literary world

Chapter 462 The global box office is 6 million US dollars, a phenomenal movie

Chapter 462 The global box office is [-] million US dollars, a phenomenal movie
Whether a director is popular or not, whether he is well-known internationally depends on two aspects.

1: Whether there are enough movie fans, and whether there are a lot of responses.

2: The attitude of distributors and theaters towards directors.

Fang Nan vividly explained these two points.

The fourth space sci-fi film "Interstellar" in his directorial career is about to open its premiere in Europe.

Warner, the film's global distributor, and theaters in Europe and the UK held a grand premiere ceremony for "Interstellar".

The venue for the premiere is Leicester Square, London.

Leicester Square not only has a long history and is close to the subway station, but also has the largest cinema in the UK and multiple facades on the square, with a huge flow of people.

Therefore, a large number of police cars and a large number of police forces are distributed around the square.

It can be seen that Daiying, the publisher, and the theaters attach great importance to Fangnan and his party and "Interstellar".

When Fang Nan, Matthew, Anne Hathaway and others rushed to the scene within seconds, the entire square was already crowded with people.

The organizer prepared a wide and long blue red carpet for them, and the two sides of the basket were full of media reporters.

The flash is blinding.

According to the organizer's arrangement, Anne Hathaway, who had changed in the car, stepped on the red carpet first.

She wore a silver Wes Gordon 2015 spring and summer dress that night, and her long and white legs caused countless fans to scream.

The excitement of fans and movie fans continued. Matthew McConaughey and Jessica Chastain showed up, and Jessica's big pink halter dress brought the screams to another climax.

And McKenzie Foy, the actor who played Fang Nan and the young actor Murphy, appeared on the stage.

The atmosphere in the square reached its maximum value in an instant.

Fang Nan was not a pioneer in the field of science fiction films.

He did not develop the space science fiction movie "Star Wars" like George Lucas.

But his appearance brought space sci-fi movies to a new milestone, becoming more diverse and dazzling.

Therefore, young people who are obsessed with science fiction, space-themed novels, and movies all regard Fang Nan as the true god among space science fiction directors.

The shouts and roars followed Fang Nan and the two into the cinema.

But before everyone took a breather, the famous British physicist Stephen William Hawking and American physicist Kip Thorne appeared one after another.

Knowing the identities of the two, the fans in the square couldn't help but gasp.

After watching "Interstellar", North American audiences have posted on social software that the movie is very good, but it is a bit difficult to understand.

When the news spread to Europe, European movie fans couldn't help ridiculing that North American movie fans are only suitable for watching mindless blockbusters such as Marvel, and don't know how to appreciate movies with connotations.

How difficult can a sci-fi movie be?

Space sci-fi movies do require a certain logic, and there is indeed a certain threshold for viewing movies.

But movies are still movies, and directors can't use movies to popularize physics knowledge. Many Europeans are upset.

Think North American fans are making a fuss over a molehill.

But now seeing the famous physicist Stephen Hawking being attracted to attend the premiere of "Interstellar", British movie fans can't help beating their hearts.

What kind of space sci-fi movie did Fang Nan make?
The appearance of the two physicists directly overwhelmed the relationship between Fang Nan and "Interstellar".

At the premiere, director Fang Nan had a lively chat with two physicists and movie fans.

He doesn't know much about physics, but he has rich experience in directing space sci-fi themes. Even through reading scripts, he has learned a lot of theories over the years.

So everyone had a good chat.

Two physicists were full of praise for his "profound" space theory.

They complimented each other, took photos together, and frequently went to the cinema to support "Interstellar".

The premiere of "Interstellar" should be over, and a flood of people poured into the cinema.

Fang Nan and his party flew to France again.

at the same time.

"Interstellar" has been released in North America for the third day.

three days.

After the $5300 million box office on its first day on Wednesday shocked many people, "Interstellar" continued to lead the single-day box office list on Thursday and Friday.

With 3200 million and 3100 million US dollars in a single day respectively, "Interstellar" easily broke into the North American box office club of [-] million yuan.

And when Fang Nan and his team finished their road show in France and set off for other European countries, "Interstellar" made another history.

On the fourth day of its release in North America, the box office rose instead of falling on Saturday, and the strong counterattack once again won a single-day box office of 5500 million US dollars.

Hollywood studios, producers, and filmmakers were all astonished.

"Interstellar" had a predictable rebound at the Saturday off-day box office.

After all, the movie has only been released for three days.

But the box office rebound they think is not a rebound and surpassing the box office on the first day, but compared to the previous day, that is, the box office on Friday.

It's rare to see a film that has come off such an inexplicable box office curve as "Interstellar."

Generally speaking, either small-budget films were unknown at first, and then rebounded at the box office due to word-of-mouth.

Either it is "Titanic" or "Avatar", which is a global blockbuster movie with no rules at the box office.

Fang Nan! ! !

At this moment, countless people are silently chanting this name.

When the director first came to Hollywood with "Parasite," Hollywood thought he was a thoughtful, lucky young director.

Dang Fangnan's projects such as "The Martian" and "The Hunger Games" have been successful one after another.

Hollywood recognized the young business leader.

but now.

It doesn't matter whether it's a big Hollywood company, a producer, a director, or an actor, but they have to admit that when they just set up an upper line for Fang Nan, this guy will easily break through the upper line.

There seemed to be no professional barriers in his directing career in the first half of his life.

Moreover, his desire to create is extremely strong.

"If the North American box office of "Interstellar" exceeds 4 million U.S. dollars and the global box office exceeds 8 million U.S. dollars, we can use the shares of Warner Pictures to replace the shares of MGM. If we are more ruthless, even Chuanyang Films will also be acquired and become a subsidiary of Warner Bros. company, so as to strengthen the in-depth cooperation with Fang Nan."

"Everyone, please think about it carefully. Fang Nan will only be 36 years old after Christmas. Even if he retires at 60, he still has 24 years of prime time."

"Not surprisingly, he will definitely become the most box office-earning director in the world, and his career box office will definitely exceed that of old directors such as James Cameron, George Lucas, and Steven Spielberg."

On the Warner Group's board of directors, Kevin, who has been confirmed to enter the group's management, talked endlessly.

"As far as I know, Fang Nan wants to return to feature films." A well-informed director said.

Kevin retorted: "Steven did not hesitate to give up directing "Jurassic" in order to make high-minded feature films, but it did not prevent him from stepping up to "Transformers" and "Jurassic" when the company's stock price fell. as a producer."

"After the Asian premiere of "Interstellar". Kevin, you have to talk to Fang Nan in person, and you must guarantee this fate no matter what."

Warner was willing to sacrifice because of Fang Nan's "Interstellar".

Major companies such as Disney and Universal are also considering equity swaps with MGM and mergers and acquisitions of Chuanyang Films.

Even the second-tier companies Legendary Pictures and Lionsgate Pictures have also moved a lot of thought.

The integration of their needs is a deeper cooperation.

But Fang Nan will be too tired to deal with these people.

"Interstellar" has been widely released in Europe, and the group of them have more cities for roadshows.

Tired, but also happy.

In North America and in Europe, "Interstellar" did not pull the hips at the box office.

The movie grossed $18 million within 3000 hours of its release in Europe.

European mainstream media exclaimed, "Fang Nan is here to steal money again."

"Every time Fang Nan comes, Europe will usher in a bloodbath!"

But to Fang Nan's surprise, compared with North American audiences watching "Interstellar" to learn knowledge, most European audiences don't care much about the logical issues in the movie.

On the contrary, the relationship between father and daughter is talked about.

Many mainstream media in Europe have said:

[What touches the audience most is the father-daughter relationship between Matthew McConaughey and his daughter "Murphy". The "things" left by the father to his daughter carry not only time, but also endless love. 】

[The greatest thing about a sci-fi film is to present the emotional temperature through a rational perspective! 】

Faced with such comments, Fang Nan could only scratch his head and say that Europeans are really literary and artistic!
Fortunately, the word-of-mouth and box office of the film in Europe are excellent.

Several box office data websites raised the European box office to $2 million.

Many European media called out another phenomenal movie.

At this moment, "Interstellar" has already won a big victory in North America.

"Interstellar" North America's first week at the box office was 2.3 million, successfully topping the box office for the week.

The impressive results are inseparable from the audience's terrifying self-promotion.

When Fang Nan flew from Europe to China, the discussion of "Interstellar" had already occupied social media across the United States.

Almost all the top topics on Twitter, Youtube, Douyin, and Facebook are related to "Interstellar" and Fang Nan.

The hot discussion among netizens on social media was reflected on the North American scoring website indb, and nearly 10 people rated "Interstellar" in a week.

Outrageously, nearly 10 people gave "Interstellar" a score of 8.8.

8.8 points is an extremely remarkable result.

In the top250 list of indb movie reviews, "Interstellar" with a score of 8.8 means that it has entered the top ten.

The eight films above it rated from high to low are "The Shawshank Redemption", "The Godfather 1", "The Dark Knight Rises of Batman", "The Godfather 2", "12 Angry Men", "Sin Dele's List", "Lord of the Rings: The King and the King", "Pulp Fiction".

Each of the eight films is a popular work.

It is regarded as a classic by filmmakers all over the world.

However, the next one is "Interstellar", which is still in theaters with a score of 8.8.

And there are four movies with the same 8.8 points as "Interstellar", namely "Lord of the Rings 1", "A Fistful of Gold", "Forrest Gump", and "Fight Club".

The same department is classic.

Therefore, when Fang Nan found out that "Interstellar" entered the top ten of ondbtop250, he was surprised.

You know, another drama film "Parasite" directed by him is also well-known. It has won more than 200 honors around the world, and the awards are soft, including Cannes, Golden Globes and Oscars.

But it is only ranked 35 on indb, with a score of 8.5.

His "Gravity" broke through 7 million US dollars at the global box office. Many people liked it and had a good reputation, but it couldn't make it to the top 250.

Comparing the two, we can see how good the reputation of "Interstellar" is in North America and Europe, and how many people like it.

But there's definitely an emotional element to it.

One director is Fang Nan.

Another thing is that Fang Nan didn't want to make space sci-fi films anymore, so many fans unconsciously pushed up the rating of "Interstellar".

This is not uncommon. Fans of "Shawshank's Redemption" and "The Godfather" fans competed for the top spot, and the phenomenon of randomly swiping points even forced the website to lock points.

The word-of-mouth and box office of "Interstellar" exploded in North America and Europe.

The press releases of the mainstream media in various countries have been quietly changed to 32 national phenomenal films.

Wait for Fang Nan and his party to fly to the capital.

"Interstellar" has grossed nearly $3.5 million.

At the same time, a new issue of Time Magazine Global Issue was released.

The cover of the magazine is a group photo of Fang Nan, Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey and Jessica Chastain.

All four of them are dressed in black suits, with Fangnan sitting on a high stool, Anne Hathaway standing beside Fangnan, Jessica Chastain behind Fangnan, and finally Matthew McConaughey.

Cover caption: Time.

time in the movie.

Fang Nan's young and long career as a director.

Time for movies to earn box office.

Fang Nan and his group didn't have time to read any magazines. Huaxia is too big and the cities are closely connected. Their schedules are too full.

And speaking of Warner attaching so much importance to the Chinese market.

I also have to mention Fang Nan's influence in China.

In foreign countries, wherever the propaganda team went, they were surprised by the crowds.

But in China, Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and others have truly seen what a real sea of ​​people is.

Here, Fang Nan is even a superstar than a superstar, no matter how bad his movie is, it will have a box office of hundreds of millions of RMB.

If the quality is better and the word-of-mouth is better, there will be a magical scene on him.

For example, China's box office surpasses that of North America.

Back then, "The Wandering Earth" had a box office of more than 20 billion yuan, but it scared many people.

In the true sense, the whole people watch movies, the kind that many people watch three or four times.

Knowing this situation, Warner Bros. and China Film Group invested heavily in increasing Huaxia's publicity expenses.

"Interstellar" also lived up to expectations. The box office of the film was 7000 million yuan on the first day, and it broke 2 million yuan in three days.

On Saturday and Sunday, the drop in the box office was as small as less than 3%. The box office of the film was 5 million yuan in 3.5 days after its release, which shocked several film and television companies such as Huayi and Bona.

"Interstellar" was released on the 12th, with 5 million in 3.5 days. Judging from the box office trend, the speed of the movie's box office may not stop even when it comes to Christmas.

Although there are no Christmas stalls in China.

But many second-rate productions will avoid the later Lunar New Year files and seize the so-called Christmas schedule. The appearance of the box office bulldozer "Interstellar" is a headache for them.

Everyone knows that "Interstellar" was released on this timeline.

Based on the principle of avoiding Fang Nan as much as possible, the big guys followed the unwarranted rules for two weeks, and then Fang Nan and his "Interstellar" did not talk about martial arts.


Bona Yudong, Huayi Wang Family Brothers, Guangguang Wang Changtian and other bosses couldn't help scolding Fang Nan in their hearts.

Not only them, but film and television companies in most Asian countries are more or less abusing Fang Nan.

But the most scolding is the kimchi country.

No one expected, including no one, that "Interstellar" would become popular in Kimchi Country in an instant. The number of viewers in five days exceeded 500 million. Depending on the situation, the final box office would even be second only to Huaxia.

"Interstellar" has never done more at the box office in any single market in Europe.

I have to say, this was a big surprise.

After Kimchi Nation jumped out and pushed the global box office of "Interstellar" to US$6 million, the publicity team was ready to fly to Kimchi Nation for a road show.

But there are gains and losses.

"Interstellar" was cold in Japan, with only $80 at the box office on its first day.

Fang Nan fell flat when he got the news.

Japanese young people have been interested in manga for a long time now, and no one can do anything about it.

Unless he has studied Japanese animation films deeply and made films such as "Godzilla" and "Ultraman", whether the film's box office in Japan is good or bad depends entirely on luck.

(End of this chapter)

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