literary world

Chapter 457 Shouting, Passionate Men and Women

Hot July.

The sun was very hot.

The air outside seemed to be ignited by striking a match, making people sweat profusely.

The [-]th Xiangjiang International Film Festival opened in such an environment.

But even such a harsh environment has not dampened the enthusiasm of tourists from both sides of the Taiwan Strait for the film festival.

Tuen Mun Gold Coast rubs shoulders.

Hotels and movie palaces are filled with people.

Fang Nan was very pleased, and really praised Cao Guozhong.

There are many bad things about Cao Guozhong, but there are also good things, such as neatness in doing things.

If ordinary people were to engage in such a large conjoined project as the Movie Palace, Gold Coast, hotels, and supermarkets, it should not be completed in just three years.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect Xiangjiang to have this day."

On the top floor of the hotel, Cheng Long couldn't help but sighed to Fang Nan when he saw the crowded Tuen Mun.

He has lived in Xiangjiang for decades and is very familiar with the situation here.

Rich people in Xiangjiang have accumulated a lot of wealth, but there are very few rich people who are willing to use so much money to do serious things.

No one knows better than him how much a good film festival will bring to Xiangjiang, economically and culturally.

Not to mention anything else, during the 9 days of the film festival, the people around can first earn extra money to supplement their families, and these were not created by the wealthy people in Xiangjiang for the ordinary people in Xiangjiang, but brought by Fang Nan.

It can only be said to be a little ironic.

Cheng Long finished with emotion.

A group of filmmakers around and behind had complicated expressions.

Especially Xiangjiang filmmakers.

This posture outside made them somewhat blush.

After all, they either opposed the film festival at the beginning, or they still have Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts and judge others by themselves, so their faces are really swollen.

Without Fang Nan, they probably would never have met so many domestic and foreign filmmakers and producers in Xiangjiang.

For the rest of my life, I can only sit and watch the sky with the lifeless Academy Awards.

People from Xiangjiang smashed a seasoning bottle, with mixed emotions in their hearts, Xiao Zhu came in, and Fang Nan said: "Someone proposed to gather the domestic and foreign guests of the film festival to hold an opening ceremony party."

Fang Nan's eyes turned cold: "If you think about it too much, no one is allowed to interfere with the film festival's self-determined process. As long as everyone does not break the law, everyone is free to move about. Even if guests are required to participate in the film discussion forum, it should be suggested by the organizing committee. The jury is kind. Invite."

"Okay, I'll notify you."

Fang Nan nodded and said to Jiangzhou, Cheng Long, Zhou Xingxing, Fa Ge, Wang Jiawei, Huang Baiming and the group: "Let's go down too, the red carpet is about to begin."

After leaving the hotel, Fang Nan first met with the 7 judges.

The 7th Hong Kong Film Festival's 6-member jury comes from [-] countries, and the chairman of the jury is Sandra Bullock, a Hollywood actor who has collaborated with Fang Nan in "Gravity".

She has a lot of honors, Oscar for Best Actress, Golden Globe Award for Actress, Saturn Award, and various Hollywood Academy Awards.

The Huaxia judges gave it to Chen Kexin.

Danish actor Max Mikkelsen also served as a judge.

He just won the Best Actor Award for "The Hunt" at the 65th Cannes Film Festival two years ago.

The other four judges are Indian novelist Chungbarah Heely, British film costume designer Sandy Powell, Korean director Kang Je-gyu, and French actress Sophie Marceau. …

The cast has four women and three men, which can be considered politically correct once.

In 2014, the 107th Hong Kong Film Festival registered 606 films from 43 countries, and 12 shortlisted works, including 5 debut films, 7 female-directed films, and [-] non-participating films.

Compared with the 606 entries in Cannes in May, the 5 entries were less than one-third.

But for a film festival that has only been held for four times, it is already very valuable.

You know, there are only more than 10 films that signed up for the 14th Busan Film Festival held in Busan, South Korea in October.

The number of films registered for next month's Beijing Film Festival is even smaller, only more than 200.

There are several reasons why the Xiangjiang International Film Festival has come from behind and far surpassed the Beijing Film Festival.

1. The film festival is willing to spend a lot of money. It spent nearly 5 million yuan in filming funds for new directors for three sessions. No one spares such a cost as the Xiangjiang Film Festival in terms of winning people's hearts.

Added a lot of sources for the film festival.

2. Fang Nan's fame and prestige in Hollywood have prompted many filmmakers and companies to choose Hong Kong Film Festival for certain works.

3. The industry under Fang Nan's name has prompted many film dealers to come to deal with them, thus attracting more film sources.

4. The completion of the movie palace, the Gold Coast and the hotel has made filmmakers see the convenience and the ambition of the Hong Kong Film Festival.

5. The environment and atmosphere are very good, there are not so many twists and turns, and everyone is revolving around the movie.

The five factors are the important reasons why the Xiangjiang Film Festival has rapidly accumulated popularity, and it seems to be booming, far surpassing the A-category film festivals outside the three major European film festivals.

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The red carpet of the Hong Kong Film Festival is also very interesting.

At the opening ceremony, except for the seven judges who first stepped onto the red carpet and walked into the movie palace facing the Gold Coast, the following red carpets were arranged in no particular order, and they were arranged on a first-come, first-go basis by the staff maintaining order.

All guests, regardless of their fame or status, are high or low.

When it came to the closing ceremony, the seven judges left first, and then greeted the crew nominated for competition at the front of the movie palace at the end of the red carpet.

After that, the guests stepped onto the red carpet in order.

During the period of the film industry, the film crew that started the premiere will also be greeted by a judge standing at the end of the red carpet after stepping on the red carpet.

In short, during the few days from the opening to the closing of the Xiangjiang Film Festival, everything is proud of and respected by the film.

As long as the film is well shot and shortlisted for competition, even a new director will one day be welcomed by a director of Fang Nan's level standing at the end of the red carpet with a smile.

After Fang Nan stepped down from the sponsored car Audi and stepped onto the red carpet passage, the seven judges stepped onto the red carpet with smiles under the dazzling spotlight, and warm cheers and applause erupted from the scene.

It wasn't just ordinary people who screamed and cheered, or tourists from both sides of the strait.

Many celebrity guests also clapped their hands enthusiastically, including Xiangjiang entertainers and directors.

Fang Nan was not idle either, he was also smiling and applauding being surrounded by the stars, he had fantasized about this day for a long time, three years in the blink of an eye. …

Although the future direction of the Xiangjiang Film Festival is prosperous and unpredictable, at least today it is beautiful and well received.

that's enough.

Proved that his efforts were worthwhile.

The seven judges arrived in front of the movie palace and did not enter the palace. Everyone was curious, and bursts of cheers erupted from the front row.

Through word of mouth, Fang Nan found out that because this film festival is the first Hong Kong Film Festival in the true sense, the seven judges decided to welcome all filmmakers in front of the palace gate.

The red carpet continues.

"Map to the Stars" director David Cronenberg, and actress Julianne Moore on the red carpet.

Xu Anhua led "Golden Age" cast member Tang Wei and others onto the red carpet.

David Gordon Green and the actors of the Italian film "Mangolhorn" on the red carpet
Lao Mouzi led the crew of "Return" actor Kong Li and others on the red carpet.

Korean director Lim Kwon Taek's "Makeup, Cremation" crew stepped on the red carpet.

The film "The Expendables 3" starring Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Li Lian, and Jason Statham were enthusiastically sought after.

The crew of "The Second Window" by Naomi Kawase, Japan.

Mauritanian film "Sorrow of the Birds".

The crew of the French film "The Birdman".

When it was his turn, Fang Nan quickly straightened his white shirt and bow tie, and then stepped onto the red carpet with a shiny hairstyle and a smile on his face.

The non-stop dazzling flash made him squint his eyes.

Just thinking about turning around and saying hello to the audience on the other side, the atmosphere of the scene was quiet, followed by unprecedented, extremely unified shouts.

"Fang Nan!"

"Fang Nan!"

"Fang Nan!"

"Fang Nan."

Really shout.

Heart-piercing, the kind that soared into the sky, he even saw the veins and sweat stains on the necks of many young people.

Foreign media reporters put down their cameras and were confused. They didn't know what was wrong with the fans and audience, and why they welcomed Fang Nan so much.

Fang Nan is indeed a famous filmmaker from Huaxia, but why is it so?
Foreign media were puzzled, while domestic reporters frantically captured the moment Fang Nan smiled and waved.

After getting more satisfactory shots, I answered the foreign media's puzzles with great interest.

What's up with this?

Because the Xiangjiang Film Festival created by Fang Nan made them feel proud, proud and proud.

Before the establishment of the Hong Kong Film Festival, the Hong Kong Film Awards were in a corner, enjoying themselves.

The Golden Horse Awards are lingering. In order to continue, they even threatened the mainland not to punish mainland films participating in the Golden Horse Awards.

Mainland Golden Rooster, Hundred Flowers, Huabiao, Changchun, and Pujiang Film Festivals are like a joke.

China is so big, so many people can't even hold a decent film festival. Domestic filmmakers and movie-loving audiences don't hold back their breath.

Why did the audience scold at the domestic awards ceremony?

It's not that the audience is willing to scold, it has no quality.

The audience is angry that a group of people in China are not up to date and promising, and they are so sad that others can't express it.

This anger has been held back for many years, and it is not until today that it is truly vented.

Vent it by calling Fang Nan.

At this moment, no matter the Chinese fans on the scene. …

Or Chinese movie fans in front of TVs, computers, and mobile phones are probably all shouting for Fang Nan.

Fans from Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan and the three places who have accused, abused and supported Fang Nan in the past, after three years of precipitation, and then saw foreign film crews stepping on the red carpet of the Hong Kong International Film Festival and participating in the competition, they should have understood Fang Nan's kindness after all. Work hard.

He really made Chinese-language movies go further with his own efforts.

I want to leave something substantial for Chinese filmmakers and audiences in my lifetime.

Oriental Movie Metropolis, Xiangjiang International Film Festival, Tik Tok Asian Edition, and Chinese-language movies that are rampant on the international edition.

Behind this line, in fact, hidden is Fang Nan's deep love for Chinese movies!
"When "Interstellar" is online, I will definitely buy a few more movie tickets to support Fang Nan!"

"I will never black Fangnan in this life, all conspiracy theories go to hell!"

"A Chinese filmmaker who is truly worthy of admiration for a lifetime!"

"After decades, Huaxia has finally produced a filmmaker who is dedicated to Chinese-language films. Fortunately, Fang Nan was born in Huaxia!"

At this moment, many movie fans and media people at the scene recalled an analysis post about Fang Nan's industry by a certain Internet guru on Tianya.

Fang Nan was surprised by the shout that shook the sky, and he leaned forward a little, as if he realized something.

However, he didn't make any big moves, he just pursed his lips tightly and waved vigorously again, and then strode towards the end of the red carpet.

And every time he took a step, his heart became more and more determined. In this life, he wants to let more people in the world know what is "Shan Hai Jing", what is "Journey to the West", what is "Liao Zhai", and what is Chinese culture!

The layout of the film palace of the Hongkong International Film Festival is based on the strengths of all families. The interior design and layout are similar to those of the Cannes Film Palace. The display cabinets are more like the Berlin Film Palace, and the decoration is more oriental.

Fang Nan entered the movie palace, calmed down and chatted with several major film producers, and heard a lot about the areas where the movie palace needs to be improved.

After that, he watched the opening movie "Birdman" with everyone.

"Birdman" tells the story of an outdated superhero actor who tries to make a comeback with the help of Broadway salted fish.

After watching it, Fang Nan realized that "Birdman" would be the highlight of next year's Oscars.

It is also a strong contender for the Best Film Award at the [-]th Hong Kong International Film Festival, but everything is uncertain. Whether "Birdman" will win or not depends on the tastes of the seven judges.

Actors outside of Hollywood may not be interested in Broadway opera-like movies.

As night falls, the lights are on.

The movie palace, which is still full of people, also turned on all the lamps, and the sea water on the opposite side was shimmering with colorful lights.

Fang Nan went back to the hotel first, washed up, put on a brand new shirt and went straight to the airport.

When he went to Singapore, he didn't dare to take his own private jet. This thing was too noisy and attracted too much attention.

He hadn't finished watching the two movies, and when he arrived at his destination, he appeared in front of Liu Qianqian's mother and daughter in such a strange way.

In summer, the clothes were thin, and Liu Qianqian's belly swelled up at a glance. Fang Nan calculated the time, and the most likely time was the time before New Year's Eve. The child was indeed about 5 months old.

Fang Nan fell from the sky, Liu's mother was not half happy, but sarcastically said: "Okay, let's go after seeing it, and come here after the child is born to fulfill our obligations."

She didn't act like a father, even if she recognized the relationship between Fang Nan and her daughter.

But Fang Nan can't go too far. The child has been pregnant for a few months without knowing it. It's okay if he doesn't know. He didn't even ask. come over.

Fang Nan didn't hold back this time, but said to Liu Qianqian gently, "It's indeed my fault, I've been too busy recently."

"You've lost a lot of weight, and your cheekbones are so obvious." Liu Qianqian's eyes were tender, and it was the first time Fang Nan felt tenderness from this girl.

In the past, she also had feelings, but either they were hard when they came out, or they were hidden in her heart, and she knew whether she was warm or not.

Now, not only did she speak out from her heart, but she was also full of tenderness.

Mama Liu was very angry.

If Liu Qianqian hadn't been her own daughter, she would have spit on her and cursed at her as "a bitch".


In the end, she sighed and returned to the room, leaving the empty living room to the amorous man and slut.

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