literary world

Chapter 435 The richest man?

Chapter 435 The richest man?

After dealing with the hypocritical Luc Besson, the film festival organizer hurriedly arranged for the guests to go on the red carpet, and Fang Nan and all the invited guests filed out from the backstage.

In the past, at the red carpet moment, there would be another debate between celebrity managers.

In recent years, whoever walks the red carpet first and who walks the red carpet at the finale is the last to grab it. It seems that it really represents something. Everyone wants to fight for the ugly.

However, the backstage of the Beijing International Film Festival is strong and orderly.

The organizer gave the finale selection to several judges of the film festival, and Luc Besson and Fang Nan were the first to appear.

The red carpet of the Beijing International Film Festival is blue. The reporter and the audience who got the tickets lined up on both sides of the red carpet. As soon as they got out of the car, they were warmly welcomed.

The dazzling flashing lights and the screams of the fans didn't stop the two directors. They waved their hands symbolically and soon entered the signature interview area.

"you please."

After leaving his name on the signature wall, Fang Nan took the initiative to invite Luc Besson to be interviewed by the red carpet host.

No way, for someone else, Luc Besson is prone to play petty temper.

Congratulations on the success of the film festival, the microphone was in Fang Nan's hands.

"Fang Dao, today all South China fans and many Chinese audiences are concerned about a question, so I want to ask you on behalf of everyone, Fang Dao, if you become the richest man in China, will you continue to make movies?"

The grinning boss of the hostess of Six Princesses Channel asked Fang Nan with a smile.

As for where the topic of the richest man comes from, I have to talk about a Weibo post by the Hurun Pig Killing List an hour ago-[In 2013, Fang Nan's property may compete for the richest man in China. 】

With just such a sentence, Fang Nan's circle of friends turned upside down.

Even Gao Yuanyuan sent him a question mark?
As for the ability to compete?
In fact, there are.


As for him, Hoogewerf will say that he has a net worth of 700-800 billion, and the assets under his name are all hot assets and sunny companies in recent years.

In this case, as long as the Douyin short video is launched, he does have the strength to compete for the richest man in the eyes of outsiders.

However, he and several companies under his name still have some unknown and deeply hidden stocks.

After the talk about the richest man came out, Fang Nan couldn't find any excitement at all. Property is just property, not how much money he has. How could he have so much money personally?

On the contrary, he was a little annoyed by Hu Run's action, because he became the focus of attention again.

It would not be long before he would become the object of hatred of many people.

The evil capitalist is an existence that can't be killed by mistake even if it is pointed at with a machine gun.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan slowly said into the microphone: "To be honest, I don't take it seriously whether I am the richest man or not. It proves that social progress has never been about the rich getting richer, but the poor becoming less difficult. At present, it seems that Huaxia still needs many years of hard work."

"As for my personal ability to earn so much money, there are many reasons why I can't explain in one or two sentences. What I can do is to try my best to help more people in need. How difficult it is for children to go to school, etc. In short, try to be a conscientious entrepreneur.”

"There is no doubt about whether I will continue to be a director and make movies. My biggest hobby in this life is making movies, but I may slow down in the future."

After answering the host's questions, Fang Nan handed the microphone to the master of ceremonies and walked into the venue.

Guided by the staff, they sat in the front row. After two or three hours, it was time for people from the entertainment industry to meet Fang Nan.

The fame of the richest man, entertainment tycoon, president of a leading film and television company, and an international director made him a bit too far away, and the people in the entertainment industry willingly lowered their stance in a humble manner.

Compared with the wonderful expressions when people in the circle greeted Fang Nan, the opening ceremony of the Beijing International Film Festival was very boring, with the inherent leader speeches, singing and dancing, and expressing great wishes for a better future.

The content of singing and dancing is no different from the annual Spring Festival Gala singing and dancing programs, and the people who watch it are drowsy.

Fang Nan's biggest impression from the dozens of programs was Jay Chou's performance of "Nunchaku". The dozens of backup dancers in yellow tights made his eyes turn yellow.

After sitting for nearly three hours, the opening ceremony came to a perfect conclusion, and it can be summed up in two words - boring.

"Let's learn a lesson, next year's Hong Kong International Film Festival will be more lively, and the theme must be around movies."

Leaving the venue, Fang Nan specially reminded Shi Nansheng and Yan Hong.

Shi Nansheng and Yan Hong nodded hesitantly: "Don't worry, it won't be worse than tonight."

Before Fang Nan could roll his eyes, Yan Hong spoke again, "You still have to go to the backstage to be interviewed by media reporters. Let's go back to the hotel first."

"You're going back to the hotel too, haven't you reconciled with Lao Xu yet?" Fang Nan looked at Shi Nansheng curiously.

Shi Nansheng's expression was indifferent: "Men, if you don't play, you won't go home when you're tired."

Fang Nan lives in Bengbu, Mr. Xu is a second-rate filmmaker, but his vision for finding women is first-rate, and his envious Jill is swollen.

After entering the backstage of the interview, a group of reporters were rushing around negotiating with the managers of major celebrities, and they saw Fang Nan swarming over.

"Is the place big? If you can fit everyone, don't care about the size of the media, let's go together."

Fang Nan asked the staff and the media while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Several big media headed by CCTV quit first: "Director Fang, you have to go to our interview room first."

The big media has a special interview room, so they naturally want to get exclusive interview rights and first-hand news. Fang Nan's actions are breaking the rules.

The small media was extremely happy, and many big names came backstage for today's interview.

But the big guys, the airy ones generally don't accept interviews from small media, so it's good enough to get a piece of news, and the first-hand news about a big man like Fang Nan will definitely be rewarded by the company.

"I know that several of you media have separate interview rooms, and have set up the machines, but today is troubled, and all the media are together, and I am rushing to fly abroad."

Fang Nan is so sincere, what can CCTV and other media do, he can only hold his nose and go back to pack the machine and move it to the largest interview room.

After being busy for forty minutes, CCTV finally set up the machine at the position closest to Fang Nan. Facing the boss of the industry, the media at the scene dared not speak out.

However, CCTV's discipline and seriousness also prevented CCTV reporters from asking random questions, and Fang Nan was able to deal with it casually.

On the contrary, the small media like to come here blindly.

"Director Fang, "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart", which was released in November last year, has a very good reputation as a film participating in this year's Beijing Film Festival, but its box office is only 11 million yuan. It can't even compare with the box office of "囧囧 in Hong Kong". "Tiny Times", which hit theaters not long ago but has a bad reputation, what do you think of the domestic film market where no one asks for good movies, and bad movies are rampant."

Fang Nan thought for a moment, then said softly:

"Don't be so pessimistic, there are no bad movies rampant, it's true that drama movies and art movies have less box office."

"The reason is not as complicated as imagined, because there are not many ordinary people in this world who are willing to face suffering, even if it is the suffering of others. After all, movies are still an entertainment tool, and young audiences who are too heavy will choose to abandon them."

"I remember when I was about 10 years old, watching "Mom Loves Me Again" directed by Taiwanese director Chen Zhuhuang, I cried so much that I never dared to watch "Mom Love Me Again" again. Such a young child Those who can be hurt by a movie don’t dare to watch it a second time, which shows that people’s hearts are inherently resistant to suffering.”

"So it's not surprising that the box office of movies like "Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart" is low, and it can't explain anything. The director should also have the psychological expectation that the box office is not high when making such movies."

"But we can't stop making "Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart" and other movies about suffering because we are afraid of suffering. People should not live in their own or other people's fantasies. This is a very dangerous thing."

"Therefore, the box office of plot and literary films will never be too good, but they cannot be absent."

"In order to dispel the box office concerns of literary and artistic directors, Tangtang Film and Television has joined forces with Xiangjiang International Film Festival, Douyin Video, and Fangnan Culture to set up a studio that invests in literary and artistic films. There are about 2 million applications for funds every year. Everyone helps to promote more publicity."

Sohu media reporter: "Director Fang, the company under your name still needs people?"

Fang Nan laughed: "Why, do you want to come?"

"Yes, your company benefits are so good."

The face-to-face praise of the Sohu reporter aroused heated discussions among the reporters at the scene. Fortunately, the benefits of the company under Fang Nan's name are well-known in the entertainment circle, and they are also well-known outside the circle.

Correspondingly, it is also difficult to get in.

"Uh, I don't know if there is a shortage of people. You want to change jobs and submit your resume yourself."

After Fang Nan finished speaking with a smile, Secretary Zhu tapped his wristwatch and said, "My friends from the media, the interview can only end here. Mr. Fang is in a hurry to get to the airport. Please cooperate and don't get entangled."

Fang Nan's relationship with the media is not bad, he rarely avoids reporters like snakes and scorpions.

Occasionally, he can't help but say some unbelievable things in front of reporters, which arouses huge repercussions in the eyes of others, so domestic reporters really rarely embarrass him.

Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face. A film and television company as big as Tangtang Film and Television has too many news that reporters are interested in. It is very important to get along well with each other.

After leaving the Temple of Heaven Park, Fang Nan really went to the airport overnight. The private jet is just such a benefit, and he doesn't have to worry about flying to Iceland once a week.

After more than ten hours of voyage, Fang Nanmei had a good night's sleep. When he arrived in Iceland, the sky was bright and he entered the crew smoothly.

"Director Fang, I've always wanted to say sorry to you. I didn't expect Harvey Weinstein to be such a person."

Going to the cabin on the set, Matt Damon, the guest star of the last scene, found Fang Nan.

Fang Nan pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "No need to apologize to me, Harvey and I have no intersection, and the friendship between you has not affected me."

Harvey Weinstein's Hollywood career is over.

Several major women's organizations in the United States jointly sued.

The well-known magazine The New Yorker acted as a vanguard against Weinstein.

Weinstein's biggest partner, Disney, and his own company both choose to back down, and Weinstein has no chance of turning around.

According to the lawyer's thinking, a sentence of 30 to [-] years in prison is light.

Even so, Fang Nan would not admit that he was the one who made the paste.

He doesn't like to find a sense of existence from a dead person.

Matt Damon felt a little sad, Fang Nan was on guard against him as before, but had no choice but to ease the relationship slowly.

The final scene of "Interstellar" in Iceland takes place on an ice field.

The plot is about: Dr. Mann, a guest star of Matt Damon, smashed Cooper's space mask and told the other party that all the habitable data were created by him. The purpose is to hope that the NASA will send someone to rescue him. .

"All the matters have been discussed yesterday, just continue to shoot." Wen Muye reminded Fang Nan who was in charge of the monitor again.

Fang Nan wrapped himself in a green coat: "Then let's start."

Matthew McConaughey, with bloody makeup painted on his face, lay down on the ice sheet, with Matt Damon sitting on his body, and with an "action", Matt Damon's head wrapped in a space mask turned fiercely towards Matthew. The mask was knocked away.

The scale was well grasped, the performance was ruthless, and the masks of the two were prevented from colliding with each other. Fang Nan shouted "pass" after taking two shots, and stood up to congratulate Matt Damon for the finale.

"Fang Dao, is there still a possibility of cooperation?" Matt Damon hugged Fang Nan.

Fang Nan felt a cold war in his heart, and said calmly, "There will definitely be."

It is said that Weinstein is a double-faced person who kills both men and women, which made Fang Nan look more and more unhappy at Matt Damon now.

Time was tight, and the crew had to continue to complete the remaining fragmentary shots, so there was no so-called farewell party, and Matt Damon left the crew alone.

Fang Nan didn't feel wrong at all, Matt Damon was a cameo but he didn't want a penny less.

What is played in Hollywood is profit, never talking about bullshit and favor.

Another day later, the crew completed all the scenes in Iceland and moved to Canada.

The Canadian set is in Fort McLeod, a small town that will soon face a terrifying sandstorm with the arrival of the "Interstellar" crew.

In order to cover the sky and block out the sun, the sandstorm like the end of the world perfectly appeared in the camera, and the crew of "Interstellar" spent half a month in the preliminary preparation.

Several hills of dust were collected.

The sandstorms were created by several super-power blowers airlifted from the United States.

Fang Nan was kicking the thick-skinned pickup truck, and David ran from the town clutching his word of mouth: "The government has confirmed that all residents have left the town with their doors and windows locked. , you can rest assured to shoot."

"Are the departments ready? Explain the situation according to the camera team, lighting team, actors team, props team, and director team in order." Fang Nan shouted into the walkie-talkie, and went to the director's studio with his hat brim pressed.

"Camera No. [-] of the photography team is fine."

"Number 2 is ready."

"Cameras 3, 4, and 5 are fine."

"Light Group"

"I called out five numbers, and the pickup truck with the blower went around the town first. After 5 minutes, all units created a doomsday scene, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, start up."


With a sound, several pickups equipped with blowers started to move, followed by a burst of dust in the town. Five minutes later, the blowers fixed around the town were turned on at the same time, and the town was immediately flooded with dust, and the entire sky was gray. one slice.

At the same time, the herds of cattle and sheep outside the town began to run wild, and Fort McLeod really seemed to have ushered in the doomsday.

Filming stopped and stopped in Canada for nearly a month, and then the crew moved to the United States to fill in some shots, until September 9th all the materials for "Interstellar" were collected.

The show started in Zhangye on June 6, and then moved to Pujiang, Iceland, Canada, and the United States. It lasted 10 and a half months and spanned more than 3 cities in 4 countries. It was Fang Nan's busiest show since his debut.

(End of this chapter)

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