literary world

Chapter 441

Time flies by like a fright, Fang Nan and Lin Yun'er have been cooped up in the three-bedroom house for three days.

Happy days are always short.

But sex is also real.

For three days, the sweat of the two had spilled into every corner of the three-bedroom apartment.

Even if they are free, the two will hug each other and cook a delicious meal for each other, the sweetness is beyond the limit.

Fang Nan has never been a stingy person.

Once a person is comfortable serving him, there can be no disadvantages.

So, after the sweet breakfast on the fourth day, he took the initiative to care about Yun'er's work and life.

In a word, it's okay if the other party wants to live a life without worrying about food and clothing in this life.

If you want to continue the girl group career while you are young, and develop your acting career horizontally, she has come down for three days and three nights and called Fang Nan Ouba countless times, although she is not omnipotent.

But it will definitely allow her to easily break through Korea's career barriers.

There is no doubt about this.

At the dining table, Yun'er, who was sitting on Fang Nan's lap, rolled her eyes and thought for a while, and said seriously: "I want to maintain the status quo for the time being, and act while singing."

Fang Nan threw away the chopsticks, and climbed up the other's soft and boneless waist with a pair of big hands: "No problem, if you want to sing, you can stay in Girls' Generation first. If you want to act, in addition to Tang Tang Film and Television's "Zhao Zilong", I will also make Douyin The video side will select some good Korean scripts for you, including movies and TV shows, and now they are going to make a lot of movies and dramas as sources."

Of course, Fang Nan also had his request.

The requirements are almost the same as those of Han Jiaren back then.

One day, Lin Yuner got tired of this kind of life and wanted to inform him in time.

In the meantime, she also had to abide by the rules that men other than Fang Nan were not allowed to touch.

Fang Nan's conditions were tempting and broad enough, and the other party had a lot of autonomy.

To put it bluntly, as long as she was with Fang Nan, she would have all the money and resources besides less company.

She can also use a phone call to ask to end this relationship anytime, anywhere, and live another life that she wants and yearns for.

Lin Yuner agreed without thinking too much.

She had seen Fang Nan's energy and ability with her own eyes, and the news about Fang Nan on the Internet couldn't be more clear.

In recent months, netizens in dozens of countries around the world have been dominated by an entertainment software produced by this man's company.

She and her sisters are also one of them, and they are all obsessed with Douyin short videos.

So after Fang Nan offered her a condition, she didn't resist as much as she imagined. She could only say that Fang Nan was really attractive.

"Ouba, don't want the clothes I just put on, I'm going back." Feeling the most familiar pair of rough hands in recent days, Yuner hurriedly waved her hands and said shyly.

"It's true, I have to enter the working state, and I can't continue to be decadent. Thank you, Yun'er, these three days of company have made me feel exhausted, and the pressure in my whole body has disappeared."

Recalling the absurdity of the three days, Yuner puffed her mouth and complained shyly: "Ouba, don't say any more. Salang hey yo."

Fang Nan stopped teasing the other party: "ok, ok, hurry up and finish your breakfast."

Turning Yoon'er to face the table, the two were feeding each other ambiguously, when Fang Nan's cell phone rang.

"Little Zhu, what's important?"

"There is nothing important. I congratulate the boss. You just won the award. The 71st Golden Globe Awards just came to an end. You won the Best Director Award for "Gravity"."

"That's it?"

Fang Nan didn't feel any surprises. The Golden Globes are not Oscars. It's strange that "Gravity" won't win the award due to its box office and word-of-mouth.


"Tch, there is nothing to celebrate. By the way, you can bring me two processed mobile phones from Guangying Technology. I will use them later."

Xiao Zhu: "Okay, shall I send it to you?"

"No, put it on my desk at Tangtang Film and Television."

After putting down the phone, Lin Yun'er raised her head and said, "You guys spoke too fast, I couldn't understand."

"My first secretary just congratulated me on winning a Golden Globe for 'Gravity'."

After the mobile phone finished translating, Yun'er looked at Fang Nan speechlessly: "But Ouba, you don't seem very happy."

"Hi, there's nothing to be happy about." Fang Nan's face was impassive: "Have you eaten? Let's go to my office together. I have prepared two mobile phones for you."

"iPhone 5s? I already have one."

Lin Yuner naively chose to refuse, Fang Nan smiled and said nothing, he will know later.

After three days of absurd [decompression], Fang Nan swept away his mental exhaustion and emptiness, and Lin Yuner, who was in a suit and leather shoes, radiant and radiant, went to Tangtang Film and Television accompanied by Lin Yuner.

The journey of more than ten minutes came in a blink of an eye, and when he entered the office, Xiao Zhu was drawing the curtains to ventilate the air. Seeing Fang Nan bringing Lin Yuner over regardless, he alertly closed the front blinds again.

Fang Nan was upset: "Open it all up, and actually do something that doesn't have 300 taels of silver here, it seems like I did something wrong."

Xiao Zhu was speechless. In terms of thick skin, no one could match his boss.

"Yuner." Calling Lin Yuner, who was looking around the office, Fang Nan handed over the mobile phone: "No, here are two mobile phones for you, the red one is for entertainment, and the black one can call me. Send a message."

"Are you afraid of a repeat of the Snowden incident last year?"

Lin Yun'er obviously understood the purpose of Fang Nan's mobile phone for her.

Fang Nan explained with a smile: "It's not that I'm afraid of it happening again, but it's simply impossible to stop this kind of thing. Ordinary people may not care about it, but I can't. There are a lot of news that need to be kept strictly confidential."

Seeing Hu Wen and a boss from Guangying lingering outside the window, Fang Nan said to Yun'er: "Okay, now you can visit, there is a small bar inside, and there is a small stage in that room. It’s a musical instrument, let’s get to know it by yourself. If you’re in a hurry to return home, I’ll ask Hou Weidong to take you and your manager to the airport.”

"Ouba, I will go back to China after a visit, and I will go to Japan for activities."

"Visit casually." While talking, Fang Nan got up and shouted outside: "Hu Wen come in."

After the two came in one after the other, Hu Wen smiled without saying a word: "Brother Nan, you look really good today."

When Fang Nan turned on the computer, he glanced at the two smiling faces: "You two have nothing to do in the afternoon to amuse me? You have something to talk about."

What the two talked about was also related to the Golden Globes.

The 71st Golden Globe Awards held by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association closed at 9:[-] this morning Beijing time.

At the 71st Golden Globe Awards ceremony, he won the best director award with "Gravity", beating "Captain Phillips", "12 Years a Slave", "American Hustle" and "Nebraska".

Compared with the Oscars, the Golden Globes are a bit low.

It can even be buried as a Hollywood pheasant award.

But domestic audiences, media, and some filmmakers still think that Fang Nan's award is exciting news.

After all, it is the first Chinese director to win the first Golden Globe Award for Best Director so far.

There is another story about this.

The Golden Globe Awards have always been an Oscar bellwether. "Gravity" won the Golden Globe Awards and won many association awards.

With so many buffs added, many domestic audiences and media began to fantasize about Fang Nan winning the Oscar for the second time.

Thinking about it this way made him even more excited. Many mainstream and non-mainstream media sent out interview invitations to Fang Nan Culture. Not only that, many movie fans also missed him. He hadn't shown up for a long time.

Fang Nan was silent for a moment, the time came when the media and audience wanted him to show up.

Let him continue to be excited like the previous three days, it won't be smooth and radiant after decompression.

It's about excessive indulgence and malaise, and you need to take small blue pills to strengthen your spirit.

"It's impossible for the media to come to interview the award presented an hour ago." Fang Nan looked at Hu Wen and the two suspiciously.

When Fang Nan said that, Hu Wen and Hu Wen got excited.

"Brother Nan, in order not to disappoint the long-awaited audience and movie fans, TikTok would like to arrange a live broadcast of 'Face-to-face interaction between director Fang and movie fans' for you."

"Then I have to answer audience questions?" Fang Nan looked at the technical director of Douyin.

The other party explained: "Someone will delete the question, and if it doesn't work, you can pass it."

In short, Fang Nan's traffic TikTok short video will be eaten today, even if Jesus comes.

Fang Nan frowned and thought for a while, the live broadcast is not impossible, the market is economical, and the audience is the biggest customer.

In the future, not to mention the live broadcast of merchants, even the mayor will often sell goods live.

"Okay, you guys go get it, let me say a few words." Under the expectant eyes of Hu Wen and the two, Fang Nan finally agreed.

The location of the live broadcast was fixed at Fang Nan's office in Tang Tang Film and Television.

Hearing that the boss wants to use the current trendy webcast to interact with fans, many executives and artists on the fifth floor came to watch and observe, and the office was almost crowded.

Fang Nan didn't scold the critics.

Several of his companies pay more attention to humanized management. As long as they do their jobs well, it is no big deal to relax occasionally and fish in troubled waters.

After the makeup artist slapped Fang Nan on the face, the Douyin technicians also set up the machine and found the angle. After a while, Fang Nan's first live broadcast started.

The network is in good condition, and the live broadcast room has gathered hundreds of thousands of viewers in a short while. Seeing that Douyin's independent research and development, which opened the world's first video website, is full of bullet screens, Fang Nan can't help scratching his head.

His fame is growing, his wealth is accumulating more and more, and the number of people who are willing to listen to him is also multiplying exponentially.

Fang Nan didn't really want to have such a great personal charm.

He is not a saint, and he will say wrong things. So many people worship him and admire him.

Water can carry a boat and capsize it is a famous saying through the ages.

Seeing Fang Nan scratching his head, he seemed a little cautious, and the barrage became more aggressive, and there were many audience members who made fun of Fang Nan.

Fang Nan has always given domestic audiences the impression that he is a down-to-earth billionaire and a big director who is willing to speak out for ordinary people, so his head-scratching and restraint make the audience feel kind.

But Fang Nan didn't see too many big scenes and big people, and once he got used to the whole person, he completely relaxed.

Hu Wen, who was acting as the host next to him, took the lead and said: "Director Fang, why don't you say hello first, and then we will intercept the questions on the fan screen, and you can answer them one by one."

Fang Nan nodded: "Good afternoon, everyone in front of the TV and mobile phone. I am Fang Nan. Today, I am launching this interactive live broadcast because many movie fans want to see "Gravity" win the award at the Hollywood Golden Globe Awards Ceremony. From what I know about the possibility of "Gravity" competing for an Oscar, I can only say that it is very difficult, and everyone should not have too much hope."

If you want to win an Oscar, you have to spend money first.

But he is reluctant to spend too much money to lobby the more than 8000 Oscar judges.

It is enough to win the best director Oscar once, and it is not worth spending another 2000 million US dollars on public relations.

Hu Wen was very speechless, with deep resentment, Fang Nan didn't play cards according to the routine, he didn't even know how to fish, and he revealed the answer so quickly, and even said some frustrated words.

"If you don't have too much hope, there is still hope. We also wish Fang Dao break through the siege and win another Oscar to win glory for the country."

Fang Nan is very sorry, when he wins the Oscar, he will win glory for the country.

Huaxia does choose a film to enter the Oscars every year, but it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that it will win glory for the country.

From a national level, movies should be regarded as a sideline of sidelines.

Seeing the screen full of bullet screens and wishing to answer more questions from the audience, Fang Nan signaled Hu Wen to speed up.

After a while, a question about what should be paid attention to when immigrating to the United States was submitted to Fang Nan. The other party wanted Fang Nan, who often travels around the world, to give some suggestions.

"I don't want to close the live broadcast content, but I want to pass?" Hu Wen asked.

"No, you can answer."

Fang Nan looked at the screen with a smile and said, "Let me give you three suggestions. One is to try to live in a blue state. The Democratic Party is relatively more friendly to immigrants."

"The second suggestion is that if you don't live in a white community, a community with a middle-income family, try to practice gun shooting within the first month after arriving, and then buy one or two guns to hide at home as a backup, in case of accidents. "

"The third suggestion is to try not to wander around black and Mexican communities at night. Even if you go to these places during the day, remember not to expose your valuables and put your backpack on your back."

Compared with the first question, the second question is much more normal. The fan asked whether Oscar is really xenophobic.

Fang Nan still answered truthfully.

There must be xenophobia. It is no longer a day or two for white people to boast about their racial advantages. Even in Hollywood, there are many white people who think they are superior to Asians and blacks.

Such unbelievable thoughts doom Oscar to the possibility of xenophobia.

Another reason is that lobbying money is too expensive.

The production cost of a small-budget film in Asia may only be several million, tens of millions of RMB.

But to win an Oscar, it can cost millions of dollars to lobby the judges for any one award, and there is no guarantee of winning.

There are a few producers who dare to do this.

However, the quality of the film is worse than that of Hollywood is also one of the reasons.

Just as Fang Nan finished answering, the third question came one after another, and it hit the link that he couldn't answer.

Is there any relationship between the lower quality of domestic films than Hollywood films and censorship?
Fang Nan chose to pass the question.

There is really no way to answer it. Letting him tell the truth must have a certain impact.

Let me give you the simplest example: a character who is obviously a bad guy, a bully, and a vulgar person who speaks dirty.

But in Chinese-language movies, the bully must be a kind of gentle villain, and he might have to be portrayed as a moral villain. His understanding is not that he must use swear words to reflect it if he is a villain.

Rather, excessive intervention may subtly change the ecology of a certain character.

Fang Nan hasn't seen an impressive villain in a Chinese movie for a long time.

Evil corresponds to good. There are fewer villains in the movie, and some of the corresponding good people make people feel hypocritical.

If Nolan hadn't portrayed him as an almost perverted clown, Batman wouldn't have looked so bright.

Sitting and answering dozens of questions from the audience related to movies, Oscars, and the three major European film festivals, the live broadcast came to an end.

Looking at the barrage, some viewers wished Fang Nan could sit there all day.

But obviously overthinking, Fang Nan rested for three days and accumulated too many documents that needed to be signed at the end of the year.

Fang Nan yawned and was about to get up when Hu Wen's words of "Yuanyuan is here" next to him scared him away. Looking outside, Gao Yuanyuan was smiling and waving behind a group of senior executives with his child in his arms.

"You will stop her no matter what." Fang Nan pulled Hu Wen and said urgently.

His house hadn't had time to clean up, and it was a mess inside and out. If Gao Yuanyuan went there, the two of them would have to fight on the spot.

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