Chapter 46
Script Name: "Walking in a Barren Tune"

Screenwriter: Fang Nan

The outline of the story of the script: In a small mountain town, a pair of low-profile robbers, a down-and-out rogue security guard, a physically handicapped but tough vicious tongue girl, and a series of little people living on different trajectories in society.

On a seemingly ordinary day, because of a lost old gun and an oolong robbery that happened in the city that day, they were screwed together by accident, and absurd comedies happened one after another.

Biography of the main characters.

Role [-]: Ma Xianyong is a down-and-out security guard on the construction site...

Role [-]: Airplane Head...

Character [-]: Curly Mao...

Character [-]: Paralyzed woman with a poisonous tongue...

Character Five: ...


Estimated investment: 600 million to 800 million RMB.

The first time: A mobile phone store on the street of a small town [you can contact the mobile phone manufacturer for sponsorship] Enter two armed kidnappers with helmets...

Round [-]: A shotgun was dug out from the construction site...

The third time: ...


"Nanzai, haven't you slept all night?"

As soon as Zhang De opened his eyes, Fang Nan, who was imprinted in his eyes, still maintained the posture of writing vigorously last night.

"No, sleep on the train when we go back at night." Fang Nan raised his head and grinned.

I didn't sleep all night, I was a little tired, but I received a lot of goods.

That night, he dug out the script of "The Unknown", not to mention, even sketched some rough shots.

"Oh, it's good to be young!" Zhang De sighed, got dressed and got out of bed.

At the same time, Fang Nan put the written script and shots into two file bags respectively, and simply tidied up and set off.

He didn't have many things, just stuffed a travel bag, and there was Dieda wine, "Old Zhang, I'm leaving first."

"Stay no longer for two days?" Zhang De walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush.

"Don't wait any longer, what are you waiting for after your wages are settled, you look like a beggar." Fang Nan shook his head and left the room with a Dieda wine in his hand.

This time he came to BJ, he earned a lot of money. The dead wages, overtime pay, and red envelopes totaled nearly 3 yuan, which almost caught up with Jia Jingwen's remuneration for an episode.

"I'm satisfied, find a chance to treat Zeng Li to a good meal."

Mumbling all the way to the stairs, Gao Yuanyuan, who was dragging the large suitcase, blocked the stairs tightly. Fang Nan thoughtfully said, "Hey, Rang Rang, the road is blocked."

It can be seen that the sweat stains on her neck were densely wetting her temples, she obviously gritted her teeth and used all her strength, but her luggage went down the stairs like a turtle crawling, Fang Nan couldn't bear it anymore.

In the production team of "Yi Tian", this woman has the same reputation as him, so she is in the same boat.

In the final analysis, they are all targets of persecution by the paparazzi.

"give me."

Changing Diedajiu to his left hand, and going down a few flights of stairs, Fang Nan grabbed Gao Yuanyuan's large suitcase with his right hand.

Gao Yuanyuan grabbed the suitcase and kept on staring at Fang Nan, with veins popping up on the back of his delicate hand.

"Think you're the only one with big eyes?"

After Fang Nan glared back at her angrily, he deliberately said, "How long do you want to block me? Hurry up and let me go, I still have to catch the train."


Gao Yuanyuan snorted softly, let go of her hand and leaned against the wall. This little girl's attitude made Fang Nante want to laugh.

Thinking of "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" landing on the TV station, she and Jia Jingwen will be very popular, such a girly Gao Yuanyuan may never be seen again, Fang Nan couldn't help but stand still, and looked at her face hard Not to mention the demeanor on the screen, I even regret that I couldn't take pictures of this scene.

"Can't you make it through? Why don't you go and give me the box." Gao Yuanyuan, who was stared uncomfortable, frowned and said angrily.

"Come on, let's go now."

As Fang Nan said, he carried a large suitcase and went down several flights of stairs. Gao Yuanyuan was startled, and then chased after him.

You chased me all the way to the second floor, Fang Nan hurriedly stopped leaning against the wall, panting, wiped his sweat and said: "Stop chasing, let me rest for a while, if you don't want me to help, you can drag yourself away first , I don’t want to help anymore, I’m exhausted!”

Gao Yuanyuan looked at the huge box in confusion.

Then he looked at Fang Nan who was sweating profusely.

Thinking about these days after the scandal, I was throwing and rolling around, grabbing chicken legs to destroy people's feelings, and throwing wine to lose face.

Then there is that Zhang Dong who can't explain it in every possible way, and still hides a dirty heart deep in his heart.

"We were all right!"

At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan, who was watching Fang Nan desperately wiping his sweat, became enlightened.


"You... give me your bag."

Gao Yuanyuan suddenly realized that Fang Nan couldn't play anymore, "Really? I poured a glass of wine on me, slept again, and my anger disappeared?" He was amazed.

Gao Yuanyuan's face changed again, and she scolded, "Will you give it? You won't be exhausted!"

"The most annoying thing is to be friends with actors and Peking opera singers." Mumbling, Fang Nan handed Dieda wine: "Just give me Dieda wine."

At the end of the day, Fang Nan was very happy that the relationship with Gao Yuanyuan had finally eased.

He doesn't ask others to remember him, but he doesn't like others to remember him as an enemy.

Just because he's lonely doesn't mean he doesn't want three or five friends.

After receiving the Dieda wine, Gao Yuanyuan put it beside him, leaning against the wall and said sadly: "I broke up with Zhang Dong last night, do you know, he..."

Fang Nan waved his hand and interrupted Gao Yuanyuan: "Don't say it, I don't want to know, I'm not familiar with him. Besides, I always only remember people who are kind to me, other people are always too lazy to remember."

He knew what Gao Yuanyuan was going to say.

In fact, on the car back to the hotel after playing at the bar that day, Gao Yuanyuan called and fumbled about the copyright of "Once Upon a Time", Fang Nan knew it in his heart.

It's not new to register copyright first.

It's a pity that the other party made a wrong calculation. He is not a rookie singer, but an old man who has been in the entertainment industry for more than ten or twenty years!
The two rested on the stairs for a while, and then began to go downstairs. While waiting for the bus on the side of the road, Fang Nan said: "After "Yitian" is broadcast next year, you and Jia Jingwen will probably become popular, so pay more attention to the paparazzi when you go out. "

Gao Yuanyuan was curious: "How do you know that "Yitian" is going to be popular?"

Fang Nan said: "I am the behind-the-scenes of "Yitian"."

Whether the film and television drama is popular or not depends on the performance of actors, and whether it suits the audience's eyes is another aspect.

The most important thing is whether the quality is hard enough, and the biggest factor that affects the quality of film and television dramas is not the actors, but the behind-the-scenes.

A group of good behind-the-scenes can turn a movie without a big star into a dark horse at the box office.

A good actor can only be a firefly in a bad movie.

"Let me borrow your good words!"

When a black commercial vehicle stopped beside the two, Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly said.

"I'm going first, the bus is coming."

As soon as the door of the black commercial vehicle opened, Fang Nan was already carrying his belongings, and trotted all the way onto the bus following the commercial vehicle.

Gao Yuanyuan chased after the bus, and the bus started slowly. She watched Fang Nan walk from the front of the bus to the rear, and after sitting down by the window in the last row near her, she waved and shouted: "Hey , don't you leave a number?"

On the bus speeding past the black commercial vehicle, Fang Nan put half his head and one hand out the window to wave goodbye, grinning and said:
"Forget it, you're going to be popular soon, let's all be safe."

(End of this chapter)

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