literary world

Chapter 458 Pretentious, offspring

The next day.

Fang Nan chatted with Liu Qianqian and her daughter a lot.

Including the next few months, whether she wants to stay in Singapore to recuperate or return to China or the United States.

Work issues.

and the birthplace of the child.

The child's last name.

After a whole morning of understanding, Fang Nan had a general plan in mind.

For the time being, Liu Qianqian wants to stay in Singapore, where the degree is less.

That being the case, the [-]th Postal District, where the mother and daughter are staying, has a large concentration of open parks, recreation centers and nature reserves.

It is true that the tenth postal district is a wealthy area, and the environment is indeed good.

However, most of the domestic and foreign actors and stars settled in the tenth postal area, such as He Chenglong, Li Lianlian, Zhao Yanzi's family, Lin Junjie, Zhou Huajian, and the out-of-date singer Stefanie Sun familiar to domestic audiences are almost all in the ninth and tenth. zip code.

Look up but don't look down, if you run into each other one day, it will only cause people to gossip.

"Let's go to Sentosa, the fourth postal area. The only landed villas in Singapore are open to the public." Fang Nan gave his own suggestion.

He is not familiar with Singapore, but the company has business here, and he can get the information he wants with just a phone call.

The so-called landed villas in Sentosa refer to the collection of luxury villas in Sentosa Cove that emerged in the 21st century, ranking among the top ten richest areas in the world.

With such a great reputation, the environment and infrastructure around the villa can be imagined.

Mother Liu and her daughter were noncommittal, so the matter was settled.

Let's talk about the child's birth and last name.

Fang Nan didn't care much about these things, the thought in his mind was very puzzling, Liu Xiaoli even tensed up nervously.

I'm afraid that Fang Nan deliberately didn't let the child's surname be Fang, so as to prevent family property disputes in the future.

actually not.

Fang Nan really didn't care what his last name was.

He didn't know whether his surname was Fang in the sum of his two lives. He was so clear that he didn't know which direction to kneel when he wanted to pay homage to his ancestors. Why bother to bother with a surname.

Besides the place of birth, it doesn't matter where the child was born.

Fang Nan will not interfere with Liu Qianqian too much, and leave all these matters related to the child's fate to the grown-up child to make their own decisions.

As long as children have ideals and knowledge, they will naturally make the right decisions.

If the mud can't support the wall, the child will be a disaster everywhere, so why would he bother with it.

Liu Xiaoli was shocked by Fang Nan's thoughts, so she named her two unborn children Fang without any excuse.

However, for the sake of the careers of the two adults, she is willing to compromise and give the children two nicknames first. As for the first name of the two children, a boy and a girl, what is the name of Fang?

Fang Nan and Liu Qianqian looked at each other and smiled, they had no idea that Liu Xiaoli was a traditional person at heart.

Then the three of them talked about work again.

"It's a lot of work." Liu Qianqian lamented and fell back on the sofa.

The "Hunger Games 2 and 3" she starred in were set shots, but "The Hunger Games 3" will be released in theaters at the end of the year. The promotional work that she, an absolute big girl, mainly participates in is huge.

According to the tradition of last year, she will fly to dozens of countries around the world, hundreds of large and medium-sized cities in the next few months, and participate in hundreds of publicity and exchange activities.


The most frightening thing is that Warner, Legend, and China Film are behind "The Hunger Games".

It was up to Fang Nan to discuss matters in this area, and she would at most run a few publicity campaigns with a full stomach.

"Ghost Blowing Out the Lamp" also stopped work because of her.

The crew of hundreds of people stopped completely. Since she played a lot of scenes, there was no way to save her, and the loss was heavy.

Fortunately, it is the company's play.

The sci-fi movie "Passengers in Space" invested by MGM has also been forced to postpone.

There are also dozens of brand platforms, show events, winter advertisements, etc. that will be attended one after another.

Furthermore, certain charitable activities will also be cancelled.

All in all, it's a mess at work.

Liu Qianqian was devastated as she hugged her pillow and covered her head.

Fang Nan snatched the pillow off her face with a smile: "There's nothing to hesitate about, let Chu Peijun cancel everything that can be canceled, and postpone what can't be canceled until next year. It's really not a matter of losing money."

"You have to give a reason for the delay. Can you explain the reason?" Liu Qianqian patted her chubby belly and rolled her eyes.

Fang Nan smiled flatteringly.

The entertainment environment in Hollywood is a bit different from that in China. In China, the pregnancy of an actress means going downhill, and she is insulated from the role of a girl. In the future, many roles will be played by mothers.

Businesses will be affected.

But in Hollywood, and even in North America.

Pregnancy and childbirth of an actress will also be insulated from the role of a girl, but it is relatively a bright spot in the reputation of the marketing career.

The most typical child marketing is the little girl Natalie Portman in "This Killer Is Not So Cold"
Too many actresses in Hollywood use pregnancy and childbirth to market their love of family, but Liu Qianqian's situation is a bit special.

If she gets pregnant and gives birth to a child, it's not loving the family, but destroying other people's families, and the star road will definitely be completely cut off.

Fang Nan really wanted Liu Qianqian to learn from Gao Yuanyuan and return to the family completely.

But when she said it last night, Liu Qianqian immediately rejected it. She returned to the family in her 20s, is she crazy?

Fang Nan had no choice but to choose her own path.

After finishing what should be said and what should not be said, Fang Nan went out for a walk with Liu Qianqian, and after staying for two days, he packed his luggage and sneaked back to Xiangjiang.

At the hotel, seeing Fang Nan who was profusely sweating, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but feel distressed and said, "You're not too tired, why don't you take a trip to the United States after just such a short time?"

Her husband is good at everything else, but there are two things she can't understand.

There are a lot of gossip and gossip, and love.

can run.

He scurried around like a field mouse at every turn, not knowing what else he was busy with.

"Why are you so tired, why don't you go if you have something to do? When did you come?"

"Little Balloon came the next day after finishing his make-up class."

Fang Nan looked at his son who was holding the tablet, and asked inexplicably, "Remedial lessons, what lessons does he make up?"

"Math class, I'm not good at math."

The muscles on Fang Nan's face twitched unconsciously. Being his son was really bad luck for eight lifetimes. He made up math lessons at the age of three or four. After that, if he didn't go to heaven, he would be sorry for his hard work in childhood.

In his heart, he was crazily complaining about the unscrupulous Gao Yuanyuan, when he heard the other party excitedly say: "Hey, let me tell you, this time the Xiangjiang Film Festival has a very good reputation in the mainland, and there are many praises inside and outside the circle. It’s not in vain.”


"Princess Six has a live broadcast? There don't seem to be many reporters coming to the scene."

"It's true that there was no live broadcast of the opening ceremony, but it also introduced the grand occasion in a long way. You have a long face."

Fang Nan nodded, he was really moved by what the Sixth Princess did.

He once thought it would not be overreported.

After all, the Hong Kong Film Festival is not a Beijing Film Festival, and there is no General Administration or Film Bureau, and nearly a hundred institutions participate.

Moreover, the Beijing Film Festival had always wanted him to be the chairman of the previous judges.

At first, he thought about making the Beijing Film Festival bigger.

But after thinking about it, I really feel that it is difficult to handle, there are many constraints, and the traffic is complicated. The most important reason is that many participating films are relatively large and cannot be screened.

Tuen Mun is very good.

The place is open, let him play with cutting, and there are places to play near the sea. The distance from the movie palace to the hotel is also short, and there are also shopping malls and supermarkets.

And as far as he knows, the street above the movie palace will welcome many luxury shops, and I believe that a new commercial street will be formed soon, with more complete shops and facilities.

The Xiangjiang government will promote the concept of a film town at this film festival, and a new seaside town will be formed within 10 years.

After resting in the room for a while, Fang Nan's family of three went downstairs for dinner.

During this period, Fang Nan trained little balloons a lot.

He lay on the bed and squinted for a while, the little balloon was playing with the tablet next to him, and while playing, he muttered "biubiu", which made him full of evil spirits.

"The child used to be quite boring, and I don't know how you taught him, so why did he become a talker." Fang Nan looked at Gao Yuanyuan complaining.

The reason, Gao Yuanyuan is very clear, so he said in a bad mood:
"Are you ashamed to blame me? It's because you taught him how to squat, do somersaults, and punch. Besides, he is very good at himself. He has been invincible in kindergarten. Now he talks and makes trouble all day long. He sleeps at noon. No child wants to sleep next to him. "

As if to agree with Gao Yuanyuan, the next moment, the little balloon puffed up and said dissatisfiedly: "I played well by myself, you insist on sleeping next to me, and then blame me."

"Otherwise? You still want to hit me?"

In front of the elevator, Fang Nan glared at his son and said, "You'd better keep quiet for the next two days, or see if I let your ass bloom."

The little balloon glanced at Fang Nan, who was condescending, and then at Gao Yuanyuan, who was looking straight ahead, and hurriedly lowered his head and started muttering again.

Fang Nan couldn't take it anymore, stretched out his hand, and began to drag the little balloon towards the room.

Following his habit of snapping his fingers randomly, this child has added a new problem, and he must make up his mind to put an end to it.

After a while, Fang Nan and the little balloon rubbing his buttocks came to the elevator again with tears in his eyes.

Gao Yuanyuan looked at his son, seeing his aggrieved face, wanting to mutter but not daring to laugh.

In Fang's house, Little Balloon really made it so that his father didn't hurt him, and his mother didn't love him. Anyone could pat him a few times.

Not only that, even grandparents, uncles and aunts don't take care of grandchildren and nephews like other families.

There is no such thing as intergenerational relatives, and looking around are all bad people.

But there's no way, this is the price he has to pay, if anyone blames it, blame his father Fang Nan for creating a huge business empire for him.


After entering the box, the family of three ordered five dishes, four dishes and one soup.

After the food was served, Little Balloon was puzzled, "Where's the squirrel?" He stood on a chair and asked Gao Yuanyuan.

Gao Yuanyuan Kuaizi pointed: "Isn't this?"

"I'm a kid and I know it's a fish?"

Gao Yuanyuan said in a bad mood: "Squirrel mandarin fish is a fish, eat it quickly, your father will finish the food in a while."

Fang Qin said regretfully and old-fashionedly: "Let my sister serve after eating, Dad has money."

Gao Yuanyuan looked curious, and Fang Nan was also amused: "How do you know?"

Fang Qin looked at Gao Yuanyuan and said, "I asked my mother to buy toys, but my mother said I had no money. My father has more toys than me, so he has a lot of money."

Fang Nan suddenly realized that his son used the model at home as his toy.

Then I learned from Gao Yuanyuan's few words that it costs money to buy toys, and after such a conversion, I can conclude that my father is rich.

"There's nothing wrong with the logic." Fang Nan picked out a mouthful of rice and threw it into his mouth with a smile.

He only discovered a shining point on the little balloon today.

But this shining point is nothing compared to my daughter.

"Father has money, but it's not yours. If you want to eat new dishes, you have to spend your own money to buy them, otherwise you will be hungry after I finish eating the dishes."

"I'm a child, I have no money." The little balloon said angrily, knocking on the table.

"If you count from 1 to 50, Dad will help you buy a dish."

Encouraged by Gao Yuanyuan, the confused little balloon started counting from 1, stuttering but did count to 50.

Fang Nan happily snapped his fingers, and asked the waiter to put the menu in front of the little balloon, watching the bigger fart kids look at the picture and order.

Leaning slightly, the waiter looked at Fang Nan with a puzzled face: "Boss, it's a bit expensive. The dessert caviar chocolate pudding is priced at 3 US dollars in our hotel."

"It's okay, go do it, and bring it to him later."

Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly said: "Don't put caviar, just use a dessert instead."

At first, she thought that Fang Nan was joking, deliberately testing the school's future heir.

So she was also happy to encourage and support her son to behave better. After all, to put it bluntly, who knows if Fang Nan has any other sons outside, the succession of the little balloon may not be smooth sailing.

Unexpectedly, Fang Nan actually came from a real person.

A $3 dessert is affordable, but not overwhelming.

Fang Nan resolutely said: "Let's go, do it according to the picture, there should be nothing less."

The little balloon is still very small and easy to play with, but Fang Nan still treats him as an adult. Without it, a businessman must pay attention to integrity.

Most importantly, he wants to bury a value of money in the young heart of the little balloon.

There is nothing he can get for free.

Even though he is Fang Nan's son.

You and I quickly finished eating a little bit of dessert, one spoonful at a time. The little balloon shouted deliciously and stared at another dessert with an extremely beautiful picture.

But this time, Fang Nan didn't let him pass the test easily.

Even though he was crying, he couldn't catch a glimpse of his favorite dessert.

Fang Nan even pushed her on the chair in the private room and spanked her buttocks because she started to sneak around again.

From then until the end of the film festival, Fang Nan spent most of his energy on watching movies and communicating with domestic and foreign filmmakers.

In the spirit of supporting each other, carrying forward and promoting films, he agreed to the invitation of the Cannes Organizing Committee at the closing ceremony of the Hong Kong Film Festival and will serve as the chairman of the jury of the 68th Cannes Film Festival.

He also signed the principle of mutual benefit with European film companies, Gaumont, Opalo, EMI and several other companies.

In the next five years, films produced and purchased by Gaumont, Opelo, and EMI will be given priority to enter Douyin's film library, and Douyin will pay the copyright fees of several film companies based on payment, clicks, and playback rates.

On behalf of Douyin, he also signed co-production film and television contracts with 26 Chinese, Japanese and Korean directors.

He bought the rights to broadcast all movies of South Korea's cJ Entertainment.

In the end, he and Gao Yuanyuan dragged the children away from Xiangjiang and returned to the capital amidst the brilliant fireworks blooming on the coast of Gold Coast.

Rested at home for a week.

He took his son and daughter and headed for the prairie non-stop.

On the way to satisfy his daughter's wish to ride a horse in the prairie, he incidentally let his son, Little Balloon, see what a real firefly is.

Then both kids were shocked.

It was also the first time for Thong Wanzhuo to see bright bugs at such a big age.

This scene made Fang Nan feel a little sentimental, and couldn't help but think of that sentence: The earth never needs human beings to save, and what human beings need to save is human beings themselves!
A very thought-provoking sentence!

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