literary world

Chapter 433

Chapter 433

Gao Yuanyuan took Fang Qin and left Pujiang in a hurry.

The flower shop she co-opened received a big order.

In September, Chen Chichi, one of the leading actors in "Love Apartment", got married, and all the flowers needed for the wedding were packaged to their flower company.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't need to show his face.

Her identity is destined not to serve anyone, but she is keen to hide behind the scenes and devote herself to giving ideas and designing solutions for clients.

Fang Nan also let her go.

The happiest and happiest job in the world is nothing more than a personal favorite. He has always been an open-minded person.

However, he also repeatedly told Gao Yuanyuan to try not to get rid of the security around him.

After Gao Yuanyuan left, under the arrangement of the secretary, Fang Nan led the negotiating team formed by the boutique supermarket to have a meeting with several leaders from his hometown in the Oriental Movie Metropolis Hotel.

In the end, the boutique supermarket signed a memorandum of mutual cooperation with the city.

The content of the memorandum is that as long as the Gaoyou salted duck eggs, brown sugar, Baoying lotus root, and Jiangdu square crisp produced by several enterprises in Yangzhou pass the food quality inspection standard, the boutique supermarket will give priority to purchasing the above four kinds of food from Yangzhou.

At the wine table, Fang Nan sneakily confessed to the leaders of his hometown that the food quality sampling inspection staff was composed of the boutique supermarket team itself.

Moreover, the production plant area and food quality standards are somewhat different from the national standards.

In short, there is only one meaning, shoddy goods must never be used.

After all, at the beginning of the boutique supermarket's business, he personally and a group of senior executives first acted politely and then fought, [Using food quality as a breakthrough point for corruption, he personally sent the corrupt people to justice, and at the same time, he also used legal tools to make the corrupt people lose their fortunes , bid farewell to the industry for a lifetime. 】

Cao Guozhong Chihong is chasing after each fortune-making project. Sometimes his boss can only help with the aftermath, and he uses thunder methods.

After finishing another matter, Fang Nan hurried back to the set.

The weather in Iceland is very cold, and he has to complete all the Icelandic scenes before some specific tourist areas in Iceland are closed, and the time is tight.

"I'll go to Iceland to prepare first. It will take a lot of time to transport the props and equipment to the shooting location and then assemble them."

Fang Nan thought for a while, then nodded to David: "It's fine, Rao Xiaozhi's English is not good, let Wen Muye go with you, and let Jiang Ping send two special effects engineers."

"Okay, let's buy the fastest ticket."

"Boss, CCTV wants to interview."

"It's endless, why are you interviewing again?" Fang Nan looked at Xiao Zhu with a displeased expression.

"This year marks the 108th anniversary of Huaxia Film. The literary and art circles will hold evening parties and record programs. The programs should also be broadcast at the Beijing Film Festival."

Fang Nan pursed his lips: "What about people, let them come here now."

He hates meetings the most, and he spends all day thinking about meetings and people when he is not doing business.

After a while, Xiao Zhu entered the director's studio with CCTV's field reporters and several staff members, "What's the theme for this year?" Fang Nan asked with a frown.

"Director Fang, you have to talk about the changes Huaxia Film will make in the second decade of the new century. To put it bluntly, you want to imagine a better future!"

Fang Nan scratched his head and looked at Xiao Zhu: "Write me a copy?"

"Wrote two copies, here."

The two copywritings are gorgeous in words and brilliant in writing, imagining the future of Chinese-language films extremely beautifully, but they are full of empty talk and big talk to make me feel lonely, and I don't know which secretary wrote it.

Throwing away the secretary's copywriting, Fang Nan went straight to the photographer and said, "Turn on."

"Director Fang, don't you need makeup?"

"Fuck off, let's start."

The lead reporter nodded helplessly to the photographer: "Director Fang, let's record a blessing video first, 5 4 3 2 1, start."

Facing the camera, Fang Nan changed his smile in seconds:
Hello, audience friends in front of the TV, I am Fang Nan, a filmmaker, and I would like to congratulate Huaxia Film on its 108th Christmas.

From the first drama film "Dingjun Mountain", to the first feature film "A Difficult Wife", the first sound film "Song Girl Peony River", and the first foreign film award-winning "Yu Guang Song", The first color feature film "Blessings" has been bumpy and hard along the way.

But under the leadership of me...and the older generation of filmmakers, Huaxia Films has embarked on a glorious and broad road that belongs to Huaxia Films.

For a hundred years, the older generation of filmmakers has always adhered to the idea that a hundred flowers bloom in film themes, and the purpose of film stories deeply rooted in the hearts of the people has also set an example for us latecomers.

Pay tribute to Chinese films, and pay tribute to the older generation of filmmakers!

After recording the blessing video, there was a short interview session. When the reporter asked what changes Chinese filmmakers would make in the future, Fang Nan talked about the profession of director.

Huaxia's director has too much power and is too capable.

The well-known domestic director Lao Mouzi, Feng Dapao, Jiang Wen, Chen Kaige, and several major directors in Xiangjiang, one of them is a scalper-like director, and he can't wait to sweep the crew floor every day.

Famous directors don't understand that decentralization is a bad phenomenon.

Fang Nan was also very strong on the set, and for this reason, he and David fought for the power of the crew, but he respected the opinion of the prop master and would completely hand over the special effects to the special effects engineer.

All he has to do is to provide his own ideas, and then delegate power to the people below.

The same is true for "Jurassic World", which is under preparation. He told the team his ideas, and the team set up scenes and made props according to his ideas.

These domestic directors are not, can you imagine that Lao Mouzi would personally talk to the factory manager about the production materials of the Great Wall model?
Fang Nan was stunned at the time, the factory was in Tangshan, and Lao Mouzi really booked a flight to Tangshan to meet him.

Great directors don't set up a director team and don't trust anyone. This is another ill that hinders the rise of Chinese films. There is a shortage of film talents.

"Can the question I mentioned be edited into the program?"

The reporter smiled a bit reluctantly: "It should be no problem."

Fang Nan nodded: "You can figure it out, I'm still busy, go interview other people."

After patting and patting stopped until the end of work, Cao Guozhong came again and complained that next year's chamber of commerce dinner would be done by Lu Qing.

"Why? I'm not happy about letting you eat and drink." Fang Nan said happily.

"The guys on the Internet are so good at bragging, it hurts to listen to it, especially that old horse, Balabala, who can't stop talking all afternoon, I can't stand it."

"Oh, by the way, Lei Jun said that Xiaomi won't pay dividends this year, so let me bring you a bottle of wine as an apology."

When Cao Guozhong spoke, the secretary had already taken out a box of wine.

"The vodka in a pure gold bottle, he said it cost US$35." Cao Guozhong handed the wine to Xiao Zhu.

Fang Nan didn't care about the wine, but asked curiously, "What did Lao Ma say at the chamber of commerce?"

"In the future, online shopping will be the main commodity transaction, and the Internet will be king. Just like what he said, Wal-Mart has already been brought down by Amazon. I wonder if the country will agree or not. I think the old horse will have problems sooner or later, and he will die in the future without knowing how to die."

Fang Nan frowned.

In his memory, the Internet and online shopping are extremely prosperous.

This is why he dared to boldly invest in Penguin and Xiaomi, and founded Douyin, Mengmeng Literature and other Internet and mobile phone companies.

However, what Cao Guozhong said is indeed reasonable. People's livelihood is the top priority of every country. It is not guaranteed that the country will start to regulate the market not long after his death.

After thinking for a while, Fang Nan said slowly: "Artist boutique supermarkets are especially important. Quality must be exchanged for word of mouth. As long as the artist brand has a good and resounding reputation, even if online shopping becomes the mainstream of market consumption, we will definitely have a place."

"Another one, we can also do online shopping, the difference is that our products may be more expensive, the product range is relatively small, and we cannot deliver to every corner of the country, but we can try to expand our distribution in several major cities scope."

"In the past, you delivered within 10 minutes centered on artist boutique supermarkets. In order to resist the wave of online shopping, you can change it to deliver within 1 hour."

Cao Guozhong thought for a moment and said, "The cost has increased a bit, but it should be within the acceptable range."

Fang Nan nodded and smiled. Compared with Yida, an artist made up of one or two buildings is now a sparrow.

Although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, each project can earn some money, and the accumulation of multiple money-making projects can also earn a lot of income in a year.

And in the future, even if one or two unprofitable projects are cut off, it won't hurt your heart.

On August 8st, all the scenes in the Oriental Movie Metropolis of "Interstellar" ended, and the crew flew to Iceland urgently.

In August, the temperature in Iceland has already made people feel cold. Fortunately, it has not reached the critical point. One of the filming locations, the largest glacial lake in Iceland, has not yet frozen.

Their luck was so good that on the second day in Iceland, hundreds of people saw the aurora in the glacier lake.

The curtain-shaped aurora hangs over the glacial lake, exuding brilliant and beautiful brilliance.

August is the time when the aurora is prevalent in Iceland, but this scene still makes everyone excited and shocked. Many people including Fang Nan have never seen such a spectacle.

"Hurry up and take a picture."

With a loud cry, everyone took out their mobile phones and pointed them at the sky.

Some people talk about passing photos to their relatives so that they can have good luck together.

Someone said while taking pictures, "The earth is so beautiful, I want to join an environmental protection organization and be a firm protector of the earth."

Fang Nan was the most ruthless, he directly held a film camera on his shoulder, and was going to release it to his son and daughter when they got home.

He wants to use this unique way to educate and tell his children that "the world is beautiful, but you have to work hard to enjoy it".

After watching the aurora, "Interstellar" entered the tense shooting session again.

The local temperature is only 8 degrees, and the water is very cold, but it must be taken.

"Get used to it first." Fang Nan reminded Anne Hathaway, Yuan Hong and several staff members who were preparing to go into the water by the lake.

Anne Hathaway nodded: "I can, but it has to end quickly, the water seeped into the spacesuit on her body."

"Okay, everyone, don't delay, let's get down, and the field manager will prepare ginger tea."

After finishing the order, Fang Nan got into the director's studio.Soon, the monitor transmitted the image of the rover standing on the lake.

"Director Fang, the actors, props, and equipment are ready, and the positions are confirmed."

"No problem, turn it on." Fang Nan replied through the walkie-talkie.

In the monitor, Anne Hathaway, Yuan Hong, and the robot controlled by stage actors began to grope forward.

The purpose of their coming here is to receive the signal source from the previous batch of experts during the voyage.

Yuan Hong: "I really feel the gravity here."

Annie: "Is it because you've been in space for too long?"

Yuan Hong: "The gravitational force here is 1.3 times that of the earth? There seems to be nothing here."

Robot: "Right here."

A machine wreck was salvaged by the robot. Seeing this scene, Annie gasped as she strode forward, "It must be on the other side of the mountain."

As soon as she finished speaking, she fell into the water with a "plop", and the voice of "pull people, fall into the water" came out from the intercom.

"Cut, go ashore to rest." Fang Nan lit a cigarette.

"Annie said no."

"But her clothes got wet."

"Yes, but she still has to go on."

Fang Nan was so angry that he yelled into the walkie-talkie: "She is very dedicated? I am even more dedicated. Her clothes are soaked in water."

He never objected to professionalism, dedicated people are the cutest.

But how could the clothes in the spacesuit leak?

Waiting to be patted and dripping, isn't the bloated spacesuit messing around after being filled with water?

After landing, Anne Hathaway immediately ran into the director's studio to apologize: "Sorry, I didn't expect to be in the wrong."

"Change your clothes, and drink a bowl of ginger soup later."

It took nearly two hours to change clothes, touch up makeup, and drink ginger soup. When they went into the water again, there were mistakes in the lines of the two again.

The most angry thing is that Anne Hathaway started to have a low fever, and the crew was forced to stop for three days.

For three days, Fang Nan didn't dare to do anything, Jing and Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas went to brag.

The last time in the Oriental Movie Metropolis, Thomas was suspicious of what he said. As soon as he returned to North America, he went to Edwards' editing studio every three days to express his personal opinions from time to time.

Fortunately, he also knows that he is a layman and knows how to ask others for advice.

The mistake was that the Fang Nan he asked for advice was a hungry wolf with green eyes.

"The main perspective is Godzilla? I don't feel very good. After all, the movie is about telling a story. Godzilla is indeed eye-catching, but human emotions are also very important. Human emotions can mobilize the emotions of the audience. Godzilla can’t give it, and I’m sure Edwards must have filmed footage of human emotion.”

"Yes, but he still avoided too many scenes of human emotion in his editing. I will let Edwards add it again. Fang, we will keep in touch."

"Certainly, I believe that Director Edwards must be able to balance the appearance of monsters and human emotions."

Putting down the phone, Fang Nan couldn't help but sneered, Thomas edited "Godzilla" according to his suggestion, maybe he was going to be tricked to death.

"Damn, I've turned bad too, and become unscrupulous."

After blaming himself, Fang Nan called David from the next room over: "Warner and Legendary Pictures jointly invested in "Godzilla", you can find an excuse to watch the finished film after a while, if the human scenes in the film are too More, remember to praise more. On the contrary, if there are too many shots of monsters, question it."

David was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Fang Nandao: "Just what I said, remember, don't get it wrong."

After finishing the set for Thomas, and Anne Hathaway's cold was not good at all, Fang Nan ordered the filming to continue, and it took a week to complete the scene of the glacier lake.

After that, he temporarily handed over the scenes of the cameo as Matt Damon to several assistant directors including Wen Muye and Rao Xiaozhi.

He himself returned to China to participate in the premiere of the third Beijing Film Festival.

(End of this chapter)

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