literary world

Chapter 459

The end of July, the beginning of August.

Fang Nan's work at hand was finally completed in sevens and eighties.

So he willfully took his two children to Xiangshan to watch fireflies, and then flew to hLbE by special plane.

August is the season of approaching autumn.

But the green on the grassland is not diminished, and even adds a layer of depth.

Fang Nan's family did not stay in the luxury hotel in Manzhouli.

Instead of visiting the famous scenic spot Golden Horde Khan, he went deep into the grassland and lived in a herdsman's house with 2000 sheep with a cry of "Saibainu".

The herdsman is called Zhabu, which means auspicious.

At first, he was cautious about Fang Nan and his group of eight, but it was his daughter who was in middle school who recognized Fang Nan immediately.

After that, Zabu served milk tea and various dairy products familiarly, and at noon, he was familiar with milk wine and hand-held meat.

"The sheep I raise on the prairie are very clean, and only the sheep in captivity will have a smell if they have been stepping on the feces."

While drunk, Zha Bu told Fang Nan.

Fang Nan didn't know if there was any truth to this statement, but his family and the four security guards did eat a lot of meat for lunch.

It would not be long before the mutton left in the yurt by Zhabu's family would disappear.

Zhabu fell into a deep sleep, while his eldest son and daughter accompanied Fang Nan, Tso Wanzhuo, Fang Qin, and Gao Yuanyuan to prancing horses and Chipin on the grassland.

Xiao Zhuo and Xiao Balloon were very excited.

Especially Thong Wanzhuo, the soles of her feet could barely touch the saddle, but she still had the courage to yell for a gallop.

The majestic elder sister disappeared from sight for a while, and the little balloon couldn't help scratching her ears and complaining anxiously, almost letting Fang Nan throw Gao Yuanyuan off the horse and lead him to catch up with the two older sisters in front.

In the evening, Zhabu, who was drunk and missed work for half a day, continued his efforts and took out milk wine despite the nagging of his wife and children.

This time, Fang Nan was very polite.

Both men and women can drink on the grassland.

But there are also [-] grades, [-] drinks, and [-] drinking wine for fun. He can't delay other people's work.

Genghis Khan said that it is not advisable to drink too much alcohol, because drinking is a mistake.

Under the starry sky, everyone was sipping wine and biting the meat of their hands, feeling indescribably happy.

Happily, Zhabu's daughter took out the Matouqin for Abba.

Thong Wanzhuo also changed her mature attitude, climbed into the caravan not to be outdone, and took out the guitar to Fang Nan.

After the majestic prairie song, Fang Nan adjusted the tune and came up with a more cheerful song "Cuckoo", which children like to listen to.

【I am a cuckoo in the forest】

[I live in a beautiful mountainside]

【Watch the sun go down and come back, the world is too wonderful】

[Butterfly dancing a moving dance]


【The cuckoo is calling】

【Singing a touching song】

[singing to the sad one forgetting everything]

【To fly to the ends of the earth】

【I am a brave bird】


"Father sings well, and mother sings." Fang Qin clapped his hands and said.

Gao Yuanyuan on the recliner glanced at his excited son with a helpless expression: "Forget it, your mother is tone deaf."

The reason why Fang Nan is attractive is that he can bring freshness to people anytime and anywhere like he is now.

She had never heard of "The Cuckoo", so she had nothing to compare it with others.


Fang Nan rarely met his son and daughter, but whenever he met, he always made the pair of sons and daughters admire.

During the few days at Zhabu's house, Fang Nan's family had never experienced joy in their hearts, so when they parted, everyone was reluctant to part.

"Enhe, I hope that next year when the grassland is fertile, we can welcome you, Anda from afar."

After Fang Nan opened the window, Zha Bu waved his hands and shouted.

Fang Nan nodded, and told Zhabu to remember to pay more attention to whether outsiders were looking for him in the next two months.

The family ate and drank at Zhabu's house for nearly 10 days, and they couldn't eat and drink for free. Fang Nan thought that the boutique supermarket could sign a sheep purchase contract with Zhabu's house. There would be no middleman to make the difference, and Zhabu would be able to earn more money every year anyway. earn some.

As for Enhe, Zhabu gave him the Mongolian name, which means peace.

On the way to Manzhouli when the car started, Tso Wanzhuo also said to Zhabu's little daughter who was riding away on the horse: "Uzhina, remember to come to the capital to go to school."

The little balloon locked on Gao Yuanyuan's leg buzzed, "Remember to bring delicious meat to school!"

Arriving at Manzhouli Xijiao Airport, Fang Nan, who had turned his phone back on, was bombarded indiscriminately.

Warner Bros. Pictures was in a panic. What happened to Fang Nan, such an adult would disappear.

What's the situation with "Interstellar"? Is it good in the later stage? How about a copy?
The movie is scheduled for November 11th, sandwiched between Halloween and Thanksgiving, and it will be here soon.

The secretariat was also anxious. They knew that the boss was in hLbE, but not in Manchuria. Many documents were expected to be signed by him, and they asked him if he would participate in the activities.

Universal is also contacting him, and the rough cut of "Jurassic" is finished, asking for his opinion.

In addition, several official organizations are also contacting him.

Fang Nan smiled wryly and separated from his wife and children. He had to fly directly to the Pujiang River.

Unexpectedly, when he landed on the Pujiang River, Yun'er called for help again.

Since debuting in 2007, Jessica, a member of Girls' Generation, the most popular girl group in Asia, has conflicts with the company SM, and Girls' Generation may face disintegration due to this matter.

Yoona and Jessica have the best relationship.

So wanted to see if he could be of some help.

At least you can't let the company fire your friend.


Fang Nan didn't have much memory, all the members of Girls' Generation boarded his private jet, but there were too many members, it was impossible for him to remember to be familiar with everyone.

Yuner's request?
If you can help, you will naturally want to help. If the other party asks for help occasionally, he can't do anything. Why do others depend on him.

I just don't know if Li Xiuman will buy it.

Kuwo Music under his name has reached a music copyright cooperation with Sm Company, and various businesses for artist promotion and promotion, but big people always have a temper, and they are really determined to compare what they say to water that is poured out. Method.

Speaking of which, Li Xiuman's experience of making a fortune is somewhat similar to his.

He made his debut as a martial artist, and slowly made his fortune as a director.

Li Xiuman made his debut as a singer. In 1995, he founded Sm Company to cultivate and create young idol singers to make a fortune.

Self-made men of their kind have a distinct and sometimes stubborn personality.

Fang Nan smacked his lips: "Whether Li Xiuman, who helped me check SM, is in Korea or in the United States, please send me a call appointment, I want to talk to him."


After getting in the car, Fang Nan handed over the matter to Xiao Zhu who was already the secretary general.

"Li Xiuman will be in South Korea. His wife has cancer, and the news says that she is in poor health." Xiao Zhu told Fang Nan after getting off the car.

"Let's make an appointment."

Li Xiuman's call came very quickly, Fang Nan sat back in the office and signed the document for half an hour, after reading the planning map of Saipan, Xiao Zhu reminded him to connect.

Talking to Li Xiuman, the two were polite first.

Then Fang Nan changed the subject and asked about the condition of the other wife's wife. He frowned when he learned that the hospital had issued a critical illness notice.

However, he still bit the bullet and talked about the rumors about Girls' Generation's Jessica leaving the group.

Li Xiuman's tone was firm: "It's not that she's leaving the group, it's that sm asked her to leave."

"No room for relaxation?"

"Back then, the news that Mr. Fang dismissed hundreds of skilled workers because of the filming of "Anti-Japanese Drama" by the company's executives reached South Korea. I was deeply shocked, and I still remember it vividly."

Fang Nan understood, which meant that there was nothing to talk about, but he still wanted to work harder.

"So President Li has made up his mind? Although I was entrusted by others, I also think that Jessica staying in Girls' Generation will benefit our two businesses."

"Entrusted by others? Jessica, Taeyeon, Yoona? I don't deny the importance of Girls' Generation's integrity, but more important than the integrity of the team is the artist's work attitude."

Fang Nan took a sip of his tea in thought.

He felt that if the chat continued, he would have the heart to win over Li Xiuman.

When it comes to the attitude of artists, this guy really has two brushes in managing artists.

"I'm busy, so let's make a long story short. For the sake of the two businesses, please press dissatisfaction for the time being. If the artist's attitude does not change, he will be kicked out of the team."

"According to Chinese customs, Mr. Fang wants to owe me a favor?"

"Forget it, otherwise I will tell you that the market value of sm company is 5000 billion won, which is about 30 billion yuan. With 5% equity, you have the right to speak in the company. With 1.5 million yuan, I can let you call our director. "

Fang Nan dragged the mouse and looked at the stock chart on the screen, while laughing.


Li Xiuman hung up the phone depressed.

He is strong, and Fang Nan is even stronger than him, so there is nothing he can do to just use money to suppress people.

The integrity of Girls' Generation was preserved because of Fang Nan's words. I don't know if it will disrupt time and space, but Fang Nan completely ignored it.

He is the biggest BUG in the world, he has messed up the development of countless people or things, and he doesn't care about one or two things.

After spending three days dealing with company affairs, Fang Nan plunged into the editing room.

He has been busy for two months.

Gao Yuanyuan, Zeng Li, Han Jiaren, and Yoona wanted to celebrate his 35th birthday on National Day, but he didn't agree.

As for Liu Qianqian.

She was quite sad, all the electronic products were taken away by the old lady, and even the TV at home was covered with a thick cloth cover.

When she contacted Fang Nan on her landline at home, she kept complaining that her mother was so concerned about the two children in her belly that she was mad.

Fang Nan, who was so busy and dizzy, rarely smiled. Everyone knew that Mama Liu belonged to Sima Zhao.


But it was doomed to waste.

The two children will definitely receive a large sum of money, and it is impossible to live on one bite, and he will not retire early in his prime of life, so it is too early to start planning for the family property now.

On October 10th, all the post-production of "Interstellar" was completed, Fang Nan took a special plane and flew to Lanzhou.

The 23rd Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival will be held in Lanzhou this year.

The reason why it is rare for him to participate is because when he was filming "Painted Skin" in Zhenbaibao Film and Television City, Long Provincial Radio and Television and Film and Television City took good care of the crew and him.

The duration of the film festival is 5 days.

According to the rules of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, 2014 is an even-numbered year, so the award to be awarded this year is the Hundred Flowers Award, also known as the Hundred Flowers Award for popular films.

Many people do not understand the rules of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.

For a while, the Hundred Flowers Awards for Popular Films, and for a while, the Golden Rooster Awards for Chinese Films make people confused.

Speaking of this period of history, we have to go back to 2004.

Before 2004, the Golden Rooster Award was the Golden Rooster Award, and the Hundred Flowers Award was simply the Hundred Flowers Award. The two awards were held once a year and had nothing to do with each other. At most, the award-winning films were in dispute.

In 2004, due to the increasing number of award ceremonies on the market, the country banned and merged some award ceremonies.

The Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers became the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, which is held every two years. Even-numbered years are the Hundred Flowers Awards for popular films, and odd-numbered years are the Golden Rooster Awards for Chinese Films.

Then the problem arises again, the two-year term is too long, many movies have been watched and the audience will forget, and they will be very confused.

The other thing is the selection rules. For a while, professionals will be the jury, and for a while, the audience will vote to determine the awards.

One will be Golden Rooster, another will be Hundred Flowers; some will be in even-numbered years, and another will be in odd-numbered years.

In short, if you don't understand it seriously, most people can't understand this operation.

The venue of the 23rd Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival is Lanzhou Grand Theater, which is located in a prosperous area.

It's a pity that the weather is not good. When Fang Nan got off the plane, it started to rain heavily. When he arrived at the hotel, the heavy rain didn't show signs of stopping.


"Hey, Xiao Ming, you did a good job in "Huaxia Partner", and this time I'm going to win an award again."

As soon as Fang Nan entered the guest room, Huang Xiaoming walked in as he was about to comb his wet hair.

Huang Xiaoming hurriedly waved his hands: "Maybe, maybe, don't talk nonsense."

Fang Nan thought to himself, what are you pretending to do? From 2012 to 2014, the most popular movies with good domestic reputation and high box office were "Partner" and "The Great Master", as well as "To Our Lost Youth" and "The Capital Meets Seattle". , whoever is not rewarded.

Besides, with such big names here, can they not win prizes?

Of course, winning the main theme movie is another matter.

In the past, with such a big market in the Mainland, and a film festival with only a few good films, Fang Nan would definitely follow his son Little Balloon's head down, and start talking and teasing.

I don't think so anymore.


To put it bluntly, he no longer expects mainland filmmakers to make many good movies. The mainland is now a large film production center, with all kinds of movies and TV drama crews, but the works that come out will be on Douyin.

Fang Nan's approach is equivalent to not pursuing glamor in front of others, but he must have strength inside.

Yes, domestic audiences can only watch comedies, mythology, main theme movies, TV dramas, or variety shows. It seems that domestic behind-the-scenes talents are dying, and movies and TV shows are dying.

But the fact is that the brains and technology of the people behind the scenes have not only been preserved, but are still rising crazily, and the number of newcomers entering the industry is also increasing.

When things get better one day, domestic audiences will be surprised, "I'm a fool, I just found out today that the domestic behind-the-scenes is so awesome, and everything can be filmed."

In fact, to this day, his job has almost been completed.

Nowadays, there are so many film crews in the major film and television cities, but there are only four films in the Hundred Flowers Awards, which can be seen.

Not only Chinese filmmakers, Korean and Japanese filmmakers, and even filmmakers from all over Asia are also being attracted by the market like crazy.

Lao Mouzi is a Chinese filmmaker.

Lee Chang-dong and Song Kang-ho are Korean filmmakers.

Hirokazu Kore-eda is a Japanese filmmaker.

Douyin does not want everyone to change their nationality, living habits, or creative environment, as long as everyone takes the money, makes the movie they want to make and then transfers it to Douyin.

Fang Nan estimates that by next year, that is, in 2015, nearly half of the famous filmmakers in Asia will be busy with a website.

Once this data is released, Netflix, the world's largest streaming media, will tremble.

As for where the money came from.

Fang Nan chatted with Huang Xiaoming, Zhao Yanzi, Wang Jiawei and others to take a look at the stock market conditions of Maotai, Ali, Penguin and other liquor companies and Internet companies.

"Heh, the 2014 financial crisis is over."

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