Chapter 47
"Fang Nan."

The young man in his thirties murmured. After realizing that he had no memory of Fang Nan's name, he opened the file bag.

After a long time, Wang Lei, the youngest in charge of the production of Huayi Brothers, said slowly: "Your script is incomplete, there are many contents that have not been written, and the investment of several million is not too much, but we will not be so bold as to invest several million. It's on the new director. If you can complete the script, we will accept the script."

Fang Nan smiled and nodded, "Okay, thank you Mr. Wang, I can't write the script for now, I have to catch the train."

Taking the file bag, Fang Nan hurried out of Wang Lei's office.

Being scolded by Chengxiang in later generations, at this moment, it is the largest private film and television company in China to try its luck. Fang Nan had planned it long ago, and was also prepared to be rejected, so there is no despondency.

After all, the two brothers of the Wang family are still in a state of recklessness. The money they earn from filming is used to buy paintings, cars, and play actresses.

After leaving Huayi, Fang Nan went to the representative office of Columbia Pictures in China.

This representative office invested in Hot Wrist's "Big Wrist" last year, and "Big Wrist" was released at the box office at the end of last year, earning more than 4000 million yuan.

Since then, there has been an operation and filming model of Huayi and Xiaogangpao in China, which has also made this Colombian representative office famous.

Taking the elevator to the script department where scripts are collected, the old man Xiu Lingguang took the script and flipped it left and right, looking very interested.

As soon as he heard that Fang Nan was acting as a director regardless of his salary, he patiently asked Fang Nan a few questions, and then shook his head like a rattle.

There is no representative work!

Several small-screen TV dramas behind the scenes have not yet been released, and there is almost no filming experience!
You must be a liar who racked his brains and came up with an interesting script!

Being refused to go back to the street again, Fang Nan looked at the sky, stopped wandering around with BJs, took a taxi and went straight to the train station.

He is the duty to arrive on the day of Xiaoshu on July [-]th.

When the train arrived in Lishui, Fang Nan tried to call Wu Gao, but he didn't expect that Wu Gao really came in a van and brought Huang Ze with him.

"Anan, I put Han Zhizhi to sleep."

When Fang Nan in the passenger seat rolled the window, Wu Gao said abruptly with a tangled face.

Fang Nan glanced at Wu Gao's expression as if he had eaten shit.Puzzled, he said, "Sleep as soon as you sleep. Although Han Zhizhi has scheming plans, she has nothing to say. You made money. What's with that expression?"


Wu Gao "then" sighed "ah" for a long time, Huang Mao sitting in the back row became anxious, grabbed Fang Nan's seat and laughed, "Then Han Zhizhi greened Angkor."

"Damn, I've only been away for a few months, and you guys are living such a rich life?"

Wu Gao yanked the seat belt and said angrily, "Don't mention it, I finally found her a small role with lines, and she turned around and followed an assistant director. You know, she signed a contract with an agent The company is gone, and now he is a signed actor of Tangtang Film and Television."


Only then did Fang Nan really startle.

He was not surprised that Han Zhizhi fought for the top position through her body, after all, she is an extremely strong girl.

Her initial stubborn resistance may have been caused by her dignity and self-confidence.

But self-confidence and dignity will always be obliterated by repeated failures. At that time, she will give in and surrender.

But Han Zhizhi was able to sign with Tangtang Film and Television, Fang Nan was really puzzled, Cai Yinong is not a good woman.

But thinking of Han Zhizhi's long braids and innocent face, it seems that it really suits Cai Yinong's taste.

Fang Nan shook off the image of Han Zhizhi in his mind, and said to Wu Gao, "Drive, don't be desperate, you are not the only woman."

The van arrived at Dongyang slowly, and then stopped in front of Lao Yang's restaurant. He had only left Hengdian for a few months, and when he came back, even Lao Yang's restaurant was covered with a floor.

"Are you back?" Lao Yang's wife asked Fang Nan familiarly when she came out with a kerosene hot pot.

Fang Nan smoked Wu Gao, Huang Mao, and Lao Yang, and said with a smile, "Why don't you come back, Hengdian is not my home, and I just came here to make a living, and you and Lao Yang will have to take care of you in the future." .”

"If you don't take care of it, if you want to eat, make a phone call and I'll ask Lao Yang to deliver it to you." Lao Yang's wife replied.

Lao Yang's daughter-in-law went to the back kitchen. Fang Nan chatted with the three about the recent situation in Hengdian. During this period, Wu Gaoguang sighed. He received news that Hengdian was going to establish an actors' union.

On the contrary, Lao Yang was very happy. In 2001, 33 film and television crews settled in Hengdian. His small restaurant made a lot of money. For the Chinese New Year stall, he added another floor to the small restaurant and built a whole floor. Boxes, business is booming.

As for Huang Mao, it's still the same, he doesn't have the capital to climb into the director's bed, so he can only wander around the film crew as an extra performer.

The hot pot was served, and the four chatted while eating. Fang Nan took the time to ask Lai Zhang and Li Zhong.

Knowing that the two left Hengdian and never came back, Fang Nan nodded and picked up a piece of beef and threw it into his mouth.

"Anan, what are you going to do when you come back, or go to the film crew?" After the four of them had a glass of beer together, Wu Gao asked Fang Nan.


Just as Fang Nan started, the phone rang with an unfamiliar number.

Signaling Wu Gao and the others to eat first, he picked up the phone and listened to Wu Jing's.

Fang Nan was surprised, how many days had it been since Zeng Li said that Wu Jing was looking for him?He almost forgot about it.

"Fang Nan, I'm Wu Jing, come on, come to my side."

On the other end of the phone, Wu Jing didn't say anything, but urged Fang Nan to go to him. Fang Nan fainted: "What are you going to do? Looking for you to fencing?"


Wu Jing was at a loss: "What's the point of breaking the sword? I took over a play, and there are a lot of hits in this play. If the director finds a good player, will you come?"

Fang Nan was speechless: "Don't be ridiculous, the money I earned from going to Xiangjiang to do martial arts for two months is not enough for round-trip air tickets."

"Who said I'm in Xiangjiang, I'm in Guangzhou. This movie was filmed in the Mainland, and it was basically set in Dali. I asked you to come over because I wanted us to work together to see if we could round out the action in this movie." .”

Fang Nan was stunned: "What do you mean? You expect to be an action guide? Have you ever done it?"

Wu Jing said brazenly: "Learn, I have foundation, three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang, and the two of us are worth three cobblers."

"There's no logic in this, where is the confidence!"

Fang Nan slandered Wu Jing for being skinless and shameless in his heart, but he actually became interested, so he tried to ask, "Are you sure, Hengdian-Guangzhou is a lot of money for a round trip!"

Wu Jing said to himself: "I'm [-]% sure, come here quickly, the director has gone back to Xiangjiang to meet other action directors, I'll send you the address later."

"Hey, what's the show, the movie is still... Dudu."

Before Fang Nan finished asking, Wu Jing put down the phone in a hurry, scratched his head helplessly, Fang Nan smiled wryly at Wu Gao and the other three who had been following him all the time: "This line of work is a life of running around, and the buttocks are not hot yet , I have to go to Guangzhou again.”

(End of this chapter)

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