literary world

Chapter 444 Commenting on the 3 girls, Mother Liu was submissive

Chapter 444 Commenting on the Three Daughters, Mother Liu Convinced
Nine p.m.

The joint annual meeting of Tangtang Film and Television, Guangying Technology, Fangnan Culture, and Artist Cinemas has come to an end.

At this time, Fang Nan's body was already lingering with the smell of wine.

But he still held up his spirit and sent away several important guests.

"Go to the tea room and have some tea, it's rare for everyone to get together."

On the way back to the hotel, Lu Qing proposed to Fang Nan, Yan Hong, Cao Guozhong and others.

Fang Nan glanced at his watch. It was a little after nine o'clock, then nodded and said, "Yes, it's still early."

There were quite a few of us gathered in the tea room, Yan Hong, Cao Guozhong, Cai Yinong, Lu Qing, Jiang Ping, Shi Nansheng, Chu Peijun, Li Guoli, Yang Hao, Wu Jie, Wu Gao, Yang Guangzhi, Hou Weidong, Ma Sanyou [financial director], Tian Peng , Ma Li, Hu Wen and dozens of executives and shareholders, as well as family members Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li and their children.

There are more than 30 partner directors and company artists such as Lin Hao, Guo Fan, Wen Muye, Rao Xiaozhi, Wu Ershan, Zhang Weiming, Shen Teng, Ni Ni, Si Shi, Qian Qian, Hu Ge, Chen Xiao, etc.

Seeing such a large group of people around him, Fang Nan asked Cai Yinong emotionally, "Sister K, Director Li, did you ever think that we would develop into what we are now?"

Li Guoli shook his head and said in substandard Mandarin: "I wouldn't have thought of it even if I was killed."

Cai Yinong echoed: "Yesterday I was still feeling like I was dreaming. The well-known Tangtang Film and Television has become Tangtang Film and Television Group, 13 Swordsman Studio has become a light and shadow technology group, and the artist has grown from nothing to the current group company. Seven or eight years."

Yan Hong: "Not only us, but the whole country is undergoing earth-shaking. In 06, Fangnan Culture acquired Rongshuxia. The market value of Rongshuxia was only 3000 million. Now the top novels of Dream Literature are more than this price. It has only been eight years , Do you dare to imagine? It can only be said that Brother Nan is too far-sighted."

Lu Qing laughed and said: "There is a reason for taking advantage of the wind of the times, but it is also inseparable from Brother Nan's decision."

"The development of several of our companies has never been smooth sailing. In 2011, in order to invest in Dongfeng Movie Metropolis, our capital flow was drained? That was a project launched with huge risks."

Cao Guozhong: "There is also an 8-3 land on the Bund. The vision of this transaction is definitely forward-thinking."

All the executives praised others vigorously, and Fang Nan couldn't help laughing: "Let you drink tea slowly, why are you flattering?"

In fact, he has a fart vision, nothing more than using the memory of his previous life to retrace the success of some people.

Whether it is film success or commercial success, this is true.

He won't brazenly boast about copying homework.

But again, he will still copy, because he will do things that are beneficial to the nation.

"Mr. Yan, Mr. Cao, Lu Qing, Nan Sheng, the division of labor between the four of you has been determined? Which industries are under which name? You know, I only heard the name of the four major groups today."

Bored after drinking, Fang Nan put his arms around his daughter and asked the four group presidents with a kind smile.

"Mr. Yan, tell me." Cao Guozhong threw the question to Yan Hong.

"Basically, there hasn't been much change. Let me tell you briefly."

In Yan Hong's slow speech, the specific layout of the four major groups gradually became clear in Fang Nan's mind.

The subsidiaries of Guangying Technology Group include: Guangying Technology, Douyin Short Video, Douyin Video [domestic, North America, Asia], 13 Swordsmen [Manhattan Swordsman Studio, Animation], Kuwo Music, and Data Center [under construction].

Subsidiaries of Fangnan Culture Group include: Dream Literature, Forget-me-not Toys, Chuanyang Film [North America], and Fangnan Investment.

The subsidiaries of Artist Group include: Boutique Supermarket, Artist Cinema, Beijing Art Center, and Xiangjiang Film Palace.

The subsidiaries of Tangtang Film and Television Group include: Tangtang Brokerage, Tangtang Advertising, and Tangtang Film and Television.

Fang Nan also has a company named MGM on the surface. In addition, he, Fang Nan Culture, and Tang Tang Film and Television also hold certain shares in companies such as Moutai, Xiaomi, Penguin, Space Exploration, and Hengdian Yixin Film and Television Equipment Leasing.

The faces of the people in the tea room were very exciting, and everyone in the room turned around Fang Nan.

The terrifying financial resources of the four major groups and the large number of industries involved will allow everyone to have peace of mind for a lifetime.

Everyone was immersed in joy and fantasizing about the infinite future, when Fang Nan, who was standing in front of Fang Nan, said "Dad, I'm sleepy" shattered everyone's delusions.

Fang Nan nodded and said: "The tea is almost done, so let's go. We will be together for a long time. I hope everyone here will not fall behind. Let's join hands and this life will not be in vain."

The internal tea party broke up as soon as it was said.

But Fang Nan faced the biggest difficulty tonight.

Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Qin; Zeng Li, Thong Wanzhuo, where will he go.

He hesitated, the two women also stopped immediately, looked at each other, and the eyes that had been harmonious all night became more sparkling.

Fortunately, Fang Nan reacted quickly, without saying a word, he took Zong Wanzhuo from Zeng Li's hand, Fang Qin from Gao Yuanyuan's hand, and then dragged a son and a daughter and ran to the car.

This meaning couldn't be more obvious, he will not accompany anyone tonight, only his daughter and son.

"Boss is going back to Oriental Movie Metropolis?"

Fang Nan said to Xiao Zhu, the co-pilot angrily, "You miss me, just find a hotel, and Lao Han will drive quickly."

The exhaust of the car drifted in the cold wind. Gao and Zeng looked at this scene, the former pouted with a cold face on the car, and the latter laughed and shook his head before he opened the door and got into the back seat.

Fang Nan found the shield very well, but at night, he was often tossed by the two little ones.

At first, his son Fang Qin was able to hold his eyelids and get along with his sister. When it was his turn to turn off the lights and go to sleep, he started to look for Gao Yuanyuan, arguing and lighting the fire until the middle of the night before falling asleep soundly.

Compared with his son, Thong Wanzhuo, who is a few years older, is very close to Fang Nan. After all, he lived with Fang Nan for a while when he was a child, and he is more sensible.

The next day.

Fang Nan called Gao and Zeng in advance, and asked Gao and Zeng to pick up the child on the pretext that he had something to do.

Anyway, he was well prepared, as long as these two people were in Pujiang, he would definitely not favor one over the other, either sleeping in the same bed or not sleeping in one.

As women in the new era, Zeng and Gao seemed unable to satisfy Fang Nan's shameless delusions.

Without saying a word, the two packed up their things and went back to Beijing for the New Year's Eve.

As for Fang Nan, who was as thick-skinned as a city wall.

There is no Spring Festival for foreigners, and the "Jurassic" team is setting up the studio step by step every day. Fang Nan, as the director, naturally cannot leave.

But these days, there are plenty of people who want to pick his peaches, and within two days, Liu Qianqian came to pick him up.

Along the Huangpu River.

In the flat floor with excellent international vision, after the fish and water, Liu Qianqian made a horrifying news.

She and Liu Xiaoli chose to celebrate the New Year in Huaxia this year, and Liu Xiaoli was rushing from the airport at the moment, wanting to chat with him.

"What does she want to talk about?" Fang Nan asked.

Liu Qianqian glanced at Fang Nan: "How do I know, I guess they forced you to divorce."

At the annual meeting, Gao Yuanyuan was sought after by others as the wife of the president. She said that she was not jealous. Who would not like to stand under the spotlight.

Fang Nan lit a cigarette, frowned and said, "If you say that, I'll slip away. You know it's impossible, Yuanyuan has already quit the circle without hesitation because of me."

"I don't think you will do this. If you really do it, you will not be Liu Qianqian. In my eyes, you are a girl who wants to be strong and wants to be self-reliant."

Gao Yuanyuan, Liu Qianqian.

Gao Yuanyuan is a bit of a nympho, willing to give everything for the object of the nympho.

Liu Qianqian is a typical strong and strong character, but she actually hates clinging to men more often.

This can also be seen from the bed room.

Gao Ruan is willing to tact with Cheng Huan.

Liu Ze likes to jump on the horse and swagger.

Zeng Li, who is now an extraordinary and dignified head of a school, is not uncommon to compete with others for a man, and whether love comes or not.

Han Jiaren is a golden cat raised in captivity. She wants to be pampered, but Fang Nan, the owner, needs to think about it before she can enjoy it.

Lin Yuner's appearance is in control, she is obsessed with everything now, and she is temporarily committed to Fang Nan, but she can't tell in the future.

The rest Zhang Ziyi, Li Bing, Xiaolu, Yiyan, Xiaozhou, Anne Hathaway and others were either dealing with each other or comforting each other with Fang Nan, which is not worth mentioning.

The passenger plane was not delayed, and Liu Ma, who was wearing a vintage scarf on her head, entered the Daping floor on time.

Seeing Fang Nan, her pupils shrank slightly: "Fang Nan, you are also here."

Before she came, she had watched the annual meeting of the four groups a few days ago on the Douyin video.

To be honest, there was a lot of momentum, and there were so many big names on the stage, let alone Fang Nan today, she couldn't afford to offend her.

Ordinary officials would have to weigh their conversations with Fang Nan carefully, so that she was a little distracted for a while.

After all, Fang Nan was just a kid in her eyes back then.

Who would have thought that this boy, like a rocket sitting on his buttocks, has made achievements that have attracted the attention of the world in the past ten years.

Fang Nan nodded: "Sissy said, you want to talk to me."

"I want to chat with you. Sissy turned 28 after the New Year's Day. She gave you almost all the best time in her life. You have to tell us mother and daughter that a woman goes downhill after 30 years old. , Now that you stay together, you may be with Hemeimei, what about 40 years old? 50 years old? Can you guarantee it?"

Liu Ma chatted endlessly after handing the luggage to Liu Qianqian.

"I opened a safe in a Swiss bank, and there is a suicide note in it. Although the property was not as rich as it is now when I wrote the suicide note, it is still enough for you and Sissy to live comfortably for the rest of your life."

"Money is secondary. The money Sissi earns is enough for us to live on. The main thing is that you don't have anyone to accompany you. Do you understand? My personal experience tells me that the life of a single woman is very difficult. I have to think about Sissy's future. And , no matter what you do, at least you have to give a name."

Fang Nan smiled: "Auntie, look at your promise, have you come up with a good solution for me?"


Fang Nan grinned at Liu Qianqian and said, "Thinking too much, do you think I can immigrate at will? You, don't come up with random ideas. You can't change anything if you want to, why worry about it? Every day Is it delicious and delicious?"

"Let Sissy decide on her own affairs. To be honest, your old eyesight is not ordinary. You can't choose a man or a script. You can only delay your daughter and say you are helping her."

Liu Ma's nostrils were wheezing at Fang Nan's words, she was afraid that her mother would pick on Fang Nan, so Liu Qianqian hurriedly said, "Fang Nan, I'm going to kill you, this is my mother!"

"Okay, I won't talk anymore, I'm going back to the studio, and a lot of things are still being talked about here."

Fang Nan slipped away like a puff of smoke.

Liu Qianqian dragged Liu Xiaoli, who was still angry but didn't dare to yell, to sit down on the sofa, patted her on the back and said:

"Mom, Fang Nan may not be right when he said that you have affected my career, but there is one thing he said that I believe."

"Huh?" Mama Liu snorted.

Liu Qianqian looked funny, and said: "Before you came, he said that I don't want to cling to men, I think it's right. You want him to immigrate so that he can find two wives and give me a status, but have you ever thought about it, even if He agreed, and I may not agree."

"So what about Gao Yuanyuan, your daughter is worse than her? Why should I share a man with her? In my opinion, this is the most absurd thing. I would rather be single for the rest of my life than do this kind of thing that makes me look down." thing."

"As long as you think about it carefully, you should understand that after decades, outsiders will evaluate Gao Yuanyuan as Fang Nan's vassal. He will not be able to play a few decent roles in his life, and his career will be in a mess."

"As for me for decades, I can't guarantee that my work will leave a strong mark in the history of world film, but at least it will not be unknown."

"A vassal and a film and television name, do you still think that I will be willing to be Fang Nan's vassal?"

Liu Ma glanced at her daughter, and sighed, "Anyone can say beautiful things, but I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on alone."

"Isn't there you? If not, I will give you a grandson."

Liu Xiaoli got up suddenly, and pointed at Liu Qianqian tremblingly with a finger: "You and me. Do you have it?"

"I feel the same." Liu Qianqian looked serious.

Liu Ma almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and finally slapped her thigh and sat down disheartened.

She has been beating mandarin ducks for several years, and she can't break it up, and there may even be a younger one.

How to say in the rural dialect, the gate of life is being held in the hand, this bride price must not be manipulated at will.

Let's count the ball.

At this moment, Liu Xiaoli accepted Fang Nan's son-in-law half-heartedly.

"Call Fang Nan to come back for dinner. I'll cook some dishes."

Liu Qianqian was speechless. Her mother's attitude changed too quickly. If she knew this, she would have thought about having a baby.

"Hurry up, I guess Zhu Jing will be here soon." Mama Liu urged Liu Qianqian while putting on her familiar apron.

She always felt that her daughter was a bit dumb, and for the sake of her grandchildren, she had to step in. Don't ask for Liu Qianqian's identity, the child's identity must be there, Fang Nan's will must be taken out for a second addition.

"oh oh."

Liu Qianqian walked towards the bedroom in a daze.

On the bus to Oriental Movie Metropolis, Fang Nan was in disbelief when he received a call from Liu Qianqian.

Who is Mama Liu, the master who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles, can cook for him so kindly?

Fang Nan looked outside and the sun was obviously not setting in the east.

"Hurry up, it's true, it's hard to sit down and have a meal together."

Fang Nan scratched his head: "Come on, hang up, I'll go ahead and turn around."

(End of this chapter)

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