literary world

Chapter 443 Meeting Gao Zeng, Great Reconciliation of the Century

Chapter 443 Meeting Gao Zeng, Great Reconciliation of the Century

Steven comes and goes as fast as he comes.

His fame is too great.

A single "Saving Private Ryan" has been highly praised by the Chinese people.

Even Luc Besson, a second-tier foreign director, can be chased by domestic media people. When Spielberg comes to China, can the eyes of the media people not glow green with excitement?

The flock of media and official event invitations successfully scared Steven away.

A big mess of "Jurassic" fell to Frank and Fang Nan, one of the producers.

Fang Nan and Frank didn't know each other very well, but Fang Nan's status and status are different now, so there has never been a conflict between the two of them for the right to speak for the crew.

On the contrary, Gao Yuanyuan, the family member, was so jealous.

As the first director of "Jurassic", Fang Nan not only received a generous salary, but the producer also equipped him with a high-quality service team consisting of 12 people.

The small team includes professional trainers, masseurs, physical therapists, nutritionists, and chefs who guide fitness.
Fang Nan also asked to hire a professional who can teach deep diving.

After the crew started filming in Hawaii in March, he wanted to take the time to get a diving certificate.

Gao Yuanyuan was very depressed: "Are you filming or on vacation!"

She has been filming for more than 10 years, and she is the happiest. The time when a group of people surrounded her was when she brought her children into the group two years ago. When did she enjoy Fang Nan's high-level treatment.

Fang Nan had a laugh: "As long as you can help big Hollywood companies make money, you are their God."

Everything he has now comes from the fact that he can make money, otherwise it is nothing, no one will pay attention to him.

"Fang, the dinosaur skull has been removed, you need to take a look."

"Come right away." Fang Nan replied to Frank through the walkie-talkie, while walking towards the container in the distance.

The dinosaur skull is white, pointed at the front and round at the back. It will be worn on the heads of the staff with green cloth and digital special effects to make it look like a Velociraptor.

Fang Nan's tentacles were a little hard to touch, but he could accept it.

"Put it away, just a few models, and when will some props arrive? It's best to set up the studio before we go to Hawaii, and it will save us traveling back and forth between China and Hawaii."

Frank said, "Next flight."

Fang Nan nodded: "That's good."

The huge studio they are in will be arranged as the most important place in the script - the tourist area.

There are not only various shops in the tourist area, but also fountains, coconut trees, various flowers, etc. It can be said that a large number of props are needed, and each item has to be shipped from North America.

After another day's work was over, Fang Nan turned around and called Gao Yuanyuan and Fang Qin to go home.

The little guy was as stubborn as the previous two days, and he refused to leave.

Probably in his heart, there is no place more fun than his father's set, just a huge white dinosaur foot is enough for him to climb for half a day.

Gao Yuanyuan rarely said something fierce to his son.

In the past few days, she has been pissed off by Fang Qin. The little guy played wildly during the day and slept soundly at night. He even forgot about getting up at night, and he has successfully wetted several bedding.

Gao Yuanyuan carried Fang Qin, who was crying, into the sightseeing car, and Fang Nan turned the steering wheel and left the studio.

On the way, the family of three bumped into Cheng Long who was wandering around in a sightseeing car after the crew finished work, "Cook a few dishes, and I'll bring wine to your house for a few drinks in the evening." Cheng Long said carelessly.

Fang Nan smacked his lips and didn't want to answer.

Cheng Long's "Lonely Walking on the Moon" started filming in Oriental Movie Metropolis.

After he came, he often ran to Fang Nan's side, bringing wine to the door under the pretense of pretense. Eating and drinking was a trivial matter, Fang Nan didn't care about this, the key was that this person's eyes would turn watery if he drank too much.

Son is so upset.

Cheng Long still brought wine to the door at night, and emphasized that Fang Nan had to drink less when he was going to the annual meeting tomorrow. It was strange that Jiu Mengzi was so considerate. After Fang Nan asked, he found out that Cheng Long wanted to discuss with him about himself. The possibility of a son appearing in a streaming series.

To put it bluntly, whether Cheng Zuming can participate in the works of the Asian version of Douyin.

"No." Nan above the dining table refused.

The Asian version of Douyin has indeed jumped out of the domestic film and television censors to a certain extent.

The Chinese-themed "The Walking Dead", the Korean-themed "DP Deserter Hunting Order", and the Japanese-themed "AV Emperor" and other first batch of new series have not been criticized or made things difficult by the domestic censors after the video went live.

However, his personal attitude in many domestic industries has determined to resolutely put an end to inferior actors.

As for the North American version of the TikTok video, Cheng Zuming didn't have the skills to participate in anti-American hero "Black Robe Pickets" and other seasonal dramas.

"Black Robe Picket" is a big drama, and the production cost of an episode is low, and it costs millions of dollars. After the two episodes of "Black Robe Picket" became popular in North America, the scriptwriters have said that even Fang Nan, the boss, can't think about it. intervene in his creation.

Cheng Long left drunk again, his figure thin and late.

He spends his whole life making audiences all over the world laugh, but his son insists on making him cry. It has to be said that this is a great irony.

Fang Nan touched Fang Qin's small head: "I don't ask much of you, just don't let me beg for help in my old age."

The little guy holding the leg of lamb looked at Fang Nan ignorantly, but it was Gao Yuanyuan's words that almost made Fang Nan vomit blood.

"First please don't wet the bed tonight, son."

Even though Gao Yuanyuan pulled his son to be harsh before going to bed at night, Fang Qin still wet the bed decisively in the middle of the night.

In the three-bedroom room in the early morning, there was a lot of chaos, and after arguing and beating for a while, Gao Yuanyuan swore to the lamp that he would not care about Fang Qin's self-esteem tonight, and put him in diapers no matter what.

Fang Nan sneered, and started running in the morning wearing long johns with yellow spots.

Gao Yuanyuan would swear to the lamp every day, and at night, he would push his dear son to his side, so that he couldn't even find a pair of clean long johns.

Running around the Oriental Movie Metropolis with its huge silhouette, Fang Nan continued to discuss with the action of "Jurassic" and fiddled with the studio.

In the afternoon, he changed into the work clothes of the film crew to confirm his identity, and joined his wife and children to attend the joint annual meeting of the four groups of Tang Tang Film and Television, Guangying Technology, Fangnan Culture, and Artist Cinema.

In order to take care of Fang Qin, the family of three did not walk the red carpet, but entered the small private room inside the hotel first.

In 2014, the host of the annual meeting was changed from Tangtang Film and Television to Light and Shadow Technology.

The achievements of Light and Shadow Technology in 2013 are too eye-catching. Young people all over the world are fascinated by the products produced by this company. Douyin short videos are popular all over the world. Take food.

The animation department took out "The Return of the Great Sage".

The box office of "Gravity" produced by 13 Swordsmen exploded around the world.

The mainland version of Douyin Video has become the video website with the highest traffic in China.

All these incidents added up, and Light and Shadow Technology became the undisputed organizer of the annual meeting.

"The annual meeting starts on time at 3122:2500 p.m., the red carpet lasts for two hours, with an hour arranged in between, and the party lasts for three hours. There are [-] guests present, of which [-] are outstanding employees of several major group companies, and the other is the four major groups. The guests invited by each, some overseas executives, and the official attendees, and several ministries and commissions from the capital will also come, Brother Nan, are you going to receive them in person?"

Fang Nan shook his head at Hu Wen: "Let Lu Qing, Cao Guozhong, and Shi Nansheng pick it up. I'll just say hello when the time comes. I want to meet the foreign executives."

Hu Wen nodded and retreated, then turned back in a blink of an eye and whispered into Fang Nan's ear, "Li Zi and Xiao Zhuo are here too, outside."

Fang Nan glanced at Gao Yuanyuan, who was fighting with Fang Qin, and was thinking about who wanted him to die, when Hu Wen said, "I'll call her in, it's really not a big deal."

Fang Nan pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Go."

Zeng Li and Thong Wanzhuo quickly entered the private room, seeing the girl who had obviously grown a lot taller, Fang Nan's eyes were full of doting, "How did you do in the final exam?" He asked with a smile.

"It's okay." Xiao Zhuo glanced at Gao Yuanyuan and Fang Qin who were on the side: "Is this the younger brother I met when I was young?"

"Yes, that little one." Fang Nan pulled Fang Qin who was reluctant.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Yuanyuan and Zeng Li also glanced at each other, and then nodded slightly as a greeting.

Up to now, the two of them had nothing to argue about or be suspicious of, and they both retreated behind the scenes for Fang Nan's career.

The difference is that Zeng Li retreated more thoroughly, she chose to live alone with her daughter.

At least Gao Yuanyuan has an official status.

"Call Auntie." Fang Nan said to his son.

Fang Qin flattened his mouth: "I don't know."

At the critical moment, Fang Nan was not used to this bitch, so he slapped his butt twice, making Fang Qin rub his butt, and timidly called "Auntie".

Afterwards, Xiao Zhuo also called "Auntie" to Gao Yuanyuan crisply.

Fang Nan was very pleased.

His family business is already huge, and if it develops smoothly for another ten years, the four major conglomerates and MGM will definitely become the world's top companies, and what he will leave to future generations will be a huge treasure of wealth.

Since ancient times, wealth has separated wives and separated brothers, and there have been many stories of brothers turning against each other. Naturally, Fang Nan did not want such stories to happen among his descendants.

Therefore, it is very important for the siblings to get acquainted earlier and to make the relationship between the two families closer.

Gao and Zeng each accompanied a child and chatted without saying a word, Fang Nan left the box.

Outside, he saw Wang Yu whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Li Yu has been gone for several years, did you let go of this relationship and get another girlfriend?" Fang Nan asked one of the four young men.

"Don't worry, let's see the marriage." Wang Yu smiled perfunctorily, and asked, "Douyin has been very popular since it went online this year. Have you thought about going public?"

"It must be listed. Douyin Video will compete with Netflix, the number one streaming media, and it will cost a lot of money."

"I see enough, too much user information is involved, and new regulations will definitely come out."

"I have left behind, the domestic and foreign user information is stored separately, and there is a high probability that only the international version will be launched."

Wang Yu nodded: "Remember to notify me before listing."

"I'll give you some internal shares at that time."

Fang Nan patted the other party's shoulder and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, Wang Yu held him back and said in a low voice, "It's right not to merge the company. It would be even better if you could distribute more shares. Even if you follow Huawei's distribution Employee shares are also fine, if they are too big, they will either be a monopoly, or”

Fang Nan gave Wang Yu a confident look.

After welcoming the leaders of several major ministries and commissions in the capital, Fang Nan hurriedly greeted other acquaintances.

The people he likes to associate with are those in the entertainment circle.

This circle will have a bad reputation in the future with the collapse of a series of artists, but how to put it, the poor reputation in the entertainment circle is because they are active in the spotlight.

Even if compared with the fashion and business circles, the filth and chaos of this circle pales in comparison.

Liu Qianqian is also here. Some time ago, she was running promotions all over the world. The naked eye can see that she has become darker, thinner, and her face is weathered.

This is the price she wants to become famous internationally.

"Go to the private room, Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li and the children are here." Fang Nan said to her kindly.

Liu Qianqian rolled her eyes: "You're entertaining me. If I have a child, maybe I can fight for the child. If I don't have a child, why should I attract people's eyes? I don't care about your money."

"Okay, then find a place to sit, old man."

"Tch, I'm going to talk to Director Uershan and Hu Ge about the second part of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and the script of "Space Passenger."

Liu Qianqian and her assistant rushed to find someone.

Fang Nan was very helpless. He had instilled in Liu Qianqian the life philosophy of "Follow your dreams and work hard, live a successful life regardless of success or failure, and this life is not in vain". It seems that Liu Qianqian has completely absorbed it.

This desperate effort is not acceptable.

David and MGM CEO Roger also rushed over from the United States. The two were on guard against each other, but they said the same thing to Fang Nan.

"Godzilla" human scenes accounted for nearly 70% of the film.

The copyright of "King Kong" is difficult to obtain, but it can be borrowed from Universal, and MGM can shoot it. Universal only asks for 30% of the investment.

However, in 2005, the right to adapt "King Kong" directed by Peter Jackson was in the hands of MGM, and Fang Nan could use the content in the movie at will.

Fang Nan gave a rare grin and said, "I'll toast each of you later."

After a lot of noise, the annual meeting of the four major groups started on time at 18:[-] in the afternoon. The host was the Douyin Branch of Light and Shadow Technology, and the Douyin Video Entertainment Channel column team hosted two hosts, one male and one female.

After a short opening remark, Lu Qing, President of Light and Shadow Technology Group, took the stage.

On the stage, Lu Qing, who has become the president of a multinational corporation, introduced himself first. He introduced himself and his past without any shyness.

Fang Nan in the audience was a little dazed. Ten years later, Lu Qing grew from a special effects artist working on special effects for TV dramas to the president of a multinational corporation.

The annual meeting should not be too serious. After briefly introducing himself and Fang Nan's insight, Lu Qing talked about the achievements of light and shadow technology in 2013.

The achievements of Light and Shadow Technology are obvious to all. The short video has exceeded 2 million downloads worldwide in three months, and the downloads in three months have left Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Blog, Weibo and other internationally renowned social software far behind. , is worthy of the name of the crowd.

With the arrival of 2014, Douyin short video will definitely become the world's largest social media.

With the global popularity of Douyin, the profit of Light and Shadow Technology is even more impressive.

Internally and externally, the company maintains an extremely optimistic attitude towards Lighting Technology's revenue exceeding 2014 billion in [-].

Lu Qing's report of the good news lasted for nearly half an hour. After the thunderous applause, it was the happy moment of the annual meeting, drinking, and enjoying the program, among which many entertainers from the entertainment circle sang on stage.

Compared with the bustle of the other tables, Fang Nan's table was more reserved. They were all bigwigs, and some of them even controlled the lifeline of the country's economy, so even toasting each other was just a taste of it.

But tonight Fang Nan was destined to be unable to go back standing up, he was politely invited to another table after a while.

When the wine was half drunk, employees, executives, friends, and guests seemed to be booing him to come on stage and sing.

The excuses are very good. Ma Penguin, Ma Ali, and Wang Yida dare to make a fool of themselves at the annual meeting of their respective companies. The boss is a famous music producer. No matter what, he must suppress the arrogance of these people and let them see the boss. There are also gaps.

Fang Nan was afraid that Gao Yin would be in trouble, so Gao Yuanyuan took the lead and said, "Go quickly, my son is clapping his hands."

On the other side, Zeng Li also said: "It's really not possible, and I will ask Wangfei to sing "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" with you."

Fang Nan was speechless and could only go on stage.

"Boss, whatever song you want to sing, there are pianos, guitars and other instruments, and there is no shortage of singing and dancing groups." The host smiled.

"Give me the guitar."

Fang Nan's words instantly ignited the atmosphere in the audience.

The boss wants to play and sing by himself.

While everyone was clapping wildly, Fang Nan smiled and unbuttoned all the buttons of his suit jacket, and pulled out his tie from his waistband. These simple actions made him look at least five years younger.

The booing from the audience got louder.

Seeing this, Fang Nan patted the microphone, and when the scene quietened down, he smiled and said, "Sing a cappella song to bid farewell to the music scene. This song is not very suitable for the occasion, but it is closely related to everyone here."

When everyone was curious and discussing which song it was, Fang Nan said again: "The title of the song is "When You Are Old". It is adapted from the poem of the Irish poet Yeats. A warm and sincere love poem by my friend Mao Degang."

What about Yeats, the Irish poet, not many people know about it.

They only understood one meaning, the song that the boss is about to sing is the first time it will be released.

I'm rough.

Such a talented boss makes people have to love and be proud of.

The strings sounded, and the scene slowly fell silent.

Fang Nan also sang the long-lost song "When You Are Old" at the right time.

【When you get old and your hair turns white】


[When you are old and can't walk]

【Napping by the fire to recall youth】

【How many people have loved your youthful and happy moments】

【Admiration for your beauty, falsehood or sincerity】

【Only one person still loves your devout soul】

【Love the wrinkles on your old face】


The light from the phone shone on his face, making Fang Nan feel that this was his own concert.

Although it wasn't, it was about the same. Out of the 3000 guests present, at least 2000 of them turned into fans and went crazy for their boss.

The rest of the people looked at the familiar people and smiled wryly. The four big groups probably couldn't do without Fang Nan.

At the end of the annual meeting, Fang Nan took the stage as the true boss of the four major groups.

Instead of lecturing people and speaking the truth like last time, he announced the 20 partners of the four major groups without hesitation.

Among them, 13 are executives and 7 are outstanding employees.

He is strapping capable people to his chariot as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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