literary world

Chapter 436 Future Plans

After "Interstellar" entered the post-production process, Fang Nan flew to the western United States non-stop.

The production studio and offices of Universal Pictures, the second oldest company in Hollywood, are located at 100 Universal Plaza, California.


"Steven, Hill."

After getting out of the elevator and entering the "Jurassic" office, Fang Nan met Steven Spielberg, the producer of "Jurassic World", and Jeff Hill, the CEO of Universal Pictures.

After the group greeted each other, they sat down on their chairs and began to consider adding actors to the photo wall.

"Fang, Claire, the leading female character in the film, is definitely played by Bryce Dallas Howard. There is no dispute about this candidate."

As soon as the selection meeting began, Jeff Hill, the current CEO of Universal Pictures, posted a photo of a blonde actress on the wall.

Fang Nan was puzzled: "Who is she and Ron Howard?"

Steven smiled and said, "Father-daughter relationship."

Fang Nan suddenly realized, nodded and stopped talking.

Ron Howard was a well-known director in Hollywood in the last century. He has directed many blockbuster films such as "Apollo 13", "Life is Beautiful", "The Da Vinci Code", and earned countless wealth and honors for the world.

Moreover, Howard's family has also been rooted in Hollywood for many years. The family is either a director or an actor, and they have a huge influence in Hollywood.

It's not unusual for such a family to ask for a character from Universal.

There are people in the court who are good at being officials, and the truth has never changed. The so-called fairness has always been used to stop the mouths of ordinary people, and only fools will take it seriously.

It was confirmed that Bryce would play the lead role, and Jeff Hill left the conference room on his own initiative.

Big directors like Steven and Fang Nan are not vegetarians, and they always want to give some sweets.

Fang Nan was lucky, he had no juniors in Hollywood, and he didn't have an actor who was so friendly that he needed to help him grab the role. He didn't care who played the role in "Jurassic World".

Of course, it is necessary for an actor to be suitable for the role, and he can't make it more difficult for future shooting.

After discussing with Steven and others, the number one male candidate decided to invite Garrett Holland, Armie Hammer, Henry Cavill, Jason Sudeikis, Josh Brolin, John Krasinski, Actors such as Chris Pratt and Jason Statham auditioned for the role of leading actor Owen.

And sent audition invitations to two young actors, Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson.

During the morning, Fang Nan and others confirmed dozens of actors to audition.

In the afternoon, he was arrested and taken to the behind-the-scenes preparation team.

Soundtrack composer Mike: "We listened to thousands of weird animal calls, and finally decided to use the mating calls of tortoises as the sounds made by velociraptors when they talked."

Fang Nan put on the earphones and listened to it several times, and asked curiously, "Is there any evidence?"

Mike: "Of course not."

Fang Nan nodded: "Then let's talk about this weird voice."

Visual effects studio, prop artist: "The appearance of the dinosaur TREX is designed according to the appearance of Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson."

Fang Nan picked up the dinosaur skull and glanced left and right, but found nothing wrong: "Are you sure Universal has settled the legal dispute?"

"of course."

"That's fine."

Cinematographer John: "I'm going to shoot the exterior scenes in Hawaii on 65mm."

"Show me some pictures of Hawaii."

Fang Nan didn't agree, but asked for photos of Hawaii. Universal gave him 1.5 million US dollars in shooting funds. 65mm is too expensive. Unless the location is so beautiful that it must be shown with 65mm film.

There was a large pile of photos, Fang Nan couldn't comment immediately, so he could only discuss it the next day.

Immediately, he was called to the most important department of the crew, the prop production department.

Thanks to the experience of the three "Jurassic Park", the prop production staff produced various dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Plesiosaurus, Velociraptor, and Pterosaurs to life. The only thing Fang Nan was not satisfied with was that tourists used them to get close A sightseeing car to observe dinosaurs.

"The design of the sightseeing car is too bad. Bio-genetic technology can create dinosaurs, and the sightseeing car uses car tires." Fang Nan kicked the four-wheeled sightseeing car wrapped in plastic balls, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Frank, Fang Nan's partner for nearly a year and one of the producers, asked, "Do you have a good idea?"

"The style of the sightseeing car remains spherical, but there are no tires, and the appearance must be cool and waterproof."

"Let me have someone try it." Frank nodded and agreed.

After chatting with the behind-the-scenes staff of "Jurassic World" for almost a week, Fang Nan was generally satisfied.

However, the production team of "Jurassic" is composed of all Hollywood personnel. This group of experienced people is not his own team after all, and the filming period is bound to need adjustment.

But there is no way.

His filming team followed him to produce four films, "The Wandering Earth", "The Hunger Games", "Gravity", and "Interstellar". Several years of high-intensity work made many people exhausted and required a long period of rest.

In addition, Universal Pictures also has a mature production team, so they naturally have to take care of their own people.

While busy, "Jurassic" entered the audition session.

Fang Nan is even busier this time, busy with socializing.

CAA, WMA and many second-tier and third-tier film companies all want to recruit their own actors into large-scale production crews, and the promised benefits range from eating, playing, and sleeping services.

Fang Nan was fed up, and flew to Los Angeles decisively after confirming that the leading actor Owen was played by Chris Pratt.


After Fang Nan took over, MGM has been busy with four things recently.

The first thing is to integrate the company and pay off debts.

The second is to urge theaters to share the box office of the first "John Wick" and "The Hobbit" and to prepare for the second "John Wick" and "007: Spectre".

The third one is to jointly promote "The Hunger Games 2: A Catching Fire" with four companies including Legendary, Warner, China Film, and Chuanyang.

The fourth item is to buy an adaptation copyright of "Space Passenger", which has been in the hands of major Hollywood film companies and directors for many years.

"In 11, Sony was going to ask Keanu Reeves to be the leading man in "Space Passenger". After Keanu Reeves refused, he lost his voice. The reason why the company bought the copyright was mainly because of your existence."

"If "The Hunger Games 2" is successful at the box office, we would like to ask Liu Qianqian to play the leading female role."

MGM CEO Roger's office, Roger chattering in front of Fang Nan.

Fang Nan frowned: "The actor is still looking for Keanu Reeves?"

He has no opinion on Keanu Reeves, let alone praise him, of course, he will not accept the movie "Passengers in Space".

If he remembered correctly, "Space Passenger" was a 2016 movie, and he couldn't remember the box office.

But the plot has an impression, "Space Passenger" is a love thriller film with a sci-fi skin, and he is really not interested in this type of subject matter.

Moreover, he had to take a long vacation after filming "Jurassic".

But Liu Qianqian can indeed act.

No matter how bad the box office of "Space Passenger" is, it will not be so bad, and it can be recognized globally. If the acting skills meet the standards, it will be good for the actors.

As for the male number one.

After the box office baptism of the "Hunger Games" series of movies, Liu Qianqian should have a certain box office potential. The choice of male number one does not necessarily have to be matched with famous Hollywood actors.

So it is better to use Hu Ge than to use Hollywood stars.

It will be around 2016 when "Space Passenger" is finished filming and released.

By that time, the second and third parts of "John Wick" probably finished, and Hu Ge has gained a lot of popularity. The cooperation between the two on "Space Passenger" can be called perfect.

With a secret in mind, Fang Nan confessed to Luo Jie.

Roger didn't have any objections. The "John Wick" series of movies is MGM's current life-saving straw. To a certain extent, the company has to make good friends with the leading actor Hu Ge, so it's okay to give a role appropriately.

What's more, the boss has spoken in person.

"So, MGM and Legendary Pictures will be responsible for the North American distribution of "The Hunger Games 2"? Warner will be responsible for markets outside North America and China?" Fang Nan asked about "The Hunger Games" again.

"Yes, MGM currently only has "John Wick" and "007 Spectre" in the pipeline, and "Space Passenger" is the other."

Fang Nan licked his dry lips.

MGM's previous shareholder was really a prodigal, even the copyright of "The Hobbit" was released. It's a good thing he made the move early, otherwise even the decades-old big IP "007" could be sold.

If there is no "007", MGM will become an empty shell, and a film company that only produces two or three films a year is still called a big Hollywood factory.

Fang Nan asked, "Has the cast of "Spectre" been confirmed?"

"It was just confirmed not long ago that they will exchange scripts in a large conference room."

"I'll go and have a look." Fang Nan patted his butt and got up.

The elevator went down to the third floor, Fang Nan looked at the staff at work, and at the same time went to the destination under the guidance of Roger.

It was the first time for him to step into MGM, and the first feeling he felt in the office area was that it was relaxed and comfortable.

Can you imagine domestic professionals dangling their legs on their desks and clattering with laptops in their arms during working hours?
There were also employees curled up on the sofa and swiping their phones, exclaiming from time to time, and waving and calling "boss" when they saw Luo Jie and Fang Nan.

In addition, there are also employees who sit at their desks, type keyboards, and make phone calls.

"Is it too easy?"

Fang Nan asked Roger.

He likes this way of working, and has been promoting it in several domestic companies. After all, sitting for a long time is more likely to make employees lose enthusiasm and aversion to work, thereby reducing work efficiency.

But the staff at MGM seemed a bit too slutty.

"I want to fire some people, but the trouble of dismissing employees is too much. Not to mention the huge salary, there may be multiple lawsuits and trade unions coming.

"Then forget it."

Fang Nan sighed.

Compared with foreign workers, domestic migrant workers are really like cattle and horses raised by herdsmen on the grasslands. They are obedient, easy to manage, and pay attention to discipline.

But too many domestic capitalists are not even willing to be human.



As the two of them and the secretary walked into the room, more employees greeted Fang Nan, and more enthusiastic female employees even came up to beg for hugs and group photos. Fang Nan was confused by this posture, the company actually had so many fans of him.

Until an employee reveals the real reason.

The Douyin short video has been launched in North America, and it is very popular. The download volume of the Apple mobile phone store exceeded 50 times in three days, and many employees are using it to increase their popularity.

Fang Nan couldn't laugh or cry when he got such an answer.

"Sam, Barbara, Daniel, Leia, Monica"

Roger called the director, producer, and leading roles before he said: "This is Fang, MGM's boss."

Fang Nan shook hands with several people, and asked for a hug when it was Monica Bellucci's turn.

"The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" portrays Monica Bellucci so beautifully and sexyly, which man who has watched the movie has never been in love with this Italian actress.

After the introduction between the two sides, Fang Nan found a stool and sat down to listen for a while.

"007" used to be a very good IP in Hollywood, even in the whole world.

But over the past few decades, computer special effects have replaced this kind of clumsy fighting spy movies, and many viewers who watch "007" today are just nostalgic.

So Fang Nan was shocked when he heard that the production cost of "Spectre" was 2.5 million US dollars.

What the hell, does Roger not feel bad about using other people's money?
Roger explained with a helpless smile: "A few years ago, the copyright of "007" was traded to Columbia Pictures. They played Bond played by Daniel and it was very successful. The global box office of "Skyfall" released in 12 even exceeded 10 billion US dollars. .”

"As the tide rises, Daniel's salary has increased a lot, and "007" can't lose him. Besides, "Spectre" has a lot of big scenes, and the explosives and fuel used in the film may break the Guinness record."

"What breaks the Guinness Book of Records is nothing but a gimmick."

Fang Nan glanced at Roger, and said irresolutely: "After filming "Spectre", temporarily seal up "007". The risk of losing money is too high."

"Okay, listen to you."

The two murmured for a while, and began to listen carefully to the actors and director discussing the script. Fang Nan didn't understand why, and his ears were filled with such messy lines as explosives and running.

After listening for a while, a group of people packed up their belongings and left for get off work. Fang Nan and Luo Jie left first.

Entering Roger's office again, Fang Nan said one thing seriously, he wanted the copyright of "King Kong".

Roger frowned. The copyright of "King Kong" is a very complicated matter. It stands to reason that "King Kong" that appeared in 1933 has been available for 80 years, and it has long since become a public copyright. Anyone can shoot it.

But the thing is so miraculous that there have been many copyright lawsuits for "King Kong" over the past few decades, and after many fights, "King Kong" has four copyright parties.

1. RKO, the company of the founder of "King Kong", still owns the copyright of the original two "King Kong" films.

2. The Italians and their DDL company own the copyright to the 1976 remake of the movie "King Kong: A Legend Reborn."

3. Richard, the son of the founder of "King Kong", owns the publishing copyright of the novels and comic strips of King Kong.

4. Universal owns the copyright of King Kong’s name and image other than the above three.

The copyright of Richard is in the hands of Legendary Pictures.

One can imagine how difficult it was for Fang Nan to want the copyright of "King Kong". Universal would not agree.

And getting the copyrights of the other two can't bypass the copyrights held by Universal and Legend. The copyrights of the two are too old.

On the contrary, the copyrights of Legend and Universal produced a lot of new ideas, such as the hometown of "King Kong"-Skull Island.

Fang Nan yawned, and said seriously: "I asked you to do it yourself because of the trouble. Let's try it. It's best if you can buy the copyright from Legend. 2005 "King Kong" film copyright."

What he wanted was Skull Island, which could hold too many things.

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