuan at the box office.

Will Smith led his son to shoot "Return to Earth" without luck.

After "Return to Earth" was released, he personally admitted in front of the media that "Return to Earth" is the worst film he has suffered since his debut.

The stock price of Columbia, which produced "Return to Earth" and "Shocking Crisis", fell sharply and fired many producers.

opposite of this.

MGM once again entered people's field of vision. This old Hollywood factory seems to be rejuvenated after being replaced by Fang Nan.

Of course, apart from MGM, Hu Ge, another beneficiary, probably has another world from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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