literary world

Chapter 448 Resolutely Don't Conceal Cao A

Chapter 448 Resolutely Don't Conceal Cao A

"Gravity" won 10 out of 7 at the Oscars.

Fang Nan once again won the 86th Academy Award for Best Director.

Many Chinese stood on the Oscar podium.

This piece of news spread across the country, and it was posted on Zha Lang's Weibo hot search. Many Chinese netizens were ecstatic, and they were infinitely optimistic about the development prospects of Chinese movies.

It's nothing more than domestic netizens and movie fans are so excited.

Rather, at the beginning of 2014, Chinese filmmakers have achieved remarkable results in world-renowned film festivals and award ceremonies.

First, "Fireworks in the Day" invested by Tang Tang Film and Television won the Golden Bear Award for Best Film at the Berlin Film Festival, and actor Liao Fan won the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor.

Then came "Gravity," which slammed the Oscars.

How can domestic netizens not cheer for such a brilliant achievement.

When Ang Lee won the first Oscar statuette, the whole country was boiling, CCTV reported it online, and there were not many online media and print media at that time.

What's more, Fang Nan is a native mainland filmmaker, a real Chinese.

There is no lack of real yellow faces and black eyes among the winners.

【Fang Nan, you are my God! 】

Some netizens shouted this catchphrase from Hai Qing, a film and television artist of Tang Tang, on Weibo.

Some netizens shouted the slogan "Always support Fang Nan's movies, Fang Nan supports Tangtang Films and Televisions".

During this period, those insiders who had fought with Fang Nan were often ridiculed and abused.

Film critics who were not favored by Fang Nan, directors such as Feng Dapao, Lu Chuan, Zhang Dahuzi, etc. were taken out to whip their corpses.

In short, on Huaxia Network, Fang Nan, the second gold picker, has the meaning of being promoted to the movie altar by netizens.

In the past, he was also counted on the altar.

But it is not without competitors, at least Lao Mouzi, who has directed the Olympics, is one of the strong contenders.

Now, Lao Mouzi seems to have lost his competitiveness, and netizens are all advocating Fang Nan.

Netizens also regret that "Gravity" is a foreign language film, and the production area is abroad.

In response to this phenomenon, the relevant agencies have been bombarded again.

Think again that the Asian version of Douyin video is clearly in Hong Kong, but domestic netizens can only watch pirated resources, and more netizens are bombarding relevant organizations.

Sour water appeared on the corners of the mouths of some leaders.

It is understandable to abuse and belittle them with the Asian version of Douyin video. The production area of ​​"Gravity" is the choice of the production company, so what does it have to do with them?
However, the success of Fang Nan's several films one after another, the feat of "Fireworks in the Day" winning two awards in Berlin, and the influence of the international version of Douyin Video did drive internal discussions among relevant departments.

Such an attitude is rare.

At least someone realized they might actually have something wrong.

When fans and netizens who regard Fang Nan as an idol and the No. 1 movie in China are raging on the Chinese Internet, CCTV broadcasts the interview record of Fang Nan who is connected to Hawaii.

During the interview, Fang Nan was as calm and sober as ever.

Oscar statuettes, including various awards and trophies in major film festivals around the world, are never the end of a filmmaker.

Winning awards at film festivals and award ceremonies can only prove that a filmmaker's work at a certain stage has been affirmed by the audience and judges. Excellent filmmakers will not let themselves live in the past.

If a filmmaker does this, it is destined to be a sad life.

Therefore, his work is still going on, and he will not stop his film career because of a trophy. The film career is his life's work.

As for the success of Chinese-language films in 2014, and the sustenance of Chinese-language films, Fang Nan answered the CCTV reporter in this way.

First of all, he congratulated the team of "Fireworks in the Day", Liao Fan, the winner of the Silver Bear Award.

Secondly, he believes that if Chinese-language films want to go further, or compete with Hollywood, they must flourish, and this is especially important in recent years.

Because in recent years, Hollywood, the most developed film industry in the world, has fallen into a production comfort zone.

In order to avoid the risks brought by film investment, Hollywood companies are frantically chasing inherent IP content.

Anime adaptation films such as Marvel and DC have become the mainstream of the North American film market.

One after another, many Hollywood filmmakers are too numb to look for more fresh movie content, and a comfort zone that will make many filmmakers lose their keen sense of smell was born.

At this moment, if Chinese-language films pay more attention to realistic films in the next few years, let all kinds of themes come together, and cultivate more young filmmakers.

In the future, Chinese films will surely compete with Hollywood films in the global market.

For the CCTV reporter's answer, Fang Nan gave all kinds of hints and advised him with kind words.

Switching to the Korean National TV reporter, Fang Nan's interview and answer was another scene.

For this country, we have to boast, to the point of death.

There is no way, many people over there like to lie to themselves, and he upholds the serious attitude of a great director to give opinions, not only will it not be good, but he will also be scolded.

Instead of this, it's better to say something that makes people happy and gain a wave of goodwill.

After accepting interviews from several Asian countries, Fang Nan turned his attention back to his own studio.

The crew of "Jurassic World" just started, he is still in a state of rampage.

During the period, he was even so angry that he yelled at Chris, who played the leading actor in the film, without hesitation: "Chris, you are the worst acting actor I have worked with in recent years, you crayon, trash."

Everyone in the crew was terrified.

It's too bad for an actor to get this comment out.

Unless the movie is finished, Fang Nan's attitude towards Chris will change a lot.

It seems that it is not easy at present, Chris's character is somewhat funny, which is why Fang Nan is angered by frequent laughter.

However, Chris also had something to say, who were the actors who worked with Fang Nan before he directed "Jurassic World"?

"Interstellar" starring Matthew McConaughey Oscar winner, Anne Hathaway Oscar supporting actress.

"Gravity" starring Sandra Bullock Oscar-winning actress.

And he is just a young actor who has been playing soy sauce in romantic comedy movies and dramas all the year round, so his acting skills are naturally not as good as a bunch of Oscar winners.

As for Fang Nan's insult, that's a big deal.

If Fang Nan is willing to promise to cast him as the leading role in the next play, please insult him anytime, anywhere, he is always there for you.

Fang Nan felt a headache when Chris refused to eat.

A person looks like he has no heart and no lungs, and he is helpless and helpless.

Let's talk about the director's authority.

Except for Steven, no one dared to contradict him in the "Jurassic World" crew. He is the real emperor of the crew.

But the lead actor Chris is a funny guy and a social cow. It's not that he doesn't pay attention to the director, but he thinks that everyone will get along well after the day's play.

So, please don't be too serious.

After another shot was NG, the exhausted Fang Nan rolled his eyes and asked Chris, "Chris, do you have any dollars with you?"

Chris didn't know why, and pointed to the assistant in the crowd: "It's on the assistant."

"Here, give him the cash."

Chris, who took a handful of dollars from his assistant, looked at Fang Nan in confusion.

Fang Nan grinned, and said in a sinister tone, "Since cursing mother-in-law can't stop you from laughing, I can only fine you. NG will fine you $100 each time. Frank will collect the money. After work, everyone will have a drink together, and Chris will treat you."

Everyone on the set applauded loudly, and some whistled.

Chris wailed for the first time.

He actually participated in the filming of the Marvel movie "Guardians of the Galaxy".

It's a pity that "Guardians" took over "Jurassic" before it was released, so although he is the starring role, his salary is pitifully low.

The salary is low, and he has to support his family, so for him, every penny is money, and he has to be frugal.

Of course, he would never admit that it was stingy.

The salary is low and he has to support his family and be exploited by Fang Nan. For the first time in his heart, Chris yelled at Fang Nan, "Fang Nan is a pervert".

Fang Nan was happy.

Finally found Chris's weakness, seeing the other party's uncomfortable expression like eating shit, he hurriedly signaled the photographer to turn off the camera to shoot.

He really doesn't believe that Chris's sequelae from playing "Guardians of the Galaxy" can't be cured.

A funny guy?

Social cattle?


As long as you are willing to pay, you can make funny comparisons and laugh at random.

"Fear, Chris, act out fear, you're up against three man-eating velociraptors, action."

Before the filming started, Fang Nan kindly reminded Chris once again to compare the three staff members wearing dinosaur skulls to Velociraptors.

Chris nodded seriously, but he still couldn't help laughing when he saw the three staff members wearing helmets and baring their teeth and claws.

There are generally two reasons for this situation: First, the actor's laughter is too low.

Second, the actors have not yet adapted to the wonderful shooting environment.

The second situation is very common and often happens to actors who have no green screen experience.

"Okay $100 fine."

Fang Nan gave the verdict, and the $100 was in Frank's hands. Chris's heart was bleeding, and everyone on the set immediately clamored and let out bursts of happy "oh hoo".

Chris was so angry that he could hardly breathe. In order to prevent the massive loss of property, he turned his grief and anger into strength: "come on."

Leaning a little, Fang Nan said coldly "100 dollars fine".

Chris's psychological defense almost collapsed, "Fang Nan, you little bitch." Cursing the director in his heart, he quickly adjusted his state.

The funny, comedian, and social cow characters on the body are all gone.

If he doesn't change, he will go bankrupt.


Starting again, Chris lost his smile and stared at the staff wearing dinosaur skulls a few steps away in front of him with a face of fear. He counted to three silently, and he took a beautiful retreat and flicked his tail to hide in the fence behind him.

"Good, Chris, I must have yelled like this when I turned it on."

Chris, who was relaxing and wiping his sweat, looked at the photographer in surprise: "What, John, you didn't turn on the phone?"

With a smile on his face, John spread his hands: "Fang told me to turn off the phone to shoot."

Chris collapsed to the ground, he was played by the director of the crew, and by Fang Nan.

After the official shooting, Chris took out money several times, so that Frank accumulated nearly a thousand dollars in his hands. Fang Nan waved his hand and said, "Have a drink at the bar tonight."

Everyone in the production team applauded, and some people ran to Chris and said, "Thank you, Chris."

"Chris, thank you."

"Chris, I didn't expect you to be so stingy."

Fang Nan did what he said, and invited hundreds of people from the production team to drink at the bar that night. US$1000 was far from enough for the drinks, and tips for hundreds of people were a lot of money.

But Fang Nan never mentioned the AA system.

Everyone in the crew didn't say anything, but they couldn't help admiring in their hearts.

It's one thing for Fang Nan to be rich, but it's another thing for Fang Nan to be willing to invite big guys to drink for free, not to mention that he is still the director, the real No. [-] character in the crew.

Two days after "Jurassic World" was launched, Fang Nan had no airs, and a good image of humor, generosity, and willingness to mingle with everyone despite being very rich was erected in the hearts of hundreds of people in the crew.

"I believe the filming of "Jurassic" will be a pleasant journey." At the bar, Chris and Fang Nan clinked glasses and said.

Fang Nan smiled and said, "If you can quickly get rid of the personality that the last director instilled in you, you will definitely be like this."

"Hey, Fang, let's have a drink and dance on the dance floor." The actress Bryce Howard leaned against the bar, showing her exquisite figure.

"No, I can't dance."

Bryce's face was okay, and her slightly plump body perfectly outlined the temptation of a woman.

But this person violated his taboo, not because the other party's family is prominent in Hollywood.

But the other party is a married woman, Fang Nan is not Cao Aman, nor does he want to be Cao Aman.

Bryce was very persistent. She didn't show any intention of eating Fang Nan, but she was very persistent in dancing, which scared Chris away.

Fang Nan was feeling upset when a phone call came in, which happened to give him an excuse to leave the bar and go back to his room.

The caller was his wife Gao Yuanyuan.

Fang Nan frowned unconsciously.

Whether it is Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, Liu Qianqian, or the women who are still close to him, they all know an unwritten rule in recent years.

If Fang Nan is on the set, and there are no special circumstances, try not to call him around [-]:[-] pm. He will spend most of the time enjoying dinner, which is the most relaxed and relaxed time for him after working all day.

Gao Yuanyuan is calling now, could it be Gao's mother?
Outside the bar, Fang Nan couldn't wait to press the answer button: "Yuanyuan, what's the matter? Auntie is healthy."

"Don't be crowed, it's not my mother. It's Haibo, he was arrested at the ticket office."

"Ah? Which Haibo?" Fang Nan lit a cigarette and asked curiously.

Gao Yuanyuan said anxiously: "Oh, that Haibo filming "Let's Get Married" together with me."

"Oh oh oh, I remembered, why did you ask me for his ticket warehouse, I didn't take him there." Fang Nan was speechless, Huang Haibo knew it, the only netizen who made a mistake didn't believe it, sympathized actor.

Fang Nan didn't believe it either, he didn't believe that the other party was so heavy-handed, and the node where he was caught was also very suspicious.

The most outrageous thing was that his full-time driver took him there, and when he turned his head, the driver reported him.

This is like his full-time driver in Pujiang, Lao Han, reported him. Either the bumps and bumps at work accumulated into an incomprehensible hatred, or the driver was bought by someone.

In short, the water inside is very deep, Fang Nan doesn't really want to know about it.

What's more, Huang Haibo is not an artist of Tangtang Film and Television, so it would be bad if he intervenes for no reason and annoys the black hands behind the scenes.

He is not afraid of people, he is afraid of trouble.

But his wife seems to care about this friend very much, so he is very helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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