literary world

Chapter 437

throughout October.

Fang Nan has been drifting between North America and Europe.

With the launch of Douyin's short video, the company's business volume in North America and Europe has increased sharply. As the real boss of Guangying Technology, he may not know much about the technology in the new products of Guangying, but at least he has to help out.

But Fang Nan seemed a little self-indulgent this time, and the Douyin short video didn't seem to need his help.

In the first month after the short video was launched in more than 20 countries, it attracted technology companies from various countries and young people of all skin colors.

Western technology media's evaluation of Douyin's short video is translated into three Chinese characters-too big!

As soon as the short video landed in the United States on October 10, its ranking on the IOS download list quickly climbed. After a month, only Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook can stabilize at one end.

However, judging from the daily download volume, Douyin short video will surpass several old social software in the United States in three months and win the top spot in the download list.

This is a shocking incident.

There was no warning about the outbreak of the Douyin short video, but it became popular all over the world in a short period of time.

The Atlantic Monthly:
Douyin short videos are filled with all kinds of strange content, and users have never been aware of this weirdness, nor have they felt ashamed about it.It is true that these weird videos are easy to be laughed at, but it is these "weird" that have brought Douyin's success.

"New York Times":
A recent article described the challenge mission as "stupid".

But inevitably, it's these "dumb" tasks that keep users engaged.

This kind of challenge mobilizes users to participate more deeply in watching and even making videos. The sense of competition and participation in the process and the sense of accomplishment of completing videos are also necessary ingredients for behavioral addiction.

While the world is rushing to report that short videos are so popular, some people uploaded all kinds of short videos on Youtube. I deliberately downloaded short videos to gossip, and some people became addicted to it.

Media reports, audience sharing, novel social entertainment models, celebrity endorsements, company promotions, and Douyin’s short videos became popular all over the Internet in just one month.

"Let's prepare for the split. Separate Douyin short videos and Douyin videos, and introduce capital early."

At the North American branch of Douyin's short video in Manhattan, New York, Fang Nan said to Lu Qing, who was grinning from ear to ear.

TikTok short videos are too popular, he doesn't think that Lao Mei will let Guangying make money so comfortably, and run rampant in North America and even the world.

Even if people living in the White House are willing, big companies such as Twitter and YouTube in North America may not be willing, and there will be a war in the future.

In order to win this "war" and make Light and Shadow always be the beneficiary, Douyin short video must introduce strong capital.

Lu Qing was ignorant and asked curiously, "Will the government intervene?"

"Of course, the repression will be stronger when the Republican Party comes to power, and the situation may be better when the Democratic Party comes to power, but no matter which party, we are all outsiders who are stealing Laomei's assets. They will be jealous. This is human nature. So we must Early layout, people without long-term concerns must have near-term worries."

Lu Qing said unwillingly: "We are contacting a well-known lobbying team, and many of them are friends who are fighting for votes."

"Even if all the lobbying companies on K Street in Washington accepted our commission, it wouldn't matter. Listen to me, don't have illusions. Douyin short videos are split into light and shadow, and North America operates independently. If one day we want to retreat Leave the empty shell to Lao Mei, and we won't hurt our bones."

Lu Qing smiled wryly and nodded: "Okay, I'll listen to you. A group of our executives were going to persuade you to merge the company and successfully become a Fortune 500 company."

Fang Nan glanced at Lu Qing and smiled.

He will never merge several companies in his life. The world's top 500 companies and unicorn companies sound awesome, but the problems and risks that follow will become even greater.

And although his company has been developing around entertainment, it does not involve important resources such as world energy.

But it is too big, and there will be many people who are greedy.

After explaining and revealing some things to Lu Qing, Fang Nan no longer cared about the marketing operations he didn't understand, and started to shuttle with Roger and Liu Qianqian in the drinking places of CEO Thomas of Legendary Pictures, Jeff Hill of Universal Pictures, and some congressmen. In a party.

During this period, he donated a lot of money. The most outrageous one was at the party held by the Zipper Door couple. The couple who was squeezed by the couple exchanged a $15 check for a cocktail made by the couple.

If this crap is exposed in the future, knowing Wang who is preoccupied will have to ask him to reason with him after he comes to power.

After all, foreigners are not allowed to donate campaign funds, even if more than half of the donated funds during the old American election are from unknown sources.

But if this day really comes, Fang Nan also has something to say, everyone is local tycoon, it's rare to buy a cocktail with 15 US dollars?
"You're going to make "King Kong" for your next movie?"

After returning to the hotel after participating in the Christmas party organized by MGM and Legendary Pictures, Liu Qianqian asked curiously.

This night, Fang Nan and Roger jumped up and down, taking advantage of the drunken state of Thomas and Shelgeeff to keep instilling the copyright sale of "King Kong" to them, which sounded strange to her.

Under the quilt, Fang Nan's eyes gradually narrowed, he squeezed the softness in his hand and said, "I don't know whether to shoot or not, but the copyright of "King Kong" is useful to me and MGM."

"How to say?"

"MGM's super IP "007" is temporarily on hold, and a new super IP is needed to compete with Disney, which owns "Marvel" and Pixar."

"And Warner, which owns "Harry Potter" and "DC."

"20th Century Fox with Star Wars."

"Even Panamon, which owns "Transformers", each of these super IPs is worth hundreds of billions of dollars in production value, and several major Hollywood factories hold them in their arms like babies. Titan Monster is the only super IP I can think of."

Liu Qianqian, who held Fang Nan's lifeblood, whispered, "You're not telling the truth, are you?"

Fang Nan was startled: "How do you know?"

"There are other things distracting your thinking and attention." Liu Qianqian added some strength to her hands, and said hehe.

Fang Nan had no choice but to tell the truth, as long as the monster was in his hands, he would not only be able to free MGM from the embarrassment of Hollywood's lack of a super IP, but also introduce Chinese monsters to Hollywood.

"King Kong" and "Godzilla" are just his springboards. In fact, there is a huge "conspiracy" hidden behind it-Chinese culture is going to Hollywood!

He listed two narrative lines for "King Kong" and "Godzilla".

Article [-]: Humans use animal genes to artificially create giant titans, which are inseparable from Godzilla.

The second: Skull Island is not as simple as imagined.

According to the earliest description of Skull Island, there are humans on the island, the last branch of an unknown race called Tagatu. They originated in Asia and then spread to the islands west of Sumatra, which have long since disappeared in geological changes.

Due to natural disasters, they migrated to Skull Island thousands of years ago and built a huge wall on the island to resist the giant beasts on the island.

Among the giant beasts, King Kong is just one of them.

The two narrative lines will be slowly linked together with five to ten films, and finally form a situation where giants in the natural world compete with giants in the biological world.

At that time, the Chinese behemoths in Skull Island will appear one by one, and if the box office is good, there will be a separate derivative movie. At that time, more than half of his life has passed, and he can rest in peace.

"No wonder I heard that you bought a toy factory, just to plan for the future."

"Otherwise, by the way, I almost forgot to ask if the figure is online." While speaking, Fang Nan took out his mobile phone and called Yan Hong. When he learned that he was still entangled with AMC theaters, he couldn't help being furious.

"Damn, Lao Wang is unreliable, didn't he promise to leave us a small space at the cinema counter for free?"

Yan Hong explained: "The domestic economic situation is not good in the second half of the year. There will probably be a financial crisis next year, and real estate companies will bear the brunt. Yida will withdraw all funds to resist risks."

"That's it. Let's rent a small part of AMC's 500 counters and post some money ourselves. It can be regarded as the initial publicity investment. The money will be advanced by Fangnan Culture."

Putting down the phone, Fang Nan asked Liu Qianqian about the promotion of "The Hunger Games".

Knowing that "The Hunger Games" model catwalk is booming, there are a lot of people logging into the official mini-game, and she and her team are also very popular wherever they go, so he feels relieved.

"The Hunger Games" is the most profitable movie in his hands. The whole series can earn at least a billion or so, a quarter of MGM.

Liu Qianqian failed to seek a child last time, so this night will inevitably be even crazier.

Fortunately, Fang Nan has been cultivating his body and exercising properly recently, so he easily withstood the attack.

The next day, Liu Qianqian continued to run publicity, while Fang Nan went to meet Hollywood soundtrack master Hans Zimmer, and chatted about the soundtrack of "Interstellar".

After that, he accompanied the State, Pujiang Culture and Tourism Bureau, and the persuasion team of Oriental Movie Metropolis to successfully persuade Steven and Universal to put the interior scenes of "Jurassic" in Oriental Movie Metropolis.

Time passed by, and "The Hunger Games" was about to hit the Christmas schedule, Fang Nan patted his ass and chose to return to China.

When I got home, it happened to be early in the morning when the children went to school.

Gao Yuanyuan wrapped the small balloon like a rice dumpling and just went out.

Outside the door, Fang Nan, who was dozing off and looking at the little balloon swinging back and forth, was annoyed and laughed, "I can't speak well, and I don't know what to learn." He said to Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan puffed her cheeks and was quite dissatisfied: "I dragged him up with great difficulty, don't make troubles as soon as you come back. Besides, there are more children in the class who can't speak well than Little Balloon."

Fang Nan didn't know what to do. After putting his luggage in the door, he joined the team to send the children to school.

It was the first time for him to send a small balloon to school. When he saw the plaque at the door, "Xicheng Experimental Kindergarten", he couldn't help but patted his son's little head with distress. It's so frivolous, even the kindergarten is struggling for grades?
After dragging along the way to the entrance of the kindergarten, the little balloon pouted and looked up at Fang Nan, then at Gao Yuanyuan. Before he could open his mouth, Gao Yuanyuan knelt down and stretched out his fingers to warn: "Don't talk about stomach pains. , head pain, foot pain, hand pain.”

Fang Nan was ashamed, did his son think of all the excuses he could think of for not going to school?
The contrast with his sister Wanzhuo is stark!

When the little balloon was speechless and hesitant, the teacher came out and finally tricked the child into the garden with a lure.

With the child not around, Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan went to Wangfujing in some disguise in the car.

The two haven't been shopping together for a long time, and it's rare that they have time today.

And there will be more than 30 days until the annual Lunar New Year festival. Even if they have a lot of money, tens of thousands of employees, and accompanying bodyguards, they still have to choose their New Year clothes by themselves.

Fang Nan doesn't pay much attention to his clothes, most of the time he wears a suit because of his identity, so Gao Yuanyuan chose a black suit with a gray woolen coat on top, just in time for the [-]nd Douyin Awards Ceremony tomorrow.

"Are you going?" Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan after swiping his card.

Gao Yuanyuan lost his mind for a moment and then shook his head: "I can't go, and Christmas children don't have holidays."

Fang Nan remained silent. Gao Yuanyuan's refusal to attend the Douyin Awards Ceremony has nothing to do with whether the balloons are on holiday or not. The real reason is that Gao Yuanyuan also wants to quit the circle.

A month ago, "Let's Get Married" starring her and Huang Haibo landed on CCTV. The series has an excellent reputation and high ratings.

In contrast, the process of the hero and heroine in the play from falling in love to getting married is also extremely sweet.

If another actress plays "Let's Get Married", the status, salary, and popularity of the actress will definitely increase a lot due to the ratings and topicality of this drama.

But Gao Yuanyuan not only did not receive good reviews, but was also criticized.

The pressure came from Fang Nan's fans and several companies under Fang Nan's name.

Yan Hong, Cai Yinong, Lu Qing, Cao Guozhong and many other high-level executives expressed their dissatisfaction with Gao Yuanyuan's acceptance of the film. Even though most of the intimate scenes in the film were filmed with borrowed seats or even doubles, they were still very dissatisfied.

Fang Nan's status is detached. In time, he will be the richest man in China. His words and deeds have a certain influence in the world.

But the person next to him is struggling in the entertainment circle, showing his face in public?
It's really wrong to show your face in public, but you actually make a sweet pet drama?
What Gao Yuanyuan did not only disgraced Fang Nan, but also disgraced several major companies.

The attitude of movie fans is similar to that of executives such as Yan Hong.

Fang Nan had so much money, and Gao Yuanyuan was still filming, so it was easier for people to suspect the relationship between the two.

In addition to movie fans and executives, even agent Wang Jinghua persuaded Gao Yuanyuan to quit the industry.

Ordinary people join the entertainment industry just for money, to be the center of attention, how many actors are there who are devoted to the profession of actors, Gao Yuanyuan is not short of money, and the wife of the richest man is not short of fame, she is still struggling in the industry Well.

Wang Jinghua was also afraid and was under a lot of pressure.

Several companies such as Tangtang Film and Television occupy half of the domestic entertainment industry, and she also has to rely on people for food. The former ace Gao Yuanyuan will become a hot potato.

Under the pressure and coercion of many parties, Gao Yuanyuan planned to retire after careful consideration, but he has not announced it to the outside world.

But it's impossible to hide it from Fang Nan. He's an old silver coin, and there are so many sources of information.

If you want to ask your opinion, he will still give Gao Yuanyuan great personal autonomy.

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