literary world

Chapter 442 Savior

Fang Nan's reaction was extremely quick.

After discovering that Gao Yuanyuan had artificially created a surprise again, he instantly gave Hu Wen a hold-up order.

He himself found an excuse, slipped home non-stop and cleaned up the mess, thus narrowly escaping.

During this period, Gao Yuanyuan also had doubts.

For example, why is there a brand new bedding on the pear bed.

Their family is rich, and they are almost becoming the richest family.

But it’s not enough to change a brand new bedding every night, no matter how rich or cleanliness rich people are, seldom pay so much attention to it.

Fang Nan explained Gao Yuanyuan's doubts in this way.

He came from a poor background and didn't have much resistance to musty bedding, so he has been using it for half a month. Now that his wife and children are here, he can't be so frugal, so naturally he has to replace it with a new one immediately.

Gao Yuanyuan was noncommittal.

Fang Nan squeezed his son's small mouth like Desheng's general, but he didn't expect that at night, his true colors would be revealed.

Clues and clues can cover up the truth with a clever tongue, but if the contents of the pouch are empty, it is the real deal. Fortunately, he is astute, and for the first time he took the initiative to choose to clean the battlefield.

"This day is more thrilling than being on the battlefield." Before going to bed, Fang Nan lamented and muttered.

The next day, early in the morning.

Fang Nan lay down and chatted with his son, while Gao Yuanyuan switched between different dresses in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror for Fang Nan to give advice.

Five days later, it will be the annual joint annual meeting of several companies under Fang Nan's name.

It's ridiculous to say that this is the first time that she, the proprietress, has shown up at the annual meeting.

Of course, Fang Nan was also to blame for this. He was usually too busy to attend to any annual meeting. The boss only attended one annual meeting, let alone brought his wife and children to attend.

She does receive an invitation letter every year and can choose to take the initiative to participate.

But the senses of being alone are very bad, and it is more or less a fake.

Because the executives, middle-level employees, and many bottom-level employees of several companies really only recognize Fang Nan, not Gao Yuanyuan.

Like many people, she wondered why Fang Nan, who didn't take much care of the company, had such a great prestige in the company, so she asked Fang Nan for advice.

Fang Nan smiled heartily at the time and was extremely embarrassed:
Any broken corporate culture is false, it is an excuse made by some capitalists in the early years to squeeze employees to fool people.

Ordinary companies want to improve employees' sense of belonging, make employees proud of their careers, increase employee salaries and benefits, and let employees have a clear comparison with their counterparts outside. Employees will take the initiative to be proud of their company and work.

But it's easier said than done. Capitalists have to earn more money through exploitation, so how can they increase welfare benefits?

Fang Nan was willing to do this because he didn't take money seriously after he became famous.

His salary for directing a movie can't be used up in his lifetime, so he still cares about some paper?

His heart is always a director rather than an entrepreneur.

"You can choose the dress you like slowly. If you really can't, go to the company and let the stylist choose it for you. I won't waste it with you. I'll go to the studio to pick someone up."

After receiving the news that Steven Spielberg and the "Jurassic" special effects and props personnel had left the airport, Fang Nan quickly pulled up his pants.

After going out, he waved to the security personnel on the RV, indicating that he would not go far.

"Director, morning run? Can I accompany you?"

"I see you look familiar, which media are you from?" Facing the entrance of the studio, Fang Nan curiously asked the young man who came up to say hello.

"You have a really good memory. My name is Ding Zhi, and my master is Gou Lin." Ding Zhi ecstatically announced his family name.

Although their master and apprentice had a lot of trouble with Fang Nan, Gou Lin and Fang Nan had even been entangled for more than ten years, but it did not prevent him from admiring Fang Nan, Fang Nan was a living inspirational model.

The grassroots star Wang Baoqiang is weak compared to Fang Nan, okay? The one in front of him is the self-made richest grassroots man.

Just give him some pointers, he will break away from Gou Lin and work alone, and his prosperity is just around the corner.

Fang Nan remembered that he had met this paparazzi when he went to the police station to pick up Dou Wei.

"Your master and apprentice's studio is awesome now. People in the circle have changed their colors when they heard about it. What's the news in the circle recently?"

"There are several big materials that are still brewing."

Fang Nan became interested, and passed a cigarette to Ding Zhi: "Tell me."

Ding Zhi took it over flattered, and happily blew out a smoke ring: "I said, can you promise not to reveal it to me?"

Fang Nan slapped Ding Zhi on the shoulder, making him shorter: "So much nonsense, let's talk about it first."

"The male and female couples in the Pujiang area, the man cheated."

"The couple who became popular with a drama a few years ago broke up."

"A student in the program "The Voice of China" produced by Tangtang Film and Television will say this"

Fang Nan frowned slightly as Ding Zhi sniffed the movement of his fingers: "Why don't you let me guess the lantern riddles? Just say the name."

The fat palms on the shoulders made Ding Zhi feel helpless, Fang Nan's frustrating people did not talk about martial arts.

"The last one is the student who sang 'I exist in your deep mind', and the other two are Heraldry and Zheng Shuang." Ding Zhi said mysteriously.

Fang Nan was stunned for two seconds, then took out his mobile phone and called Jin Shi from the Variety Department.

On the phone, he gave two orders.

One, let Li Moumou, the black sheep, go to prison immediately.

Second, once again emphasize the use of contracts to bind all artists in the circle who cooperate with the company, and whoever dares to commit crimes will have to pay for the other party's fortune.

As for the other two, he can only say that one was careless, and the other counted the ball.

Ding Zhi was dying of anxiety. As soon as Fang Nan put down the phone, he complained sadly: "Oh, Brother Nan, you killed me. These news are all money. If my master finds out that I leaked them, he will kill me." .”

"What are you afraid of? I'll give you back the gossip, right?"

Ding Zhi became interested: "What news?"

"Look ahead, there is Steven Spielberg in the convoy that is coming slowly, the latest "Jurassic" is filming in China, prepare to take pictures and go back to post the news."

Fang Nan patted Ding Zhi on the shoulder to meet the stopped convoy.

Steven, an old man, was serious about his work. He asked Fang Nan to go to the studio for a field trip without much greetings. Fang Nan nodded happily.

The high-tech studios in the Oriental Movie Metropolis are not afraid of competition, but they are afraid that big directors will not come to take a look.

Palace-like area, intricate driving, supporting vehicles, dense photovoltaic power generation modules overhead, on-site office, service, rest, and separate rooms for meetings.
Steven was a little surprised to see the various facilities in the high-tech studio.

China has indeed become the second largest film market in the world, with a total box office of nearly 2013 billion yuan in 220.

But compared with Hollywood's US$270 billion box office, the US$220 billion box office is not even a fraction, and the gap between the two countries' box office is still huge. He really can't imagine why China dared to build such a high-end studio.

After all, there is a market and there is demand.

Fang Nan said with a smile: "Because Huaxia has confidence in its own market and has the ambition to catch up with Hollywood. There is an old saying in Huaxia that 'there is a phoenix tree at home'. You can see that you are attracted."

Steven shook his head noncommittally: "I think it's because of you. Four consecutive sci-fi films sweeping the global film market have given you great confidence in decision makers. I think you will become the savior of Chinese films."

"Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige will never be able to do this. Their understanding of film communication culture is too narrow."

Fang Nan called him a good guy, why do foreigners suddenly think he is some kind of savior? It's not a good sign that he is getting so much attention from the West.

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