literary world

chapter 431

chapter 431

In July, the weather is hot and dry, and people's emotions will be excited, and they always want to find a way to vent.

So in the summer in the early years, people walking around always heard two kinds of voices.

The miserable cries of children after being violently beaten by adults.

And some indescribable sounds made by men and women.

"Huff. Shhh."

In a room of the five-star hotel in Oriental Movie Metropolis, Fang Nan let out a long gasp and lay on his back on the bed, but Liu Qianqian was in excellent physical condition, holding a pair of white and tender legs high.

Looking at the other person's posture, Fang Nan lamented, "I tried my best, don't blame me if it doesn't work."

Liu Qianqian wanted to exchange her child for Mama Liu and stop chattering, but Fang Nan didn't want to agree.

He is not a reproductive tool, how could he do such an unreliable thing.

Besides, Liu Qianqian is also young, and she has decades to live. Who knows what the future will hold.

But after all, he couldn't resist Liu Qianqian's soft-heartedness.

His family property is no more than one or two more children. What he is anxious about is what will happen to his father when the nameless children grow up?
That would be so sad.

After lighting a cigarette, Fang Nan patted Liu Qianqian's legs that were still struggling to lift up: "Don't hold it up, just let fate."

"Pull it down, I can't run to you every day."

"What are you busy with?"

"Shoot a promotional video for Douyin, promote the brand platform, shoot two autumn commercials, then join the crew of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", and then dub "The Hunger Games"."

Fang Nan was speechless: "Why do you feel busier than me?"

"Nonsense, so many secretaries, assistants, and executives work for you, and I can only do it myself." Liu Qianqian gave Fang Nan a white look.

"You don't have to be so busy, you can visit mountains and rivers all year round." Fang Nan tentatively asked.

"If you don't come here, I can't live so empty, and I don't want to get Alzheimer's early."

"As you like."

Fang Nan took out his phone and clicked on the Douyin short video icon.

In the current world, few people are familiar with this entertainment software that has not yet been released.

So after he tried the beta version and made a few suggestions, the R&D team was stunned.

They couldn't understand why Fang Nan, who was not involved in the research and development, knew this software so well, and put forward many constructive suggestions.

The addition of mini-games has enriched entertainment, and opinions on regulatory loopholes have made the company fully prepared.

"He deserves to be able to start from scratch!" The R&D team sincerely praised Fang Nan, the boss behind the scenes.

Finally putting down her legs, Liu Qianqian crawled to Fang Nan's side: "Is this product endorsed by our group of celebrities?"

"Yeah, do you want to try it out?"

"I'm not very interested in electronic products, let's just watch TV."

While Liu Qianqian frequently changed the channel, Fang Nanshun took a few glances. This year's domestic dramas seemed to be okay, "Under the Zhengyang Gate", "Across the Great Qin Empire", and "Beat the Dog Stick" were all pretty good.

"Let's just watch Yawen's "Under the Zhengyang Gate". Hey, is this girl the heroine of the Knife Shot Sect?" Liu Qianqian raised her chin slightly at Bian Xiao on the screen.

"It seems so, a group of people made Yin Xiaotian miserable."

Knife-cutting has left a strong mark in the entertainment industry. The incident happened last year. Yin Xiaotian was accused by Bian Xiaoxiao, the same crew, of beating someone. As soon as the incident happened, Yin Xiaotian's good friends and brothers stood up out of righteous indignation.

What's surprising is that it's okay for these brothers to be indiscriminate, and it's not Yin Xiaotian who usually calls them brothers and sisters, but Bian Xiaoxiao.

The crazy output from the brothers made Yin Xiaotian's career plummet.

But soon, the beating video was made public, and Yin Xiaotian became the one being slandered.

But at this time, the brothers have disappeared, leaving only the "reputable names" such as the leader of the Sword Sect, the guardian of the Sword Sect, etc., and the Sect of the Sword has become a long-lasting topic of discussion among domestic entertainment.

Liu Qianqian laughed and said, "Why didn't you speak out and condemn last year, a good actor was delayed."

"Put it down, sometimes I can't help but make irresponsible remarks, but this kind of trivial matter is fine, it's not worth my shot. In addition, in the entertainment circle, you have to understand a truth, no matter how powerful a respected actor, literary artist Workers are also dispensable to some people.”

"Including the business field, you can be rich in business and business, but remember to raise your tail too high and think too much of yourself, otherwise it will be easy to click."

Fang Nan stretched out his right hand with a stern expression, and gestured for a downward horizontal cut.

Liu Qianqian was speechless: "Why don't you act in "House of Cards"? Fight against Kevin Spacey, who plays the Democratic Party whip in the play."

"You don't believe that what Kevin did in "House of Cards" is happening in reality, right? He conspired all the way, killed people, and finally reached the top, which seems like a fantasy? I can only say that you are too young, kid."

"Let me tell you, I can get your mother in the Los Angeles villa to be taken to the police with a single phone call, do you believe it?"

Liu Qianqian: "How do you do it?"

"MGM donated about 1000 million U.S. dollars this year, of which about 400 million U.S. dollars was distributed in Los Angeles, where the company was registered, and the rest went to Washington. With so much money distributed, do you think I asked some people to help How difficult is it for me to do small things?"

"It's because my identity doesn't allow it, and the company's business is not so important in some people's eyes, so I don't want to follow the example of local businessmen and donate more election funds to them, otherwise you can't imagine my guests."

How well did David calculate Harvey Weinstein in North America?

The acquisition of MGM went smoothly?
How could it be so easy.

Behind all the smooth success is inseparable from strong financial power and a super-high standard lobbying team.

Now that he has reached this stage, it is no longer possible to simply say that he should stay away from politics.

If you touch politics, your future is uncertain; if you don't touch politics, you can't do anything.

On National Day, dozens of countries will open the download of Douyin short videos. Can he and Guangying Technology do it?


Liu Qianqian was not interested in politics and knew nothing about it, Fang Nan didn't bother to talk much, and was even a little envious.

The more ignorant you are, the happier you are!
Being a fool is not necessarily a bad thing, at least I feel happy and live happily every day.

Now he is also hiding in the crew to hide his strength and bide his time. It is best for people all over the world to think that he is a director.

Not a sneaky businessman building a sprawling business and entertainment empire.

The next day, Liu Qianqian walked away gracefully, taking with her a little bit of seeds that she didn't know whether they would germinate smoothly.

Fang Nan trotted back to the set of "Interstellar" to be the director while exercising in the morning.

Not long afterward, he was stopped by the gate by a crowd of journalists, unable to retreat.

"What are you doing?"

Watching the security rush out, a reporter yelled from behind: "Brother Nan, we chased after Director Zhang, and he broke in early, so you can say something casually and let us go back to deal with business, they all came all the way here of."

"It's done, you automatically arrange and combine, hurry up, hundreds of people from the crew are waiting for me in the studio, don't ask strange questions to embarrass me."

"Director Fang, we all know that you and the concubine are close friends, and you have been her singing assistant, so what do you think is the real reason for the divorce between the concubine and Li Yapeng? Will the concubine reunite with Nicholas Tingfeng?"

Fang Nan was depressed: "This is a matter of a couple, how do I know what to do? Next."

Douyin Entertainment: "Brother Nan, then Wang Feng and Zhang Ziyi are dating, did you call to wish them well?"

"What does their good relationship have to do with me? I think the person in charge of your entertainment department should write me a review."

The little girl backed away giggling, and Mango Entertainment raised the microphone and said, "Director Fang, what do you think of CCTV's selection of Feng Dapao as the director of the 2014 Spring Festival Gala?"

"I personally support it very much. The CCTV Spring Festival Gala wants to change and bring back the action that once made people laugh out loud. I am here to give CCTV and Director Feng a thumbs-up. I hope their performances will produce a chemical reaction. At the end of the year for I will definitely wait and see for ordinary people across the country to present a high-level, high-quality, and joyful Spring Festival Gala."

Blueberry Channel Entertainment 100%: "Director Fang, what do you think of Mango Channel's host surnamed Du kneeling down in public on the show "Happy Camp"?"

Fang Nan didn't turn his head around: "Kneel for someone? Who do you kneel for?"

"A Korean boy group member named Quan Zhilong."

Fang Nan curled his lips: "I suggest that the host go to the neurology department. A person's brain is particularly prone to excitement, and it's not a good thing to have neurological problems. The time is almost up."

When An Baobao Fang Nan entered the door, the reporter next to him shouted: "Director Fang, the box office of "Little Times" jointly invested by Tangtang Film and Television broke 5 million yuan and caused a huge response. What do you think of the nationwide impact this movie brought? dispute."

Fang Nan couldn't help but stopped.

"I watched "Little Times" and didn't like it very much. The values ​​and ideas conveyed by the film are very problematic, but I can't change the thinking of more people. This is the real reason why "Little Times" caused national controversy."

"With the development of the times, there will be more controversies of all kinds in the future, because everyone's knowledge, experience, environment, and experience are different, and they don't have the same experience, and they don't have personal experience. One person wants to convince another. too difficult."

"So, let's seek common ground while reserving differences, and leave the problem to time to solve, although there will be a lot of pain in the middle."

After entering the set with a sightseeing car, Fang Nan saw Lao Mouzi and his party at a glance.

After the two shook hands, Fang Nan watched the excitement and said with a smile: "It's not a small trouble, at least 100 media outside are blocking you, and you have so much wealth that you will be fined [-] million."

"The media is making a lot of noise, maybe it will be fined several million."

Lao Mouzi's face was tired and his mood was obviously depressed, but he still insisted on introducing the foreigners around him to Fang Nan.

"Fang, I'm so happy to see you here, this trip is worthwhile." Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas gave Fang Nan a bear hug.

"Isn't it because the snatched "The Hunger Games" is about to be released?"

Fang Nan let out a cold snort, and asked, "When will "Godzilla" be released?"

"It's in the post-production stage, and it will premiere in North America in May next year. Fang, why do you care so much about this monster?"

"You do not care?"

"Of course I care. The production cost of "Godzilla" is as high as 1.6 million US dollars. Once it fails, I think I should resign voluntarily. The board of directors is already very dissatisfied with the failure of "Rise of the Pacific Rim". Three chances."

Thomas supported Fang Nan's back as he walked out of the crowd and said mysteriously.

Fang Nan pondered for a while, then stared at Thomas and said in a low tone, "Then I advise you to find another salary earlier?"

Thomas looked confused: "Why?"

Fang Nan said very seriously, "I don't think "Godzilla" will be successful."

"No kidding, you're looking forward to this monster movie."

"You are wrong, what I have been looking forward to is the copyright, not the box office of "Godzilla"."

"Thomas, I have worked with you for a long time with Legendary Pictures since I came to Hollywood. Now, as a friend, I solemnly remind you that if "Godzilla" is really so important to you, you should plan early, Edwards Without a lot of directing experience, he's going to screw up Godzilla and put you in a corner."

"That's all for now, I'm going to be busy." After taking two steps forward, Fang Nan turned around abruptly, frowned at Thomas, who had gray hair and frowning, and said, "Who will be in charge of editing "Godzilla"?" with?"


Fang Nan glanced at Thomas mentally: "God bless you!"

Lao Mouzi was a little embarrassed: "If I knew you were so familiar, I wouldn't be ashamed to introduce you."

"That's it, are you here to do something?"

"Thomas wrote a script about the Great Wall after seeing the Great Wall in Huaxia in the early years. He dragged his feet and found me at the beginning of the year. The project has been confirmed. Let's see if the Oriental Movie Metropolis is suitable for the scene."

"Don't worry, only Dongfang Movies in China is suitable." Fang Nan was curious: "What kind of scene are you going to build?"

"Temporarily consider building a model of the Great Wall with hundreds of containers, with a size of at least 1 square kilometer."

"The studio here is completely sufficient."

Fang Nan smacked his lips. Lao Mouzi's "The Great Wall" is definitely a masterpiece, but he will also lose money to Muggles.

He didn't coax Lao Mouzi to give up.

Both of them are great directors, so how could they not have any opinions and no way to persuade them.

After standing and chatting for a few more words, the filming of "Interstellar" started.

Filming "Interstellar" was similar to filming "Gravity". He didn't need to train any actors at all. His only job on the set was to ensure the stable operation of the crew.

Ensure that all groups work closely together.

Make sure that the actors don't play big names.

"Come again, come again" until lunch time, the secretary Xiao Zhu and Gao Yuanyuan's wife came together.

"Boss, the organizing committee of the Beijing International Film Festival has sent you an invitation. Please go to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests in the Temple of Heaven Park on August 8 to attend the opening ceremony of the third Beijing International Film Festival."

"The chairman of Ali's board of directors invited you to dinner."

"The city leader of your hometown city also wants to make an appointment with you."

"Chamber of Commerce."

"Hey, shit, what's going on with you, Xiaozhu, I get goosebumps all over my body when I hear the words, just eat when you eat, what's the matter with dinner, don't go!"

After being hit by Gao Yuanyuan for swearing in front of his son, Fang Nan wondered, "Why did Yangzhou invite me?"

"Summer dinner at the Chamber of Commerce? As usual, you asked Cao Guozhong to go on my behalf. He is more keen on these things."

"Understood, the secretary over there in Yangzhou didn't disclose the information."

"You can book a box for me at the Oriental Movie Metropolis Hotel, and call me when someone arrives." Fang Nan said slowly.

For other people, other activities can be postponed, and the old family members must see each other.

Although the people who came were not his real family members, not even people from the orphanage, but he grew up in that city after all, and he must never forget his roots.

After writing it down, Xiao Zhu asked again, "Where is the film festival?"

"The first opening ceremony cannot be postponed, please remind me one day in advance."

While returning to Xiao Zhu, Fang Nan pinched his son's bulging mouth. The little guy was shocked by the weird equipment in the shed, staring around with wide eyes and shaking his head.

"Is the filming over?"

Gao Yuanyuan pinched Fang Nan's shoulders and said, "I can't come until the filming is over."

"Have you two eaten?"

"Your son is almost full, and I'm barely half full." Gao Yuanyuan pressed Fang Nan's upper body and said coquettishly.

"I'll take two meals and go home to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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