Chapter 62

Snowflakes were flying all over the sky under the dim street lights. In the snowstorm, countless fans looked forward to the Marriott Business Hotel not far away.

It was brightly lit.

It was like warm spring there.

"Miss Zhao, I have a product here and I want to ask Ms. Gao to promote it. I don't know if Ms. Gao is free tonight. Let's sit down and talk."

"Uh, I can't make the decision on this, it has to be approved by the company and the artist. I don't know which product Mr. Li is referring to?"

"washing powder!"

While the balding middle-aged man was talking to Gao Yuanyuan's manager, he greedily glanced at Gao Yuanyuan who was sitting quietly not far away.

"I don't know which brand of washing powder it is?"

"Why do you ask so many questions? I just ask you 3 yuan. Tonight, arrange for me to sit down with Gao Yuanyuan and talk about your ideals in life, okay?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Li, an artist under Starlight"

"Bullshit." After cursing, the bald middle-aged man threw off Gao Yuanyuan's manager, Zhao Qin, and walked towards Gao Yuanyuan holding a glass.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Li."

Zhao Qin, who was caught off guard, yelled, but the other party didn't stop at all, so she had no choice but to kick her heels and follow her.

There are a lot of bosses in the entertainment circle who are obsessed with female stars, and there are experienced female stars who are not only free, but also reap benefits.

There are more actresses who made a lot of money in Chunfeng.

However, Gao Yuanyuan is not one of the two. This girl doesn't care whether you have money or not, but whether you have the right appetite. The bald Mr. Li is obviously not enough.

What's more important is that this girl Gao Yuanyuan has a previous record of throwing alcohol.

Thinking of this, Zhao Qin hurried to get in between the bald middle-aged man and Gao Yuanyuan.

At this time, Gao Yuanyuan was already humming, and said with disdain: "Who are you, what ideals are you talking about? Not interested!"

Zhao Qin's heart went cold, and she said "it's broken".

Not to mention the cannibalistic entertainment circle, no circle can speak like that, those who dare to speak like that are already at the top of the industry.

Or they are typical people who have not been beaten by society.

Looking at the bald middle-aged man whose face was instantly blushing, Zhao Qin just wanted to make amends when a vice president of the producer of "Yitian" stepped forward and pulled the middle-aged man away.

The two left in a hurry, Gao Yuanyuan said to Zhao Qin with a frustrated face: "Sister Zhao, I want to go."

Recently, she first followed Su Youpeng and others to do promotion in Taiwan, and then traveled to more than ten cities in the Mainland, exhaustion is inevitable.

But what really chills her is that wherever she goes, there are always some very self-respecting people who come out to show their hospitality, and there are quite a few straightforward ones like the bald middle-aged man just now, which makes her feel exhausted to deal with.

"Let's wait until it's over." After Zhao Qin breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Gao Yuanyuan's face turned ugly, she couldn't help asking, "What's wrong, are you sick?"

"No, I'm just not used to it!" Gao Yuanyuan put on a khaki trench coat.

Zhao Qin's tone was stagnant, and she looked carefully at the tired Gao Yuanyuan, and said earnestly: "You will get used to it, you used to make underground movies, let alone show them, you didn't even have a publicity, and you haven't dealt with people much. , when it becomes popular in the future, if you participate in more occasions like this, it will get better gradually.”

Gao Yuanyuan pursed her lips and nodded.

The most popular artist under him had a problem with his mentality. Zhao Qin didn't dare to run around to find a relationship, and sat silently with him until the reception of "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji" came to an end, and then took Gao Yuanyuan and all the big shots in the hall to say goodbye.

The moment she walked through the revolving door, Zhao Qin said to Gao Yuanyuan next to her, "There are media reporters outside, and there are many fans of Su Youpeng. Don't be so cold."

"it is good."

After saying "OK", Gao Yuanyuan brushed up her long hair, straightened her khaki windbreaker, and stepped through the revolving door with her black high-heeled shoes.

At the moment of reappearing, all the unhappiness just now remained in the revolving door that revealed various bizarre life postures.

"Su Youpeng"

In the ice and snow, fans roared over, the spotlight was extremely dazzling, and after wasting a few films from the media reporters with a bright smile, Gao Yuanyuan got into the black commercial vehicle.

This is not the first time for her to appear on the stage with such a stiff smile, and after this trip to publicize, she has already practiced at a high level.

Staying away from the crowd, Gao Yuanyuan insisted on getting out of the car, kicking the white snow all the way forward silently, Zhao Qin in the car couldn't sit still, there was nothing he could do.

After Gao Yuanyuan performed Zhang Yang's "Spicy Tang", she has been with her all the time, knowing that this girl is a bit hypocritical, a bit literary, a bit sentimental, and lacks the ruthlessness that an actress should have.

With such a character, it's okay to be in the minority literary and artistic circles. For young literary and artistic women, it's wrong not to be literary and artistic, so they should be coy.

What is money, money is a bastard.

But with the appearance of Zhou Zhiruo in "Yi Tian", Zhao Qin felt that Gao Yuanyuan's going on like this would definitely not work, and he would not go for long. The entertainment industry has no relatives, no reason, and is far away from the management and boss. Who will praise you? .

Unless Gao Yuanyuan doesn't want to make money, give up the current fire situation, and return to the embrace of underground movies.

Zhao Qin was lamenting, Gao Yuanyuan knocked on the car window, "Sister Qin, come have a drink with me."

Zhao Qin didn't know if she thought about it or not, whether she passed this level or not, she could only nod her head and smiled and said, "Let's go, anyway, I'm free during the year and year, so I should relax."

The black commercial vehicle turned around in the snow, and slowly arrived at Houhai. The "that bar" in the cold winter months was a little quiet today.

"Is it closed?"

'That bar' because there are often well-known and unknown singers come here to drink away their sorrows, and Zhao Qin has also come to find good seedlings, but he is familiar with them.

"Probably not."

Gao Yuanyuan wondered and walked inside, only to find that it was really quiet. Just as she felt strange, a huge sound came out, and she and Zhao Qin covered their ears on the spot.

"One more song, one more song."

"South, South"

With a slight tilt, the sound waves gradually died down, and a familiar voice came out of the bar.

"Well, I didn't sing the climax of the song just now, so everyone will listen to it."

Familiar accents, familiar ones not sung, and familiar crooked words.

"The chorus is the chorus, what about the climax!" Gao Yuanyuan murmured while walking into the bar, looking at the man on the stage wearing red toad glasses and holding a guitar in his arms.

"Isn't that who?" Zhao Qin said halfway, pinched the corners of her eyebrows, and said abruptly: "Is this person the assistant director of "Yitian" crew who you poured wine on?"

Gao Yuanyuan nodded awkwardly, and then explained: "But we have reconciled."

Zhao Qin was stunned: "Can he sing?"

Gao Yuanyuan recalled that Fang Nan sang "di di" while pinching his voice last time, and chuckled: "It seems that he doesn't know how to sing, but he can write songs."

Zhao Qin glanced at Gao Yuanyuan, who was watching the stage with her chin resting, and was dumbfounded.

She felt that her manager was very incompetent. Gao Yuanyuan's appearance gave her a very bad feeling.

"Today's last song, it's still the same sentence, I didn't sing well, everyone is more tolerant."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, someone shouted: "Brother Nan, is it original?"

Fang Nan: "That's not right! We don't even know how to sing songs on the market."

The bar is completely boiling.

This man named Nanfang brought them too much shock tonight, and completely broke their mentality that writing songs is difficult and ordinary people can't do this job.

He used the song "Dongfeng Break" to lead everyone to appreciate the beautiful words of China, and let them know what ancient songs are.

The song "B***J" just now blew up the audience again, a big guy from the bar burst into tears on the spot, and almost gave Fang Nan a knock on the running stage.

All the people in the bar desperately dragged him down.

Now it is an original of unknown style, how can everyone in the bar not be shocked.

Dou Daxian, Zhang Dong, and all the famous singers who came to "that family" were all eclipsed in front of Fang Nan, and they had never seen such a music player.

"Hey, hey, look at that, look at that, is it Dou Wei?"

"You just found out? It came when "B**J" was first sung on stage."

"Hey, look at the two who just came in, their hats and glasses are tightly covered."

"I can't see clearly, whoever he is, there's no such awesome guy on stage."

"Sister Hua, why are you here?"

At the entrance of the bar, Yan Hong met Wang Jinghua, who was known as the number one manager in the entertainment industry in the 2000s.

Wang Jinghua: "Don't mention it. I was having dinner with Feng Dapao. You called and came here in a hurry. If you are not a good seed, I will not spare you."

"I don't know if Miaozi is good or not, but the lyrics and music are definitely top-notch, the best!"

Wang Jinghua: "Really or not, let's go in and have a look."

In the booth of the bar, Zhao Qin glanced at the undercurrent of the bar, and pushed Gao Yuanyuan: "His lyrics and music are well written?"

"It's good, you've heard it too."

"Huh? I've heard it? What song?"

Gao Yuanyuan: "Once Upon a Time in You."

"Huh? Isn't that just released by Wang Feng this year?"

"I don't know, anyway, it was Fang Nan who sang it the first time I heard it."

Zhao Qin is in a mess, what the hell is going on!
However, she was also prepared in her heart, and after Fang Nan finished singing the third song, she took advantage of Gao Yuanyuan's relationship with him to call people over for a drink and discuss the signing of the contract.

In the bar, while Zhao Qin and other managers were running around looking for someone to know about the people on stage, Fang Nan quietly played the first syllable of "He Doesn't Understand".

【He leaves you with his back】

【Not a word about love】

【Cause your eyes are red from crying】

【He lied so eloquently】

【He lied to you more than once】

【It's not worth you being sad for him anymore】

【He does not understand your heart and pretends to be calm】

【He doesn't understand love and treats it as a game】

【He doesn't know how to express love】

[Except for being sorry, there is only a sigh]

【He doesn't understand why your heart is crying】

【Suffocated to the point of being unable to breathe】

A certain singer who had been hiding in the dark for a long time: "Damn it, the style of the song has changed again. Where did this monster come from!"

Bar guest [-]: "I love it, I love it, I finally waited for a song about love."

Bar guest [-]: "A rock song, an ancient style song, and a love song, tonight's 'that bar' is complete."

A conversation between a broker who has just signed a contract with Zhao Ritian.

Agent: "Do you know him?"

Zhao Ritian: "No, that's my brother!"

"The real surname is Nan? It's called Nanfang? Why haven't I heard of this surname?"

Zhao Ritian rolled his eyes: "Rare is more strange, my name is Ritian, have you seen it?"

【He doesn't understand your heart】

【He left the memory to you】

【Together with the sadness imposed on you】】

【It's not fair to you】

【His lies are so eloquent】

【He lied to you more than once】

【It's not worth you being sad for him anymore】

【He does not understand your heart and pretends to be calm】

【He doesn't understand love and treats it as a game】

【He doesn't know how to express love】

[Except for being sorry, there is only a sigh]

【He doesn't understand why your heart is crying】

【Suffocated to the point of being unable to breathe】

【Oh, cough cough】

It was near the end and did not sing, Fang Nan couldn't help but turn dark, thinking: "Could it be that people who practice martial arts really affect the voice?"

He had often heard people say that practicing martial arts would hinder his voice in his previous life, but he never took it seriously.

After all, I am not a singer, KTV level can handle investors, singing K with small stars is enough.

Standing on the stage, he wanted to sing as consummately as possible, only to realize that this really seemed to be the case.

But it's not a big problem, after all, he sings just like working in a factory. He has to finish singing more than a dozen songs, throw them in the market, and get off work!
【He doesn't understand your heart】

【He does not understand your heart and pretends to be calm】

【He doesn't understand love and treats it as a game】

"He Doesn't Understand" came to an end, Zhao Qin hurriedly patted Gao Yuanyuan, who was almost stupid: "It's almost over, Yuanyuan, let's go, let's go to the stage to pick him up."

"Why pick him up? No, he didn't give me the phone number I asked for."

Zhao Qin was in a hurry: "You can just help me, if you don't snatch this kind of talent, you will be struck by lightning."

Gao Yuanyuan lowered the brim of his hat, nodded and stood up: "Okay."

The two of them passed the guests one by one, and when they touched the corner of the stage, Fang Nan's singing just stopped. Before Zhao Qin could be happy, many guests from the bar also rushed to the stage.

The most outstanding among them was a female guest, who found a bouquet of lilies from nowhere, rushed up to the stage and stuffed them into Fang Nan's arms, then hugged Fang Nan's head desperately, and kissed her in Fang Nan's face.

Fang Nan wiped his cheeks: "This is too disrespectful, it's full of saliva."

"Come, come, come here again."


Fang Nan was stupid, did he meet a silly girl?
Taking off Yan Hong's toad mirror and looking at the person coming, he became even more stupid, "Damn, princess? This is the princess after drinking so much?"

Being taken advantage of by a woman, it's not bad, Fang Nan opened his arms, "Come on, come on, come on, I'll pay you back, don't count your swollen kiss as my loss!"

"Forget it, I will ask you to write a song when I have time, I will remember you."

The tightly-covered concubine had just left, and Wang Jinghua arrived again, accompanied by Yan Hong.

Sign a contract and sell songs?
Sorry, no one is interested.

Fang Nan flatly rejected Wang Jinghua.

"Fang Nan, Fang Nan!"

"Hey, why are you here?" Fang Nan recognized Gao Yuanyuan who had taken off his knitted hat at a glance.

In the crowd, Gao Yuanyuan, whose face was flushed, shook the knitted hat on his right hand and shouted: "Come here, come here!"

 Alas, I am not satisfied with the writing of this chapter today. The first 1000 words have been changed three times, but I still haven’t written what I want to write. Let’s read it later, maybe I will change it later.

  To be honest, I should stop updating for a while today, but the editor notified me that it would be recommended on Sunday, and I was so scared that I didn't dare to stop.


(End of this chapter)

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