literary world

Chapter 461 Old Swan, Fang Nan's Gold Content

Chapter 461 Old Swan, Fang Nan's Gold Content

In the winter night, the flash of the camera was at its maximum effect, and it was as dazzling as daylight, forcing Fang Nan and his party to squint their eyes.

Looking at this photo on twitter.

Anna, Fang Nan's old and die-hard movie fan, was a little excited.

The private viewing group of "Interstellar" is too good, and the lineup can be described as unprecedentedly luxurious.

Famous director Ang Lee.

Oscar-winning film director Steve McQueen for 12 Years a Slave.

Director Edgar Wright.

"Brokeback Mountain" actor Jake Gyllenhaal.

Billionaire Ronald Perelman.

Famous astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson, angel investor Andy Weissman.

Warner Bros. Pictures producer Kevin Morris et al.

Musk, CEO of Tesla and Space Exploration.

With such a luxurious lineup of moviegoing groups, bringing together investors, producers, directors, actors and other elites from all walks of life, it is absolutely possible to make a new giant sci-fi movie, and only Fang Nan's "Interstellar" can attract so many people. The celebrities can't wait to watch the movie in advance.

Not only Anna.

On the eve of the release of "Interstellar", seeing so many big names and celebrities openly supporting Fang Nan and supporting "Interstellar", many movie fans around the world expressed their gratitude to Fang Nan.

Only Fang Nan's sci-fi movies can be confident enough that they don't need to be screened in advance.

Even if a group of bigwigs want to watch the movie in advance, they have to join his circle of friends, and they can only do so during the time before the release.

But it's not surprising that "Interstellar" has this treatment.

After all, Fang Nan has repeatedly promised in front of the media and the public that he will not make any more sci-fi movies in the next 5-10 days, and "Interstellar" is the last sci-fi movie in recent years.

Netizens who were waiting for the movie group to update their twitter thought in a daze.

Not long after, Musk, Ang Lee, and the director of "12 Years a Slave" all tweeted.

"I didn't understand some parts, but I was very shocked. I will study it carefully when the movie comes out." Ang Lee.

Jake Gyllenhaal: "Shocking, it's rare to see a sci-fi movie that achieves the ultimate in horror, plot, picture, technology, human emotion, and soundtrack. Director Fang Nan can still make people watch even if he makes a sci-fi movie. out of growth."

Musk: "The best space sci-fi director in Hollywood, remember! There is no one, there is no one, Fang is too busy, otherwise I will drink and chat with this partner until dawn, he has too many geniuses in his mind idea."

"Also, I would say, 'Fang, you really should double as a space exploration theorist.'"

Famous astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Words can't describe how much I love the movie "Interstellar" because it combines entertainment and knowledge. I believe that physicists and astronomers all over the world We're going to love Interstellar."

In front of the computer and mobile phone, Fang Nan's fans panicked.

Damn it, everyone was blowing too hard. If "Interstellar" premiered tomorrow, Fang Nan would be blown to death.

Good thing it's going to be late at night.

Otherwise, fans who love sci-fi movies and especially love Fang Nan might drive into town overnight to go to the cinema to support Fang Nan.

That night, countless people tossed and turned sleeplessly.

Fang Nan's fan, the front and backstage staff of the "Interstellar" team.

Fang Nan didn't sleep either.

When he returned to the hotel and just lay down, Liu Xiaoli called. Liu Qianqian was in severe pain today, and she might be about to give birth.

In ancient times, giving birth to a woman was equivalent to walking through the gate of hell. Although modern technology is advanced, Liu Qianqian is pregnant with twins after all.

Sitting at a desk and dozing until the wee hours of the morning.

Fang Nan was woken up by a series of rapid ringtones, and Mama Liu's voice came over, her joy stretched all the way to her throat.

"On November 2014th, 11 at 5pm Singapore time, Sissy gave birth to a pair of twins at home. The mother and baby are all well!"

Fang Nan looked at his watch, which meant that Liu Qianqian gave birth an hour ago.

But these are not important, the important thing is that the Fang family has added a new member, no matter what, this is a good thing.

Liu Qianqian was resting, and the two of them couldn't communicate for a while. Fang Nan asked some more details, and all the inquiries about what he needed were rejected by Liu Ma, so he had to scratch his head and hang up the phone.

After a short break, Alex knocked on the door to wake Fang Nan up. The painting of "Interstellar" started at [-] o'clock in the morning, and the group of them would participate in several road shows.

The so-called film road show refers to the commercial activities in which the main creative members of the film interact with the audience and the media in public places before and after the release of the film to publicize and promote the film.

Movie roadshow venues are generally chosen in cinemas, theaters, activity centers of large shopping malls, local auditoriums or stadiums.

Of course, roadshows are generally aimed at the big cast lineup.

Directors and actors have a certain number of fans.

Alex, the person in charge of the publicity team, arranged for Fang Nan, Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey, Jessica Chastain and others to be the largest movie theater of AMC Cinemas in Manhattan.

When Fang Nan and the others arrived, the whole movie theater was already full of people.

People of all skin colors are intertwined for nothing but "Interstellar", the influence of Fang Nan, Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and others can be seen.

But when Fang Nan stood on the stage, it was obvious that the roar was louder, he was the undisputed king here.

"The filming of "Interstellar" was a pleasant journey, and I saw the aurora while filming in Iceland."

After Fang Nan answered fans' questions about whether "Interstellar" was a good film, the actors quit.

Matthew and Annie jumped out and broke the news about how difficult the environment was to refute Fang Nan.

"Ohmygod, when I was filming the water scene in Iceland, because the spacesuit got into the water, I thought I was going to freeze to death. Fortunately, the director and the crew were well prepared."

Matthew: "After watching the movie, everyone will understand that this is a difficult journey. You don't know how big the end of the world scene the director created in Canada. I was almost suffocated by the dust."

"So, Fang, the crew has such a big difference, how did you get Matthew and Annie to obey you?" Anna asked with a smile in the crowd.

Fang Nan looked disdainful: "Have you all forgotten that I know kung fu?"

At the same time, Matthew, Annie, Jessica and other actors pushed each other to keep a distance from Fang Nan.

This scene made the audience laugh out loud.

Foreigners pay attention to love and family in everything they do, so the loving crew of "Interstellar" is naturally very popular.

After interacting for about 40 minutes, the person in charge of the theater organized fans to enter the venue. After everything was settled, Fang Nan and the others sat in the largest cinema hall.

What people didn't expect was that the group of people just watched the movie's pre-roll advertisement for 10 minutes, which made Fang Nan feel uncomfortable all over.

Because he is popular, the practice of consuming him to death is disgusting.

The most important thing is that he sells a few toys, and Wang Yida also charges showcase fees and storage fees, which is very boring.

When Fang Nan talked about Wang Yida's lack of meaning, the big screen finally went dark, and the sound of the scene became quieter.


Warner Bros. Pictures
promote movie
Tang Tang Film and Television
China Film
"My father used to be a farmer. Of course, everyone would be a farmer then."

"Interstellar" opens with a wrinkled old lady, everyone knows it, and the director opens with memories.

With the end of the voiceover, a spacecraft that looks like a spaceship or a fighter plane appeared in front of everyone. Two men on it were arguing. Before the audience could understand, the hero played by Matthew woke up from the bed.

Feature film begins.

From the perspective of this rough guy, the audience begins to see various changes on the earth.

Then after just a few minutes, he sucked in a breath of cold air.

What they saw was not a horror plot, but corn that could not be seen at a glance.

The corn is as tall as an adult, lush and lush, and stretches endlessly.

This shot is just one word - super beautiful!
The beautiful and large-scale cornfield is extremely healing.

After the corn shot, the director spent 10 minutes introducing the Cooper family. At No. 17 minutes, the bland shot disappeared, and in exchange for Fang Nan's imagined doomsday scene.

The gust of wind whips up everything that can be rolled up and rushes towards humans.

The audience in the theater was excited. Sci-fi films need a little logic, but what they need more is big scenes and breathtaking visual effects.

Watching Fang Nan's "The Martian", what I see is a little bit of logic.

Watching "Gravity" and "The Wandering Earth" is about visual effects, plus humanistic care.

When it's the turn of "Interstellar", all senior sci-fi fans are looking forward to Fang Nan's ability to combine logic and visual effects. At present, the visual effects have already been leveraged, and it depends on the logic afterward.

But soon, many movie fans became a little confused.

This is not a question of logic or illogicality, but too logical, and the logic is somewhat incomprehensible.

Many scientific terms are involved in the movie, which makes many viewers who are not prepared in advance watch it as if they are in the fog.

But it doesn't matter, after reading it, go home and supplement your knowledge, and then read it a second time.

Many people have raised the idea of ​​a second brush.

With this in mind, many people now start to focus on the visual effects and plot.

The plot of "Interstellar" is easy to understand, the doomsday crisis, the hero saves mankind, this plot is too familiar.

Look at the special effects again.


Looking at the huge waves like a city wall, the audience in the theater all opened their mouths in horror.

Just now everyone had the same idea with the characters played by Anne Hathaway and Yuan Hong. On the river surface, there is a city wall in the distance, and they are wondering that the director has arranged for aliens.

However, that is not a city wall, but a wave, a huge wave whose height cannot be seen at a glance.

At this moment, all the spectators wearing 3D glasses were all amazed, shocked, and unconsciously raised their heads to look at the huge waves soaring down into the sky.

The majestic soundtrack and terrifying waves stimulate everyone's senses.

Including Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Yuan Hong and other actors.

Jessica Chastain is okay, he and Fang Nan have worked together in "The Martian", and he knows that the seemingly ordinary shots taken by the director will turn decay into magic.

Matthew and Annie, Yuan Hong is not far behind.

I have never made any sci-fi blockbusters, especially space sci-fi films.

Therefore, it was a shock to see how ordinary airport shots in Iceland have been added with visual effects to create such a scene.

This is the charm of science fiction and technology.

The five-dimensional space and black hole theory made the audience a little confused.

But when the movie showed the words "Fang Nan's Works", the audience still applauded excitedly or regretfully.

After watching the movie, it is not easy to understand, but it does not prevent "Interstellar" from being a good movie, in terms of plot, soundtrack, and actors' performance.

And in terms of grand scenes, it is a rare good work.

Fang Nan spent nearly 3 hours giving sci-fi fans around the world an extreme experience, which is a perfect way to say goodbye.

"Hollywood Reporter" film critic Alberian:
I read it the first time, but I didn’t understand it. I went home and checked the information, and contacted some friends who were engaged in physics research. I was filled with emotion. Fang Nan’s "Interstellar" combined all the elements of his previous science fiction masterpieces.

Miraculously, the director's blend is very good.

Visual effects, humanity, rescue, soundtrack, "Interstellar" is so perfect.

"Variety Show":
The best movie of 2014, another milestone movie of space sci-fi movies, "Interstellar" can definitely be selected into the ranks of the TOP100 movies in the world.

The Cooper family.
Fang Nan returned to the hotel after a day of running the road show. Kevin from Warner Bros. Pictures was already waiting at the hotel, and he gave him a hug when he came up, "Fang, you've worked hard."

Fang Nan disgustedly pushed away the Japanese president who always had shiny hair anytime, anywhere.

This guy is short, and he always hugs Fang Nan on his waist, which is very disgusting.

"What's the good news? You came to the hotel specially."

"The word of mouth and public opinion of "Interstellar" is very good! Although I don't know how much box office it got, but I think it will not be bad. After all, this is a movie directed by Fang Nan, and it is also the last space sci-fi movie."

Fang Nan wiped his face with a hot towel, and said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, I just stopped filming for the time being, it's not the last sci-fi movie in my life, if you have nothing to do, go back, I have to rest."

"Okay, okay, go to bed early, tomorrow I have to fly to Europe, and then Asia." Kevin exited the room with a flattering expression.

"If "Interstellar" is successful, this guy will be promoted, and he should be transferred to the Warner headquarters as a vice president." Alex told Fang Nan.

"No wonder he took good care of us. Regardless of him, let everyone go to bed early. There is still work to do."

The next day.

Fang Nan woke up and on the way to the airport, one piece of good news came one after another.

First of all, since "Interstellar" was released in North America 24 hours ago, word of mouth has not only not collapsed, but has exploded in an all-round way.

After indb and Rotten Tomatoes scored, "Interstellar" scored a high score of 9 points on indb.

This concept is second only to "The Shawshank Redemption" that fans around the world regret.

On Rotten Tomatoes, the freshness of "Interstellar" is as high as 98%, another near-perfect score.

Other than that.

Because many movie fans hinted that because "Interstellar" has a theoretical basis provided by a Nobel Prize winner in physics, don't expect to be able to understand it once, which makes many movie fans watch the movie twice and three times in one day.

This group of movie fans abruptly played "Interstellar" as a game for understanding fans.

Then, on the first day of "Interstellar", on Wednesday, a shocking box office number broke out.

The box office hit $5300 million on its first day on Wednesday.

Old swans, Christmas isn't here yet, and it's a working day in North America.

Anyone who realizes this concept is dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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