literary world

Chapter 434 What are you pretending to be?

Chapter 434 What are you pretending to be?
The crew of "Interstellar" left Iceland and returned home, but Fang Nan still had nothing to do.

Knowing that he was in a place where the communication network was smooth, Steven Spielberg immediately pulled him into a video call with the "Jurassic World" behind-the-scenes team.

A group of people mainly chatted about two questions, where to put the interior and exterior scenes of "Jurassic World".

Fang Nan has no problem with choosing Kualoa Ranch in Hawaii as the location for "Jurassic World". A series of film locations.

The weather there is good, the scenery is beautiful, and there are many natural landscapes.

As for the interior studio, he personally wants to put it in the Oriental Movie Metropolis.

Oriental Movie Metropolis is close to home and company, can handle official business, and can also make famous Oriental Movie Metropolis famous.

"Steven, I suggest you come to Huaxia to learn about it. The tax reduction policy of the Oriental Movie Metropolis is no worse than that of New Orleans, the cost of living of the crew is also lower, and there will be no technical problems in the high-tech studio."

"Fang, I believe everything you said, but you have to be clear about the importance of "Jurassic" to Universal Pictures. There are too many Chinese people, and any filming footage of the movie cannot be exposed in advance."

"The crew can strengthen security, and we can even apply for local police protection."

"I need to really think about it, Universal decided to do a secret casting audition in October."

Fang Nan nodded and said, "I will rush over."

After the video was hung up, Fang Nan thought about it and lit a cigarette.

If such a big IP as "Jurassic" is filmed in China, it will definitely attract more crews in the future, and more tourists will come to China for filming and sightseeing.

Turn off the computer, walk out of the study and enter the courtyard, and saw Fang Qin running out of the main house in a hurry with his short legs between his legs. As soon as he stood outside the door, he tore off his pants and threw them in Fang Nan's direction. pee.

Fang Nan glanced at his son, and said angrily, "Why are you so serious about playing, that you even forgot to pee? You're in a hurry to get angry."

Fang Qin looked at his father, there was no fart, he shook his pants three times when he was about to pee, and rushed into the house again.

In the cloakroom, Gao Yuanyuan stuck his head out: "It's almost time, take a look at the clothes I chose for you, if you can, take a shower and change."

Fang Nan, who wanted to see what his son was doing, turned to the cloakroom: "Are you sure you don't want to go?"

Gao Yuanyuan refused: "No, there is only one TV series left for me to star in. I don't have a movie to promote. I don't want to pretend to be a snake with a fake face."

"As you like."

There is nothing to study about the clothes. Men basically wear suits, shirts and jewelry from different brands. Fang Nan just gave up the black tie.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, the special car for the Beijing International Film Festival was already waiting at the designated place. This alone showed that the organizer was really rich.

The evening activities will be held in the Hall of Prayer for Harvests in Tiantan Park, which is located in Dongcheng, and the car will arrive soon.

Fang Nan originally thought that he had the convenience of being close to home and went backstage early, but he didn't expect that the backstage was full of celebrities and guests from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places who came early, and the pressure of coming to the Beijing International Film Festival was still quite heavy for the entertainment industry.

"Fang Nan."

Fang Nan turned his head to look, and asked Zhang Chaoyang, "Mr. Zhang, don't you stay in your personal room and have a social relationship outside?"

"The beauties outside are so pleasing to the eye." After baring his teeth and laughing, Zhang Chaoyang said seriously: "Is there time for the closing banquet of the film festival on the night of the 20th?"

"What? Is it sponsored by your Sohu?"


Fang Nan shook his head: "No time, I should be in Canada then."

"Fly a private jet, I'll give you a round-trip fuel wallet, and there's only one finale character missing that night."

"Your finale is not bad either." Fang Nan turned around without any excuses.

It has become a general trend for Internet companies to bring a lot of hot money into the entertainment industry. Ali, Penguin, and Sohu have integrated Internet video in the past two years, and the entertainment industry under their names has become more and more frequent. All of them are his competitors.

He went to the Sohu platform, whether it is really the finale or not.

I also have to worry about whether Zhang Chaoyang, a worthless person, will turn his head and disgust him, why bother.

This guy is a habitual offender. Last year, he secretly shot a video at the wedding of Wang Xiaofei and Big S, who were not allowed to take pictures under repeated orders. He almost drove Zhang Lan to death on his own video website.

After entering the personal background, Fang Nan asked the Nortel school girl who was working as a staff member: "When will the evening activities start?"

"Director Fang, the opening ceremony is at 20:16, and the red carpet event is at [-]:[-] in the afternoon."

"It's so late? Well, go get busy."

To dismiss the staff, Fang Nan picked up a bunch of grapes and sat on the sofa to pass the time. It is impossible to be idle, and someone will come soon.

The next moment, the backstage door was pushed open, "You live a more leisurely life than anyone else." Cheng Long came in with the leading role of "Police Story", and a group of media reporters behind him.

"This is Liu Ye, Jing Tian."

Fang Nan put down the grapes, sat upright, nodded and smiled, "Hello."

"Brother, Director Fang and I have known each other for a long time, even before we knew you." Liu Ye said awkwardly.

"Hey, it's all the same, it's all the same." Cheng Long waved his hands broadly: "These reporters were waiting outside the door for your manager to interview you, so I called them in by the way."

What can Fangnan say in the face of Cheng Long Fangnan who suffers from social cattle disease, "Then pick it." He said helplessly.

The reporter asked three questions, did you meet acquaintances, which celebrities did you interact with, and what do you think of the lineup of judges.

The [-]rd Beijing International Film Festival joined the awards section. The chairman of the jury is from Mao Xiongguo, Fang Nan doesn't know him very well. The two domestic judges are Gu Changwei and Zhang Yibai.

What do you think?
Director Gu's childhood is not easy. His wife and Xiao Xianrou, surnamed Huang, were traveling in France together and were secretly photographed by paparazzi and uploaded to the Internet, causing an uproar. I hope that Director Gu's mood will not be affected.

"By the way, Gou Lin, you're on the road now, aren't you? You actually got the interview pass to enter the backstage."

Fang Nan rolled his eyes at Gou Lin, who was wearing gold spectacles and the cat was among the reporters.

Gou Lin quit, because of the unhappiness in the past, Fang Nan can slander him, but not his company.

"Mr. Fang, our media has complete procedures and is a regular news media, okay?"

"Really? Ask your colleagues if they admit that your media company is a formal media?"

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, the reporters around and around Gou Lin moved at least one position away from Gou Lin. Obviously, Gou Lin, who started out as a candid cameraman, has become so obnoxious to people.

The enemy's sarcasm and the peer's disgust, Gou Lin's chest heaved for a while, and after he gave the reporter around him a fierce look, he slowed down his tone: "Mr. Fang, if you can't find the words to answer the reporter's question, just say so. There is no need to make things difficult for us little reporters."

Fang Nan smacked his lips feeling bored, and Gou Lin, who had been in love with him for many years, didn't dare to say a word or two harshly in front of him.

He sighed and was about to speak when he was interrupted by the sound of arguing in the aisle.

After that, the figures stumbled back one by one, and two staff members carrying "long guns and short cannons" even crashed into the door frame of Fang Nan's backstage with a "bang", grinning their teeth in pain.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Cheng Long jumped up from the sofa.

Gou Lin was even faster, and immediately left the reporters beside him and came to the door.

Fang Nan picked up the unfinished grapes again, and listened carefully to some sharp English words. It must be that the reporter angered some important person. The important person was not happy. The manager and assistant severely reprimanded the reporter and refused to participate. Interview below.

Knowing what happened, Fang Nan dealt with the grapes indifferently, and occasionally asked Jing Tian who was secretly watching him, "Do you want to eat it?"

It's a pity that this character seems a little shy and socially fearful, smiling and shaking his head all the time.

As for whether he was fishing or not, Fang Nan didn't bother to find out.

With Cheng Long and the organizer mediating and acting as a lubricant, the voices of the dispute quickly subsided.

However, the irritated Hollywood director Luc Besson is unwilling to accept media interviews, and will not accept any media interviews for the rest of the time.

And refused to walk the red carpet with any Chinese female star partner.

For film festivals, that's pretty damning.

Luc Besson is French, and he is well-known in Hollywood, and he can be regarded as a first-line director.

He has directed many popular films such as "This Killer Is Not So Cold", "The Fifth Element", and "Taxi Express". He is one of the front faces of all foreign filmmakers invited by the film festival.

He is even more famous than the chairman of the jury, Nikita Mikhalkov.

I don't know how much manpower and material resources it took to invite such a big name with great difficulty, but the other party refused to speak, isn't it really fucking?

Cheng Long's spitting Xingzi said that it didn't work, so he slipped into Fang Nan's room.

This time, artists from the Tangtang Film and Television Department are here, Zhou Xun, Liu Sishi, Yang Function, Ni Ni, Hai Qing, Hu Ge, Chen Kun, etc. It is not more comfortable to fight with people in a room full of people.

The only thing that bothers me is that Fang Nan is training people.

"What's your situation? Did you drink when you were a judge?"

Hai Qing was disturbed when he saw it: "Hey Brother Nan, I didn't drink that day."

"So the program team asked you to do this on purpose, and the program team wanted to appoint an actor?" Fang Nan asked again.

"No, I voluntarily chose to kneel on one knee."

Hearing that he didn't drink alcohol and knelt down on his own initiative, Fang Nan immediately put on a bad face: "You kneel before someone without drinking alcohol, what do you call 'you are my god'? Your knees are so worthless?"

Some time ago, he scolded the host of Mango TV surnamed Du for kneeling down to the members of the Korean group because he had something wrong with his brain. In a few days, the actress Hai Qing under Tang Tang Film and Television also knelt down.

The difference is that Hai Qing kneeling is a student of Happy Boys, who is from Huaxia.

Even so, Fang Nan's face turned green with anger.

What the hell, have you ever knelt down to your parents?

Shouting "You are my god" and "I save my short hair for you" to others all day long, I am shameless and care about my parents' face and the company's face.

Under Fang Nan's stern eyes, Hai Qing said submissively: "I don't know what happened that day, but I was a little impulsive."

"Why are you so impulsive? There are so many cameras, directors, and audiences all around you can't control your impulsiveness, right?"

The trained Haiqing kept his head buried, mumbling and having nothing to say, Fang Nan looked at Chu Yujun: "Stop all variety shows for Haiqing, and reschedule when the impulsive problem is corrected someday."

"Understood." Chu Peijun honestly agreed.

After the evil fire against Hai Qing was finished, Fang Nan dismissed Yang Fun, Ni Ni, and Liu Sishi: "Don't say I'm being lenient, the crew of "Little Times" is also going to participate in the film festival?"

"The second "Little Times" will be released on the Lunar New Year file, and the main actors of the crew are here." Yang Function said, pointing to Guo Xiaosi who came in: "No, Director Guo is also here."

"Brother Cheng Long, Director Fang."

Director Guo was very humble, and when he came up, he greeted Fang Nan and Cheng Long, who looked like Maitreya Buddhas on the sofa.

Both of them ignored it, Fang Nan was disdainful, Cheng Long was unhappy.

Although he has never publicly criticized Guo Xiaosi, whenever he is on a show and is asked by the host what he thinks of young actors and directors today, he will nostalgic how hard it was for him to act and become a director in those days.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible for Guo Xiaosi, whose first movie box office was hundreds of millions, to expect him to be a director if he looks up to him.

On the sofa, Fang Nan and Cheng Long, who represent the industry's top climbers, have noses that are not noses, eyes that are not eyes, and they can't even say hello.

Looking at the twenty or so people in the room, everyone avoids him like a snake and a scorpion, and the three leading actresses of "Little Times" don't say a word. Xiao Si couldn't help but take a long breath, said "excuse me", and left in a hurry.

But those hands clenched into fists seemed to indicate that he would become stronger and that he would make everyone dare not underestimate him.Amuse him.

Neither can Fang Nan.

"Boss Fang, do you have time? Do me a favor."

"Director Hao, what's the matter?" Fang Nan got up and asked one of the members of the film festival organizing committee who passed by Xiao Si, a middle-aged man with a public position in the General Administration.

"Cheng Long should have said it, just what he said." Director Hao dragged Fang Nan behind the screen and said in a low voice.

Fang Nan was puzzled and asked, "Is there a reporter who used a camera to shoot Luc Besson in the face?"

"Yeah, the reporter didn't know how to do it, what the hell."

Stamped his feet angrily and cursed, Director Hao changed the topic: "The situation at this meeting is that Director Luc Besson is desperately unwilling to participate in various activities on the film. We persuaded him so far, but he just nodded and promised to go to the opening ceremony. Red carpet, attend a forum, and then rush back to Hollywood."

"so what?"

Director Hao said: "So I asked you to persuade him. Although you are not familiar with each other, you are both in Hollywood after all. If you look down and see him, at least he will give you face."

"It's not that easy. Western filmmakers are very stubborn. The education they have been exposed to since childhood made them suspicious of our system, but we have no ability to make him feel the pain. It is difficult for Luc Besson's films to be released in China, isn't it?"

Fang Nan didn't think it was a good job.

As he said, the French directors who are engaged in art are often stubborn asses. Luc Besson is better. He can go to Hollywood and at least want to make money.

The point is, Luc Besson's "The Killer Is Not So Cold" and other films cannot pass the review in China, and if the country can't get him stuck, he won't care about his words and deeds, and will naturally act rashly.

If Luc Besson is replaced by Michael Bay to see if he dares BBYY, "Transformers" has accumulated billions of box office in China, and the director is probably not crazy to offend China.

From the perspective of Fang Nan's immediate interests, he was unwilling to persuade Luc Besson.

Luc Besson is a hang in front of him.

In Hollywood, even in France, he is not worthy to carry his shoes. Did he persuade Luc Besson to lower his value and embarrass himself?

Fang Nan took the initiative to express that he was unfamiliar and couldn't help but returned to the sofa. Not long after, someone came to him again, with a higher weight, the deputy director of the General Administration.

He still didn't agree, why don't you think about him.

But not long after, the phone rang again, still asking him to persuade someone, Fang Nan was a little annoyed, took out his mobile phone and said to Director Hao who was waiting, "Let me try, if it doesn't work, don't call me."

After swiping through the address book, Fang Nan pondered over and over again and finally called Lilith, the North American manager.

"Hey boss, isn't it impolite to call girls at night?"

"Who has a better relationship between Luc Besson and Hollywood, in other words, who can cure him?" Fang Nan laughed lazily and asked directly.

Lilith said her name, and Fang Nan thought it sounded familiar. After thinking for a while, he asked curiously, "Who is this?"

Lilith on the other side of the ocean rolled her eyes: "He is William Morris' second boss."

"Luc Besson is also the contracted director of William Morris?"

Lilith was speechless: "Of course."

"That's it. You call to wake him up, let him call Luc Besson, and let Luc Besson obediently follow the instructions of the organizer of the Beijing International Film Festival. Fuck, let me know if there's a problem before I hang up?"

"No problem at all."

"OK, hang up."

Putting the phone in their pockets, a group of people in the room stared blankly at Fang Nan, "That's all right?" Director Hao asked.

Fang Nan frowned, feeling inexplicable: "Otherwise? Do you want me to come and invite you again? Does he have that strength?"

"I'll take a look next door." Director Hao got up and left.

"It's better for you, you can talk, I'll go find someone else." Cheng Long stood up with his thumbs up. For the first time in so many years, he felt the pressure.

In the past, wherever he went, other people would always be the elder brother and elder brother, so if there was anything to do, he would call the elder brother to solve it.

He made a fool of himself today, no matter how much he wasted his saliva, Luc Besson would not be moved at all, but Fang Nan really seemed to be able to solve the problem with just one phone call.

Even meeting the parties is unlucky.

He just couldn't stand this.

(End of this chapter)

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