literary world

Chapter 69 Training Plan

Chapter 69 Training Plan
The quarrel between Cai Yinong and Liu Ma lasted for a long time, Fang Nan and Zeng Li couldn't talk about the past in the room.

No way, Fang Nan had no choice but to send Zeng Li away. He didn't want to wait for him to come back. The two who were cross-eyed a little while ago almost called each other sisters, "Who backed down first?" Fang Nan asked Zhao Zhu.

"I don't know, I closed the door to discuss it, and it's like this when I come out."

Fang Nan nodded and stopped asking. Actors' salary has always been a taboo in the circle, only Jia Jingwen's stupid head would be told that his salary was 3 when asked.

One night without a word, the next day.

The extremely efficient Chen Jiaying came to the door again and looked at the contract. After Fang Nan sneered in his heart, he straightforwardly asked for another contract.

"Flastic" must appear once in every three concerts.

Every time there are three commercial performances, they must also sing "Exaggerated".

The song has been authorized, and the other party has taken "Flastic" to a higher level, but turned around and left "Flastic" behind, and didn't sing it during the concert, but only sang it once when doing charity. Whoring for nothing?
Fang Nan was not so stupid.

The loophole was discovered, and Chen Jiaying pinched her nose and added new terms.

The signature took effect, and after sending Chen Jiaying away, Fang Nan called Yan Hong.

Tell her that "Exaggerated" will be on the market in Chen Yixun's next album, and the sales of this new album do not include the share, because the other party has to spend money to produce and promote the album, so there is no need to settle accounts.

Fang Nan had no choice but to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with Yan Hong. He would have no money and no one, so he could only get together with Yan Hong.

"Fang Nan, most of the actors have already signed contracts. What I mean is that the main actors of this show are too young and have never filmed fight scenes. Do you want to practice for a month or two first?"

As soon as he returned to the company, Cai Yinong caught him and asked.

Fang Nan nodded happily: "This must be good, the key is whether the other party can agree?"

Cai Yinong said: "I'll discuss this. You make a training plan in the next two days. The time should not be too long, one to two months is fine."

In response to an errand, Fang Nan went straight to the meeting room to make a plan, and started training before filming, which is also an important point for making good dramas in this era.

The main actors of "Dream of Red Mansions" practiced their physique one year in advance, read ancient rhyme poems, cultivated temperament, and the play became a classic.

When Ang Lee filmed "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", he trained the main actors for half a year.

"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is not comparable to these two films, but if the main actors can practice for a while, let alone other things, it will be easy to shoot.

Therefore, Fang Nan, the action director, raised his hands and feet in favor of Cai Yinong's proposal.

Fang Nan made a training schedule, and Cai Yinong informed the main actors one by one. After half a day, the matter was settled. The main actor in "Legend of Sword and Fairy" was a child. Dana.

After the training plan was set, Cai Yinong wondered where to arrange so many children. It just so happened that the staff who were going out to find a location came back. After looking at a few photos, it was clear that Hengdian was filming "Sword of Immortal Sword", so Fang Nan suggested going directly to Hengdian.

So, on Labor Day, Fang Nan, Zhao Zhu, and Ma Dayong led a small team of 10 to Hengdian in the drizzle.

On the second day after arriving at Zhengnan Hotel in Dongyang, apart from the undecided male lead, the main actors of "Sword of Heaven" arrived one after another.

As for who the male number one is looking for, Cai Yinong asked his opinion again before he left.

Fang Nan still said the same thing, I am optimistic about Hu Ge, and it is up to you high-level officials to decide whether it is necessary or not.

It has nothing to do with him who is who in the end. He will not praise Hu Ge so much because of memory flow, and he is not a fool!
In short, it means the same thing, Hu Ge is happy when he is the first male.

Hu Ge is not the number one male, and he doesn't care.

This idea of ​​treating the stars in his memory came to him after he chatted with Huang Mao in Hengdian.

Everything happens according to the memory and remains the same, so what the hell is he going to drink to death again?
On the third day, after all the main actors had arrived, Fang Nan gathered all the actors in the training room transformed from the largest guest room in the hotel.

Looking at the group of young actors who were sitting or standing on the floor covered with woolen blankets, Fang Nan called out "Yin flourishes and Yang declines"!
Moreover, the average age of 16-year-old Liu Qianqian, 15-year-old Liu Pinyan, 21-year-old Peng Yuyan, 23-year-old An Yixuan, 20-year-old Jiang Xing, 26-year-old Sun Li, and 27-year-old Zeng Li is much higher than that of "Yi Tian" The average age of those actors is still young, but they are all star-studded.

"My name is Fang Nan, and I'm the action director of the drama "Sword of Immortal Sword". I will be in charge of teaching you some simple fighting moves for the next one and a half months. Now, let's introduce each other and say hello."

As soon as Fang Nan finished speaking, Liu Pinyan, the actress who played Anu, ran up like a butterfly, her mouth was still very sweet, and after calling a group of sisters, she walked up to Liu Qianqian, and said sweetly "sister" again, and directly said Liu Qianqian was stunned.

In the two crews of "The Family of Gold Fans" and "Dragon Babu", Liu Qianqian played the role of Liu Pinyan today, and she was the youngest everywhere.

When I arrived at the crew of "Sword of Immortal Sword", I was quite uncomfortable being called out by Liu Pinyan.

That's not enough, Liu Pinyan ran up to Fang Nan and said "Uncle Director", which immediately made Fang Nan dumbfounded again.

"I'm only 24 years old!" Fang Nan looked up to the sky and sighed.

When Fang Nan was speechless, Zeng Li was also full of depression, "I shouldn't have listened to you, what are you doing with this drama?" She raised eyebrows at Fang Nan.

Among the seven trainees, she was the oldest, and she was one round away from Liu Pinyan, so she was not in the same generation. If she didn't vent to Fang Nan, it would be hard to get rid of her hatred.

"It's okay, it's okay, you and Sun Li and Jiang Xing practice for a week is enough." Fang Nan said with a shy smile.

A woman's age and beauty are not trivial matters. If Zeng Li complains again, he has to bear it. Who made him not think of this, and didn't cross Zeng Li off the list.

It can only be said that it is self-inflicted.

The staff is all together, let's practice. Fang Nan's first class is to instruct and supervise a group of actors to press their legs. Beautiful body movements can only be made by a soft body.

This is the reason why people who practice dance look good in filming.

Among the seven actors, Liu Qianqian was pressured by her mother to practice dancing since she was a child, and Fang Nan let her play by herself.

Others, such as Liu Pinyan, who was born in a group singer, are young, and her body is not bad, and she can easily do the splits.

Zeng Li, Jiang Xing, Sun Li and others also did it in one go. What surprised Fang Nan was that An Yixuan's bones were the most rigid.

"Your legs are filled with lead." The helper pressed twice, and found that An Yixuan's tears of pain were about to come out, and his legs were still supporting him hard, Fang Nan couldn't help being speechless.

An Yixuan stared at a pair of big watery eyes: "Then what should we do, director?"

Fang Nan smacked his lips: "Press it slowly, every day, what else can I do!"

The actors from Taiwan are all related to the "Sword" game manufacturer. He is not qualified to act as a director, and he has no ability to start people.

(End of this chapter)

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