literary world

Chapter 450 "I'm Not the God of Medicine" Canary

Chapter 450 "I'm Not the God of Medicine" Canary
The two children were going to school, Gao Yuanyuan stayed in Pujiang for two days and then led the children back to the capital.

Before leaving, she repeatedly whispered in Fang Nan's ear that his heart had hardened.

Fang Nan ignored her.

But he didn't blame Gao Yuanyuan either.

After all, it was because of him that Huang Haibo recruited this innocent disaster.

As for burying him for being hard-hearted and ignorant of human feelings, he doesn't deny it either.

He and Gao Yuanyuan have different perspectives. Gao Yuanyuan thinks he wants to help his old friend, thinking that he can solve it.

He sees farther, and would rather suffer a personal loss than take care of his family and his own people as much as possible.

Don't let the great situation of relatives and companies get involved in the unknown future.

After his wife and children left, Fang Nan started directing the play step by step.

The crew of "Jurassic" will shoot the interior scene in the Oriental Movie Metropolis for 11 weeks, and there are still no difficulties in terms of actors' performances and techniques.

But it can only be slowly ground one by one.

His daily task as chief director and executive director is to teach the actors how to run around and how to face fake dinosaurs and emergencies.


After one shot was completed, Fang Nan drank his saliva and got up, and went to the two leading actors to study the next shot with the team.

"First bring the head and feet of the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus Rex."

"Then, Chris and Bryce, you speak your lines first, and quickly hide in front of the car after hearing the movement. At this time, the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex will be exposed from Chris's side. You two know how to act."

Chris and the two nodded: "I have acted out many times about fear and fear."

"Okay, I'm a little more scared this time. After all, it's only a few feet away, and the sense of oppression is very strong. You'd better imagine the bad breath and corpse smell in the dinosaur's mouth."

"Yeah." Bryce said with a distressed expression, "Fang, you are so perverted, I feel physically uncomfortable."

Fang Nan didn't feel ashamed but said proudly: "That's right, you two check the words, find out the status, and start shooting after the props are in place."

After explaining the play to the actors, Fang Nan stood together with the props and the camera crew.

With such a big foot, how the skull fits the actors, and how the machine shoots also requires him, the director, to adjust in the middle. After all, the quality of the play is closely related to the director.

An hour later, the camera was turned on.

Breathing heavily, Bryce and Chris with a gun in one hand burst into the frame.

"Is this theirs?" Chris picked up a piece of clothing in the carport.

"That's right." Bryce turned to face the front: "That road leads to Paradise."

"How could they start it." Chris couldn't believe it and was about to open the hood of the car. At this moment, dust fell on the car shed, and the roar of the dinosaur outside made Bryce gasp involuntarily.

The two looked at each other, and hid in front of the car with horror on their faces.

At the same time, the camera placed under the car captured a huge foot, and the old car began to tilt to one side. After a while, the head of the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex was revealed.

Chris frightenedly turned his head and glanced at Bryce beside him, who was already trembling with fright, his jaw trembling.

"Good, continue after dinner, Bryce's acting is good." Fang Nan clapped his hands and got up.

After Bryce got up on the ground with her hands, she pointed at Fang Nan with a threatening weapon: "It's the first time I've seen you praise someone."

Fang Nan smiled: "You will be a good actor."

Chris chimed in: "But she'd prefer to be a director."

Fang Nan was surprised, and then came to his senses. It's not surprising that Bryce learned from being a director. He has the resources.

He didn't know that in the future, Bryce would have no trouble getting the director of the "Star Wars" spin-off from George Lucas, and the filming of "The Mandalorian" would take off in the future.

This is the benefit of reincarnation.

It can only be said that Tongliao Universe has summed up a lot of experience.

Some people are born in Rome, and some people are born as cattle and horses!
On the way to dinner, Fang Nan met Hou Weidong, who had already taken up the post of deputy production director of the Asian version of Douyin Video.

"Emperor's boss Yang, and the bosses of Anle and Yongsheng are a little dissatisfied. They think that the big online movies are competing with them for the market. The Xiangjiang movie market is already very small, and there are restrictions on coming to the mainland. It’s hard to sell to Southeast Asia, and Douyin is doing this, and they have nothing to make.”

"There are also opinions from the General Administration."

"They think that the 20 major directors' big movies prepared by Douyin Asia this year are a bit too much. They question whether it is too cruel to dig out the human nature behind "2682 Tragedy" and "Jiangyuan Killing Husband"."

In the cafeteria, Fang Nan put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth, his brows furrowed accordingly.

The dissatisfaction of the Xiangjiang Film and Television Company is predictable. Before the Hong Kong Film Festival, this day was planned, so it is good to divide the profits. If the frogs are boiled in warm water, these companies will be boiled to death sooner or later.

What Fang Nan was more worried about was the dissatisfaction in the bureau.

It is true that the other party has no long-armed control over the content of Xiangjiang’s Douyin video creation, but the mainland has to be scruples, the world’s second largest market, even though many things have restrictions on shooting.

But the variety show alone is a very considerable income.

With this in mind, Fang Nan said to Hou Weidong: "Which director's idea of ​​"2682" is it? Talk to the other party and put it on hold. What happened in 2010 is too close, and we will shoot it in a few years."

"In addition, your content selection also avoids some things a little bit. It doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want in Xiangjiang."

"Let me give you an example. "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" was banned, so it can be released there, and some movies that cannot be released in the mainland can also be released, but some sensitive events should be handled carefully."

"Understood." Hou Weidong asked, "What about the major film companies?"

"Let's increase the share ratio for their films. They know very well that instead of wasting time and effort negotiating with Southeast Asian theaters for joint share, it is better to let the film be streamed, so it is just an excuse to ask for more profits."

"But don't give too much. We spent so much money to open up the Southeast Asian market, we can't make wedding clothes for them all."

After talking about the business, Fang Nan picked up the chopsticks, chatted while eating: "What is the best-selling drama over there?"

"If you want to say that the first famous drama is the Asian version of "The Walking Dead", "Black Robe Picket", "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", "White Night Chasing the Murder", "DP Deserter Pursuing Order"."

"However, it is the Xianxia drama that has the largest traffic. This year we bought 20 Xianxia novel adaptation rights from Dream Literature, and we plan to produce 10 this year."

Fang Nan nodded.

It is normal for Southeast Asian countries to love to watch Xianxia dramas.

After all, Chinese culture has radiated to neighboring countries since ancient times, and it is not surprising that the aesthetics are the same.

"You should not be limited to Chinese filmmakers in the allocation of filming funds. South Korea, Japan, India, Maoziguo, and even Iran should be evenly distributed. Don't narrow your horizons. You must firmly believe that you are in charge of a large international company. South Korea's "DP Deserter Hunting Order" is very good."

"The content needs to be diversified. Our volume is temporarily inferior to Netflix, which has dozens of movies and hundreds of episodes a year, but it can compete with Amazon Streaming Media, which was established in the same year. How can we compete? First of all to compete for talent who can provide us with content that engages our audience.”

"That's it, go out to eat."

Hou Weidong froze in place for a few seconds after getting up, Fang Nan was puzzled, Hou Weidong pretended to be ambiguous and said: "Well, Brother Nan, Miss Han is also in the cafeteria."

"Han Jiaren? Why is she here?"

"She was filming in Chedun, a Korean film called "Assassination" invested by streaming media."

"You go out and let her in."

"An Ning." Han Jiaren came in dressed in white, smoothed her hair and bowed to Fang Nan.

Fang Nan was speechless, and his posture was too low. Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, Liu Qianqian, Lin Yuner, including Han Jiaren, how many times did he tower above them?
Even if he was angry with Gao Yuanyuan, he didn't belittle him.

Fang Nan pulled away the chair beside him and said in English: "Sit here quickly, why didn't you call me when you came?"

"I thought you were still in Hawaii." Han Jiaren said with a smile.

"That's right, I've only been back for two days, and you can't understand Huaxia News, and you hate my leftovers?"

Han Jiaren shook her head like a little daughter-in-law: "I'm on a diet today, and I've been hungry a lot during filming recently, and I ate a lot."

Long time no see, Han Jiaren's Chinese has improved a lot, and she actually spoke such a long paragraph in Mandarin.

Fang Nan was very pleased, this kind of behavior showed that the other party really didn't think about putting a hat on him.

"Assassination? What kind of play?"

"The anti-Japanese drama directed by Cui Dongxun is an action movie about the assassination of important Japanese officials by members of the North Korean Provisional Government's Independence Army."

"It's kind of interesting." Fang Nan nodded, and said again: "Action movies consume a lot of energy, you can eat some. If you are tired of such movies, you can stop taking them in the future, or you can help me manage a company?"

Han Jiaren was taken aback, and quickly waved her hand to refuse.

How could she manage any company, since she entered the film industry with commercials, she never did any other work at all.

"Don't rush to refuse, did you study tourism management at the private university Kyung Hee University?" Fang Nan asked with a smile.

Han Jiaren looked surprised: "You know!"

"Of course, the company I'm talking about is in line with your profession. I will set up a sightseeing and tourism company in Saipan soon. Of course, this is mainly to satisfy my personal diving hobby, so the external tasks will not be heavy. "

Saipan, with its beautiful scenery, is the number one diving destination in the world.

In addition to snorkeling and diving on the 23-kilometer-long island, you can also choose various water activities such as fishing, surfing, helicopters, boat trips, jungle adventures, submarines, and water parachutes.

Really a good place for leisure and entertainment.

However, many projects are urgently needed to be developed.

After Fang Nan took a fancy to Saipan, he asked people to get in touch with the local government a little bit. The local government was very happy. Saipan lacked such rich people as Fang Nan to invest.

They even persuaded Fang Nan to become one of the competitors to develop the island.

Fang Nan was in a dilemma. The industry under his name had nothing to do with tourism-related industries, and there was a shortage of talents in this field. It was not a big problem to invest in a diving company.

Han Jiaren didn't agree at the time, she wanted to make a decision after careful consideration.

Fang Nan didn't urge Han Jiaren to go or not.

After graduating from tourism and tourism, she didn't even design tourist activities for any tourist attraction.

The reason why Fang Nan wanted her to go was because this woman was out of her mind, and he wanted to keep her at home as a canary, so as not to show her face outside.

Back to the set after dinner, followed by the morning shot.

Chris and Bryce thought that the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex had just breathed a sigh of relief when it left, and a bloody mouth pierced through the roof to swallow them.

This shot was scored in several steps.

The two leading actors flee in panic.

A roof with a hole in it.

Bloody mouth.

The panic-stricken two protagonists under the bloody mouth.

Flying dead grass.

It doesn’t matter if the shots are shot in N steps, and it’s also difficult to schedule. The aerial vehicle dragged the dinosaur’s head to move around, and tried shooting again and again, and one shot was not finished in the afternoon.

In the evening, Fang Nan was on fire when an unexpected person approached him.

"Fang Sheng, it's not as bad as his family. Mr. Zhang has passed away. The box office profit of "Taiping Wheel" is one of the few inheritances he left to his family." Wu Baige said.

"Hello, Mr. Fang, I am Zhang Chao, the creative director of Lechuang Film and Television. Lechuang is also one of the producers of "Taiping Wheel". I am here this time to hope that Mr. Fang will show his respect."

Fang Nan was at a loss: "I don't understand, what are you talking about?"

Glancing at each other, Wu Baige took the lead and said helplessly: "After we learned that Director Fang's "Interstellar" will be released in this year's Lunar New Year file, we took the initiative to put "Taiping Wheel" in the summer file, but the confirmed theater suddenly regretted it. , which means that the film cannot be scheduled.”

Zhang Chao followed Wu Baige's words and said, "Mr. Fang, everyone knows that you have made deals with several major theater chains. You can make a price."

"I'm rude, you guys came here to slander me? What Zhang Ming, it's none of my business if I can't schedule the film, don't delay my work."

After Fang Nan scolded the two of them angrily, he returned to the set without any explanation.

Can't hurt the family?
Gao Yuanyuan doesn't know how long he will be angry with her, it's called the family.

Can Huang Haibo make money to support his family?
"Don't mess up "Peace Wheel" and several unreleased films of Remington and write his name upside down."

What Fang Nan was most angry about was that Zhang Ming hadn't received Yan Hong's warning before he died, otherwise he would have followed the warning and made Zhang Ming's descendants live forever.

After Wu Baige and the others approached Fang Nan, Fang Nan received many calls.

Wong Kar Wai, Wen Jun, Mr. Xu, and even Ang Lee made overseas calls.

But Fang Nan firmly denied that "Taiping Wheel" could not get the screenings of several major theaters because he was playing tricks.

As the saying goes, 'Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering', these people are really idle.

That night.

Fang Nan and Han Jiaren rolled together.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and when they touched each other, they burned like dry wood.

Fang Nan missed sowing the seeds last time, but this time he is also unlucky.

The next day.

He had just returned to the "Jurassic" set when Wen Muye hurried over to him.

"Brother Nan, I've written a script, and you can hold my eyes for me."

Several heavyweight directors of Tangtang Film and Television.

Wang Liang is busy with "The Hunger Games".

Guo Fan is busy with "The Wandering Earth 2".

Lin Hao's "Blooming Heart" is released in the summer vacation.

Wu Ershan is working on the sequel of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Even Chen Sicheng, who is affiliated with Tangtang Film and Television, went to Thailand to film "Detective Chinatown".

As for Wen Muye, who followed Fang Nan through Hollywood, he was in a hurry, and finally adapted a script based on real people. He didn't ask to be a director, but he had to prove that he was not idle.

After reading only two lines of the script, Fang Nan nodded and agreed.

The plot of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is not so perfect, and even has a strong commercial movie plot-sensational.

But it definitely belongs to the first echelon movie in China, with a good reputation and box office.

"The script is so good that you can apply for funding for the filming."

Wen Muye was very happy to be recognized by Fang Nan, but after thinking about it, he frowned again and said:
"It's difficult. First of all, the real prototype has a lot of opinions on the script. In addition, it is very difficult for me to pass the review as a director. I think you have to do the filming if you want to pass the review. I will help you."

Fang Nan didn't immediately refuse: "Let's see it when the time comes, you should complete the script first."

Wen Muye didn't worry too much.

In the original time and space, "The God of Medicine" passed the trial thanks to the death protection force of China Film Group.

Today, if Tangtang Film and Television, which has a box office of several billion, wants to monopolize it, it will definitely face severe scrutiny.

At this time, Fang Nan's popularity is particularly important.

The fact that the films he directed cannot be released in domestic theaters is a big public opinion, and some institutions must bear a lot of pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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