literary world

Chapter 48 Mysterious Heart Secret Art Opening Posture

Chapter 48 Mysterious Heart Secret Art Opening Posture
Wu Jing was in a hurry, after eating in Hengdian, Fang Nan hurried to the Yiwu Railway Station.

After more than 50 hours of tossing and turning, he arrived in Guangdong, the bridgehead of reform and opening up, in the middle of the night on the third day.

The sky was full of bright moon and stars, and lightning bolts appeared from time to time in the thick dark clouds. Seeing that he couldn't leave, Fang Nan went back to the station with his bag and sat down in a place with few people.

He has been in charge of the green leather train for ten consecutive days. He has long been exhausted, but he dare not sleep, and he still has more than 2 yuan in his pocket.

Curled up and just sat down, a middle-aged woman came with a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, "Big brother, can I ask you a favor?"

"No time, no help." Fang Nan didn't raise his head.

The middle-aged woman was about to cry: "Brother, our mother and daughter have passed the station, and we are short of 20 yuan to buy a train ticket home. Please help me."

Seeing that the two swindlers were not forgiving, Fang Nan kicked the travel bag whose zipper had collapsed, revealing the top thermos bottle and some old clothes in the bag, complaining:

"Come on, you earn more than me every day, and I still count on you to help me."

"It's poor, and I take a thermos bottle with me when I go out." The middle-aged woman said nothing to Fang Nan, and dragged the little girl to find her next target.

The two left, nothing happened all night, Fang Nan was half awake and half asleep until dawn, the heavy rain at night turned into light rain, he walked out of the station with his bag, and walked towards the bus stop sign.

"Huanshi East Road, Huanshi East Road!"

Fang Nan: "Is there an international hotel on Huanshi East Road?"

"Yes, yes, get in the car."

Putting his ass on the bus, Fang Nan finally arrived at the International Hotel that Wu Jing mentioned.

"This crew is luxurious enough."

At the entrance of the International Hotel on the 63rd floor, Fang Nan took out his mobile phone while expressing emotion.

After waiting for a short time, Wu Jing came out of the hotel, and the two embraced, "Let's go, I invite you to have breakfast." Wu Jing said.

Fang Nan looked at him suspiciously, "Don't tell me that Wu Zhiren has been selected, I'm running in vain."

Wu Jing grinned: "That's not possible, but competition is necessary. If you can't compete, I'll talk to Director Li again. It's definitely okay to let you do martial arts."

"That's good, let's try to have a chance to compete fairly." Fang Nan nodded.

He has no network, no works, it is too difficult to get a job, and the script is not effective, so it is very rare to have a fair competition to get a job.

The breakfast in the International Hotel was very delicate, Wu Jing grabbed a basket of mung bean cakes, and Fang Nan kept stuffing them into his mouth, eating with peace of mind.

Seeing his way of eating, Wu Jing couldn't help being curious: "Don't you ask how much it costs to eat like this?"

Fang Nan raised his head and drank his coffee, and said, "If you take it like this, can you stay for free?"

Wu Jing was taken aback for a moment, then raised her thumbs up: "Smart!"

Fang Nan wiped his mouth: "Let's talk about the drama, I didn't even say a few words in the train."

"The drama is still the same, co-production, the producer is a Taiwanese company, most of the behind-the-scenes crew are from Hong Kong, and there are actors from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places, and some have not yet been finalized."

Fang Nan asked, "Who is the director?"

"Director Li Zhu, a female director from ATV, don't underestimate her. She is an old director and has filmed many classic dramas. She directed "Zombie Taoist" and "Jing Fu Men"."

After hearing the word Li Zhu, Fang Nan actually didn't need Wu Jing's introduction. This woman was so famous that later generations were called the godmother of ancient costume idol dramas, and she was Yu Ma's number one thug.

The actresses in the costume idol dramas he has filmed include more than half of the domestic post-80s and 90s Xiaohua.

His works include "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", "Legend of Lu Zhen", "Gong Suo Heart Jade", "Gong Suo Bead Curtain", "Splendid Wei Young" and many other ancient puppet dramas.

He even created the ugliest little dragon girl in history. Fang Nan was deeply impressed by the little dragon girl with the steamed bun on her head.

Knowing that Li Zhu was the director, Fang Nan began to think about how to deal with this person. After thinking about it, after thinking about it, he slapped his head and remembered Wu Jing's ink marks for a long time, but he didn't say what it was about.

"A Chinese Ghost Story."

"TV drama?"

Wu Jing nodded, Fang Nan had an idea in his mind, he had watched this drama and had a deep memory, "What are you going to do?" Fang Nan asked him.

Wu Jing ate the mung bean cake in his hand: "Fantasy dramas, action scenes with hard bridges and hard horses are definitely not good. Nowadays, film and television dramas are multi-camera, and they cut out fast and fierce fighting scenes through editing, so we have a good idea." Follow the example."

Fang Nan agrees with this point. Let alone the current multi-camera shooting method, it will not change even in a few decades. If you don’t learn it, you have to learn it.

The problem is that no matter how fast and sharp movements can be edited in the later stage, one has to put on a posture. This is what Wu Zhi should consider.

So Fang Nan decided that Wu Jing, who couldn't talk about the main points, was really just Xiaobai now, and listening to him, the two of them were done.

"Did you get the script?"

"I got it, let me show you."

As Wu Jing spoke, he took out a few sheets of paper from his trouser pocket. Fang Nan looked at it and fainted.

The script Wu Jing handed over was very rough, focusing on the relationship between Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.

In the action part, the move "Heaven and Earth Promise Xuanxin Zhengfa" appeared many times in the script.

But it's just a name, a brief mention of how powerful it is, and no action description at all. Fang Nan guessed that the director or screenwriter wanted to wait for Wu Zhi to join the team before discussing it in detail.

With an idea in mind, Fang Nan urged Wu Jing to go upstairs to find Li Zhu to introduce him.

About ten minutes after Wu Jing went there, Fang Nan's phone rang. After listening to it, he hung up the phone and went straight to the elevator.

In the suite, after reading Fang Nan's few lines of resume, Li Zhu raised his head and said with a smile, "Fang Nan, the name sounds pretty nice."

"It's okay." Fang Nan replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Let me be honest, I don't think you and Wu Jing are capable of acting as action directors for the drama "A Chinese Ghost Story". Martial arts may be talented, but action directors don't. It's all about experience."

Fang Nan knew that what Li Zhu said was right, his face was too young after all.

But even if he knew, he was unwilling to give up this opportunity.

If he missed this time, he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to meet such a good opportunity again.

While Wu Jing sighed, Fang Nan frowned and said, "Director Li, I want to ask you something."

Li Zhu closed the resume, smiled and said, "You say it."

She is not a tough character, she can say anything in front of her, whether she agrees or not is another matter.

Fang Nan's brows were stretched, and his eyes were firm: "Forget about my face, give me a chance!"

"Forget about my face, give me a chance!"

Talking about what Fang Nan said last moment, the smile on Li Zhu's face changed into deep thought.

She thought of a person who was also the screenwriter of "A Chinese Ghost Story".

She vaguely remembered a few years ago in the crew of "Zombie Daoist", an unknown young man said something similar, and then this young man wrote the hit drama "I Have a Date with a Zombie".

Thinking of this, Li Zhu's expression changed: "Okay, I'll give you a chance. This is the script, and there is a martial art called 'Xuanxin Mysterious Jue' in it. You will be given two days to design the 'Xuanxin Mysterious Jue' within two days." Actions."

Fang Nan didn't accept the script: "It won't take two days, it will be done now."

Li Zhu frowned and said, "Think it over, if you fail once, there will be no next time."

Fang Nan nodded: "Think about it."

Seeing his serious face, Li Zhu had no choice but to say, "Wait a minute, I'll take the camera."

After getting the camera, Li Zhu signaled to start, and Fang Nan swayed one after another. He made a dozen still movements in a row, and finally he made a whole set of coherent movements.

Wu Jing was stunned, Fang Nan knew after reading the script.

But he didn't dare to imagine that Fang Nan had designed such a delicate and artificial set of movements that looked so embarrassing in just a short while.

(End of this chapter)

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