literary world

Chapter 454 Vent Yuanyuan Award

Chapter 454 Vent Yuanyuan Award
"Not too casual, not too formal, so no tie, let alone a bow tie."

In the hotel room near the Bund Art Center, Fang Nan said to Hu Wen.

What he is about to attend is the 20th Magnolia Awards Ceremony, which is not a business event for entrepreneurs, nor is it a large-scale cultural event held by the state.

Wearing a tie is too serious and formal.

As for tie.

The bow tie is more suitable for stars, celebrities, or worn at proms, but it is no longer suitable for him.

It is true that he is a celebrity, but on large occasions, more people will treat him as a well-known entrepreneur.

Even though he keeps emphasizing that he is a director.

Hu Wen had no choice but to choose a regular gray casual suit and a white shirt for Fang Nan. Fang Nan happily changed into his clothes and sat next to his son who was holding a tablet computer.

The company has several works shortlisted for the 20th Magnolia Award. Among the five works nominated for best actress, three are from Tang Tang Film and Television. At the moment, not only Gao Yuanyuan is changing clothes, but the company's artists Qin Hailu, Mei Ting, and Zhang Jiayi are cooperating Artists Sun Li and Deng Chao are also in the room.

The cartoon Fang Qin is watching is called "Kung Fu Rabbit and Vegetable Dog".

In the cartoons, there are a group of animal figures pulling their hips, but Fang Qin watched with gusto, drooling from time to time, which made Fang Nan's face hurt.

He sometimes wondered that he and Gao Yuanyuan had never taught this child to use electronic products.

The child knows how to learn without a teacher, and knows how to use a little finger to pull the progress of the playback. Once he finds a plot that suits his appetite, he will pull and watch it dozens of times. Fang Nan on the one side is disgusted enough.

"Dad, look, fireflies!"

Fang Nan glanced at the screen and nodded, "Well, it's fireflies."

The little guy wondered, "Why haven't I seen it before?"

Fang Nan frowned, this is a complicated question.

The firefly was originally a very easy to see insect, and he could see it everywhere on summer nights when he was a child.

However, with the pollution of land and water resources brought about by the development of industrialization, fireflies are almost extinct in cities, and even in the countryside there are fewer and fewer.

The reproduction of fireflies has too high requirements on water and environment.

"Father will take you to catch him another day." Fang Nan said seriously.

While the father and son were talking, Deng Chao and four female generals came out like a beauty pageant. The dresses have their own advantages, and it is hard to tell which one is better, but Gao Yuanyuan's face occupies an absolute advantage.

So she chose a slightly dignified black sleeveless evening dress to look better.

Fang Nan got up: "Go to the art center when you're all well, this year's activities will be held very quickly."

In order to respond to the eight national regulations such as no extravagance and waste, the 20th Magnolia Ceremony canceled the previous opening ceremony and the reception on the night of the ceremony.

Fang Nan wondered if there would be any large-scale performances. He thought they would sit in the art center for a while, and the ceremony would end within two hours after walking the red carpet.

All in all, keep it simple.

Leaving a few people to accompany Fang Qin, Fang Nan and his party boarded the car and rushed to the backstage of the Art Center.

"Hey, Teacher Li, are you feeling better?"

Li Xuejian had undergone cancer surgery this year, and Fang Nan backstage immediately reached out to express his concern when he saw someone in the backstage.

"I can't die for the time being." Li Xuejian and his wife stood up together and smiled kindly.

"Where you need help, just say, although I am not a member of the Actors Association, and I am not a colleague with you, but I am a real Chinese literary and art worker, and I should take care of the older generation of artists."

"Thank you, thank you!" Li Xuejian nodded emotionally, and his wife was also moved: "Director Fang, please be busy, there are many people waiting for you."

Fang Nan nodded and turned to leave. On the way, he chatted with Wang Zhiwen, who had worked with "The Wind", and shook hands with the directors of "Let's Get Married" and "Beat the Dog Stick".

There are indeed many people who want to see him.

The deputy leader of the Pujiang government.

Deputy Head of the Headquarters.

The leaders of Propaganda, as well as the leaders of Pujiang Wenguang, the Magnolia organizing committee, and the judging committee all wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to have a chat with his boss, who could be counted among the best of words.

Fang Nan doesn't like to come out to socialize, which makes many people have a headache.

The first person to take Fang Nan away was the deputy leader of the Pujiang government. He talked about the live broadcast and asked Fang Nan for his opinions and suggestions.

"I don't think it's necessary. As Taobao and Jingdong online business platforms become more and more popular, online shopping will indeed become a new big industry in recent years. Live shopping and Internet celebrities will become more and more prosperous, but the city positioning of Pujiang is always There is no need to create a live-streaming industry park for financial and high-tech incubation cities.”

Live broadcasting and Internet celebrities are derivative industries born with the development of Internet technology.

There is a certain market value, but it is not worthy of Pujiang, the second largest city in the country, to take it seriously. He really does not want the Pujiang side to only talk about GDP, and put the meat in his bowl.

After chatting with the big leaders, Fang Nan sat down with the leaders of the General Administration and Pujiang Wenguang.

Pujiang Wenguang is fine. Given their relationship with Tangtang Film and Television, even if there are some problems with the script, whether they should pass it up or not is up to the directorate.

The Headquarters felt uncomfortable.

The Asian version of Douyin video makes them at a loss.

Working on movies like the Asian version of "The Walking Dead" all day long.

If Tangtang Film and Television wants to die, it will still hand over the script of "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

The reviewers who read the script of just over 1000 words were terrified on the spot. If this bad movie was made and released, at least 10 departments would have to ask the bureau for an explanation.

The Food and Drug Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, pharmaceutical companies, and various associations are absolutely swarming here. It's a big brain to think about it.

"Is that true? The script is based on real events, and the real prototype will still be in prison."

"It's true, but there are many examples of archetypal characters. Why did you find such a real person? You can't find them. I can give you a few real-life archetypes." The leader was a little dissatisfied.

Fang Nan also got angry, stood up and spread his palms in front of the leader: "It's okay if you don't take pictures, you promise an exact time, when will the price of this product come down, so that those people can afford it?"

"I can't give you time, this is the business of pharmaceutical companies."

"Isn't that enough? What kind of movie we make has nothing to do with the pharmaceutical company?"

After Fang Nan vented, he sat back on the sofa again, looked up at the ceiling and muttered, "Sometimes I really don't understand, it's 2014, why do we still feel inferior and afraid."

"In the past, the works of five or six generations of directors went to international competitions. Many nonsense and self-righteous experts said that filmmakers used the country's image to benefit themselves and gain fame. Is there any director with this kind of thinking? I guess it is. some."

"But in my opinion, the reason why more directors and writers made old and dilapidated movies and works is because the places where they lived and saw affected and limited their creative thinking. After all, China was poor at that time. behind."

"Chen Kaige saw it, and he and his father tried their best to take pictures of that piece of yellow land."

"Old Mouzi has been entangled in sorghum fields all day long."

"Lou Ye and other directors of the sixth generation had a better family life, so they began to look for illusory things in the old city."

"So, sometimes we can really decide what to shoot, and it's not for profit. Many filmmakers are just chasing a city, a country, and an era deep in memory."

"And as the times advance and people's lives get better and better, the ideas of the new generation of directors will change. In the future, their works will definitely focus on cities full of high-rise buildings, future technology, and intractable diseases in the world."

"So I don't understand. Why should I be inferior and afraid of my past self? Didn't the poverty in the past just verify our development over the years? It proves the hard work of the Chinese people to get rich?"

"It's the same as "I'm Not the God of Medicine". Why should we be afraid? When we find a problem, we should fix it and try to do better. Isn't it right? The ridicule of outsiders is as important as our true happiness?"

"You, Fang Nan"

"That's all for now, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" will definitely be filmed. For this movie and for a few people, I am willing to abandon the domestic film market and go to foreign film festivals."

After the ruthlessness was over, Fang Nan went to the door to greet the faces of the audience watching the show.

Four p.m.

The red carpet of the 20th Magnolia Awards officially started. Fang Nan's unexpected appearance won warm welcome from fans and media on both sides of the red carpet.

Regarding the Huang Haibo incident, there are quite a few people who use Fang Nan's conspiracy theories.

But the conspiracy theory is just a conspiracy theory after all if it is not confirmed, it will not play a big role in bad Fang Nan's reputation. I don't know if Zhang Ming, who has already rotted in the coffin, has counted this point.

And in China, and even some other countries in the world, there are countless people who like Fang Nan.

Fang Nan and Gao Yuanyuan held hands to finale the magnolia red carpet. The media on the scene almost broke the buttons of the cameras.

Facing the host of the red carpet, Fang Nan, who hadn't appeared in front of the media for a long time, smiled and said a witty remark about his wife Gao Yuanyuan.

"The reason why I came here is to comfort Gao Yuanyuan after the defeat, and I hope she will not cry bitterly tonight."

The red carpet host, live star fans, Douyin video, and the audience before the short video live broadcast couldn't help but say: "Good guy, did Fang Nan come here specially to see his wife's joke?"

"Yuanyuan, let Director Fang kneel on the washboard at night?" A fan shouted at the scene, causing everyone to laugh.

"Kneel the durian!"

"Kneel on the wire!"

"Kneeling little bamboo shoots."

"Kneel in the laundry room!"

"Damn, kneeling on the washing machine is too hard!"

After some interaction in the backstage, the chairman of the judging committee approached Fang Nan. He had just got angry with the leader of the General Administration, so that the organizing committee hadn't had time to talk about the business.

After the other party finished speaking, Fang Nan scratched his head: "Give the award? To Yuan Yuan? Isn't it too ostentatious?"

"Hey, the winners officially selected by the jury are not afraid of gossip."

"That makes sense, so I'll take over the task." Fang Nan nodded and asked, "Who is the best actor? Is it Teacher Li Xuejian?"

"Our judges chose Wang Zhiwen from "Big Man"."

Fang Nan frowned: "Tuigui, after that, the public opinion of this year's Magnolia is probably a bit big."

"We have prepared a Lifetime Achievement Award for Li Xuejian."

Fang Nan raised his thumb: "This operation is excellent!"

The 20th Magnolia Ceremony is indeed very frugal. The red carpet starts at 4 o'clock and ends on time 40 minutes later.

After all the guests entered the venue and took a short break for 20 minutes, at five o'clock in the afternoon, the awards ceremony began immediately under the sun that had just slanted to the west.

The speech was delivered in 5 minutes, and the first award was presented in the 8th minute, the Best Documentary Award of the Year. The winning documentary was "A Bite of China" produced by Fangnan Culture.

The next four awards come from the most popular award voted by the audience on the Internet. The actor is Meiren Qiao from the End of the World, the actress is Li Xiaoran, the director is Huzi, and the TV series is "Beauty in the Beacon Fire" by Qiao Meiren.

After awarding five awards in a row, three awards in the animation unit were picked out, and the three award-winning animations came from China, the United Kingdom, and Brazil.

The five awards in the documentary unit also come from five countries, namely China, Germany, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and the United States.

Fang Nan continued to clap his hands and refused to comment.

He has never watched the five award-winning documentaries, and he has not even watched "Let's Get Married" starring his wife Gao Yuanyuan, so what else can he do but clap his hands.

During the period, I had a small chat with the deputy leader of the government about the economy.

He is a junior high school graduate, but he really doesn't understand these things.

Although I have read a lot of books over the years.

But compared with a real doer, the knowledge he has learned is somewhat superficial, and the two of them can continue chatting thanks to his special experience.

For example, he successfully predicted the financial crisis in 2014, and the A-shares were cut off a wave of leeks, but he firmly believed that the house price would continue to soar after the fall.

Under his instruction, Cao Guozhong and Yan Hong, who had learned of this information last year, quietly started their actions, and they will definitely make a fortune this year.

Following the documentary unit is the film and television mini-unit.

Fang Nan had seen "Our Fathers" directed by Philip Kadelbach among the three award-winning foreign films in the Mini Unit.

"Our Fathers" is about the story of Germany during World War II. There are only three episodes, but the characterization is top-notch.

"Director Fang, you have to go backstage to prepare."

"So fast?" Fang Nan looked at his watch, the awards ceremony was only an hour past.

"There are two more awards and it's the best actress award."

Fang Nan and the leaders around him begged for mercy, and went straight to the backstage.

The person receiving him backstage was Wu Qilong, one of this year's judges. Every time he saw this, Fang Nan would doubt life with pain on his face.

Because of his indirect relationship, Nie Yuan took over the role of the fourth master in "Scary Step by Step", and his move completely ruined the marriage of Wu Qilong and Liu Sishi.

Not to mention marriage, the two have never collaborated in a drama so far, and they probably just said "hi" when they met at an event.

Liu Sishi of their family will soon become an older young woman if she endures it any longer.

As the culprit, Fang Nan's heart was full of guilt.

The original time and space people were very happy, but they were disturbed by this little B bastard and became passers-by.

"Director Fang, here are the Magnolia 20th anniversary commemorative stamps given to you by our organizing committee. There are 20 stamps in total."

Fang Nan gladly took it, opened it and looked at it, feeling that the workmanship is quite exquisite, he couldn't help saying with emotion: "Hi, I didn't expect people who came empty-handed to leave with things."

"It should be. It is an honor for our jury to have you here."

Fang Nan nodded.

After a while, the host on the stage pronounced his name. Fang Nan wiped off his suit and went on stage amidst the applause of the "internationally famous director".

Fang Nan didn't prepare a speech, but the organizers have explained that his speech will be cut from the CCTV news, so we must pay attention to positive energy.

Fang Nan understood that he was not some Wuxia Amon, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he just opened his mouth to say serious and serious words.

"Hello host, leaders, domestic counterparts, and foreign guests, good afternoon."

Fang Nan, who was stuck in front of the microphone, finished reading an opening speech, and the host translated it again in English.

After all, there are many international friends below.

"Over the years, I have participated in many film festivals and film award ceremonies at home and abroad. Today is one of the few TV drama award ceremonies I have participated in in my nearly ten-year director career."

"I am deeply moved that TV media, as an important carrier of information release and cultural dissemination, can play an important and irreplaceable role in improving the country's cultural soft power and realizing the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture. Responsible for the mission, in 2013, he produced excellent TV dramas such as "If Life Deceived You", "Hit the Dog", "Let's Get Married", and "Big Man", sending positive energy to thousands of households."

"Next, please enjoy the wonderful moments brought to us by five outstanding actresses in the past year. Please watch the big screen."

Among the highlights of the five actresses, Gao Yuanyuan's highlight is the crying scene, which is really pear blossoms with rain.

Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that someone would play a joke on him and cut an intimate scene.

"The winner is... "Let's Get Married" Gao Yuanyuan! Congratulations to Gao Yuanyuan!"

After the winners were announced, everyone at the scene clapped their hands and showed all sorts of strange smiles, with kindness, encouragement, and goodwill.

There are knowing smiles, some dismissive smiles, and more indescribable smiles.

Fang Nan on the stage saw it clearly but didn't care.

More than half of his first Oscar statuette relied on lobbyists and public relations.

His first Palme d'Or was mixed with human factors from Chinese and Korean filmmakers.

So don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of him and talk about absolute fairness and justice.

The word-of-mouth film festivals and film awards all over the world have always relied on strength for nominations, and connections for awards.

(End of this chapter)

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