literary world

Chapter 430

Chapter 430
Los Angeles.

Outside a small villa in Beverly Hills, the moment Liu Qianqian and Hu Ge appeared, Liu Xiaoli was very happy to see them.

So when Liu Qianqian and Hu Ge entered the room together, she came to the living room with the watermelon that had been cut earlier: "Qixi, you and Hu Ge will eat a piece of watermelon first, it will soon be the hottest time in Los Angeles. good to eat."

Hu Ge said politely, and said with a naive smile: "The climate in Los Angeles is good, and the annual average temperature is only over 20 degrees."

"Los Angeles is okay. The temperature difference between morning and evening is big, so the body feels more comfortable."

"Mom, Hu, eat first, I'll change my shoes."

Liu Qianqian interrupted their conversation and walked to the cloakroom.

After walking halfway, one of the high-heeled shoes was thrown off in an extremely unladylike manner, and when he reached the door of the cloakroom, two high-heeled shoes were suddenly lifted into his hands.

The virtue of her daughter made Liu's mother feel embarrassed, "I was spoiled when I was a child, and I did things carelessly." She apologized to Hu Ge.

Hu Ge spat out a melon seed into the palm of his hand: "It's okay, auntie, girls with such a personality are very popular now, and they have personality."

"Really? Damn, our family has a bit too much personality."

After belittling her daughter, Liu Xiaoli looked up and down at the tall, handsome Hu Ge in front of her. The more she looked at her, the more she felt that the child was good. "Why didn't I like it when I was in "Sword"?"

Muttering something in her heart, Liu Xiaoli said with a smile: "The global box office of "John Wick" has exceeded [-] million. According to the news, there will be a sequel. Are you going to come to Hollywood to develop in the next step?"

"It's 1.5 million US dollars in the world. It's not so easy to come to Hollywood to develop. At present, we still focus on China." Hu Ge seemed quite humble.

He is very self-aware, and the attention he is getting in North America today is inseparable from Fang Nan, the company.

Leaving Fang Nan, let alone break into Hollywood, don't even think about touching the edge of Hollywood.

So what to do in the future depends mostly on the company's arrangements.

"Why isn't this kid self-motivated? The road to fame depends on others, more importantly on the individual. You can't always rely on others."

"Mom, please don't say a few words, don't hurt Hu Ge, I can't figure it out with your little thoughts?"

Liu Qianqian came kicking on her slippers, and first entered the living room to pay attention to Liu Xiaoli.

The fucking old problem has happened again, and I have been thinking all day about finding a partner for her to get her out of the clutches, and even Hu Ge has been thinking about it.

"Huh?" Hu Ge looked at Liu Qianqian blankly without knowing why.

"My mother wants us to date, really!" Liu Qianqian explained with a smile.

Her words were light and light, but in Hu Ge's ears it was like hearing a thunderclap, not to mention that he didn't have the heart.

Even if there was, Mama Liu wanted him to die. Who didn't know that Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian didn't know each other, that he was tired of living?
"cough cough"

Looking at the watermelon juice in his palm, Hu Ge pretended to glance at his watch, and hurriedly said, "Auntie, Sissy, I'll be leaving after visiting the villa. I'm flying to Japan in the afternoon."

No matter how Liu Qianqian and Liu Xiaoli tried to keep her, Hu Ge's messy pace would not stop until she disappeared.

Liu Xiaoli looked at her daughter and became angry: "Why don't you have a good mouth?"

"It's not that you just think of useless things."

"I'm not doing it for your own good? Otherwise, you'll just spend the rest of your life in such a muddle-headed way? Hurry up and get rid of Fang Nan and ask for the shares in space exploration. What's the name that doesn't make sense?"

Liu Qianqian also became angry, and brutally grabbed her long black hair, and said loudly: "Mom, don't mind my business."

She has been arguing about it for so many years, and why it goes on and on, which makes her very melancholy.

Mama Liu was completely angry. In the past, she agreed with Liu Qianqian and Fang Nan's flirtatious flirting because the man was unmarried and the woman was unmarried.

But now, Fang Nan has exposed two marriages, one son and one daughter, but they are still in love with each other. Liu Xiaoli, who has endured for several years, can no longer bear it.

Liu Qianqian has also made a name for herself in Hollywood, when will it stop?
"As long as you call me mom for a day, I will take care of it. If you want to, I don't care. Either cut off with Fang Nan or let Fang Nan get a divorce, or I will take care of it to the end."

"If you don't agree today, I will find someone to expose your relationship. I will prevent you from returning to Huaxia and prevent Fang Nan from being a human being. It just so happens that women's rights are rampant now."

Enraged, Liu Xiaoli gritted her teeth to warn her daughter, and tears welled up in her eyes.

She spent most of her life relying on men from Jiangcheng to New York, and then from New York to Beijing. After years of tossing and turning, she knows how hard it is to depend on men, so she doesn't want Liu Qianqian to follow her old path.

Liu Qianqian looked at her biological mother with a terrifying face: "Mom, are you going to destroy me?"

Liu Ma said bitterly: "I will destroy you now, and our mother and daughter will live well in Los Angeles, otherwise, you will live in pain for the rest of your life, and I won't be able to hear what you say to me when the time comes. You're mad."

"Fang Nan is not as bad as you think!"

"He's not as good as you think!"

"Do as you please." Liu Qianqian walked towards the stairs exhausted.

Today is the second day after she returned home from "The Hunger Games" in Dubai. She didn't expect such a situation, which made her a little tired.

Fang Nan was not happy for a long time with the unexpected surprise of "John Wick" at the box office of 3900 million in the first week.

The filming of "Interstellar" is in full swing, and there are many things that he and the team need to solve.

There are very few intractable diseases encountered.

The preliminary work of the movie was done well, and the team solved a series of difficulties early on, such as how the two robots acted and how the Eternal spacecraft rotated.

For example, robot designers and amg Hummer have jointly developed a small all-terrain vehicle.

A special device on the all-terrain vehicle will make a robot roll like a windmill in the water.

Another robot, called tars, is moved by means of a hydraulic system to trigger the attachment controller. This robot weighs 90 kilograms and is controlled by a stage actor.

As for the rotation effect of Eternity when it left the earth, the technicians took out an astronaut seat that can rotate 60 degrees, and a rotating disc that looks like a four- to five-meter-high Ferris wheel.

The disk is presented on the giant screen, which is the Eternity spinning and advancing in the endless darkness of the Milky Way.

Another spaceship, the Rover, that's a really big guy.

The designer designed a spaceship model weighing nearly 500 kilograms. At this moment, the model was divided into seven containers and sent to Iceland. The assembly began only after Fang Nan gave an order.

Oriental Movie Metropolis, studio.

"Have to say, the designer is a genius, but I hate him."

After Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway got off the rotating disc, they covered their mouths urgently and did not forget to condemn the designer.

Fang Nan smiled and said, "Get used to it, I'll ask someone to slow down the rotation speed, and there will be another one later."

The plot story of "Interstellar" is that: the harsh natural environment makes the earth unsuitable for human habitation.

Therefore, the International Space Agency sent a number of astronauts to find a new home suitable for human beings through the wormhole that suddenly formed ten years ago.

It's been a long space trip.

After the protagonists board the Eternal space station, they will move to various planets such as Mars-Saturn-Mercury.

A large number of space scenes force the actors to adapt to their spaceships.

Fang Nan was comforting Matthew and Annie to keep shooting some more material, when Zhao Zhu ran over: "There are media visits, and the sixth princess wants to do a behind-the-scenes decryption program of "Interstellar" and sent a few people to settle in The crew?"

"You're not kidding, are you?" Fang Nan looked at Zhao Zhu, one of the producers, in surprise.

It's normal for the media to visit the set, and everyone benefits from each other. What the hell is it to be stationed in the crew to decrypt behind the scenes?

CCTV's propaganda covers a wide range and is very powerful.

But how can his sci-fi movies get less exposure.

Zhao Zhu said seriously: "I'm not joking, the bureau made the phone call in person, and the station has just opened a behind-the-scenes declassification program for a movie, and I want you to support it."

Fang Nan felt a little headache, but finally nodded: "Take a few irrelevant photos with them, put the camera away, and warn the other party that they are not allowed to disclose any information about the movie before it hits theaters."

He hated dealing with human beings, but he had to give in.

No way, even an old American president has to let go of prejudices and unite with everyone who can unite, after all, it is easy to do things with more people.

After greeting a group of media reporters, the filming on the disc continued.

Matthew, Annie, Yuan Hong, and a black actor boarded the disc.

If there is a change in Fang Nan's "Interstellar", NASA has been replaced by the International Space Agency.

The four NASA senior members of the space team were replaced by Fang Nan with two Americans, one Chinese and one black.

However, due to the plot, the latter two are destined to only play soy sauce.

Yuan Hong, played by Yuan Hong, rescued people on Mercury and was washed away directly.

The role was even worse for a black actor who waited decades on a spaceship.

Leaning slightly, Rao Xiaozhi said, "Director Fang, it's time to shoot."

"Let's shoot."

The disc rotated slowly, and the four actors started the dialogue in a lying position.

While Matthew pointed at the ipad-like operation panel in front of him, he did not forget to comfort Anne Hathaway: "It's not easy to leave everything behind. I leave the child, and you leave the father."

After being exposed to scars, Annie showed a trace of impatience: "We will still be together for a long time."

"Then learn to communicate."

"And be silent when it's time to be silent." After interrupting Matthew, Anne Hathaway emphasized: "I'm just telling the truth."

Matthew McConaughey looked at Annie seriously: "I don't think you need to be so honest."

"Okay, it's over."

In front of the monitor, after Fang Nan finished calling on the intercom, a familiar voice sounded behind him: "The acting is so natural, why do I feel that Hollywood actors are generally better at acting than Chinese actors?"

Seeing that it was Liu Qianqian with a ponytail, Fang Nan said with a smile:
"Many people feel this way, and there are many reasons. The script is good, and many Hollywood actors have worked and studied in stage theaters since middle and high school, and they have rich experience. In addition, the imported Hollywood films have not been tested in the North American market. It will be bad, so it gives people the illusion that foreigners have good acting skills."

"However, the difference in personality also has certain factors. The West is more open, and people have enough desire to perform. What actors want is the desire to perform."

Fang Nan didn't know if it was correct to explain the gap between eastern and western actors' acting skills in this way.

In his opinion, the biggest problem is China's education system. To put it simply, he hasn't seen a physical education teacher since he was in junior high school.

It is very important to develop children's talents, but the talents of too many children in China are forcibly distorted.

The national football team is always in a mess. Fang Nan believes that half of the blame lies with the people in charge of the football, and half of the blame lies with education.

The number of times he has played football since he was a child is no more than one slap.

Seeing the whole picture at a glance, how many children in the country have never touched football?What a big base this is, who dares to say that there will not be a Messi or Ronaldo among these children?
The same goes for movies. If he had discovered that he was interested in light and shadow earlier, he might have had a better life in his previous life.

It's a pity that he couldn't get in touch with these things when he was a child. He didn't have the financial means to buy a camera, and the school would not tolerate him having more hobbies. After all, academic performance is the most important thing.

"Let's have lunch during the break, and change studios to shoot scenes in the cabin in the afternoon."

After explaining to the intercom again, Fang Nan pulled a chair for Liu Qianqian.

"The work on "The Hunger Games" is over so quickly, is there enough material to cut two movies?"

After Liu Qianqian showed her beautiful figure with a lazy waist, she sat down with her buttocks, and her raised Erlang leg made a foot in a red high-heeled sandal dangle: "It's just a matter of dubbing, rest for a month and then fly to North America .”

Fang Nan licked his dry lips: "How is Wang Liang doing?"

"I'm arguing with Warner and Legendary's producers while filming, anyway, the filming is over."

Fang Nan nodded: "Go wash your hands and get ready to eat."

Liu Qianqian got up and asked, "Is your RV outside? Go eat in your car."

Fang Nan's eyes lit up: "No, but I have some rest time in the afternoon, how about going to my three-bedroom apartment?"

"Have Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li lived here? I won't go if I have. Let's find a quiet place and I'll tell you something."

"I divorced Lizi."

"What does divorce have to do with sleeping together?" Liu Qianqian glanced at Fang Nan.

Fang Nan scratched his head, Liu Qianqian's overly obvious smell of gunpowder made him very puzzled, he didn't know where he offended this person, did he spend less time asking for warmth?It seems that there are not many, but he is busy.

"Go to Zhao Zhu's car."

In Zhao Zhu's RV, Liu Qianqian gave Liu Xiaoli's warning first.

Fang Nan glanced at Liu Qianqian, he had two judgments, one, Liu Qianqian's mother and daughter were playing oboe.

Second, Liu Xiaoli went mad with epilepsy.

The first one was unlikely, he believed that Liu Qianqian would not do such a thing, what was he trying to do?

He and the other party have known each other for almost 10 years. Liu Qianqian's character should not be like this. Her ambition is reflected in her career, not in material things - money.

So it can only be the second one.

But past information told him that the Liu family had no history of epilepsy.

Therefore, Liu Xiaoli did warn Liu Qianqian so bluntly.

With such an analysis result, Fang Nan was not worried at all.

He didn't believe that Liu Xiaoli would strangle her daughter to death with her own hands. If she did, then the Liu family must have a history of epilepsy.

Fang Nan planed a big mouthful of rice with peace of mind.

"So, I decided to have a baby."

"cough cough cough cough"

"Is there a need to be so nervous?" Liu Qianqian gave Fang Nan an angry look.

(End of this chapter)

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