literary world

Chapter 453 Strategy, the transfer of senior executives

Chapter 453 Strategy, the transfer of senior executives
Oriental Movie Capital.

The interior of Jurassic World.


The four actors Chris, Bryce, Nick, and Ty rushed through the gate with the Jurassic Park plaque to the square, and then stopped with a sudden brake.

Unseen in front of everyone was the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus Rex that had mixed the genes of various dinosaurs.

On the other side are three velociraptors that are still wild despite being domesticated by Chris.

A big battle was ready to go, and the people in the tense atmosphere didn't even dare to breathe.

Chris, who was looking straight ahead at the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus Rex, signaled nervously for the three people behind him to back away quietly. Unexpectedly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Bryce, Nick, and Tai had unknowingly retreated far away.

Let him form an equilateral triangle with the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor.

Chris was taken aback.

"Okay, it's over."

After Fang Nan finished speaking, there was a burst of applause and laughter at the scene.

Foreigners can't understand that Fang Nan designed this little plot as a tribute to Zhou Xingxing.

All they know is that the "wow" part is so funny.

People with a strong sense of picture are almost sure that after "Jurassic" enters the cinema, many audiences and children will be delighted and laugh out loud for this little plot.

Fang Nan packed up his personal belongings and got up. Frank, one of the producers, took the guide tube and said the good news: "Okay, okay, the next short mid-term vacation, everyone, don't get too tired from playing, we will be back in three days. goodbye."

The crew of "Jurassic" has been filming in the Oriental Movie Metropolis for 6 weeks, and it is expected to complete all the scenes in 4-5 weeks.

The progress of the filming was no problem at all, and the producer Frank gave the crew a three-day vacation as a matter of course, calling it a day-to decompress after intensive filming.

Fang Nan was speechless.


But even so, it has something to do with high-intensity shooting.

But there is no way, this is the way people work.

Fang Nan was also happy with this, and he was also the beneficiary.

Speaking of it, "Jurassic World" is the first real Hollywood movie he took over, and the income is only the director's salary, but the comfort is really comfortable.

Professional massage therapists massage twice a day.

Learned to snorkel.

There is still time to deal with certain company affairs, and after work is over, he can often walk around with his hands behind his back, making Lao Mouzi, Zhou Xingxing and other directors in the movie city envious.

After returning home leisurely, Lao Mouzi, who was rarely received early and was pouring water on his face, said, "Is your big director planning to do it?"

"Didn't you go to Lechuang to be the art director? I expected you to come to Tangtang Film and Television." Fang Nan said in surprise.

A few years ago, he talked about bringing Ang Lee, Wong Kar Wai, Lao Mouzi and other major domestic directors together to start a company, relying on his resources to make the movie stories he wanted to make.

Unfortunately, it has not been successful.

Indeed, everyone enjoys art, but art does not mean that art is higher than money. Why not do art while making money?
So Wong Kar Wai was reluctant to part with his film company.

Ang Lee also has employers in Hollywood.

After Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weiping separated, he was spotted by Le Chuang again, and the director's plan was abandoned. Unexpectedly, Lao Mouzi suddenly brought up this matter again today.

Fang Nan was naturally happy to gather these directors in one company.

It is one aspect to hold each other and do a lot.

On the other hand, from the source, it is also easy to reject people who make up their numbers and enter the film industry.

"I rejected Jia Yueting's art director, and I feel very uncomfortable with this "Great Wall" shoot."

Fang Nan asked, "You mean...interested."

"Let's find out, I'll call Wong Kar-wai, his company is not much different from bankruptcy."

Fang Nan nodded and agreed. It doesn't take much to set up a company. Let's try to see if it works as a group.

If it really works out, and a group of directors are gathered, he feels that the domestic film and television landscape will change greatly, and it will be a bit scary.

Today it is today.

The number of TV series, variety shows and movies produced by Tangtang Film and Television accounts for nearly half of the country's annual output.

Douyin video is the largest streaming media in China and even in Asia, and some films and TV shows can also upload the international version of Douyin video.

Light and Shadow 13 Swordsmen is the best special effects team in China, and even in Asia.

Fangnan Culture and Dream Literature has millions of domestic and foreign novel copyrights. It is the largest IP series website and music copyright website in China and Asia.

Under such circumstances, if a group of great directors gather under his name, then the domestic private film and television companies and artist management companies will not be able to do anything if they don't want to wink at him.

If you want to copyright the novel, you have to go to Fangnan Culture.

If you need a director, you have to go to the Directors Union.

If you need ordinary behind-the-scenes, you have to go to Tangtang Film and Television.

The filming is ready to set a schedule, and we should try our best to contact the second largest private theater chain artist theater in the country.

The play has been drawn from the theater line, so I have to find a Douyin video.

After filming the film, it can’t be released in China. If you want to stop the loss, you have to visit the Asian version of Douyin Video.

With this chain of events, no one involved in film and television should weigh the consequences of offending Fang Nan.

Fang Nan's teeth were scratching his head, he only felt that he was very sad today.

In just over ten years, the company under his name has developed to a point where even he is a little afraid.

In the past, he always thought that several small companies under his name would form a small cycle strategy of IP-production\special effects-theater-online.

The strategic intention is not to be bullied by others. Our company is small, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, and it earns so little that it won't look good on people.

Now it seems that this is no longer not being bullied by others, but that if you don't bully others, others will have to burn incense.

This is still a small cycle strategy.

Such a big China is not enough to circulate, and it is almost circulating to the whole of Asia.

"In the future, it will not develop to the point of the Asian cultural co-prosperity sphere."

After being stunned outside for a while, Fang Nan scratched his head and entered the room.

It can be seen that he himself really never thought that the company under his name would develop to such a point.

The Great Guide Alliance Company was established in the blink of an eye.

Fang Nan chose Shi Nansheng as the person in charge. She is familiar with directors from both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and has been busy with the Hong Kong Film Festival in recent years. She has a wide network of contacts.

Shi Nansheng's successor in Tangtang Film and Television is Jin Shi, the former director of variety show department.

Jin Shi was the director who Fang Nan personally promoted to the top. In the past few years, he has managed the variety show department in an orderly manner. Among the dozens of variety shows a year, more than half have created huge profits for the company.

Variety shows such as "The Voice", "Ace", "Let's Go Through", "Longing for Life", "Happy Comedian", "Speed ​​Challenge", "Where Are We Going, Dad" and other variety shows may become representatives of the huge traffic of Douyin videos.

Or become the trump card program of satellite TV.

He made great contributions to the development of the company immediately, and he himself is now one of the hundreds of partners of the company.

When Shi Nansheng took office, Fang Nan specially brought him here for a chat.

"It's easy work. It's similar to when you took care of old monster Xu, Shi Tian and other six monsters in New Art City. You are only responsible for confirming the quality of the script and finding supplementary funds. You don't need to do any extra work."

Shi Nansheng nodded and said with a smile: "I'm afraid that the loss will be too bad. The director is too capricious."

"Don't be afraid. Although we don't have the global film market like Hollywood for the time being, we still have a certain Asian market, so we can eat it."

"What are the requirements of the selected candidates?"

"No matter what, it must be a bit aggressive. After all, the company is called the Big Directors Alliance." Fang Nan smiled and said happily, "At least one movie has a box office of over 5 million, or it has won an award in an international A-type movie."

"At present, it's you and Lao Mouzi, Wang Jiawei, Xu Shanzheng, Lin Hao, and Wang Liang?"

Fang Nan nodded: "Well, after talking with foreign and domestic directors, you are running around with Korean and Japanese directors."

"Okay, I got it, you have to participate in the Xiangjiang International Film Festival on the 11th of next month, and it's the first time that an official awards ceremony will be held at the closing ceremony."

"Sure, which foreign filmmakers are more difficult to hire? I can help with Hollywood."

"When the time comes, I will inform you that you should also accept the invitation of the three major European film festivals to be a judge. Everyone in the international film festivals helps each other. They invite you to go. Next time we invite others, others will be willing come over."

Shi Nansheng gave a suggestion before leaving.

Fang Nan agreed with this statement.

In the past few years, he refused to be the chairman of the jury. He was a judge because he was very busy. After finishing the filming of "Jurassic", he would have more time. In the future, he would have a lot of time to participate in international film festivals to expand his personal network.

After Shi Nansheng successfully resigned as the president of Tangtang Film and Television, Fang Nan asked Yan Hong to chat again.

He and Yan Hong met in 2002 and 2003.

After more than 10 years of getting along with each other, Yan Hong has become his true caring person.


In recent years, Yan Hong has not only managed 'Fangnan Culture' to flourish, but also successfully created Dream Literature and Kuwo Music, which have made outstanding contributions to his wealth.

Now, Fang Nan wants to change her position.

He will set up a secretariat around him. Yan Hong is the perfect candidate for the post of secretary-general of the secretariat. Her loyalty can help him supervise various affairs of several major groups in terms of personnel and operations.

Cao Guozhong's disobedience to the propaganda again was a big reason why Fang Nan quickly established the secretariat.

He thinks it's time to take back certain rights.

Yan Hong hesitated for a long time before agreeing.

Although being transferred to the secretariat will no longer be like being the president, because she has hundreds of millions of working capital and tens of thousands of positions, she will be rushed everywhere, but after all, she is looking down on the four major groups. For her, this is one time promotion.

Yan Hong became the secretary-general of the secretariat, and Hou Qiangshun, the president of Dream Literature, took over the post of president of Fangnan Culture.

Fang Nan also gave Hou Qiang a chance to meet the base.

This position is equivalent to Fang Nan's chief housekeeper, and Hou Qiang has become an insider in one step.

The vacant post of president of Dream Literature was transferred by Yang Hao from Lighting Technology and Douyin Video Technology Department across the group.

After this transfer, Yang Hao has entered the real management of the company under Fang Nan's name.

He is a special existence, because of the relationship between Fang Nan and Yang Guangzhi, even if Yang Hao's position has not entered the core level, he is still a real core level. With Fang Nan's intentional training, Yang Hao's promotion speed is frighteningly fast.

Fang Nan's film crew had a holiday, and the group's five top executives Shi Nansheng, Jin Shi, Yang Hao, Yan Hong, and Hou Qiang were all transferred, and even the appointment of cross-group transfers really scared many employees.

Ordinary employees suspect that the boss's big move is because this year's financial crisis has caused a market downturn, and after wanting to kick people, they can't help but worry about their jobs.

Smart people see the newly established secretariat, and the fact that the secretariat is equivalent to Fang Nan's ability to issue orders, and has the right to supervise and picket against the four major groups, so they deduce that the boss thinks that some people have too much power, and they want to take power away. .

After an appointment was issued, many executives could not sleep or eat, Fang Nan ran to the airport to greet Gao Yuanyuan with great enthusiasm.

A few months have passed, and the rumors about his persecution of Huang Haibo have almost disappeared, and it is time for him to make his debut in front of the media.

Gao Yuanyuan occasionally gets angry and fights for Huang Haibo.

After all, she is still suffering in a labor camp, but she can't help it, life has to go downhill.

"You're about to be deceived again. Accompany me to attend the Magnolia Awards Ceremony. This year's Magnolia Awards Ceremony is not ordinary."

After getting into the car with a smile and waving goodbye to all the fans, Gao Yuanyuan took off his high heels and pinched his feet while reminding Fang Nandao.

Fang Nan grabbed one foot, and while kneading it, he said unhappily: "Tuigui, your husband, I am the biggest fool in the world? Are you being tricked every day? Tell me, what about this year's TV drama Magnolia Award?" Is it unusual?"

"Let's Get Married" is a big hit for the 20th Magnolia Awards.

The heroine Gao Yuanyuan was nominated for the Best Actress Award, also known as the so-called after-view.

Fang Nan's reason for going was well understood. Some people hinted that Gao Yuanyuan would win the award, and hoped that his husband could go to the scene to witness.

This operation is called win-win.

The two of Fang Nan showed off their love and promoted the movie "Interstellar".

Because of Fang Nan's participation, Magnolia gained face and attracted a lot of attention.

The three major awards for Chinese TV dramas—Fei Tian, ​​Golden Eagle, and Magnolia—every year during the award ceremony, netizens would argue about which award ranks first and which award is the most unworthy.

Magnolia's invitation to invite Fang Nan is definitely a stroke of genius. Fang Nan, who would even attend the Oscars, has come to the Magnolia Awards Ceremony, and Magnolia looks full of style.

As for Fang Nan, he agreed without thinking too much.

Huang Haibo's failure to get over the heat has something to do with his witnessing his wife's viewing?

I'm afraid of this, and I'm afraid of that, he might as well stay in the turtle shell and keep his head out.

But the main reason was that this post-screening was probably Gao Yuanyuan's last film and television award in his life, and Fang Nan felt that he should be on the scene to make this award more meaningful.

But Gao Yuanyuan's worries are completely different from Fang Nan's.

She said two things. The first one was naturally that she was afraid that the two of them would be in the same frame, and a new wave of conspiracy theories would appear on the Internet.

The second thing is that many netizens are praying that the Magnolia judges will award the Best Actor Award to Li Xuejian, who has nominated for the Best Actor Award three times in recent years. It must be big.

One after another, the couple who showed their affection and won prizes had to suffer again.

Is her performance in "Let's Get Married" better than Li Xiaoran in "Big Man", Mei Ting in "Parents' Love", Qin Hailu in "If Life Deceives You", and Sun in "Hot Mom" Li she doesn't know.

But as long as she wins the award, netizens will think there is a shady scene in it.

Fang Nan will inevitably be talked about as the mastermind behind the scenes.

Fang Nan rolled his eyes when he heard this: "Another black hand behind the scenes? I changed my job to become a mafia and brought it down."

Is there any reason for Gao Yuanyuan to win the award?

There must be, but he can't decide what the judges think. Could it be that he took the initiative to return the award, and then told the judges of Magnolia aggressively, "I look down on you", clearly saying that the other party engaged in secret operations?

Just ridiculous.

"Don't be suspicious, the award is given to you, and you take it. Even if a pig plays the leading role in a TV series with dozens of episodes, you can cut out a few bright scenes."

"You are the pig."

Gao Yuanyuan raised his foot angrily, and almost buried Fang Qin's head in his crotch beside him.

"Don't you know there are children?"

Fang Qin threw the figurine and glared at the unscrupulous parents.

(End of this chapter)

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