literary world

Chapter 61 Yan Hong

Chapter 61 Yan Hong
"Boss, how much is this guitar?"

The owner of the guitar shop glanced at the young man wrapped in a green coat and twisting a broken travel bag, and frowned slightly: "This is a full-body guitar with a spruce veneer."

Fang Nan was unhappy: "Just say how much it is."

It's not the first time he bought a guitar. Although it's just his hobby, he understands a little bit.

After buying a spruce solid-board guitar for 300 yuan, Fang Nan walked out of the guitar shop with a bag. Looking around on the street, Fang Nan put up his fur collar and walked up to the land belonging to Chaoyang against the wind and snow.

The BJCBD of the later generations is now full of tower cranes, and it looks like a giant in the wind and snow.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Fang Nan finally found a small hotel named 'Ruyi' by the side of an alley.

"Boss, how much is a room for one night?"


"So expensive? I just came to that community, and the one-bedroom house is only 1200 yuan a month!"

"This is a hotel!"

Fang Nan: "I will rent it for two months."

The fat boss was taken aback, "Are you also renting for Chinese New Year?"

"Isn't that right? How about 1000 a month?"

The boss stretched his body: "Pay one month's rent first."

Carrying a guitar, carrying a bag and slipping into the room, what comes into view is still a bed, a bathroom, a TV, a bedside table and nothing else.

It was this familiar scene again, Fang Nan couldn't help scratching his head, thinking of buying a house anyway.

Putting down the bag on the bed, he took out the notebook and threw it on the bed, Fang Nan picked up the guitar.

He came back to BJ instead of Hengdian, what he wanted was to find a quiet place, write out all the songs he could think of, register them, and then go to 'that bar' to toss about.

If it's not the end of the year, he's afraid he won't have time to do it.

Furthermore, many of the songs are from the last two or three years. He is afraid of crashing.

Five songs "Always Quiet", "Fireworks Are Cold", "Once Upon a Time", "Blue and White Porcelain", and "Dongfeng Po" were registered by him last year, and the lyrics and music for the five songs cost him 500 yuan.

"Blue Lotus" was not thought of last year, and was preempted by Xu Wei.


Looking at the pages in the notebook that looked like ghostly symbols, Fang Nan took out a pen and began to brush.

After a while, he wrote two songs, "In the Spring" and "B**J".

During the period, if he was not sure about the tune, he held the guitar and played it slowly, doing the reverse of the equation.

After all, this guy knows the result, knows what the song is like, and is good at cheating.

That's not enough, he pushed the song backwards while muttering, "Damn, the surname Wang still wants to squeeze my wool, see if I don't make you cry."

Another hour later, Fang Nan plucked the wool onto Xiao Gang's body, and "Blue and White" and "Winter's Secret" were completed overnight.

Not counting the lyrics for a few songs, Fang Nan racked his brains to compose "Decent", "Sorrow", "Father", "Exaggeration", "Snow on the Broken Bridge", "Moon in Luzhou", " Qingming Rain", "He Doesn't Understand", "Ordinary Road", "Love Song of the West Sea".

He will be completely crazy now, and he is going to have a big explosion, so he can save his brain later.

I can't remember it in China, this guy has written two English songs, one is called "i am you" and the other is "We Are Young". Wrote "star Sky".

The night passed without knowing it, and when Fang Nan looked up again, it was already a vast expanse of whiteness outside.

Throwing away his notebook and guitar, Fang Nan slept until mid-afternoon. After waking up, he went out to eat something hastily, and continued playing the tune.

It was so exhausting and exhausting, until there were still 20 days left, which was the first day of the Chinese New Year in 2003, before he packed his things and went straight to Jimen Bridge.

"You all?"

Jimen Bridge's music copyright registration staff saw Fang Nan take out a thick stack of A4 papers, and couldn't help being stunned. He had been sitting here for several years, and this was the first time he saw so many copyrights registered.

Fang Nan opened his eyes and talked nonsense: "That's not true. I have saved manuscripts for many years, and there are still a bunch of them at home that I haven't brought."

His so-called home actually means that he still has some salivary songs in his mind.

"How many songs do you have?"

"Including the last piece of pure music, there are a total of [-] pieces."

The staff froze for a moment, then ran out in a hurry, and came back with an extra calculator in hand, "Fifty words, eighty songs, register together?" the staff asked Fang Nandao.

"Yes, I registered with you last time."

"Registration together is 100 yuan a song."

"I know, you do the math."

"Didi, it's zero, it's zero." The staff pressed the calculator, and Fang Nan felt that this person was stupid. He still used a calculator?
"1680 yuan, I will invoice you, after paying the money, go back and wait for news, it will take a month."

After resolving the copyright issue, Fang Nan breathed a sigh of relief. In the next few years, he won't have to worry about writing songs anymore. These 22 songs alone are enough for him to eat for a lifetime. What he should do now is to release the songs.

After beckoning a taxi back to Ruyi Hotel, Fang Nan went downstairs with his guitar on his back.

"Fang Nan, South?"

At the entrance of 'that bar', Yan Hong talked to Fang Nan and then to Nan, Fang Nan was very annoyed, son of a bitch, this is too disrespectful!
Under Fang Nan's malicious gaze, Yan Hong covered her mouth with her left hand and smiled for a while, then stretched out her right hand and said, "Don't be angry, I just think it's fun to pass your name around as Nan."

"Ah? Is there such a thing?"

Fang Nan felt miraculous, with just one song, could he really spread his name?

As for what to say, it doesn't matter, he doesn't plan to be famous with his songs at all, he doesn't like to stay under the spotlight and force his smile, just make money silently.

"Don't underestimate the power of our bar, we often have singers here."

After she said something charmingly, Yan Hong said again: "It's still very noisy inside now, you go to my office for a meeting first, I'll make arrangements for you."

"Well, it's really cold outside."

After agreeing, Fang Nan followed Yan Hong upstairs, turned around and entered a small office. As soon as he opened the door, Fang Nan couldn't help being startled. Yan Hong's office looked like it had been stained with blood, and it was all red.

Red desk, red chair, sofa, red wardrobe, even the pens on the desk are red.

"Does this Yan Hong have obsessive-compulsive disorder or is she sick? Everything in the office is all red!" Fang Nan muttered.

The two of them sat on the sofa, Yan Hong turned her body to one side, her thighs turned up, and she stared at Fang Nan in a daze. The red high-heeled shoes made Fang Nan feel tired for a while, "Is there a new song this time?" Yan Hong said.

Fang Nan withdrew his gaze: "If there is no new song, I won't come."

"Can I listen first?" Yan Hong exhaled like blue.

Fang Nan: "Once I'm on stage, you'll hear it naturally."

Yan Hong smiled: "Okay then, wait a minute, I'll make a phone call."

Not long after Yan Hong put down the phone, Fang Nan obviously felt that the voice upstairs was much quieter, so he said "thank you", and he walked out of the office with his guitar on his back. Yan Hong's office was quite uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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