literary world

Chapter 449 This son is dead

Chapter 449 This son is dead

Misty underwater world.

As far as the eye can see, colorful tropical fish accompany the surroundings, changing the shape of the school of fish from time to time.

The underwater coral reefs are as colorful as a kaleidoscope.

A carp was upright, and Fang Nan met a beautiful and soft devil fish unexpectedly.

The underwater world is so beautiful!
The only fly in the ointment is that he took the time to read a lot of diving theories that cannot support deep diving, so he can only use snorkeling to enjoy the underwater scenery in a diving resort like Oahu, Hawaii.

After paddling down the water for a few more meters, seeing that the pointer of the oxygen equipment had reached the return position, Fang Nan danced his flippers and dived up. After surfacing, he was dragged onto the boat by the coach together with Chris and others.

Wet on the boat, the coach praised: "Fang, you are spending more and more time underwater."

Although there are beautiful scenery underwater, it also has to bear some pressure.

The claustrophobic, hazy environment, and the physical discomfort caused by the water pressure.

The deeper you dive, the more deadly the underwater environment will be, and the greater the fear in the depths of the completely dark ocean, so not everyone can play deep diving.

Fang Nan said regretfully, "Unfortunately, the time is too short, so we can only stop here."

After six weeks, he has completed all the location materials in Hawaii and Kauai, Hawaii. The "Jurassic" crew will return to the Oriental Movie Metropolis tomorrow, and his intermittent diving practice is also over.

"If you're really interested in diving, you might be able to learn from Uncle James Cameron, and those rich men who opened a company that develops diving equipment. It must have a bright future."

Fang Nan's eyes lit up, and he nodded at Bryce, who was wearing a white bikini, showing his proud capital: "It's a good idea, I'll find someone to study it later."

As a rich man with a net worth of over tens of billions of dollars, his hobbies and life are simply horrible.

Making movies is a job, a hobby, and there is nothing wrong with continuing to do it. It is the source of money.

What about life?
There are many beauties around, but what else is there besides beauties?
A bunch of models is considered a hobby, but compared with other rich people, it doesn't look like that.

His hobby is looking up at the stars, and then he started a private rocket company.

People love private yachts, so they book the most expensive and luxurious private yachts.

As for him, it is ridiculous to keep a bunch of models at home.

It’s fine if you don’t make that much money, but it’s silly not to enjoy it if you make so much money.

Therefore, it is a good idea to start a company for the sake of hobbies. Private rockets are already many steps behind others.

The ocean is also a great treasure.

Maybe they can develop a new generation of photographic equipment and produce a bunch of patents.

It was getting dark, Fang Nan and his group returned to the hotel, packed their luggage and flew into the sky from the Honolulu International Airport in Hawaii.

Not long after they left, Universal's marketing staff landed on Hawaii and Kauai Island, and turned the scenes left by the crew into a park. The movie will be released next year, and there will be another wave of ticket sales season.

The non-stop flight from Hawaii to Pujiang took 9 hours. After the plane landed, it happened to be working time, and Yan Hong waited impressively at the waiting gate.

"After Zhang Ming committed suicide, all the personnel involved in the incident have either been transferred from their original positions or resigned voluntarily. The meaning of several units is clear. Anyway, Huang Haibo did find the wronged woman, so the matter ends here ,what do you say?"

Fang Nan turned his head and glanced at Yan Hong who was following him: "Otherwise? Zhang Ming would rather die than stand up and clarify to me. Once he died, the capital insisted that there was something wrong with Huang Haibo, and the matter was already unclear. Transferring and persuading me to leave are just reasons for me to convince myself to settle down."

"Li Zhong was arrested, probably for the crime of hiring cyber trolls to destroy the Internet market environment, slander, and infringement of reputation rights."

"The prostitution of a wronged woman."

"Take care of the two of them, and in a few years, they will have to take the initiative to speak up."

Fang Nan curled his lips and cursed in a low voice: "Unlucky."

The day after he asked Yan Hong to continue the investigation, Zhang Ming committed suicide by swallowing medicine at home.

Without the clarification from Zhang Ming, who is also a bigwig in the entertainment industry, it is absolutely impossible for Fang Nan to change the current public opinion.

And the person who helped Zhang Ming design him is even less likely to stand up and make irresponsible remarks. If it involves a murder case, who would want to take the blame?

In short, the big man surnamed Fang is destined to be blamed for persecuting a powerful actor surnamed Huang because of a woman for several years.

"What about Huang Haibo?" Yan Hong asked.

This person is the worst, he has nothing to do with the whole thing.

It just happened to be a card for Zhang Ming to destroy Fang Nan's golden body, and he suffered an innocent disaster.

But there is no way, life is like this sometimes, weak people will be bullied, facing people like Fang Nan, he has no ability to fight back, let alone complain.

After all, there is still half of my life to live, and there are still wives and children to support.

It is obviously fallacious to be beaten if you fall behind, and to be bullied if you are weak, but it will be repeated frequently in reality, and fairy tales will always be just fairy tales.

"I can't do it. Even if I have the capacity to accommodate others, the official will not let him appear on the screen again. His acting career is over. If you find a time to ask, if you are willing to change the scene, you can help him change the scene."

Fang Nan threw the luggage to the driver: "It's done, let's go back to the company. Get in my car and talk about the public opinion on the Internet."

In Yan Hong's hoarse voice, Fang Nan had an understanding of public opinion.

A month has passed, and there are still netizens who question him, but they are much smaller than the early days of the incident. The entertainment industry has never been short of news.

To Fang Nan's surprise, the person who helped him was Yang Fun, a film artist from Tang Tang.

Yang Function is married, and married himself to Uncle Liu just like Yuan Shikong.

The difference is that the marriage seems to be a little later.

Fang Nan didn't understand this operation, it turned out that it was understandable for Yang Function to marry Uncle Liu.

There may be some love between the two.

Uncle Liu's family also has some small connections in Xiangjiang, and Yang Function wants to bypass the Beijing, Northwest, and Northeast circles and go to the Hong Kong circle to appear on the big screen.

This is not unusual. Tang Wei was banned from acting for two years because Ang Lee introduced him to Wong Kar Wai's company and went to Hong Kong, and then went to South Korea.

Zhao Yanzi, Zhou Xun, a large number of people in China, big and small, have all pinned their hearts on the Hong Kong circle.

But today is different.

With his appearance, the Hong Kong circle has long been torn apart, and more than half of the famous entertainers and behind-the-scenes parasitize on Tang Tang Film and Television.

Even the Xiangjiang Film Awards collapsed, and the trophy was moved to the China Hong Kong International Film Festival next door.

So, he didn't understand why the very smart Yang Fun would find Uncle Chen. Is it because of true love?

"She quit Tangtang Film and Television." Yan Hong's words awakened the dreamer.

Fang Nan was curious: "Have you heard the reason?"

He still cared about Yang Fun, not because he was fascinated by his beauty and beautiful feet, but because he could make money and be able to make money.

"I was scared off by Tang Tang Film and Television's salary sharing system. A few days ago, Mr. Cai complained to me that your genius ideas that you frequently sprouted made a group of artists quit again."

"So that's the case, let's go then."

It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married, and there will be conflicts between the money-making artists and the company's system. It's self-evident who will stay and who will stay.

But having said that, as long as Yang Function has no ability to go to Hollywood, can she jump out of the circle of Tang Tang Film and Television?

Nowadays, the artists in the Xiangjiang circle and behind-the-scenes are really busy.

Horror, suspense, zombies, Crusu, fantasy, politics and other themes, as well as character dramas derived from novels such as Jin Yong and Gu Long, as well as low-budget movies are filmed one after another in the Mainland, with a frightening amount of resources.

But Yang Function must understand that all these resources come from the charity of the Asian version of Douyin Video.

"Boss, are you going home or going back to the company?"

As soon as the exchange between Fang Nan and Yan Hong stopped, Xiao Zhu turned her head and said abruptly.

"What do you mean? Didn't you say you went back to the company?"

"Well, I received the news that your wife has just arrived home." Xiao Zhu said awkwardly.

"Then take me home first."

Huang Haibo's incident is destined to be irreversible, and Gao Yuanyuan has to face it whether he is happy or not.

After the car entered the Oriental Movie Metropolis, Fang Nan said goodbye to Yan Hong and went straight home. On the open space in front of the house, Fang Qin was playing cards with his butt pouted, still muttering.

"Where's your mother?" Fang Nan asked him.

Fang Qin looked up and saw that it was Fang Nan, he couldn't see any joy, and said old-fashionedly: "Let's go home, find it yourself."

Fang Nan didn't rush into the house, but asked, "Why don't you go to school?"

"Who wants to go to school during the holidays?"

"What kind of fake is this going to be?" Fang Nan asked intentionally.

Fang Qin quit, and jumped up with his hands on the ground, with a very unhappy expression on his small face: "Fang Dabangzi, you are so annoying."

Fang Nan had black lines all over his head.

Fang Dabangzi was the nickname Gao Yuanyuan gave him when he and Gao Yuanyuan cultivated their relationship in bed in the dead of night. He didn't expect to be called out so naked by this son of a bitch today.

I don't know where this guy got it from.

Xiao Zhu and Driver Han returned to the car holding back a smile.

The two of them were not stupid, so what good could Fang Dabangzi's nickname have?

"You sleep by yourself from today, and tomorrow I will teach you how to practice martial arts." Fang Nan kicked the little guy's ass angrily.

The little guy rubbed his butt and said triumphantly, "I slept with my sister today."

Fang Nan scratched his head, Xiao Zhuo came too?

Which lady is there?

He was wondering when Gao Yuanyuan, who was wearing an apron around his waist and rubber gloves in his hands, heard the sound and came out.

"I'm pretty accurate at this time."

Gao Yuanyuan was clearly boasting, but there was no smile on his face.

Fang Nan understood, obviously dissatisfied with him.

"Huang Haibo's matter is basically finalized, and the official punishment will be whatever. After he comes out, you can ask him if he wants to go behind the scenes." Fang Nanli said calmly outside the door.

"The whole thing is because you have a dispute with someone else, so you can't help him?"

After presenting the facts, Fang Nan's face remained calm, and Gao Yuanyuan was dissatisfied: "It's not so easy to turn around behind the scenes, maybe he'll be ruined by you for the rest of his life."

"Who am I other than you? Can I even meddle in the judicial process of judgment? Hold back if you are dissatisfied, let alone talk around."

Fang Nan crossed Gao Yuanyuan angrily and entered the house.

He's not that small-minded, and a small-minded person wouldn't agree to Gao Yuanyuan to act in a play after he made a fortune.

Therefore, he is not unwilling to save Huang Haibo's career.

But he can't help. Once he intervenes, it means that he is disrupting the judicial process.

With this cause and effect memorized on his body, he can probably get away with it when he gets up, but when he loses his power one day, this is the death talisman.

Since ancient times, some businessmen who want to touch politics have good results.

Gao Yuanyuan's hair is long but his knowledge is short, and he has a woman's opinion. He doesn't even know that he is trying to protect his family.

If he had no family, how could he be so helpless by Zhang Ming?
So what if he makes a big fuss!
"Father." Cho Wanzhuo, who was doing homework in the living room, immediately said sweetly when she saw Fang Nan.

Fang Nan, who was originally frosty, changed his face in a second: "Hey, this big girl is getting taller and taller, and she will surpass Dad soon."

Fang Qin sprinted over like a little ball, and lay down next to Tso Wanzhuo: "No, my sister is so tall that it's not easy to marry."

Fang Nan frowned instantly: "Hurry up and go, who did you learn these nonsense from?"

Dragging Fang Qin away, Fang Nan looked through her daughter's homework for the Labor Day holiday.

But no matter how he turned his eyes, he still couldn't solve a question, and finally left a sentence of "don't work too hard" and ran away in despair.

"How is your mother?" In the kitchen, Fang Nan asked Gao Yuanyuan who was washing vegetables and fruits.

"After the weather warmed up, my body got better."

"Xiao Zhuo came with you?"

"Ceng Li sent it home. She is going out of town to recruit students for the summer."

Fang Nan took a bite of the cucumber and praised sincerely: "She is living a fulfilling life."

Gao Yuanyuan curled her lips involuntarily.

Fang Nan didn't dare to complain when he saw it. The person next to him was already annoyed that he didn't cook for lunch and was supposed to eat fruit and vegetable salad. If he talked about Lizi again, Gao Yuanyuan might turn his head and leave on the spot.

Therefore, one woman makes people happy, and two women make people troubled.

Three women, walking on the edge of danger.

The lunch was too western, Fang Nan yelled at his son before he was dissatisfied.

"I've been eating for a long time, why haven't there been any meat yet?" Fang Qin asked as he shook his chair as if he had nails growing on his buttocks.

Fang Nan just stuffed a small tomato into his mouth calmly, when Gao Yuanyuan said to his son, "Chinese food is too greasy and bad for your health. From now on, our family will switch to Western food."

Fang Qin patted the spoon: "I've been with my father, you go and make meat for me."

Fang Nan almost burst out laughing, since his son went to preschool, how could he blow up all the golden sentences, he can drive people to death.

Sure enough, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't hold back.

While cursing "little heartless", she dragged Shang Qin into the bedroom, and after a while, she stuffed Fang Qin, who was rubbing his butt, into the child seat.

Seeing this scene, Thong Wanzhuo couldn't help but praise: "My brother is great today, I didn't cry."

Fang Qin, with tears rolling wildly in his eyes, nodded, and said shamelessly with a bit of crying: "I made a little progress today."

Fang Nan sprayed all the tomatoes in his mouth, the son Gao Yuanyuan gave birth to him is really amazing, he is not like a genius when he is said to be a fast learner, and he cries when he is beaten.

The whole messy bastard.

The mentality is a perfect inheritance of Fang Nan's genes.

Accompanied by a son and a daughter, Fang Nan didn't go anywhere after eating, and used the one-day vacation just returned to Pujiang to get along with the children.

But most of the time, he is the one who is disliked.

He can't even remember the names of the characters on the cards his son plays.

He doesn't know how to do his daughter's homework, and he is not an opponent in chess.

At the end of the day, the only time for the four of them to sit together safely is to watch the cartoon "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf".

(End of this chapter)

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