literary world

Chapter 432 1 Family of 3

Chapter 432 A Family of Three


In the three-bedroom apartment in Oriental Movie Metropolis.

Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan were leaning against the head of the bed in cool clothes, while Fang Qin stood crookedly in his small clothes.

Leaning a little, Fang Qin, who was white and tender, was no longer shy under the encouragement of Gao Yuanyuan, and sang to Fang Nan a nursery rhyme that has been popular all over the world for two centuries.

"Twinkle twinkle little stars, how I wonder where you are"

While singing, the little guy clapped his little hands clumsily following Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan's beat, regardless of whether he sang well or not, the sense of ceremony was full first.

It wasn't until the little guy realized that what he sang over and over again was only one line of lyrics, and then he shyly threw himself into Gao Yuanyuan's arms.

"Why are you shy again, I have to learn from your father's thick skin." Gao Yuanyuan scolded the little guy while holding the little guy's buttocks.

Fang Nan was speechless, turned his head to the side and gave Gao Yuanyuan a supercilious look: "You are my black fan boss? Focus on blacking me for 100 years, right?"

Gao Yuanyuan elbowed Fang Nan, and said coquettishly, "Fuck you, you are the black fan boss!"


"Hey, Lu Qing, are you still asleep?"

"Just finished the high-level meeting, Brother Nan, at the just-concluded meeting, the high-level executives of Light and Shadow Technology unanimously decided to build a data storage center with high privacy, high protection, and high security. The estimated investment is as high as 200 billion. I will wait again Talk to Mr. Yan and Mr. Cai, and share the amount."

"If all the senior management agree, let's build it. What the hell, Lao Mei doesn't do personnel work."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Nan was a little upset.

In early June, the Prism Gate incident broke out in Laomei, causing an uproar all over the world.

As of yesterday, the revelation finally involved Huaxia. Laomei has been monitoring the communication records, text messages, itineraries, photos, and login notifications of many organizations, companies, and individuals in Huaxia in the past few years.
On the monitoring list, Fang Nanhe's Light and Shadow Technology was on the list.

Because of his great fame, he was even singled out to attract a wave of attention.

At present, the two countries are actively communicating on this matter. This level is too high, and Guangying Technology can't do much. It can only condemn Apple, Microsoft, Google and other accomplice companies while discussing the establishment of its own data storage center.

The project of the data storage center is so large that it needs to dig a hole in the mountain, and the poured concrete must withstand the explosive power of several nuclear bombs. It is estimated that it will cost tens of billions of dollars to complete it successfully. Fang Nan's teeth itch.

He has engaged in several major projects in the past few years, such as the Oriental Movie Metropolis, Xiangjiang Movie Palace [developing the beach], the acquisition of MGM, and the second-class Beijing Performing Arts Center. Now he is building a data storage center, and the financial pressure is full.

The good thing is that he is more optimistic about the prospects of Douyin's short video, and the pressure should be much less after the short video has been launched and operated for a few months.

"The little balloon fell asleep."

When Fang Nan frowned to settle accounts, Gao Yuanyuan leaned into his ear and said very charmingly.

Throwing away the phone, Fang Nan rubbed his hands and searched for the ball, but the fierce battle the night before had exposed him a bit. Realizing that he couldn't lose the chain at the critical moment, he urgently picked up Gao Yuanyuan's naked fruit, seeking a more Big thrill.


After all, he has a certain foundation, and after a few more provocations, he found his original intention.

After a while of wheezing.

The two hugged each other contentedly, "I can't get fatter anymore, my body shape is just right." Fang Nan rubbed the two petals of the hill to warn Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan has been exercising after giving birth to the little balloon, and her figure is in good shape.

But people, as long as the diet keeps up, the mind is not burdened, and the life is happy, there will always be some rich meat, and Gao Yuanyuan is the same. In the past two years, the cheekbones and hip bones have become significantly larger.

But the moment is just right, a little plump, but very tactile, not too personable, and has a good temperament, which is very attractive to him.

Gao Yuanyuan pinched the tender flesh on Fang Nan's waist, and said angrily, "What will you do if you get fat?"

"If you become 180 catties, I'll kick you out of bed." Fang Nan said happily.

Gao Yuanyuan was so angry that he turned around suddenly, and pointed his feet at Fang Nan's buttocks to support him: "I'll kick you off first."

Unexpectedly, she did not kick Fang Nan away with a vigorous kick, but instead sprinted backwards because of the smooth mat, bumping into the little balloon sleeping soundly on its side, with a muffled "gudong", the little balloon fell on the ground They fell to the floor, and the two broke out in a cold sweat.

Fang Nan put on boxer shorts in twos and rushed to the other side of the bed with bare feet, but Little Balloon stood up in a daze, looked at Fang Nan, then at Gao Yuanyuan who looked nervous and guilty on the bed, She climbed onto the bed with her buttocks pouted, and fell asleep on her stomach again after a while.

"Why is this child a little lacking in heart?" Fang Nan scratched his head and muttered.

"You are the one who is heartless, your whole family is heartless!" Angrily scolded Fang Nan, who was outspoken, Gao Yuanyuan fondled his son's little head and said worriedly: "Do you want to take your son to the hospital for a full-body examination? "

"Forget it, it's so tall, and the child's body is soft, so it should be fine. Xiao Zhuo will be fine if he fell off the pony."

Gao Yuanyuan said in a low voice, "I'm still worried."

"Let's go after dawn."

Fang Nan yawned and went to bed.

The next day, the two took the small balloon to the hospital for a physical examination. There was nothing wrong with them. After being relieved, the two also checked their bodies along the way.

Gao Yuanyuan's health has improved a lot.

On the contrary, Fang Nan felt a little weak and was prescribed some tonics.

Back on the set, Fang Nan saw David who had been hiding in North America, running around to bring down Harvey Weinstein.

"After the massive metoo began, we received calls from the National Women's Association and several non-profit organizations. After repeated discussions, they decided to take the responsibility of suing Weinstein. This is also the best result."

"What's more, Disney decided to shelve several projects with the Weinstein Company. Harvey Weinstein was also kicked out of the Weinstein Company by his younger brother. He is considered a betrayal."

Fang Nan handed David a cigarette, and after the two lit it, he asked the most crucial point:
"How is the victim's mood? They will go to court to tell all the process and details of being humiliated. In the face of the judge and the media, can they persevere until the end?"

"They are sure that there is no problem. We took the two of them to see a psychiatrist. They are also taking medicine for anxiety and depression." David puffed out a cigarette with a heavy expression.

He's a bad guy and has seen too much intrigue in Hollywood.

I also participated in Warner Bros. Pictures' career struggle and failed, so I was transferred to China Film Warner Hengdian Film and Television Company.

So he has seen many villains, and he is also a villain.

But it was during his time helping Fangnan against Weinstein that he realized that villains have a hierarchy.

His evilness pales in comparison to Weinstein's.

"That's good. After the lawsuit is over, arrange a better job for the two of you. As for you, David, find an excuse to get out of Warner after filming "Interstellar."

"If you are not afraid of embarrassment, I will appoint you as the president of the promotional film. If you don't want to have any intersection with Warner, MGM's senior management will also open their arms to you."

The illness of the two witnesses did not cause any psychological burden on Fang Nan. At this point, he must learn to be decisive.

"Thank you, boss." David held out his right hand.

Fang Nan patted the other person on the shoulder and walked towards the director's studio.

"Scene 22 of "Interstellar", 3 shots, one real shot, action."

In Eternity, Anne Hathaway looked at Yuan Hong with her head down, got up and said, "Yuan, are you okay?"

"Let me get used to it." Yuan Hong in the spacesuit smiled awkwardly and swayed her body unconsciously.

"Okay, there are sleeping pills in the dormancy cabin, I'll go get them, or you can wait for me at the cryogenic bed."

Anne Hathaway, who got up and was about to leave, was interrupted by Fang Nan: "Cut, Yuan Hong, you can't speak clearly, is English composed of more than 20 letters so difficult to learn?"

"Director Fang, I'm sorry. Annie, everyone, I'm sorry."

Seeing the humble Yuan Hong, Fang Nan became angry: "My crew never needs to apologize. It is more important to perform the next one well and not waste everyone's time than to apologize!"

In Yuanshikong, directors and actors like Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Liu Qianqian, Wang Liang, Guo Fan, Wen Muye, and Rao Xiaozhi are really not very good at it.

Hu Ge and Liu Qianqian are well-known, but their achievements in the film industry are hard to describe.

Guo Fan and Wen Muye are not bad, and they have representative works, but they are only good in China.

A second-line actor like Yuan Hong is enough.

Wang Liang found no such person.

Now, he uses his own bugs and influence to bring this group of people to play together, to lead a group of people to globalization,

But at the same time, these people have to study hard and pay.

At least after leaving him, he must gain a firm foothold in Hollywood, otherwise, wouldn't he help a lonely person?
"Can it work?" Fang Nan picked up the walkie-talkie and asked.

Yuan Hong nodded and said, "Director Fang, it's fine."

The filming continued, and Yuan Hong, who used the break time to recite the lines dozens of times, finally passed the test.

"It's long overdue."

Fang Nan threw away the walkie-talkie rather annoyed.

He didn't ask for high acting skills, and if he couldn't speak a few lines well, he would be a fart, and he would just be the male lead of the Asian version of "The Walking Dead".

The Asian version of "The Walking Dead" will start filming soon.

The producers are Tang Tang Film and Television Hong Kong and South Korea respectively, and the filming locations are mainly in China.

The plot and story are similar to the American version, very simple.

A father who was doing foreign trade business in the United States was anxious to take the flight back to China in order to participate in his son's retirement banquet.

On the way from the hotel to the airport, the businessman's bare arm was stumbled by an oncoming person, and five bloodstains were drawn with his fingernails.

Although he was angry but didn't care, he simply bandaged his wound in the bathroom and got on the passenger plane.

On the passenger plane, the businessman's body began to gradually become unwell, but he still managed to reach the hotel.

Eventually the mutation turned on the killing at the banquet that night.

His son Yuan Hong escaped the catastrophe because of his physical fitness and extraordinary wit, and then traveled around the city full of walking corpses to find his girlfriend by smearing dead flesh on his body.

As for the process of how the protagonist makes friends, fights with others, and the mental journey of the other members of the protagonist group, Fang Nan didn't think about it carefully.

For him, there are too many things to do, and it doesn't matter whether the Asian version of "The Walking Dead" will be as popular as the American version.

During another break, Gao Yuanyuan pulled his little butt and pushed Fang Qin back into the director's studio: "Your son has taken a fancy to that robot that can walk by itself."

Fang Nan leaned aside and glanced at Fang Qin: "What do you want that thing for? It's so heavy, what if it falls on you?"

Gao Yuanyuan was extremely depressed: "Hey, I really admire you, why don't you have good things to say?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "Didn't you ask me to educate him? It's okay if you have something to do, if you have nothing to do, hurry up, I'm filming."

He yelled so loudly, Fang Qin became honest instead, Gao Yuanyuan glared at his son, and said in his heart: "The master who bullies the weak and fears the hard."

After his son stopped making trouble, Gao Yuanyuan pulled up a chair and sat down beside Fang Nan with peace of mind.

Fang Qin was curious about Fang Nan's director studio, and she was similar.

After all, the general crew used nothing more than cameras, track cars, lamps, monitors and some messy props for filming. Fang Nan's crew had a lot of things.

Even though she has been in the industry for more than 10 years, there are still many devices that she does not recognize.

What caught my eye was a wall of computer screens, some had to look up, some were displaying patterns, and some were loading something.

On the shelves in the shed were cameras of various sizes that she couldn’t name. Some were only as big as a hand-held camera, and some couldn’t be embraced by a person.

Then there are special effects artists in two rows.

Some of these people are playing with their mobile phones, some are typing on the keyboard, and some are chatting, and it is not clear what state they are in.

Outside the shed is even more outrageous, there is a robot that can move, and a robot that needs to be controlled.

Looking at the imitation space station, ferris wheel-like props, robotic arms, space suits and other props, she, an adult, scratched her head and scratched her head. No wonder her son was reluctant to leave.

Seeing the little guy leaning against Gao Yuanyuan's legs quietly, Fang Nan smiled, and rummaged through the boxes and took out 5 strange beasts from the Classic of Mountains and Seas, as well as figures of Monkey King.

The strange beasts in Shan Hai Jing are Nine-Tailed Fox, Di Jiang, Qiong Qi, Luan Niao, and Phoenix.

The figures are quite large, 20 centimeters high, and each beast has a square base under its feet.

On the bottom of the base and on the side is written the Chinese pinyin name of the alien, as well as the English version of the origin and skill introduction of the alien.

"Do you want?"

Fang Qin nodded honestly: "Yes."

Fang Nan smiled and patted his son's little head: "Take it and play with it, and ask mom to put it in your schoolbag when you get home."

Gao Yuanyuan took a look at the phoenix figure: "The workmanship is very fine, where did you buy it? I have never seen so many toys for the little balloon."

"This is the only one in the world." Fang Nan pointed to his private locker.

The Shan Hai Jing Alien Beast figure is what he used to sell to North America as an early investment for future monster movies. It has not yet been released yet, and the few in his hand are just samples.

"Don't tell me you bought a toy factory."

"It's so smart, I did buy a toy factory, and I've been buying it for a long time."

"Huh? What do you buy a toy factory for?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "What else can the toy factory do besides selling toys?"

Gao Yuanyuan stomped his feet: "I'm confused by you. I mean, the toys you produce are not easy to sell. Now it's popular to do Marvel heroes, or remote control cars. Little girls like Barbie dolls. You produce these toys Can the factory lose money?"

"What do you know, a loss is a blessing."

"I'm lazy to tell you."

Fang Nan's dead pig looked like Gao Yuanyuan, who was not afraid of the boiling water, stood up straight, his forehead was covered with sweat, and Fang Qin, who was still beeping non-stop, stretched out his hand: "Stop playing, go home and take a nap. "

(End of this chapter)

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