literary world

Chapter 440

Warner Studios.

Thomas, CEO of Legendary Films, Kevin, President of Warner Bros. Pictures, Gareth Edwards, director of "Godzilla", David and other well-known producers in the industry faced the end credits of "Godzilla" silently.

Director Edwards has completed the tasks entrusted to him by Warner and Legendary Pictures.

Whether the task was completed well is still open to question.

The production cost of "Godzilla" was as high as 1.6 million U.S. dollars, plus the overwhelming publicity expenses, the global box office of the film was less than 4 million U.S. dollars, and the director's work was not qualified.

If the box office is low enough to affect subsequent derivative films.

Edwards was even more guilty.

So at this moment, there is always a haze in the minds of everyone, whether the "Godzilla" we just watched will work, and what kind of audience feedback will be.

Investing in film production is an extremely risky operation.

The stock market is risky, and the saying that investment needs to be cautious can be applied to investing in movies.

But Hollywood's commercial films have lasted for hundreds of years, and they have finally found a little trick, which is common in all film markets around the world.

That is to respect the views of successful people.

Thinking of this, Thomas was the first to speak: "Edwards, last time I talked about proper editing to promote the plot of the characters into the film, did you do that?"

"Of course, the characters in the original grass snake gray line are obviously much plumper."

When it comes to characters, David's eyes lit up, he frowned deliberately and said slowly: "I also think the protagonist of the film is too boring, a dry and silly character, and the rhythm of the whole film seems to be a bit overwhelmed." It's worn out."

Attracting everyone's attention, David closed his notebook and said with a smile:

"Everyone is familiar with Jobs. After Jobs bought Pixar, he had a clear positioning for this animation company. Even if it is an animated film, Pixar should focus on telling good stories. If there is no good story or content, it should drop everything. Write the story, do the content, and then make the movie."

"In my opinion, the special effects of "Godzilla" are good enough, but the storyline is obviously lacking."

Warner CEO Kevin echoed David and said: "The emotional drama between the male and female protagonists is indeed a little less, and it is a bit ambiguous. Other actors have appeared but they are passers-by. It makes people confused, and it is a bit good-natured."

He is Japanese American.

Whether in terms of interests or personal emotions, I also hope that this big Japanese monster will be perfect from the story to the special effects.

After the special effects meet expectations, I naturally hope that the content of the story can be more perfect.

Kevin and David spoke one after another.

Thomas immediately became firm. After all, he also learned from Fang Nan, which is almost the same. Besides, Jobs, the winner in life, also said that content is king.

"Edwards, we still have some time. You and the editing team will re-edit "Godzilla" as soon as possible to improve the character story."

"Thomas, are you sure?"

Edwards frowned and looked at Thomas, who had been invited to be the director of "Godzilla".

He became famous after making "Monster" in 2010, and he knows very well that monsters and titans are the only gimmicks and highlights in movies of this kind.

However, this group of executives and well-known producers want to run for human emotions like crazy.

Thomas said without a doubt: "I am sure to increase the lens ratio of the human line."

Edwards nodded, and he didn't dare to insist on his own opinion.

The audience's thoughts are unpredictable, maybe they really like to watch the story of "Godzilla", even if they don't see Godzilla until the end of the movie.

"So do we choose to increase the length of the movie, or reduce the Godzilla footage?" Edwards asked.

Thomas made a final decision: "The length of the movie has been reported to AMC theaters, let's reduce the Godzilla shots."


In the director's residence area of ​​the Oriental Movie Metropolis, Fang Nan was wrapped in a quilt and stared out the window blankly.

He has lived here for a week.

This week, he was far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, away from the intriguing social circle, and away from his family, so he felt extremely comfortable living.

A north wind last night brought Pujiang the first snow in 2014, and it even succeeded in causing him to suffer from laziness again.

Just thinking about what to do in bed all day, the secretary Xiao Zhu sent a WeChat voice: "Boss, are you up? Mr. Hou wants to see you outside the house."

Mr. Hou?
Fang Nan didn't have much memory, and only after looking at the door in a pair of underwear did he realize that it was Hou Weidong from the Korean branch of Tangtang Film and Television.

What surprised him was how Lin Yun'er was brought here.

"Come in." Fang Nan opened the door and let in the three people with snowflakes on their heads, and he quickly hid in the warm blanket in the bedroom.

"Is the air conditioner not on?" Hou Weidong asked after looking around the bedroom.

"Xiao Zhu, let's turn it on. Sometimes I smoke and turn on the air conditioner, and the air is poor. Hou Weidong, and Yun'er can find a place to sit."

Seeing the three of them sitting on the sofa, Fang Nan asked curiously, "What do you want from me?"

"We are here to attend the annual meeting, and I want to discuss something with you. The company wants to prepare a new script called "The God of War Zhao Zilong". I want to recommend Yuner to play the heroine. I didn't expect the production department to be dissatisfied, so I asked you to open my respect." Mouth?"

"There is also a precedent for this. Didn't Han Ga In act as a Korean actress in "The Temptation of Going Home" and became a hit in China?"

""War God Zhao Zilong"? Listening to the name of the drama, it sounds like a bad drama. Didn't the branch invest in new Korean dramas?"

"Wang Liang went to Hollywood to film "The Hunger Games" and the branch office was idle. I don't know if the government or big companies are playing tricks, or the launch of Douyin's short video made South Korea feel scared. Few producers are willing to ask us. funds."

"Suppressing is not enough. There should be more low-budget films and less funding needs. Besides, Korean films have been booming at major film festivals in recent years, and there is also an additional source of income. The producers have money in their hands. gone."

After thinking about it again and again, Fang Nan suggested to Hou Weidong: "If it doesn't work, just quit. There is no point in staying there without our funds. After watching it for a few years, Korean movies will follow the route of winning awards at a small cost in the future. Yes, the international reputation has improved, but the plate is small, and the culture and market of a small country also limit the thinking of the producers."

Hou Weidong was in a hurry. As the saying goes, no matter how small a mosquito’s legs are, it is still meat. He would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. What would he do if he lost the Korean branch.

"The international version of TikTok is also online. The server for the Asian version is located in Xiangjiang. You should be a content director. You won't be looking for co-productions in the future. We invest in the content of all Asian countries and find actors to shoot, and there are few restrictions."

Fang Nan understood Hou Weidong's worries at a glance, and after a little thought, he made a decision. As for the other party's choice, it was up to Hou Weidong to make up his own mind.

Fang Nan didn't urge him, he reached out and took the cigarette on the bedside bookcase, but before he could take it out, Hou Weidong happily took out a wooden square box from his bag, and said, "Boss, I brought authentic Cuban cigars, which are new this year. The fallen leaves, you try."

Hou Weidong took out a cigar slowly while speaking, but after trimming it, he didn't hand it to Fang Nan, but handed it to Lin Yuner, who was beside him and didn't interject a word from beginning to end.

Fang Nan was wondering that Lin Yuner would be so good in real life without showing his face, when she saw Lin Yuner clumsily smoking a cigar and happily got up, walking towards him on high heels.

Looking at the bright red lipstick marks on the cigar, Fang Nan said in a low tone, "Mr. Hou, you have been in Korea for a few years, and you are really extraordinary."

"It's nothing in South Korea. Compared with China, the artists there are really connected."

Hitting Xiao Zhu with a heavy hammer on his leg, Hou Weidong came to his senses and flattered him.

Hanyu is in such a mess, is the general manager of his branch already close to black?

"But Brother Nan, don't worry, our branch's Yooner and Han Jiaren are well protected." Hou Weidong couldn't wait to make amends.

Fang Nan was thinking about kicking Hou Weidong out of the TikTok video executive sequence, when he heard Han Jiaren, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Han Jiaren?"

Hou Weidong, who understood, hurriedly said: "Very good, I was invited to Milan to watch a fashion show some time ago."

"Okay, I agree with Lin Yuner's acceptance of "Zhao Zilong". Hou Weidong, you can report to Lu Qing, go back."

The three got up, and Fang Nan told Xiao Zhu again: "Cancel all appointments for today, and don't bring me lunch at noon, it's rare that it's snowing, I'll cook a few dishes by myself and drink with the snow."

Xiao Zhu nodded, he can't do anything about cooking, since the boss is interested, he can do it himself.

Seeing the three of them leave the bedroom, and hearing the door close in the living room, Fang Nan got out of bed eagerly to pee, but when he reached the door of the bedroom, he took out half of his things, but got a solid blow on the chin hammer.

Opposite him, Lin Yuner who was supposed to leave said "ah" and squatted down covering her head.

Fang Nan's condition was similar, his jaw hurt and he grinned and said, "Why are you back again?"

"President Hou asked me to help you." Lin Yuner raised her head with an aggrieved face, and then she saw Fang Nan's
Fang Nan couldn't understand Lin Yuner's Korean, but he felt the embarrassment at the moment. While quickly pulling up his pants, he pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit first, I'll go to the bathroom."

After a while of "gudong", Fang Nan returned to the bedroom.

The two were seeing each other, but they didn't show any gestures like little daughters.

We are all grown-ups, and in some embarrassing situations, it is a mature way for everyone to tacitly leave each other decent.

Another thing is that language makes communication a certain obstacle.

Sitting on one bed and one sofa in silence for a while, Fang Nan got out of bed first and got dressed, then asked in as short a way as possible: "What will you do?"

Probably it was Fang Nan who put on the clothes, which made Lin Yuner wake up the inherent impression of Fang Nan deep in her memory.

The man with abs in front of him is Fang Nan who knows everything in "Three Days Two Nights".

With a single "GEE", the talented musicians of Girls' Generation were saved.

The talented director who directed "Parasite", which swept the international awards, made her admire.

Realizing this, Lin Yuner became less unfamiliar and more familiar, "Kimchi bibimbap." She smiled sweetly.

Fang Nan understands kimchi bibimbap, but it's not interesting to eat.

"Rest, I'll do it myself."

Fang Nan stayed in the three-bedroom apartment for a week, and there was no shortage of food in the refrigerator. After a while, he went to the kitchen with ribs, frozen octopus, and a large bag of vegetables.

Lin Yun'er was not idle, she took off her down jacket and rolled up her cuffs for Fang Nan to teach her how to do it.

In order to avoid communication difficulties, she clicked on the translation software on her mobile phone and placed it between the two of them.

Seeing the snow outside the window serving the food, accompanied by beauties, and his mouth and nose filled with unknown perfume, Fang Nan soon fell into a sinking position, not because of his hands, but because of his cheating in his heart.

And his heart tells him that today he will suffer.

At this moment, he felt that he was weird, and his weak willpower was frightening.

For this reason, he made two excuses for himself. It was the Huahua personality in his previous life that was at work.

It is because of the constant struggle for more than ten years that I am too tired, and I start to yearn for ordinary daily life.

Such an excuse can only be said that he is still human, at least he did not use the gender of men and the large group of human beings to make excuses for his greed.

After an unknown amount of time, the smell of food in the kitchen finally dispelled the smell of perfume. Fang Nan took a piece of ribs from the crock pot and handed it to Lin Yuner: "Taste it."

She glanced at Fang Nan, slowly opened her small mouth and took a bite, then her eyes lit up, and she said softly in not-so-standard Chinese: "Mmm, it's great, delicious."

Fang Nan smiled, and deftly cooked another vegetable tofu, stir-fried a plate of spinach, and frozen octopus. After a while, all four dishes were complete.

After the dishes were served, he dragged Lin Yun'er to the small wine cabinet in another bedroom: "What do you want to drink?"

Now that things are up to now, there is no need to be twitchy, it would be great to have some wine to cheer up.

"What kind of wine is this?" Lin Yun'er held Fang Nan's waist and pointed to the golden bottle of vodka that Lei Jun gave her.

"Vodka, that's it. Although it's 60 degrees, it's okay to drink less. This wine is also meaningful." Fang Nan said to the phone.

Lin Yuner raised her head and asked curiously: "What's the meaning?"

"This wine is also called the water of life!"

The two of them ate a meal at noon for a long time, the main reason was that Lin Yuner had a lot of questions, like a hundred thousand whys, and the mobile phone was passed back and forth in front of the two of them.

Fang Nan described the after-dinner activities as probably like the lyrics of a song.


If you are willing to peel my heart layer by layer

You will find
you will be surprised
you are my most depressed
deepest secret

Yun'er is very similar to Qianqian, her skin is quite fair, it will turn red and blue after rubbing for a long time, and her physical fitness is also very good, the difference is that she is more shy.

The shy Ouba made him so sweet.

"Jingle Bell"

Afterwards, Fang Nan was shocked by the frightened phone call from overseas, and felt even more guilty when he saw the caller.

"What's the matter, it's not yet dawn over there."

On the phone, Liu Qianqian couldn't hide her excitement: "Do you know the box office of "The Hunger Games 2"?"

"Recently I've been hiding for a while, I really don't know, how much?"

"Are you okay, I don't pay attention to my movie? Let me tell you, the film's premiere was 7050 million U.S. dollars, and it was 3 million U.S. dollars in the first three days. It will soon break 1.61 million U.S. dollars in North America. The global box office exceeded 3 million U.S. dollars."

"So much? Then congratulations for becoming the most box office-earning actress in the world."

"Hey, the film critics in North America are saying that "The Hunger Games" will become a global phenomenon-level movie series. Let's not talk about it. I have to put on makeup to catch the plane to Europe. I missed the flight yesterday."

"There is no need to run all the propaganda, or you will be exhausted."

"Tch, I'm very energetic, just wait."

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