literary world

Chapter 445 Genius, internal entertainment chaos

Chapter 445 Genius, internal entertainment chaos

Goodbye Liu's mother and daughter.

The dispute between Fang Nan and Liu Ma finally ceased.

Mainly in his heart, no matter what, as long as it can be solved with money, it is nothing serious.

So a meal for three people is quite harmonious.

Before leaving, Fang Nan specifically asked Liu Qianqian if she was playing tricks on Liu Xiaoli, or if she was really pregnant.

Knowing that the information came from a woman's first instinct, Fang Nan drove away speechlessly.

In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve.

Fang Nan and Frank negotiated to give the crew a three-day vacation.

Although almost all the crew members are foreigners, but do as the Romans do, everyone will fight again next year after exhausting their talents.

He personally had lunch with Liu Qianqian and Liu Ma on New Year's Eve before flying back to the capital without stopping.

After entering the courtyard house with one foot, Fang Nan took off his shirt and went straight to the kitchen. At the same time, Gao Yuanyuan reminded, "The dumpling wrappers and filling materials are ready for you. Let's see if it works."

She used to travel far and wide for filming, and sometimes she might not be at home during the Chinese New Year.

Over time, the concept of southern glutinous rice balls and northern dumplings disappeared.

Fang Nan didn't have the same idea, but he liked the dumplings, and he didn't like the dumplings made by others, and he couldn't get used to them, so he had no choice but to make them himself.

This habit should be the dumplings from the orphanage back then, which left a deep impression on him.

"Eggs, minced meat, leeks, celery, dough, and a piece of tofu. Pears are vegetarian." Fang Nan kindly reminded Gao Yuanyuan.

He has a total of three days of vacation, and it takes one day to go back and forth, and he needs to gather the big guys at the table as much as possible to talk as much as possible.

Qi Gao, Zeng met and met, and also sat at the same table for dinner, and there is still a New Year's Eve dinner?
Gao Yuanyuan was upset, but he took out a piece of tofu from the refrigerator and threw it to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan laughed, and called Li Zi before mashing the tofu.

Zeng Li's mother and daughter arrived soon, and the happiest person in the family was Fang Qin, who dragged his sister to show off the toys in his room.

As for Fang, Gao, and Zeng, there was no shortage of topics to talk about with Fang Nan around.

Everyone made dumplings together and talked about Xuri School, the Spring Festival Gala directed by Feng Dapao, and stories in the entertainment industry.

Domestic entertainment in 2014 is destined to be full of topics. At the beginning of the year, several celebrities got married, divorced, and were revealed to be reunited, and some artists were exposed to illegal scandals.

What are the four returning sons and four little ones?

When talking about gossip, Gao Yuanyuan, who was always silent, also asked Fang Nan curiously: "You have a good relationship with the princess, did she get back together with Xie Tingfeng?"

"No matter how good the relationship is, can I be notified in advance when we get back together? How much time do I have to pay attention to gossip?"

Rolling his eyes at Gao Yuanyuan, Fang Nan frowned and said, "But this circle is indeed a bit chaotic. Huayi is dead but not stiff. Taiwan's entertainment godmother went north to join some entertainment companies to engage in pan-entertainment and rejuvenate stars."

"Some people in Xiangjiang dormant in Tangtang Film and Television because Tangtang Film and Television is easy to make money, and they have nowhere to go. Humans and ghosts are creating personal studios, and studios, big and small, are springing up like mushrooms."

Zeng Li put down a wrapped dumpling in her hand and said, "It's really outrageous than before. I heard that Evergrande, together with Tang De Film and Television and Fan Bing, is producing a script called "Wu Mei Niang". Called out 300 million episodes, this will take 40 episodes and not more than 1 million?"

"How much is this star's salary? Is it tens of millions? It's too outrageous. Stars make so much money, and children will have to fantasize about being a star in the future. I think you have to use the supervision rights that the government has granted you."

"What's the use of supervision?"

Fang Nan said noncommittally:
"After the new year, let several companies of Tang Tang Film and Television jointly boycott high film salaries. It is best to force the internal entertainment to form a small film salary plus a share to get the final film salary. All actors make money based on their ability."

Zeng Li's forehead lightly frowned: "There is a difficulty, I would not choose to share it, firstly, I don't believe in the producer, and secondly, I don't want to gamble on luck. If you want to engage in disguised wages for internal entertainment, it is equivalent to pushing the artist to other companies .”

Fang Nan Chengzhu said with a smile on his chest: "It's okay, Huaxia will never be short of people. Have you watched the Asian version of the Douyin video "DP Deserter Pursuing Order", except for Lin Yuner, who is a guest star, all amateur actors, but it is still popular."

"In addition, Tangtang Film and Television has more sales and exposure channels than any domestic entertainment company. Some small companies are really not afraid of going bankrupt. They invite high-priced stars to go. When we cut off the channels directly, they will understand who the rules of the game are to listen to. gone."

These days, content is indeed king, but no matter how good the content is, it must be exposed.

It used to be said that the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, but now even the fragrance of wine is afraid of deep alleys.

There is too much content, and channels that can expose the content in a large area are particularly important.

In terms of exposure methods, Guangying Technology is definitely the number one domestic private enterprise, and film companies, even China Film, have to lag behind.

For the Douyin short video, Guangying Technology has managed the communication departments of nearly a hundred countries around the world, and the international version of Douyin video can be played in more than 60 countries.

With such a large exposure channel, which entertainment company is full enough to support it to offend, unless it has a grudge against money.

The more Fang Nan thought about it, the more he felt that it was time to attack the internal entertainment, what kind of signatures and cool things, just go as far as you can.

Thinking deeply, Fang Nan almost burned his hands when he made the dumplings, which made the two girls angry. Only now did Fang Nan feel a little bit of the blessing of being equal to others.

With an order, the Fang family served dinner.

The steaming dumplings were served with five or six kinds of meat and vegetable dishes. Fang Qin's mouth was full of oil, and it was the first time he praised Fang Nan, "Dad's dumplings are so delicious!"

Firecrackers are not allowed within the Fifth Ring Road, and the family can only watch the Spring Festival Gala to make do.

Fang Nan had a problem with Feng Dapao, but this year's Spring Festival Gala should be credited to Feng Dapao, not how good the 14 Spring Festival Gala was, but at least having more features than the previous ones.

But tomorrow's trending search will definitely have Fang Nan's place.

No way, since Weibo started, every New Year's Day [Fangnan's 08 Spring Festival Gala] will always be accompanied by hot searches for the new year's Spring Festival Gala, and it has been like this for several years.

After the meal, Fang Nan originally wanted to keep Lizi and his daughter to stay in the side room for one night, and continue to celebrate the New Year in the courtyard tomorrow.

Zeng Li refused, and there must be a limit to the absurdity. Sitting together for a New Year's Eve dinner has touched her bottom line.

Watching Zeng Li's mother and daughter leave in the car, Gao Yuanyuan carried her sleeping son back to the room first, and sent Fang Nan to the side room before leaving.

The next day.

The first New Year call Fang Nan received was from Chen Sicheng.

This guy became very greedy after he became famous. He wanted the funds, platform, and channels of Tangtang Film and Television to make movies, but he also wanted to alienate Tangtang Film and Television and become his own boss to make more money.

Therefore, whenever there are major festivals, they will call Fang Nan's number that has been in the address book for several years to ask for their health.

As everyone knows, Fang Nan's self-righteous hypocrisy, petty means, and careful thinking are ridiculous and ignorant in Fang Nan's eyes.

"Detective Chinatown" made billions at the box office.

Chen Sicheng later became some executives of the company and business friends.

In just one or two hours, the side room became quiet.

Today is different from the past, and it is not easy to get Fang Nan's mobile phone number and contact friend.

Fang Nan also uses Penguin WeChat, and has groups, circles of friends, etc., but he can't come in and see it casually, and it doesn't mean that his every word and deed should maintain a sense of mystery.

It's just that he can make something happen with a random movement, a word.

After the New Year's call ended, Fang Nan's family of three hurried to the outer ring with their children after breakfast. The grandson had to pay New Year's greetings to his grandparents.

Arriving at Gao Yuanyuan's elder brother and sister-in-law's house, Gao elder brother waved his hand first when he saw Fang Nan: "Don't call me elder brother, you're in a panic."

Years ago, Hurun officially announced the list of China's richest people, and Fang Nan missed the richest man.

But he is only inferior to Ma Ali and Wang Yida, holding hundreds of billions of RMB in his hands, and he is truly the third richest man in China. At a time when money is more and more paramount, seeing his brother-in-law is really a bit hypocritical.

Fang Nan said with a chuckle, "Then let's see the truth in the wine."

After drinking, Fang Nan felt the pulse of Gao's mother who couldn't get out of bed.

The beating of Gaomu's wrist pulse was already very slight, and the condition was very bad. He, a person who doesn't know medical skills, could tell that a body's functions were about to burn out just by looking at Gaomu's complexion.

"A year at most, two months at least, I don't have any regrets. Although you have the ability, you have to be bold enough to tell you that when you quarrel, give way to Yuan Yuan. She is not very good at quarreling, and she can't quarrel. other people."

In a word, it took about 10 minutes for Gao's mother to cough and speak, and Gao Yuanyuan on the side listened to tears like rain.

Fang Nan nodded sadly, and said, "Don't worry, we haven't quarreled so far, and we won't quarrel in the future. If we quarrel, I will let her go."

"You are a good boy!" Mother Gao said comfortingly.

Gao's mother was unwell, so Gao Yuanyuan chose to take the child to stay at his elder brother's house. Fang Nan was going to fly to the Pujiang River in the second year of junior high school, so he rushed to the second ring road alone, and stayed at Yonghe Villa at night.

The Yonghe Villa on the first day of the new year was also very deserted.

Lizi and Xiao Zhuo were relatively silent, and Xiao Zhuo, who was playing Go alone, made Zeng Li's eyes darken.

"Dad, are you coming?"

"Switch back to backgammon, can chess work?" Fang Nan was also very depressed, his daughter had found his few fates.

I think he didn't read much, but in his two lifetimes, he read a lot of books and gained a lot of knowledge.

Tang poetry and Song poetry, domestic and foreign literary masterpieces, music, musical instruments, philosophy of life, movies, economics, history, finance, politics, etc. He dare not say he understands everything, but he can at least get a few sentences.

Only Go stumped him.

Thong Wanzhuo disrupted the chess game, and happily said: "Then play backgammon, mother will play together."

Fang Nan was a little confused: "How do the three play?"

Zeng Li gave Fang Nan a blank look: "She played the two of us by herself. She wins only if she wins both sets. If you give me some strength, I can't win here."

Fang Nan was speechless: "Is this okay?"

The black and white pieces fell one after another, and with Tso Wanzhuo's single-minded and double-minded efforts, Zeng Li and Fang Nan faced the two chess games and discussed and supported them for less than 20 minutes before losing.

Fang Nan lost his temper completely, his girl became more and more evil.

"Girl, what do you want to do when you grow up?" Fang Nan asked Xiao Zhuo.

Thong Wanzhuo gave an answer that was far from that of a child: "I'll think about it when I grow up, I might become a doctor, go to sleep."

Watching his daughter go upstairs shaking her head, Fang Nan said to Zeng Li: "The child is getting more and more mature, and he is getting old-fashioned."

"You broke into such a big business with a junior high school education, and she also read junior high school textbooks, can you be immature?"

"Huh? Already read the junior high school textbook?" Fang Nan was shocked.

"There are so many things you don't know. The Qingbei Junior Class is paying attention to her. She should be enrolled when she is old."

"Hey, I didn't expect our genes to be so good. It's a female Wenquxing reincarnation. But don't put too much pressure on your daughter. She can choose what she wants to learn, and the school is the same. Others look at the Peking University and Tsinghua Youth Class with strange eyes. We don't have to." care."

Zeng Li nodded and acknowledged Fang Nan's statement.

After eating some food for mother and daughter, Fang Nan and the two held hands and took a walk in the yard to digest food.

During the period, Zeng Li asked about Gao's mother's body.

At this year's annual meeting, the relationship between her and Fang Nan was announced to Gao Yuanyuan.

Even if they meet in the future, there is no need to shy away from anything. No matter how deformed the two families are, there is indeed a connection. Caring about Gao's mother's health is due kindness.

Fang Nan said: "Very bad, count the days on your fingers."

"Auntie doesn't seem very old."

"It's really not big, more than 60."

"Oh, life is impermanent, but time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, I'm 38, and I'm close to old age." Zeng Li said with emotion.

Fang Nan was speechless: "Why worry about poverty, I don't dislike it, and no one is old, I think it's fair and beautiful with long legs."

It may be that there is something special about being a vegetarian, Zeng Li's figure and skin are really well maintained.

Thinking of this, Fang Nan's interest was suddenly awakened.

There is nothing easier to digest food and exercise than exercise.

Lizi was similar, in the past year, she and Fang Nan hadn't met a few times at all, so tonight was destined to be better than Xiaobie than newlywed.

Zeng Li has become more unrestrained, but fortunately, Fang Nan has not neglected to exercise recently, so no matter how big the waves are, he can calmly catch them, and he can even ride them forward.

The accumulated hormones exploded completely.

The next day.

The moistened pears are more radiant and intellectual.

Even Xiao Zhuo liked it.

Fang Nan shrank a lot, but he still held up his spirit and took his daughter to the racecourse. Riding a pony "boo-boo-pao" was one of Xiao Zhuo's few hobbies.

The family of three excitedly went to the place to have a look, let alone horses, there were no people.

Fang Nan hurriedly took out his phone and dialed Uncle Yu, who likes to drink, smoke and burn his hair: "What are you doing? So the racecourse was ruined by you?"

"The government expropriated and demolished, hi, I remembered to notify your secretary in advance."

"Stop talking, tell me a good place."

Uncle Yu said that the racecourse was far away, so they had no choice but to go back home. Seeing their daughter missing, Fang Nan made a special promise before catching the plane. He patted his chest and said, "Daughter, during summer vacation, let's Borrowing horses and galloping on the prairie with herdsmen friends.”

But he still has an idea, and he is going to go to Europe to stake his claim.

Before September this year, he finished filming "Jurassic" and ended all the filming work at hand, and then "Interstellar" will be released in November and December at the end of the year, so it's time to enjoy a period of leisure time.

There are quite a lot of places to play in the country, but there are too many people, and his reputation is too great, so it is not suitable.

What he wanted was to go to Holland, or Denmark, New Zealand and other places with few people.

(End of this chapter)

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